Android SocketTimeoutException on WiFi using Retrofit / OkHttpClient - android

I know similar questions have been asked but this one is slightly different.
We have an app that does some HTTP connectivity with our server.
While running the app on an LG Nexus 5X or Sumsung Galaxy 5, using any of our 3 WiFi routers, the connection times out ("SocketTimeoutException: timeout" due to "SocketException: Socket closed").
The connection doesn't timeout if we use cellular network, tethering between devices or the simulator on a laptop connected to the same (problematic) WiFi routers.
Just to point out, the routers are connected to different ISPs.
Did anyone ever experience anything like it or have an idea?

SOLVED: Trying a GET instead of a POST (with a JSON body of ~4K bytes) seemed to work fine. So, after a session with tcpdump, server side, it turned out that the request does reach the server but it's "corrupted". The first ~300 bytes and the last ~1000 bytes do reach the server but the middle ~2500 bytes are missing (could be due to some service provider infrastructure/ shaper or whatever).
In any case, lowering the buffer size of the OKHttpClient instance (providing it with a new SocketFactory) to 512, did the trick.
Thanks to all of those who tried to assist.


HttpURLConnection.connect() fails after network reconnection on Android 10

My app connects to an external device using it's WiFi (the device works as a server). With introduction of Android 10 I needed to implement separate WiFi connectivity flow for different plaftorms (WifiNetworkSpecifier for Android 10+ and wifiManager.enableNetwork for < Android 10). The connectivity flow itself works fine, but I have some problems with stream communication.
In the app I have the ability to upload files to that external device. To do that I need to use HttpURLConnection. So I run:
val connection = (url.openConnection() as HttpURLConnection)
with(connection) {
doInput = true
doOutput = true
useCaches = false
requestMethod = METHOD_POST
//setRequestProperty(HEADER_CONNECTION, "Keep-Alive")
setRequestProperty("Connection", "close")
connectTimeout = 6000
setRequestProperty(HEADER_USER_AGENT, "Android Multipart HTTP Client 1.0")
setRequestProperty(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, "multipart/form-data; boundary=$boundary")
val outputStream = connection.outputStream
DataOutputStream(outputStream).use { outputStream ->
// actual file upload
Now, the actual update consists of two files, and after first upload the device restarts, and I need to reconnect to it's wifi and upload the second file.
On Android < 9 the entire upload flow (with two files) works fine but on Android 10, after I send the first file and reconnect to the device's WiFi, when I call connection.connect() I get ConnectExcpetion with internal cause connect failed: ENETUNREACH (Network is unreachable) (which really makes no sense, cause I'm connected to that network...) Failed to connect to (...)
Initially I had a problem also with connecting for the first time on Android 10, but I found this article, and adding the connectTimeout helped, but now the connection still fails when I try to connect for the second (and every next) time. The only thing that helps is restaring the entire app (which is no real solution).
What may be the problem, that the next connections fail despite I always execute the same code?
After a few days I finally found an answer to my question. It turns out that on Android 10 when you connect to the Access Point that does not offer the internet (eg. my external device) the standard API calls (using Retrofit) works fine, but when trying to use HttpURLConnection the system tries to use some network with internet connection, and as there is none, the connection fails.
The only way for the connection to work is to force the system to use our network by using ConnectivityManager.bindProcessToNetwork(network). This solution was proposed here and I've got no idea why someone downvoted that answer. It's correct.
What's interesting is that if we connect to the no-internet network via device settings, the connection works just fine even without binding.

BLE Device dissonect after receive Notifications (BLEGattException Status = 0x8)

