Kivy app using socket module crashed when building by buildozer - android

I have an issue that I can't explain why it happened because I try to debug this for hours.
My application runs succeed so it is nothing about import Python library. But it always crash when i press a button to send message through bluetooth using python socket. (App written using kivy framework and using buildozer to build apk file)
import socket
def callback(self,instance,pos): # function called when button click to send text typed in text input box
a = self.text # it is text that in text input box
macadd = '20:15:ff:7e:bc:9a'
port = 1
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_BLUETOOTH, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.BTPROTO_RFCOMM) # this line cause the crash
Then I type command:
buildozer init
buildozer -v android debug
file buildozer.spec doesn't change. Everything is ok and I install in my Android 4.0 using API 21. Here is the problem: WHEN I COMMENT
#s = socket.socket(socket.AF_BLUETOOTH, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.BTPROTO_RFCOMM)
My app run and when click the button to submit, nothing happend, it's ok as function does.
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_BLUETOOTH, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.BTPROTO_RFCOMM)
My app run and when click the button to submit, it's crashed. I don't know what to do now. I really need somebody can help me with this situation. So thank you.


firebase_admin in kivy and buildozer

I'm using firebase_admin with python 3.8
On my computer it works very well but when I package the application with buildozer it breaks, does not run after installed on Android.
1 - Is there a mdelo application that shows the use with kivy?
2 - Is the spec file missing something?
Nothing is missing all you need is to add the following modules in your
requests, openssl, urllib3, chardet, idna, jwt, cryptography, pyparsing, firebase_admin, PIL, google-auth, cachetools, pyasn1, pyasn1_modules, rsa, google-api-python-client, google-cloud-storage, google-cloud-firestore, google-api-core, protobuf, cachecontrol, gcloud, google-cloud, httplib2
and in permission allow internet accesses like this
android.permissions = INTERNET
and you can write in your terminal for viewing logs while your app is running on your phone
buildozer android debug deploy run logcat
but you will need to allow to see only python logs by doing this in your buildozer.spec
# (int) Log level (0 = error only, 1 = info, 2 = debug (with command output))
log_level = 2
if you didn't understand there is a Youtuber named Erick Sandberg you should watch his video about deploying an android app

Kivy application does not work on Android

I want write simple application in Python for Android using kivy. Sadly when I start example code I see only splash screen and few second later application finish work. There is a huge problem with debugging because adb on Linux Mint does not detect my device.
Can someone look at my code and tell my why?
To build application I use buildozer. You can also see create_env script to check all dependencies are there.
Best regards.
I started debugging my application. Conclusion:
buildozer + python3 + kivy is a bad idea
if I use kivy.uix.button.Button when text attribute is str than I got exception "AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'"
if I use kivy.uix.button.Button when text attribute is bytes than I got exception "ValueError: Button.text accept only str"
It looks like loop with no solution. Some idea when I should report it?
Exception is in .buildozer/android/platform/build/build/python-installs/pad/android/" file so it does not look like kivy and/or buildozer exception.
I've used python-for android tool and faced with the same errors. But in my case, app didn't run at all - crashed from splash screen. Finally, I've found a solution. You can try the same way.
So my pipeline was python3 + python-for-android (p4a tool, python-for-android, from master branch) + kivy (1.10.1)
There is a file "_android.pyx" for android building recipe (full list of avaliable p4a recipes you can see by command p4a recipes). This file is, possibly, used by Buildozer, and exactly used by P4A during APK building procedure. You need to fix it.
You may find it's location in Ubuntu (for example) via:
sudo updatedb
locate _android.pyx
It's path should be something like:
There should be a string:
python_act = autoclass(JAVA_NAMESPACE.decode('utf-8') + u'.PythonActivity')
so you should change it - something like this:
python_act = autoclass(str(JAVA_NAMESPACE) + u'.PythonActivity'),
or just use some hardcode:
python_act = autoclass("org/kivy/android/PythonActivity")
Or there might be the other decode() usage in sources.
The reason: differences between Python2 and Python3 - the decode() method is usable on the equivalent binary data type in either Python 2 or 3, but it can’t be used by the textual data type consistently between Python 2 and 3 because str in Python 3 doesn’t have the method decode function has different realisation in Python3. More details are here:
pyporting features
issues p4a's github
Hope, it will help you somehow.

