I looking for the way to setup FCM Server Protocol if there's no hosting/own server Managed by google like blogger template's, and setup the dependencies on project.
I see in this question. some answers contains code similar to retrofit codes using "okhttp3"
String SCOPE = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/firebase.messaging";
= "https://fcm.googleapis.com/v1/projects/zoftino-stores/messages:send";
GoogleCredential googleCredential = GoogleCredential
.fromStream(new FileInputStream("firebase-private-key.json"))
String token = googleCredential.getAccessToken();
final MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
OkHttpClient httpClient = new OkHttpClient();
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; UTF-8")
.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token)
.post(RequestBody.create(mediaType, jsonMessage))
Response response = httpClient.newCall(request).execute();
if (response.isSuccessful()) {
log.info("Message sent to FCM server");
currently I using blogger api in my android app to integrate blogger content with it by using the retrofit and REST APIs, as a json objects.
This a BloggerAPI class I used to retrieve blogs
public class BloggerAPI {
public static final String BASE_URL =
public static final String KEY = "THE-KEY";
public static PostService postService = null;
public static PostService getService() {
if (postService == null) {
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
postService = retrofit.create(PostService.class);
return postService;
public interface PostService {
Call<PostList> getPostList(#Url String url);
It is used thus
private void getData(){
String url = BloggerAPI.BASE_URL + "?key=" + BloggerAPI.KEY;
if(token != ""){
url = url+ "&pageToken="+token;
if(token == null){
final Call<PostList> postList = BloggerAPI.getService().getPostList(url);
postList.enqueue(new Callback<PostList>() {
public void onResponse(Call<PostList> call, Response<PostList> response) {
PostList list = response.body();
token = list.getNextPageToken();
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Sucess", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
public void onFailure(Call<PostList> call, Throwable t) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this,"Error occured",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Log.i(TAG, "onFailure: "+t.toString());
Till now I succeeded on setup firebase and it's dependencies on the project to be able to send notification manually via firebase console, What I'm trying to do is try to automatically send notifications whenever I post a new post to the blog
You need to use https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send to send notification. Here is the official documentation.
Here is the postman collection to import and test
I haven't used blogger API before but as you said that you are creating post via Blogger API's, I can give you a clue to solve your problem.
For example, you have created one API in PHP to send notification (all users, at a time 1000 that you have to manage), You can test using this link
I saw how Adding Post is working. It is giving you success response when you add new post.
You can call PHP API of Notification when you get success response after adding post.
Hope you will convert my words to code. It will help you forsure.
Do let me know, If you have any question.
You can use send FCM notification to the subscribers of blog . reference:-
FCM topic messaging
I need to build in redundancy into my app where if a server is down it will try a backup redundancy server upon failure of the first request.
Aside from doing
Call<LoginResult> loginCall = apiInterface.login(....);
loginCall.enqueue(new Callback<LoginResult>() {
public void onResponse(Call<LoginResult> call, Response<LoginResult> response) {
//do normal stuff
//try second url
public void onFailure(Call<LoginResult> call, Throwable t) {
//Try second url
I don't see a clean way to do this. Creating another retrofit request inside the error block or non-successful block would add a lot of code complexity.
Is there an easier way to handle this in Retrofit or OkHttp?
I have here an option with OkHttp interceptors. The idea is that if the request fails you replace the url and execute the request again.
The following is an api client to the OpenWeather Api. If you want to try out the example you'll need to sign up and get an api key. It should be free so I hope this is ok.
I'll post here the full code and then walk you through it.
private final static String API_KEY = "<API KEY HERE>";
private static class Weather {
private String id;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;
private static final String GOOD_HOST = "api.openweathermap.org";
private static final String BAD_ENDPOINT = "https://api.aaaaaaaaaaa.org";
interface WeatherApiClient {
Call<Weather> get(
#Query("q") String query,
#Query("appid") String apiKey);
private static class ReplicaServerInterceptor implements Interceptor {
#Override public okhttp3.Response intercept(Chain chain)
throws IOException {
try {
okhttp3.Response response = chain.proceed(chain.request());
return response;
} catch (IOException e) {
// Let's build a new request based on the old one
Request failedRequest = chain.request();
HttpUrl replicaUrl = failedRequest.url()
okhttp3.Request request = failedRequest.newBuilder()
return chain.proceed(request);
public static void main(String[] args) {
OkHttpClient okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
.addInterceptor(new ReplicaServerInterceptor())
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
WeatherApiClient weatherApiClient =
weatherApiClient.get("Lisbon,pt", API_KEY)
.enqueue(new Callback<Weather>() {
#Override public void onResponse(
Call<Weather> call,
Response<Weather> response) {
// This might be null sometimes because
// the api is not super reliable, but I didn't
// add code for this
#Override public void onFailure(
Call<Weather> call,
Throwable t) {
To be able to fake a server failure I prepare retrofit to call a non existent url - BAD_ENDPOINT. This will trigger the catch clause inside the interceptor.
