Download Audio file like Gaana Android app - android

I have created an Android Application, in that I am playing and downloading audio file from server. So when user download audio file from server he/she can't show that file in File Manager or any other media player like Gaana app.
How to make it possible?

You can save the files in Internal Storage Area. These files would be private to your app only.
Using getFilesDir() on any context provides absolute path to the filesystem directory where your internal files are saved. There in you can create directory. For more information refer here

You can use few approaches:
Download files into the private application's directory. No other apps will have access to those files. Pros of this approach is that is is the easiest way. Cons is that the inner storage might be limited in the device.
Download files saving them with incorrect file extensions. Pros: easy to implement, can save anywhere. Cons: files can be accessed, copied and renamed by any other app.
The same way as 2nd approach, but add some encryption to the files, so nobody except you can use them. This approach might require on-the-fly decryption.


Storage so my media/non media files are accessible by other apps

I am confused with the new app storage system in Android. I am not sure where my use case falls under and I need your help in telling me the right approach for this
My app captures images and generates pdf documents. Prior to Android 10, I used to store them in an app directory where the user can easily navigate to them through other files browsing app (like Files app on Samsung). In addition, these files can be accessed from within my app (so essentially read and write).
With the new storage, I am not sure how to accomplish the same thing. If I use the internal storage then user can't see them. If I use the media approach, well it seems it is only for Audio/video plus they will not be organized in a folder like I have them organized.
Am I missing something? How would I solve this problem?
Thank you
On an Android 11 device you can store your files in a subdirectory of the public Documents directory.
You can do that using classic File means or the media store or SAF.
Other apps can see them using SAF or the media store. Or with classic file means when requested all files access.
The user can see them using the default Files app on the device.

How to protect music files?

As the title says, I have 1000mb audio files in my app (which has a media player ability also). I don't need a 100% protection. All I need is that when user downloads these audio files from the web, only my app could be able to find on open these files and if a normal user shares these files they couldn't open it.
I know a dedicated user or hacker can easily access the main files, all I need is a simple primitive protection from a ordinary user.
What is the best way to do this? Any suggestions or examples would be appreciated.
Thanks a lot
Store those audio in folder named '.nomedia' without quotes.
Use custom file extentions and and save those files using Serialization
To save object to file you need serialization.
You can choose whatever file extension we like e.g. .car.
You can simple encrypt the header of the file not entire file, Your app will decrypt that header before playing it. You only need to encrypt few bytes so there is no performance issue.

How to securely store application files within its package folder structure?

My question is pretty general; whenever an android app accesses internal storage environment path; its folder structure is created into device's "Android->Data->app_pakage".
Image files within this folder won't be viewed from gallery; which is fine.
There are lots of app which secures this files (Can't be opened directly from file manager);
Examples for this are music apps; they provide encoding of its downloaded files, so it can be accessed only from that app only. This encoding changes its extension
So my question is here, How this can be achieved?. I am looking for simplest solution, which don't require a high, complex encryption algorithms.
In-Short, I want to prevent users to access app files from file manager- internal storage
Please have a look at this link
Here there is detailed explanation.
To have files that can only be accessed from your app please use -
Returns a File representing an internal directory for your app.
Files saved here are accessible by only your app.

Security of files in android

We are trying to create an app which will download eBook from server and store it locally on sdcard. We tried to DRM eBooks, after we download an eBook the DRM will take care of the security of the eBook. But later due to some reasons we left the DRM concept. Now I want to know whether we can store the eBook securely in the sdcard. The user cannot do any operations in the file other than viewing. Can we store the file in some other location where the user cannot view the file at all. In iOS we can download the file inside the Bundle itself, but for android???. We tried storing the pdf as a BLOB file in DB and tried to read it from there, in that case also we need to write the file and then read it. I am really confused on this Issue, can someone suggest me a good approach on how to proceed further. Any help would be really appreciable.
Personally I've avoid the SDcard given it's pretty much open to all apps, as #commonsWare mentions having it internal storage offers the Android app sandbox security.
Have you considered IOCipher from the excellent guys at the guardian project it's build on SQLCipher and it allow you to create a encrypted virtual disk. The part I love about it is that it's a clone of the libraries so you should only have minimal code changes.
Files stored on the external storage are easy to read by other applications or from user's PC. You might need to encrypt your files if you don't want anybody else to get access. Well encrypted files can be places anywhere in the system without any risks of being read.
Storing files on the internal storage in your case does not sound good, because there are still too many devices out there with the limited amount of internal storage, where every megabyte counts.
Can we store the file in some other location where the user cannot view the file at all.
Not on external storage. You can put the book on internal storage, in which case only rooted device users would have access to it outside of your app.
i) keep the files encrypted which are important to you.
ii) decrypt the files and move to the internal storage during runtime.
iii) Access your files only from internal storage.
Following these things will keep your file and method calling safe as they are accessible only to internal storage.
Example:(access moved assets files from internal storage )
file:///android_asset/ => file:///data/data/com.test.exmple/files/"
You can also try tools like quixxi that do this for you transparently.

Start Android app with files on sdcard or somewhere in the filesystem

I making an application with phonegap/cordova where I need to keep a lot of files up to date. Some files (mainly images) will need to be erased in time, and some new ones will get downloaded. The thing is, in Android, to manipulate those files, it seems I need to have them on the sdcard; so I copy the files the app starts with from my assets folder to the sdcard. It just seems like a waste of memory space.
Do you know if is there anyway I can start with the app having those files the app starts with already inside the sdcard? or at least somewhere I can delete them later?
Thank you.
Files that are delivered to the device as part of your APK will be stored in a form that cannot be modified by your application (other than by updating to a new version of the apk).
If you copy the files out of the APK into the private internal storage area or the external storage area, those copies can be modified, but the originals inside the apk will remain.
The most efficient solution may be to not put these files in your apk, but have your app instead download them separately on the first run, using whatever mechanism you wanted to use to change them in the future.
(Some people object to this feeling that such files are less secure against unauthorized use, but as the contents of an .apk are trivial to extract this is not a strong argument. Needing to maintain a server to download from is a slightly more substantial objection.)
You do not need to store the files on the SD Card. Each app has its own internal storage that is not accessible by any other apps. For more information see the official docs:

