I want to create an AVD (Android Virtual Device) through command line in python. For that, I need to pass a string n to the stdin. I have tried the following
emulator_create = str(subprocess.check_output([android,'create', 'avd', '-n', emulator_name, '-t', target_id, '-b', abi],stdin=PIPE))
but it raises the following error
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd, output=output)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/home/fahim/Android/Sdk/tools/android', 'create', 'avd', '-n', 'samsung_1', '-t', '5', '-b', 'android-tv/x86']' returned non-zero exit status 1
Process finished with exit code 1
What can I do?
There's something not working with your example. subprocess.check_output() returns the output from the child process you want to execute, not a handle to this process. In other words you get a string object (or maybe a bytes object) which you cannot use to manipulate the child process.
Probably what happens is that your script, using subprocess.check_output(), will execute the child process and wait until it is finished before continuing. But since you are never able to communicate with it, it will finish with a non-zero return value which will raise the subprocess.CalledProcessError
Now, using grep as an example of a command that waits on the standard input to execute something (since I don't have an Android Virtual Device creator installed) you could do this:
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
import subprocess
external_command = ['/bin/grep', 'StackOverflow']
input_to_send = '''Almost every body uses Facebook
You can also say that about Google
But you can find an answer on StackOverflow
Even if you're an old programmer
child_process = subprocess.Popen(args=external_command,
stdout_from_child, stderr_from_child = child_process.communicate(input_to_send)
print "Output from child process:", stdout_from_child
It will print "Output from child process: But you can find an answer on StackOverflow", which is the output from grep.
In this example, I have
Used the class subprocess.Popen to create an handle to the child process
Setting arguments stdin and stdout with the value subprocess.PIPE to enables us to communicate later on with this process.
Used its .communicate() method to send a string to its standard input. In the same step, I retrieved its standard output and standard error output.
Printed the standard output retrieved in the last step (just so to show that it is actually working)
Waited that this child process is finished
In Python 3.5, it's even simpler:
#!/usr/bin/env python3.5
import subprocess
external_command = ['/bin/grep', 'StackOverflow']
input_to_send = '''Almost every body uses Facebook
You can also say that about Google
But you can find an answer on StackOverflow
Even if you're an old programmer
completed_process_result = subprocess.run(args=external_command,
print("Output from child process:", completed_process_result.stdout)
In this example, I have:
Used the module function subprocess.run() to execute the command.
The input argument is the string we send to the standard input of the child process
The return value is used later on to retreive the output of the child process
Now you have to adapt this code to your situation.
I want to pull a file from my android device through an adb command from my macOS application.
Everything works perfect with the code below, except when the name of the file I want to pull contains special characters like german umlauts (äöüÄÖÜ).
I get this error:
adb: error: failed to stat remote object '/storage/emulated/0/Download/Böse': No such file or directory.
But when I use the command adb pull /storage/emulated/0/Download/Böse ~/Desktop from within the Terminal.app, the file will be pulled to my computer.
The strange thing here is that if I copy the substring /storage/emulated/0/Download/Böse from the Xcode console output, the command is also not working within the Terminal.app until I delete the ö and replace it with an ö from my keyboard input.
I tried replacing the ö with the unicode representation \u{00f6}, but this has no effect (but the console output still shows an ö but the 'wrong' encoded one.
// Configure task.
let task = Process()
task.launchPath = "~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb"
task.arguments = ["pull", "/storage/emulated/0/Download/Böse", "~/Desktop"]
// Configure pipe.
let pipe = Pipe()
task.standardOutput = pipe
task.standardError = pipe
// Run task.
let data = pipe.fileHandleForReading.readDataToEndOfFile()
let output = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)
// adb: error: failed to stat remote object '/storage/emulated/0/Download/Böse': No such file or directory
I found the following in the documentation, how the Process handles the arguments that I provide:
The NSTask object converts both path and the strings in arguments to appropriate C-style strings (using fileSystemRepresentation) before passing them to the task via argv[] . The strings in arguments do not undergo shell expansion, so you do not need to do special quoting, and shell variables, such as $PWD, are not resolved.
It seems like I am not the only one with this problem, and I found this workaround:
How to work around NSTask calling -[NSString fileSystemRepresentation] for arguments, but I was not able to make it work with Swift.