The interceptor itself is obviously the key thing here. It intercepts every call from retrofit and executes the call. If the call throws an error because the server is down, then it will raise an IOException. Here I copy the request being made and change the url.
Changing the url means changing the host:
HttpUrl replicaUrl = failedRequest.url()
If you just call url(<some url>) in the request builder, everything gets replaced. Query parameters, protocol, etc. This way, we preserve these from the original request.
(OkHttp offers newBuilder methods which copy the data from the current object and let you just edit what you want. Just like kotlin's copy. This is why we can simply change the url and be safe that everything else remains the same)
I then build the new request with the url and execute it:
okhttp3.Request request = failedRequest.newBuilder()
return chain.proceed(request);
Interceptors work on a chain pattern, that's why calling proceed will call the next interceptor on the chain. In this case we just need to actually make the request.
I didn't bother copying the entire weather resource, so I'm just using the id. I think that's not the main focus of the question
As I said before, this is meant as a proof of concept. As you noticed I'm try-catching the execution of the call, but in your case it might be that the call actually succeeds executing, but the http response is not a 2XX. The okhttp response objects have methods that help you checking if the response was successful namely - isSuccessful(). The idea is the same - Build a new request and carry on if it's not successful.
I didn't bother treating any errors from the replica in this example. They'll just be forwarded to the retrofit client.
As you can see retrofit has no clue where the response is coming from. This might or not be good. Also, the response body needs to be the same from both servers, which I guess it's the case.
Lastly I'm sorry for the awkward okhttp3.Response name spacing there. I was using both Response from retrofit and okhttp and hence had to avoid the name clash.
Versions used for this example: Retrofit 2.3.0 and the okhttp bundled with that
I am building an Android APP where I use the Internet Game Database API through Mashape market place. I am using Retrofit for the get requests and getting data from the API requires an API key.
I got it to work but the API only return game ids and I want the game names and other information, but I am not sure how to add the fields. This is how Mashape query it:
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("https://igdbcom-internet-game-database-v1.p.mashape.com/games/?fields=name%2Crelease_dates")
.header("X-Mashape-Key", "API KEY HERE")
.header("Accept", "application/json")
and this is my Retrofit Interface
public interface GamesAPIService {
Call<List<GamesResponse>> gameList(#Query("mashape-key") String apikey);
I tried to use this
But no luck, I also tried with #Field but didn't work either. Any ideas? Thanks.
Edit: Just to clarify when I add the "?fields=name,release_dates" I get 401 Unauthorized Error.
Firstly I think you need to add mashape key to all your request.
OkHttpClient httpClient = new OkHttpClient();
httpClient.addInterceptor(new Interceptor() {
public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
Request request = chain.request().newBuilder()
.addHeader("X-Mashape-Key", "API_KEY_HERE")
.addHeader("Accept", "application/json")
return chain.proceed(request);
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
And then this is information query.
public interface GamesAPIService {
Call<List<GamesResponse>> gameList(#Query("fields") String value);
And last thing for calling.
GamesAPIService gamesAPIService = retrofit.create(GamesAPIService.class);
Call<List<GamesResponse>> call = gamesAPIService.gameList("name,release_dates");
if (call!=null){
call.enqueue(new Callback<List<GamesResponse>>() {
public void onResponse(Call<List<GamesResponse>> call, Response<List<GamesResponse>> response) {
// handle success
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
// handle failure
I tried to make oauth2 for android application. it has little bug.
