I'm creating app which uses TabLayout. I have also ToggleButton there.
Is there a way to unable changing to another tab while this particular button is pressed?
I have a ToggleButton in an abstract class which extends Fragment:
public void onToggleClicked() {
new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
if (something) {
}else {
There is also a fragment class which extends the abstract class above. I have some assignments there, method callings, Overrided methods (onCreateView, onViewCreated), etc.
MainActivity is almost all generated from pattern.
Everything works fine, but as I said, I need to unable switching between tabs while my button is pressed.
Please update your question with your code, so I can update my answer with the code necessary to solve your problem.
If you are using the new TabLayout (if you are not, you should), you can iterate over your views making them unclickable.
As example code:
LinearLayout tabs = ((LinearLayout)tabLayout.getChildAt(0));
for(int i = 0; i < tabs.getChildCount(); i++) {
//This disable all tabs, if you need to disable just specific tabs, you can make some logic to it
Let me explain the whole thing, just in case. I'm using BottomNavigationView with Jetpack's Mobile Navigation graphs and so. I reimplemented the method:
during navigation setup, instead of using this method I made a very similar:
the only changes I made was to change de default fading transition between fragments, and started to using more natural (in my opinion) side slide animations, just like this in onNavDestinationSelected:
if(origin == 0){
}else if(origin == 1){
Where origin stands for the direction where the incoming Fragment comes from.
It came with a problem: 2 of my fragments need a FAB to add elements to a recycler, and the side slide transitioning suddenly became ugly. So I added a single FAB in MainActivity's Layout, and a logic shows the FAB only when these 2 fragments are called.
I couldn't find a nice way to pass the click event from Activity to Fragments, because I wasn't able to instantiate the Fragments, since the Navigation handles the whole process.
So, what I did was to create a ViewHolder, since I know it can survive trough lifecycle changes. This ViewHolder holds an int, and a MutableLiveData, in the MainActivity logic I pass the current selected id of the element selected by the BottomNavigationView to the int, and only if the MainActivity's FAB is clicked the live Boolean is set to true. So, in Fragments onViewCreated() I added and observer to this Boolean, when the value is set to true, and the id passed to the ViewHolder matches with the id of the current fragment, the Boolean is set back to false, and something can be done, it's something like this:
eventsNotificationHandler.getClickEvent().observe(requireActivity(), new Observer<Boolean>() {
public void onChanged(Boolean aBoolean) {
if(aBoolean && eventsNotificationHandler.getPositionId() == R.id.nav_contacts){
//do something here
This notificationHandler is the ViewHolder.
So far so good, at this point I can:
1- Navigate between BottomNavigationView' Fragments freely, and the FAB shows only for needed fragments.
2- Use Log.d(...) inside the observer any time I want, and see that the debug message just fine.
3- Toast a message, any time I want, ONLY if the context parameter was initialized outside the Observer, something like this:
Toast.makeText(previouslyDefinedContext, "SOME TEXT", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
What I can't:
1- Launch an Activity whenever I want, from inside the observer by using same idea than before, ONLY initializing the context before, and outside the Observer I was able to start the intent, just like this:
eventsNotificationHandler.getClickEvent().observe(requireActivity(), new Observer<Boolean>() {
public void onChanged(Boolean aBoolean) {
if(aBoolean && eventsNotificationHandler.getPositionId() == R.id.nav_contacts){
Intent newContact = new Intent(previouslyDefinedContext, NewContactActivity.class);
But in this particular case I can launch the new Activity as many times as I want, BUT ONLY if I navigate directly to this particular fragment where the observer is defined after the app opens, if I decide to navigate first trough some other fragments instead, and then I go to this fragment to try to launch the Activity, the app crashes
I've noticed that this exact behavior happens when I call requireContext() from inside the Observer, it works but then stops working.
The app crashes with:
E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
Process: cu.arrowtech.bpawreckproject, PID: 18019
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment FragmentContacts{883259b} (9f127bdb-127d-4366-b90b-c8900a5a771e)} not attached to Activity
What I want:
1- A right way to launch a new Activity from inside a Fragment, by pressing a FAB in MainActivity, if it's possible.
2- A nice way to switch fragments if a possible solution implies to change the logic I have already.