As a workaround I am now writing my adb command to a file and execute it from a bash command in my application.
let source = "/storage/emulated/0/Download/Böse"
let destination = "~/Desktop"
guard let uniqueURL = URL(string: destination + "/" + ProcessInfo.processInfo.globallyUniqueString) else { return }
// Write command to file
let scriptContent = "#!/bin/bash\n~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb pull -a \"" + source + "\" \"" + destination + "\""
try? scriptContent.write(to: uniqueURL, atomically: false, encoding: .utf8)
// Configure task.
let task = Process()
task.environment = ["LC_ALL": "de_DE.UTF-8", "LANG": "de_DE.UTF-8"]
task.launchPath = "/bin/bash"
task.arguments = [uniqueURL.path]
// Configure pipe.
let pipe = Pipe()
task.standardOutput = pipe
task.standardError = pipe
try? task.run()
// Run task.
let data = pipe.fileHandleForReading.readDataToEndOfFile()
let output = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)
Even though this is working for now, it is not a satisfactory solution as it is not very elegant and not efficient too, so any improvements or better answers are welcome.
Every time I run this python function in my monkeyrunner.py script, it opens a new background instance of (cmd, adb, and conhost). And so, in my automation script, if I have a loop that uses that 100 times, I'm going to see 100 of each cmd, adb, and conhost running in the background (I know this because I enter "ps" in powershell to get the list of processes.) The purpose of the function, if you're curious, is to look for logcat messages from the USB attached Android tablet, to see when processes are finished, so that the script knows when to command screen touches to move forward with automation testing.
action = "____"
waitTime = 1
def adb(logMessage, action):
start = time.time()
p = subprocess.Popen("adb logcat -v time", shell=True, cwd="C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools", stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in p.stdout:
if logMessage in line:
print("Found message!")
How can I use "subprocess" to open adb WITHOUT opening a new instance each time? Is there a way to close the subprocess in the same function?
2 things.
adb logcat is a blocking call. It doesn't return unless you send it a SIGINT (ctrl +c). So inside a script you have to send it the "-d" flag. If you forget your script will keep waiting.
you can wait for a subprocess to complete with p.wait()
Therefore you can try this
action = "____"
waitTime = 1
def adb(logMessage, action):
start = time.time()
p = subprocess.Popen("adb logcat -d -v time", shell=True, cwd="C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools", stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in p.stdout:
if logMessage in line:
print("Found message!")
This will ensure that every adb session launched to look at logact terminates properly and its output is looked at only after it returns
EDIT: You are absolutely right, p.wait() isn't needed and is actually wrong! because the logcat writes more than 4kb to stdout in yourcase. You could try to use commuinicate instead to help with that
I figured it out. To prevent a new session of adb from opening in the background per each time this function is called, all I had to do is place the "p" variable outside the function.... like this...
p = subprocess.Popen("adb logcat -v time", shell=True, cwd="C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools", stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
action = "____"
waitTime = 1
def adb(logMessage, action):
start = time.time()
for line in p.stdout:
if logMessage in line:
print("Found message!")
There is still the issue of a single adb session that opens and does not close after the script is run. So, now, instead of 180 sessions (or more) opening, there is a single one. If I find out how to close the session I will update this ticket.
I have code that prints out the output of adb logcat into a wx.TextArea box, this all works great, click the button and logcat prints out, it prints out more when phone taps are made and everything works fine.
toolsDir and pkgName are both strings.
params = [toolsDir + "\\adb.exe", "logcat"]
p = Popen(params, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1)
for line in p.stdout:
However I have adapted this code to only print out the logs that are for a particular app, this is done using the windows 'findstr' function, adb logcat | findstr myApp. The code below initially works, but then stops, and doesn't display anything else whatever happens, button tapped, app closed etc.
Its like the buffer has reached the end and doesn't process any further events.
args = [toolsDir + '\\adb.exe', 'logcat']
args2 = ['findstr', pkgName]
process_adb = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
process_fs = subprocess.Popen(args2, stdin=process_adb.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
for line in process_fs.stdout:
How come the bottom code, the one that filters the app name, stops printing out real time logs, but the top doesn't? I'm guessing its something to do with the piping of one command to another.
You can use Python to filter lines:
if pkgName in line:
BTW: it can be problem with two processes because probably second waits for EOF (end of file) or other signal (ie. closed pipe) but its stdin is open all the time waiting for new data from first process..