My bug is It doesn't have header like Authorization when I redirect
MyCookieCode. It send Authorization when I was login. but It doesn't work when I redirect
public static Retrofit getLoginRetrofitOnAuthz() {
Retrofit.Builder builder = new Retrofit.Builder().baseUrl(ServerValue.AuthServerUrl).addConverterFactory(GsonConverterFactory.create());
if (LoginRetrofitAuthz == null) {
httpClientAuthz.addInterceptor(new Interceptor() {
public okhttp3.Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
String str = etUsername.getText().toString() + ":" + etPassword.getText().toString();
String Base64Str = "Basic " + Base64.encodeToString(str.getBytes(), Base64.NO_WRAP);
Request request = chain.request().newBuilder().addHeader("Authorization", Base64Str).build();
return chain.proceed(request);
CookieManager cookieManager = new CookieManager();
httpClientAuthz.cookieJar(new JavaNetCookieJar(cookieManager));
LoginRetrofitAuthz = builder.client(httpClientAuthz.build()).build();
return LoginRetrofitAuthz;
Server Result (Top-Login, Bottom, Redirect)
Do you know how to staying header on redirect ?
in fact the sinner is OkHttp, but not Retrofit.
OkHttp removes all authentication headers on purpose:
// When redirecting across hosts, drop all authentication headers. This
// is potentially annoying to the application layer since they have no
// way to retain them.
if (!sameConnection(url)) {
Here is the discussion of this issue: https://github.com/square/retrofit/issues/977
You could use the OkHttp authenticator. It will get called if there is a 401 error returned. So you could use it to re-authenticate the request.
httpClient.authenticator(new Authenticator() {
public Request authenticate(Route route, Response response) throws IOException {
return response.request().newBuilder()
.header("Authorization", "Token " + DataManager.getInstance().getPreferencesManager().getAuthToken())
However in my case server returned 403 Forbidden instead of 401. And I had to get
in-place and create and fire another network request:
public Call<Response> getMoreBills(#Header("Authorization") String authorization, #Url String nextPage)
I'm using the OkHttp library for a new project and am impressed with its ease of use. I now have a need to use Basic Authentication. Unfortunately, there is a dearth of working sample code. I'm seeking an example of how to pass username / password credentials to the OkAuthenticator when an HTTP 401 header is encountered. I viewed this answer:
Retrofit POST request w/ Basic HTTP Authentication: "Cannot retry streamed HTTP body"
but it didn't get me too far. The samples on the OkHttp github repo didn't feature an authentication-based sample either. Does anyone have a gist or other code sample to get me pointed in the right direction? Thanks for your assistance!
Update Code for okhttp3:
import okhttp3.Authenticator;
import okhttp3.Credentials;
import okhttp3.MediaType;
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient;
import okhttp3.Request;
import okhttp3.Response;
import okhttp3.Route;
public class NetworkUtil {
private final OkHttpClient.Builder client;
client = new OkHttpClient.Builder();
client.authenticator(new Authenticator() {
public Request authenticate(Route route, Response response) throws IOException {
if (responseCount(response) >= 3) {
return null; // If we've failed 3 times, give up. - in real life, never give up!!
String credential = Credentials.basic("name", "password");
return response.request().newBuilder().header("Authorization", credential).build();
client.connectTimeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
client.writeTimeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
client.readTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
private int responseCount(Response response) {
int result = 1;
while ((response = response.priorResponse()) != null) {
return result;
As pointed out by #agamov:
The aforementioned solution has one drawback: httpClient adds
authorization headers only after receiving 401 response
#agamov proposed then to "manually" add authentication headers to each request, but there is a better solution: use an Interceptor:
import java.io.IOException;
import okhttp3.Credentials;
import okhttp3.Interceptor;
import okhttp3.Request;
import okhttp3.Response;
public class BasicAuthInterceptor implements Interceptor {
private String credentials;
public BasicAuthInterceptor(String user, String password) {
this.credentials = Credentials.basic(user, password);
public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
Request request = chain.request();
Request authenticatedRequest = request.newBuilder()
.header("Authorization", credentials).build();
return chain.proceed(authenticatedRequest);
Then, simply add the interceptor to an OkHttp client that you will be using to make all your authenticated requests:
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
.addInterceptor(new BasicAuthInterceptor(username, password))
Here's the updated code:
client.setAuthenticator(new Authenticator() {
public Request authenticate(Proxy proxy, Response response) throws IOException {
String credential = Credentials.basic("scott", "tiger");
return response.request().newBuilder().header("Authorization", credential).build();
public Request authenticateProxy(Proxy proxy, Response response) throws IOException {
return null;
Try using OkAuthenticator:
client.setAuthenticator(new OkAuthenticator() {
#Override public Credential authenticate(
Proxy proxy, URL url, List<Challenge> challenges) throws IOException {
return Credential.basic("scott", "tiger");
#Override public Credential authenticateProxy(
Proxy proxy, URL url, List<Challenge> challenges) throws IOException {
return null;
Renamed to Authenticator
The aforementioned solution has one drawback:
httpClient adds authorization headers only after receiving 401 response.