3- Keep using Jetpack and Navigation Graphs.
I'm able to do what I want by using 2 separate FABs in each Fragment, but the transitioning is not nice and beautiful.
I'm open to suggestions, even if that implies to change the logic. I'm almost certain it must be a better way to do what I'm doing, instead of using ViewHolder for this purpose.
I would like to get something similar to the Google Pay, it seems to be that the Buttons for adding payment method, passes, and transfers is the same button, but it adapts to each situation.
After some reasearch I did found a way to keep fluid transitions between fragments AND Mobile Navigation components AND a single FAB in the MainActivity layout.
What I did was to use an Interface instead of ViewModels (I always knew that approach was wrong):
public interface SharedViewsInterface {
void onFabClicked();
So in my MainActivity I defined that interface as null, and created a method to define it according to the situation. My MainActivity looks like:
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
//UI elements
private FloatingActionButton main_fab;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//Same dode to get the custom animations
//Main and only Fab configuration
main_fab = findViewById(R.id.main_fab);
main_fab.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
if(sharedViewsInterface !=null){
//Other auxiliary methods
public void setInterface(SharedViewsInterface sharedViewsInterface){
this.sharedViewsInterface = sharedViewsInterface;
By doing this, I can, from each fragment to implement the Interface in onCreate by doing this:
((MainActivity) requireActivity()).setInterface(new SharedViewsInterface() {
public void onFabClicked() {
Intent newContact = new Intent(requireContext(), NewContactActivity.class);
This works well becouse the FAB is shown only when a fragment with Interface implementation is visible, see my example gif
I have a view pager with 2 scrolling pages in my app. at first I populate it with two fragments.
In first fragment I have a button. clicking the button new adapter is created and view pager is populated with two different fragments. at the moment when I press back I exit from the app instead I want to restore previous state of the view pager. please help
For the first time:
ViewPagerAdapter pagerAdapter = new ViewPagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager(),nBank);
Second time:
public void onListItemPressed(Currency objectCurrency) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
DetailPagerAdapter detaluriadapteri = new DetailPagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager());
One solution could be to implement onBackPressed:
#Override public void onBackPressed() {
if (mViewpager != null && mViewpager.getAdapter() instanceof DetailPagerAdapter) {
ViewPagerAdapter pagerAdapter = new ViewPagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager(),nBank);
} else {
Though, I think it would be better to start a new activity using DetailPagerAdapter when onListItemPressed is called. This way the default behavior of android would be to navigate back to your main activity on backpress, currently your main activity could be getting too much responsibility. Thus, having a self contained activity handling the details part would also be easier to maintain as it might need different tabs, actionbar menu items, etc..
Could also be a Fragment containing a the details viewpager but I have had trouble implementing this myself. Should be possible though and my trouble might be caused by some of the libraries I use.
I am developing an android app which has 3 tabs, created in MainActivity.java. Every tab has its own activity. In those activities I have a method called "Refresh()" to update the listview in that tab.
When the user clicks on a button the method "refreshTab(View v)" is called.
// Tab refreshen
public void refreshTab (View v) {
Activity MyActivity = this.getCurrentActivity();
This is throwing "The Method Refresh() is undefined for the type Activity. However, "MyActivity" is filled with the tab activity.
How would I go about getting this to work?
You need to cast the activity to your type of activity. Right now you are trying to call the Android class activity, which does not have a "Refresh" function.
Your button handler is a little over-complicated (even though it's only two lines)...
Just do something like:
// Tab refreshen
public void refreshTab (View v) {
If the way you've defined your OnClickListener is directly inline (but still within your activity's class), you may need to add a little direction, where MyClassType is the name of your class that extends Activity:
// Tab refreshen
public void refreshTab (View v) {
I have 3 tabs in my sample application with activity group. First tab contains search activity i.e.Home/Root activity and am displaying the results of search in another activity but under same tab i.e Tab1. When I press back button in result activity, it is going to search activity. Everything works fine till here. Now I want to go search activity by pressing tab1 instead of pressing back button. How can achieve this? I tried something like this
public class TabSample extends TabActivity {
public TabHost tabHost;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
this.tabHost = getTabHost();
.setContent(new Intent(this, TabGroup1Activity.class)));
.setContent(new Intent(this, TabGroup2Activity.class)));
tabHost.setOnTabChangedListener(new OnTabChangeListener() {
public void onTabChanged(String arg0) {
if (tabHost.getCurrentTabTag().equals("tab1")) {
//What should I do to display search activity here
} else {
Can anyone please help let me know how to invoke search activity when tab is pressed? What will go into if part? Because if I use tabHost.setCurrentTab(index), it will display result activity but not search activity.