My BLE server permanently measures a sensor value and sends a notification with 20 byte user data after each measurement. The goal is to generate as much throughput as possible.
On the client side, the value sent by the server is received and processed.
.flatMap(notificationObservable -> notificationObservable)
.subscribe(bytes -> {
onNotificationReceived(bytes, buffer);
} , throwable -> {
// Handle an error here.
If I set the Connection intervall to 11.25ms, I receive all values. However, if I set the connection interval to 30ms, I receive a few values ​​and then the connection is closed.
In the Android Log i see the followed message:
BleGattException status=8 (0x8),
Why is the connection interrupted and what is the trigger?
With the help of a BLE Sniffer this is not recognizable. The set connection parameters are accepted and the transfer begins. Suddenly the transmission ends and the error message appears.
BLE Sniffer screenshot has been added:
30ms, this is connection interval you set in server or android?
Btw, on android you can set speed mode
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) {
Error 8 means the connection timed out. There is nothing wrong on the Android side. The problem is with the communication between the two Bluetooth controllers. If you have a sniffer then you should be able to see who is the one that fails to send packets.
Here is an Image from BLE Sniffer.
BLE Sniffer
I have the similar problem. On Android 7.0 there were two ways to keep connection:
1) If devices are bonded and there is a charachteristic reading callback with constant thread of packets. If there are no packets by some time, then connection fails.
2) If devides are not bonded, but I do every few seconds. If don't do that some time, then connection fails.
But now in Android 7.1.2 this way doesn't work.
May be the first way will work for you.
On your Android device you should make bonding, on your kit you should handle this bonding.
On Nexus 6P and Samsung S7 it doesn't work anymore, but I didn't try it on the other devices.
I suppose, you have min connection interval 7.5 on your BLE kit, but now it is deprecated on Android.
Try to set min connection interval to 11.25 on your BLE kit and set connection priority
in onConnectionStateChange.
It had worked for me when I had changed min connection interval in my nordic from 7.5 to 11.25.

UnknownHostException in android : Wifi issue

I have get UnknownhostException in parsing JSON data from server,
My URL working on :
on real device browser(data plan only)
Sometimes its working on PC browser and sometimes not.
Actually I have get the wifi issue, Sometimes its working on wifi connection, when its not, I have restarted my wifi and its worked, and after some time the same issue came,
I want to get the permanent solution for this wifi connection issue, Restarting the Wifi is never a solution on the application user side,
What is the exact problem and solution also...
Usually the UnknownHostException fires when you cannot resolve the DNS record of the URL you've provided. There's a reasonable timeout for that operation, but if you have a weak WiFi connection or you don't have enough signal on your device, the communication can be interrupted in the middle between sending and receiving the response, so your device doesn't receive the response, thus it thinks it's a DNS timeout.
There are 2 things you can try:
Increase the timeout of the response. This will not help, though, if your communication gets interrupted you already sent the query.
Use the IP address instead:
shut-up#i-kill-you:~$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager)getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
int linkSpeed = wifiManager.getConnectionInfo().getRssi();
System.out.println("Link Speed is======"+linkSpeed);
It will give u wifi speed so just mention one speed if that speed come then only do next work

modify to update cached service_channel_no of paired device to open multiple connections to it(on mul. channels)

I am stuck at a place where my Android Phone(Samsung Galaxy) has to open 2(or more) connections to my PC(server) which is a paired device. For this purpose, I start SDP server on PC with UUID : 00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB and channel 2, after the first connection I unregister the SDP service on the PC and register it again on channel 3(and same UUID) and expect my android phone to 'connect' to it for establishing the second bluetooth connection. The second one fails.
The problem as I have figured out is that because of the pairing, the channel num and UUID of the device for the 'BluetoothSocket.connect' are serviced from cache and are not being updated, so my SDP change in channel num on the server side is not visible here as it still tries to connect to channel 2(old one).
A workaround of this problem(found after a lot of frustrating attempts) might be to change the file, by introducing
updateDeviceServiceChannelCache(addr) before returning in the getRemoteServiceChannel() and fetchRemoteUuids() so as to update the channel number at each func call.
The above solution may well be wrong, please pardon me for that. If it is correct please suggest any further changes and how to make this change permanent in eclipse, or in other case(wrong solution), the right way of doing this.
Note: I have android 2.3.5 and the requests from the device are actually from the browser that I forward to the PC. I want them on separate channels.

Android Socket High CPU usage

I did a client/server(android/pc) and it seems that network usage from client uses a lot of CPU. Like to receive only 4k-5k from network, the cpu rises to 33 milliseconds. The cpu can be higher than 90-100 milliseconds if data is higher like ~32k.
First, I've tried the client(network part) in java version and after in c and the problem is still there.
I profiled the server part that send data and it uses about 0 millisecond.
Some details:
TCP connection.
The client connects to the server, client sends request, server sends
data (chunk of 4-10k), client send request, server sends...
Network part is threaded.
Get data with (recv or recv/select).
Smart Phone: Nexus one.
Tested in profiler mode (only network part and display fps/milliseconds).
Tested in Wifi (computer, phone, network are close).
Let me know if you have any suggestions or questions.
Are you using BufferedOutputStream on Android side to write the data? If not, it writes it byte by byte, which would explain the high CPU usage.
If this is not the case, please add some source code to the question.