Here's how my communication with api-server looked like:
If you need to use basic-auth for every request, better add your auth-headers to each request or use a wrapper method like this:
private Request addBasicAuthHeaders(Request request) {
final String login = "your_login";
final String password = "p#s$w0rd";
String credential = Credentials.basic(login, password);
return request.newBuilder().header("Authorization", credential).build();
Okhttp3 with base 64 auth
String endpoint = "https://www.example.com/m/auth/"
String username = "user123";
String password = "12345";
String credentials = username + ":" + password;
final String basic =
"Basic " + Base64.encodeToString(credentials.getBytes(), Base64.NO_WRAP);
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.header("Authorization", basic)
OkHttpClient client = SomeUtilFactoryClass.buildOkhttpClient();
client.newCall(request).enqueue(new Callback() {
In my case it only worked when I integrated authorization into the header (OkHttp Version 4.0.1):
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("Authorization", Credentials.basic("username", "password"))
Request response = client.newCall(request).execute();
Someone asked for a Kotlin version of the interceptor. Here is what I came up with and it works great:
val client = OkHttpClient().newBuilder().addInterceptor { chain ->
val originalRequest = chain.request()
val builder = originalRequest.newBuilder()
.header("Authorization", Credentials.basic("ausername", "apassword"))
val newRequest = builder.build()
In OkHttp3, you set the authorization on the OkHttpClient itself by adding the authenticator() method. After your original call comes back with the 401 response, the authenticator() adds the Authorization header
new OkHttpClient.Builder()
.connectTimeout(10000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.readTimeout(10000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.authenticator(new Authenticator() {
public Request authenticate(#NonNull Route route, #NonNull Response response) {
if (response.request().header(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION) != null)
return null; //if you've tried to authorize and failed, give up
String credential = Credentials.basic("username", "pass");
return response.request().newBuilder().header(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, credential).build();
Although it's more secure, if you don't want to spam the server with all the 401 requests in the first place, you can use something called preauthentication, where you send the Authorization header to begin with on your requests
String credentials = Credentials.basic("username", "password");
Request httpRequest = new Request.Builder()
.header("content-type", "application/json")
.header(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, credentials)
I noticed on Android with some server APIs like django you should add a word in token
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.header("Authorization", "Token 6utt8gglitylhylhlfkghriyiuy4fv76876d68")
, where that problematic word is that "Token ". Overall you should carefully see rules of those specific server APIs about how to compose requests.
All answers are good but no one said, that for some requests content-type is required, you should add a content-type to your request like this:
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("content-type", "application/json")
If you don't add it, you will get Unauthorized message and you will waste a lot of time to fix it.
This is a snippet for OkHttp Client:
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
.authenticator(new Authenticator() {
#Override public Request authenticate(Route route, Response
response) throws IOException {
if (response.request().header("Authorization") != null) {
return null; // Give up, we've already attempted to
System.out.println("Authenticating for response: " + response);
System.out.println("Challenges: " + response.challenges());
String credential = Credentials.basic(username, password);
return response.request().newBuilder()
.header("Authorization", credential)
}) .build();
Do a request now. Basic auth will go as client already has that.
Request request = new Request.Builder().url(JIRAURI+"/issue/"+key).build();
client.newCall(request).enqueue(new Callback() {
public void onFailure(Call call, IOException e) {
System.out.println("onFailure: "+e.toString());
public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) throws IOException {
System.out.println( "onResponse: "+response.body().string());
You can try this code for a no frills approach.
String credentials = username + ":" + password;
final String basic = "Basic " +
Request request = new Request.Builder().header("Authorization",