Python error when running SL4A script from Tasker (AttributeError: type object 'Android' has no attribute 'getIntent')

I'm trying to call a Python script from Tasker using SL4A on my Android (4.4) phone. I'm using the Run SL4A Script task for this. As a test exercise, I want to pass a string from Tasker and use it (for now just print it) in Python.
According to the link below, this can be done by setting the 'Pass Variables' field in the Run SL4A Script task and picking it up with the Android getIntent method in Python. (!topic/taskerpro/mQIv1PBu3PU)
Here's my Python script:
import android
droid = android.Android
params = droid.getIntent().result[u'extras']
print params[0]
However when I run the task I get the following error in SL4A:
AttributeError: type object 'Android' has no attribute 'getIntent'
Anyone know why I get this and how to solve it? I can't find any reference to it elsewhere.
I don't know about calling from Tasker, but the Python script runs fine stand-alone on SL4A Release 6 and Python interpreter Py4A Release 5.
If you don't have everything installed yet, here are some some slides I recently presented at an Android developers meetup.
I think you are simply missing the parentheses in your Android imports.
I use:
import android
droid = android.Android()
you can also try:
from android import Android
droid = Android()
this makes Android an object in python properly and you should be able to call the getIntent and other functions properly.
and to save time testing if the android module is functional I also add:
def toast(x):
x = str(x)
then you can pass variables to the newly defined toast(x) function.
Hope I've helped!

gradle execute process error stream

I have an android project and trying to start the emulator. It works fine locally, but not on the build server, so I'm trying to figure out why, but I'm not able to see any of the error output (even locally).
task startEmulator << {
def process = "emulator -avd nexus4 -no-boot-anim -no-window".execute()
//...consumption code here
Here's what I tried for reading the error output:
print process.err.text
process.waitForProcessOutput(System.out, System.err)
process.consumeProcessOutput(System.out, System.err)
The error code gets set properly to 1 or 0 depending on whether the run was successful. It's not a matter of the code exiting too soon. For example when I try the code with an AVD name that doesn't exist, the error stream is empty.
What am I missing?
PS: Can't use an exec task since I need this execute call to be asynchronous/in the background.
Make sure the tomcat user (if you are using a tomcat) has the privileges to run the command emulator. If tomcat user doesn´t have the privileges, you are not going to be able to run the command.
My workaround is to use a string buffer.
def bout = new StringBuffer()
// Not sure if a common buffer is always a good idea.
"ls".execute().waitForProcessOutput(bout, bout)
println bout.toString()

Issues using a variable in monkeyrunner's ".installPackage()"

I haven't been able to find much on this topic.
I am trying to automate application testing, to where I place an app in a particular folder and I run the script: monkeyrunner.bat -v ALL, and the script executes on whatever apk is in the folder called apkrepository. This makes it to where I do not have to alter my python script every time I test a new application.
The part where I am running into trouble is I am trying to use a variable for device1.installPackage()
See below for the code leading upto it.
installme = os.popen(r'dir C:\users\uname\desktop\apkrepository /A:-d /B').read()
print installme
# => #or whatever the package name is
filepath = r'C:\users\uname\desktop\apkrepository'
androidapp = filepath + '\\\' + installme
print androidapp
# => C:\users\uname\desktop\apkrepository\
#This exactly what I type below manually to get it to work
device1= MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection(15, "emulator-5554")
#Emulator was started in previous section of code, which is not shown here.
#The only way it works seems to be to write the path in manually everytime.
I have tried many different ways to get this to work correctly, and I wasn't sure if it was something in the way(s) I was/were trying to do it. If the variable prints the correct file path I do not see how it would have issues working. This is probably something really easy, but this is where I am stuck. The error it gives:
E/Device: Error dyring Sync: Local Path does not exist. Error installing package C:\users\uname\desktop\apkrepository\
I am using windows 7 64 bit with python2.7 and the android sdk.
Thank you for any input/assistance provided! I have been stumped by this for a couple days.
Variables DO work for other places (monkeyrunner affiliated classes), like the device1.startActivity(component=runcomponent), where runcomponent is a combination of package + activity variables. Also note: I showed both device1.installPackages side by side for easy viewing. I do not run both in a row on my script.
I tried the same in linux machine, it works. Please have a look at the monkeyrunner script.
#! /usr/bin/env monkeyrunner
import re
import sys
import os
import java
import glob
import os
from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice
device1= MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection(15, "emulator-5554")
for files in glob.glob("*.apk"):
print files
print "path " ,os.path.abspath(mydir+"/"+files)