Check this: python-subprocess-interaction-why-does-my-process-work-with-popen-communicate
I want to run any app (say Settings) after rebooting tablet. Can I use os.system or do I have to use other methods.
import os,time
for i in range(0,3):
os.system("adb reboot")
Yes, you can use os.system to execute ADB commands. If you want to validate the command executed successfully, take a look at the check_output(...) function which is apart of the subprocess library. This code snipet is how I choose to implement the check_output function. For the full code look here.
def _run_command(self, cmd):
Execute an adb command via the subprocess module. If the process exits with
a exit status of zero, the output is encapsulated into a ADBCommandResult and
returned. Otherwise, an ADBExecutionError is thrown.
output = check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
return ADBCommandResult(0,output)
except CalledProcessError as e:
raise ADBProcessError(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output)
To launch an application you can use the command am start -n yourpackagename/.activityname. To launch the Settings App, run adb shell am start -n com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings. This stackoverflow question shows you in detail the options you can use to start the application via a command line intent.
Other tips:
I created an ADB wrapper written in python along with a few other python utilities that may aid in what you are trying to accomplish. For example, instead of calling time.sleep(60) to wait for the reboot, you use adb to poll the status of the property sys.boot_completed and once the property is set the device has finished booting and you can launch any application. Below is a reference implementation you can use.
def wait_boot_complete(self, encryption='off'):
When data at rest encryption is turned on, there needs to be a waiting period
during boot up for the user to enter the DAR password. This function will wait
till the password has been entered and the phone has finished booting up.
Wait for the BOOT_COMPLETED intent to be broadcast by check the system
property 'sys.boot_completed'. A ADBProcessError is thrown if there is an
error communicating with the device.
This method assumes the phone will eventually reach the boot completed state.
A check is needed to see if the output length is zero because the property
is not initialized with a 0 value. It is created once the intent is broadcast.
if encryption is 'on':
decrypted = None
target = 'trigger_restart_framework'
print 'waiting for framework restart'
while decrypted is None:
status = self.adb.adb_shell(self.serial, "getprop vold.decrypt")
if status.output.strip() == 'trigger_restart_framework':
decrypted = 'true'
#Wait for boot to complete. The boot completed intent is broadcast before
#boot is actually completed when encryption is enabled. So 'key' off the
status = self.adb.adb_shell(self.serial, "getprop init.svc.bootanim").output.strip()
print 'wait for animation to start'
while status == 'stopped':
status = self.adb.adb_shell(self.serial, "getprop init.svc.bootanim").output.strip()
status = self.adb.adb_shell(self.serial, "getprop init.svc.bootanim").output.strip()
print 'waiting for animation to finish'
while status == 'running':
status = self.adb.adb_shell(self.serial, "getprop init.svc.bootanim").output.strip()
boot = False
while(not boot):
res = self.adb.adb_shell(self.serial, "getprop sys.boot_completed")
if len(res.output.strip()) != 0 and int(res.output.strip()) is 1:
boot = True
Is it possible to read information being sent over LogCat in python?
I have a program that is written in java.
Every draw frame it sends tag:"Fps: " message: number
I would like this message to fire an event that I can catch in my python script so I can draw a fps-meter.
Take a look at subprocess. The following code was adapted from Stefaan Lippens
import Queue
import subprocess
import threading
class AsynchronousFileReader(threading.Thread):
Helper class to implement asynchronous reading of a file
in a separate thread. Pushes read lines on a queue to
be consumed in another thread.
def __init__(self, fd, queue):
assert isinstance(queue, Queue.Queue)
assert callable(fd.readline)
self._fd = fd
self._queue = queue
def run(self):
'''The body of the tread: read lines and put them on the queue.'''
for line in iter(self._fd.readline, ''):
def eof(self):
'''Check whether there is no more content to expect.'''
return not self.is_alive() and self._queue.empty()
# You'll need to add any command line arguments here.
process = subprocess.Popen(["logcat"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
# Launch the asynchronous readers of the process' stdout.
stdout_queue = Queue.Queue()
stdout_reader = AsynchronousFileReader(process.stdout, stdout_queue)
# Check the queues if we received some output (until there is nothing more to get).
while not stdout_reader.eof():
while not stdout_queue.empty():
line = stdout_queue.get()
if is_fps_line(line):
Of course, you'll need to write the is_fps_line and update_fps functions yourself.
I would redirect adb logcat to your python script. This would look like:
$ adb logcat | python yourscript.py
Now you can read from logcat on sys.stdin and parse it however you like.