NOTE: I followed the tutorial given in this link.
I think what you want to do is this: when the 'tab1' tag is selected, go back to TabGroup1Activity if (and only if) the current activity is not that activity (basically you want to simulate a 'back' press).
If so, what you want is this:
if (getCurrentActivity().getClass() != TabGroup1Activity.class)
I'm not 100% sure I understand you fully, but let's see :)
In your onTabChanged listener you can switch on which tab have been tabed, and then open the activity as normal inside an activitygroup:
public void onTabChanged(String tabId) {
if (tabId.contentEquals("tab1")) {
Intent intent = new Intent(tabHost.getContext(), TabGroup1Activity.class);
View view = StartGroup.group.getLocalActivityManager().startActivity("tab1", intent).getDecorView();
I just reviewed my code and think there's a bit more to explain here. The problem is that you don't stack activities as normal. Instead the workaround is to make a content stack and change these instead. So what I have done is to create a class StartGroup which extends
public class StartGroup extends ButtonHandlerActivityGroup {
// Keep this in a static variable to make it accessible for all the nested activities, lets them manipulate the view
public static StartGroup group;
// Need to keep track of the history if you want the back-button to work properly,
// don't use this if your activities requires a lot of memory.
private ArrayList<View> history;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
this.history = new ArrayList<View>();
group = this;
// Start the root activity within the group and get its view
View view = getLocalActivityManager().startActivity("UserList", new Intent(this, UserList.class).addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP)).getDecorView();
public void back() {
if (history.size() > 0) {
// pop the last view
} else {
Then from the TabMaster class or what you call it you can use the StartGroup class to change the content view of an activity group.
This is something I wrote to work on devices from 2.2, so there might be an easier and more androidish way to accomplished it, but this works on almost all devices :)
Here is another thread where the use a similar approach:
Launching activities within a tab in Android
Let me know if I can help more.
There is an ArrayList in your ActivityGroup so override onPause() method in ActivityGroup and remove all the ids from ArrayList except the first one which must be your SearchActivity.
So when you go to other tab then comes back to SearchActivity( or on Tab1 ) Home will be displayed.
i have tabs in a TabActivity that is being populated by a listview from a method in another Activity. when i click on the listview in the tab, i am trying to delete an item in the listview from onContextItemSelected and let the tab in the tabhost callback the same method in the Activity that populated the listview. please does anyone know how i can identify the tab where the action was performed from the Activity that has the listview method?
There seems to be know method like setTag() on the tabs in other to identify them. i tried this which works if i am in the TabActivity class but if i am in the other Activity, i want it to call fillAllData(). but am getting a warning from eclipse that the line is a dead code and its calling fillShopData() instead. Any ideas on how to go around this?.. i hope i have made myself clear. Thanks.
/* code in activity class after delete is pressed in onContextItemSelected*/
if( Categories.SHOP_TAB_TAG == 1) { // tab in categories TabActivity identified as int
fillShopData(); // fill this data back in tab
}else {
fillAllData(); // Dead Code from Activity
You can have a static variable in the Constants class which will keep the track of the Tab selected which you'll modify in the OnTabChangedListener like:
public void onTabChanged(String tabId) {
if (tabId.equalsIgnoreCase("Assigned")) {
Constants .LIST_ACTIVITY = 0;
} else if (tabId.equalsIgnoreCase("Accepted")){
Constants .LIST_ACTIVITY = 1;
}else if (tabId.equalsIgnoreCase("Rejected")){
Constants .LIST_ACTIVITY = 2;
}else if (tabId.equalsIgnoreCase("Completed")){
Constants .LIST_ACTIVITY = 3;
where tabId is the one you give while creating the tabs.
Since this is a static variable you can access it in any of the classes as a flag.