Android: Expanding and collapsing toolbars without AppCompat library - android

In my application I'm using the theme #android:style/Theme.Material because I like the dark material design.
I would like to implement an expanding and collapsing toolbars like the one in "Build a Material Design App with the Android Design Support Library" from Codelab.
The problem is that it's require the widget CoordinatorLayout that seems to be incompatible with this theme.
Is there any solution that doesn't require to change the theme ?
If not, is it possible to have a dark material look with AppCompat ?

I replaced #android:style/Theme.Material by Theme.AppCompat and add appcompat-v7 in my dependencies.
Also I replaced every extends Activity by extends AppCompatActivity in my java code.
Now my application can run without this error.


Warning : Use SwitchCompat from AppCompat or SwitchMaterial from Material library

What is the difference between these 2 objects (SwitchCompat and SwitchMaterial)? I have tried them and visually they are identical.
By the way, why did they remove the Switch class? Do you know which UI element is supposed to replace it in the future?
The SwitchMaterial:
is provided by the Material Components Library
extends the SwitchCompat
uses Widget.MaterialComponents.CompoundButton.Switch as default style, using the colors defined in the Theme.MaterialComponents (like colorSecondary, colorSurface and colorOnSurface) and applying the Elevation Overlays in dark mode.
The SwitchCompat:
is provided by the androidx appcompat library
uses Widget.AppCompat.CompoundButton.Switch as default style
By the way, why did they remove the Switch class?
The Switch class is not removed. It is provided by the android framework like other widgets as Button,TextView.. and the appcompat and material components libraries provide an updated version of them (like AppCompatButton, MaterialButton...).
There is a different with these widgets.
Using an AppCompat theme there is the AppCompatViewInflater that automatically replaces all usages of core Android widgets inflated from layout files by the AppCompat extensions of those widgets (for example a Button is replaced by AppCompatButton).
Using the Theme.MaterialComponents there is the MaterialComponentsViewInflater that replaces some framework widgets with Material Components ones at inflation time, provided a Material Components theme is in use (for example a Button is replaced by MaterialButton).
It is NOT true for the SwitchMaterial and the SwitchCompat.The reason for that is due to the AppCompat SwitchCompat not actually extending from the framework Switch class.
Switch have a different look for older versions of Android. we use SwitchCompat to have consistent look for all Android versions.
SwitchCompat is a complete backport of the core Switch widget that
brings the visuals and the functionality of that widget to older
versions of the platform. Unlike other widgets in this package,
SwitchCompat is not automatically used in layouts that use the
element. Instead, you need to explicitly use
<androidx.appcompat.widget.SwitchCompat> and the matching attributes
in your layouts.
SwitchMaterial is inherited from SwitchCompat. it is a class that creates a Material Themed Switch.
The switch view operates differently depending on which version of Android you are using. This might cause an issue if your app is being run in older versions or newer versions. To solve this, instead we can use SwitchCompat which operates the same on all versions currently.
To adjust this, go to xml code, instead of switch
// change from "Switch"
tools:ignore="TouchTargetSizeCheck" />
SwitchCompat is an extended version of CompoundButton. SwitchCompat is a version of the old Switch widget which on devices back to API v7. It does not make any attempt to use the platform provided widget on those devices which it is available normally.
It's an extended version of SwitchCompat. It creates a Material Themed Switch. This class uses attributes from the Material Theme to style a Switch.Because SwitchCompat does not extend Switch, you must explicitly declare SwitchMaterial in your layout XML.

Usage of support library views with material theme

When I include views which are available only in support library (FAB , coordinator layout) in my layout, it throws an exception and asks me to use an AppCompat theme. But as my apps min. Sdk is 21 , I am using a Material theme and don't want to change it to AppCompat. What to do in this situation ?
How to stop using AppCompat in Android Studio?
This should be the solution for your problem
But be aware that you can't use app:… in xml, you have to use android:… if possible
And you can't use Constraint layout I think.
Why do you want to avoid AppCombat?

Can I use AppCompat theme with Activity/FragmentActivity classes?

Given the following:
Android documentation says :
AppCompatActivity - Adds an application activity class that can be used as a base class for activities that use the Support Library action bar implementation.
I'm not considering adding action bar to my activity
I need some material design widgets, which I can control only through AppCompat or material theme, but the latest need API >= 21, which is not my case.
I tested Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar with Activity class and it works well.
Is there an issue with using Activity class with AppCompat theme in my case?
The AppCompat library is intended to make compatibility with olders API, so the Theme and all components may work well in older systems.
I think the only concern is to always use the AppCompat elements and not the regular ones.
Example, use AppCompatEditText, AppCompatTextView, etc... And always refers to they with the AppCompat (AppCompatEditText editText;)
I have used a lot the support library and not have others issues, considering the visual elements may be a little different when using an API minor than 21
No.There is not issues with AppcompactActivity & support libaray. You can refere this link
To gain more rich & amazing look go with support library,Try to do material design

Android 4.x Fragment not inheriting Activity Lollipop Theme

Simple question.
Given AppCompat theme with new MaterialDesign in mind in pre-lollipop device.
Given Activity extending ActionBar activity as it is suggested by Google
Given REAL (PostHoneycomb) Fragment on the Activity
Results are
1. Activity has correctly picked up theme with nice accent colors wherever they are needed
Included fragment (throw dynamic transaction adding, not from XML) does not inherit Material Design theme from Activity and has old Honeycomb blue seekbar buttons
The same fragment layout design in AndroidStudio shows correct AppCompat theme
Eplicit theme enforcing on Fragment onCreateView using ContextWrapper doesn't work either.
p.s. Can't post screenshots as I don't have reputation
This was an issue with AppCompat 22.1.0 - update to a newer version (either 22.1.1 which contains the fix or 22.2.0 - the current latest version).

why do I have to extend S***Activity with HoloEverywhere?

HoloEverywhere seems to work without extending Sherlock classes. Why do I have to change the imports?
I've just added: android:theme="#style/Holo.Theme.Sherlock"
in the manifest tag and the theme seems to work on the emulator (Android 2.2).
Instructions say:
Extend the Activities from com.WazaBe.HoloEverywhere.sherlock.S***Activity
My Question
Is it a must or an alternative way of applying Holo theme individually?
Does extending the activity from com.WazaBe.HoloEverywhere.sherlock.S***Activity also add ActionbarSherlock to the Activity?
If you want a complete Holo theme port to pre-honeycomb devices, you must extend these classes. If not, some simple controls like EditText or similars will be displayed with holo theme, but others more complex like Dialogs will not be holo-styled.

