I'm working in a friend request module for mobile app base on Firebase so I'm considering to choose the way that notification is pushed.
Assume that userA request to be friend with userB. There're 2 ideas now:
- userA send request to a simple server then it will call FCM to send notification to userB.
- Make a service that listen to data changed in Firebase realtime database then userA will make change on that db and notification will be shown on userB device.
I think both are possible to implement but what is better, and why?
Please give me some advice about this..
Thanks in advance.
Using either one should be fine.
However, a point to consider here is when keeping a listener active for the Real-time database, it also keeps an open socket on the user's device which adds to battery consumption.
While for FCM, it will only trigger once there is a notification is needed to be sent. If a friend request isn't really that app critical, I think using FCM is a way to go.
Have you also considered using both? If the user is currently online, it would be good to use the Real-time DB, but the childAdded won't be triggered if the user is offline (not using the app for instance). In that case, you can set it so that a notification will be sent to the user.
The important thing in your scenario is that the friend request should be saved first in your database or app server, so that it will trigger the corresponding action (FCM notification or Real-time DB update).
Okay, I know the question may sound stupid. I’m building an app where there are pages that publish posts and users can subscribe/unsubscribe to those pages.
The goal here is to find a way to send notifications whenever a new post is published but only to the subscribed users. I though that I can do this by sending a push notification to all the devices on my app whenever the “Posts” reference is updated on Firebase database, and then choose whether to show this notification or not if the user is subscribed (on client side)
Is this a good idea? And if yes, how can I accomplish that?
Is this a good idea?
Yes, the idea is not bad. However, filtering notification to be shown in client side is done in many cases.
And if yes, how can I accomplish that?
I hope you already have a login or authentication system using Firebase authentication or any other server side authentication. When you have this, you might have already considered sending a push registration id to your server or firebase when a user signs up in your application and save it in your firebase database.
Now when its time to send a push notification, you are planning to send the push notification to all of your registered devices and you want to filter the notification will be shown or nor in the client side.
This can be achieved by keeping a flag in the client side, for example a SharedPreference having the id or tag of the last post. If you have an incremental id for each post, then it will be a lot easier to implement. When a user launches your application, it pulls the posts from your firebase database as I can think of. Just save the latest id of the post in your SharedPreference and when a push is received, match the id of the post that came along with the push notification with the latest id stored locally.
If the id received via push notification is greater than the id stored in your SharedPreference, you will show the notification in system tray and the notification will not be shown otherwise.
Hope that helps.
You can push notification to only subscribed users if you are maintaining a list of subscribed users FCM token in your database
Your approach is correct, what you would need to do is that maintain different database tables for all pages where users are inserted when they subscribe to that particular group/table.
So, let's suppose when a person subscribes to the page containing information about Sports, you add him to that group. Later, when you are sending update/notifications related to 'Sports' you would only send those push notifications to the user-tokens in 'Sports' table.
In this way, only relevant subscribers would receive those push notifications.
I have a cross platform application and i want to send notification to sign in users about their messages.
Now I confused about uses of push, local notifications.
What I think of Push notifications is that it is for sending Announcements to users which is not specifically related to their account only.
Can anyone help me out with what should I use? I already used Local notifications in one of my applications with such requirement.
It mainly depends on; is the data coming from local or remote?
You cannot control when your users open the app, and only when they open the app (with a few exceptions) you are able to fetch data. Then with that data you would be able to schedule a local notification. But in most cases that doesn't make much sense, because they have already loaded and probably seen the data. It only makes sense when you schedule an alarm clock for instance.
When you want the data to come from remote, like when they receive a message, you will have to use push notifications. The user is then alerted that new data is available without having to go look for it themselves. It is pushed to them.
However, for push notifications you will need infrastructure which you did not when using local notifications. You will need a server to handle the push notifications (Azure has some awesome functionalities for this) and some trigger to send push notifications. This can be an insert on a database, or a scheduled task. Also, the user has to enable push notifications and your app has to register itself to be able to receive them. It can be a pain to implement it the first time.
It depends on for what reason you're sending the notification.
A local notification is sent locally on the device, so it doesn't need an internet connection. Examples could be:
Send a birthday message when the user has birthday
In a harvesting game, send a local notification when the store is full
A Push Notification is sent from a server and it requires internet on your device to receive it. Examples:
You get a message in a chat while the app is not open (if I understand your question right, this is your case)
In a game: realtime events which are triggered by a server
So in your case, if guess you want to notify the user about new messages if he does not have the app opened. This notification comes from a server and is a Push Notification.
As you describe you want to send notification about sign in users about their messages. so it would be the real time notification about when there is message for user you need to notify the user. so apple having PushNotification is the best approach you need to apply for this. using that you can directly notify user about the new messages.
Why LocalNotification is not useful in this scenario?
I think messaging is the realtime stuff. local notification is not for that. its for only managing local notify stuff. like reminder OR to do added task.. and many more
Is it possiable to set an on click button which will send a push notifiacion message to a user on fierbase? I seccssed sending a push message by the website but I really need the option to send messages from the app.
You can do it now with Functions. This means it is perceived as if were done by the app, but it is a longer way.
For start, there is no such a thing as an app to app Firebase Cloud Message, is very confusing because the Firebase Database is real time.
What was done before Functions, was to make the app trigger something on a server, and then the server will make FCM send the push notification.
Now with Functions, you don't need a server. Functions can listen to changes in the Firebase Database (also can listen to user creation) and can send Firebase Cloud Messages. So the complete flow is this:
The app will trigger a change in the database
Functions will be
listening to that node
When the changed has listened, then a push
notification will be triggered
If it is needed, Functions can
request data from other nodes, to get the device token by example
This is the Functions documentation https://firebase.google.com/docs/functions/
Currently, Functions is in beta so, please see the samples here https://github.com/firebase/functions-samples
And here is a personal sample, which is heavily commented to clarify all the problems which I went https://github.com/cutiko/testing-functions
Good luck
I am not sure how is this process called. Say I am a user of the app and I want to know if there is a message for me (or a status change that I need to know about), I am not sure if this is the best way but I am trying to do it like this:
Firebase Structure
Users > User A > Status = "No messages"
Each user has a node Status as you can see above.
When user A sends a message to user B, user A changes user B's Status node.
User B, that had been listening to his own Status node, is now aware that there is something new and can go read the message.
Is this possible and safe making use of Firebase only?
On a simpler note, and more often used scenario similar to yours is like a Chat Application. User A sends a message to User B, User B then receives a notification from Firebase.
From what you have described, you intend to have a listener in place for the Status node, and inform the user whenever it changes. This seems okay, but from what was advised to me before, keeping the listener active tends to have a corresponding active socket on Android, which adds to battery consumption.
What I suggest you make use of is firebase-cloud-messaging:
Firebase Cloud Messaging is a component of the Firebase suite of tools for cross-platform application development.
Send unlimited upstream/downstream messages
Send messages to individual devices or a user segment
Handle all aspects of queueing and delivery
Optimize for battery efficiency
Using FCM, you can notify a client app that new email or other data is available to sync. You can send notifications to drive user reengagement and retention. For use cases such as instant messaging, a message can transfer a payload of up to 4KB to a client app.
I think this Firebase Codelab for a Chat App might also be helpful.
The latest launch of Firebase notifications feature allows to manually give the time and content of notification. Is it possible to automate it so that notification is received every time a particular variable is changed in the Firebase database?
Thanks for the reply Hamid. I didn't want to get into the technicalities of GCM therefore I implemented the notifications using a service. This service listen on the Firebase database and sends a notification whenever new data is added there.
I think you would have to setup a GCM (Switched to FCM now) server that handles all that. But I also do wish that there was a simple way of setting that up without needing to build a full server.
There is a friendlyping application that helped me set the XPMM server.
I think the current Firebase Notifications are very much in its early days. It doesn't provide many of the functionalities of Batch.com or Parse Server... yet.