How to update the UI in android - android

I have an activity A with a listview and upon selecting some items in the list, and navigating to another activity B with the selected items in the list of Activity A. And made some modifications. After return to A. My screen is not updating with the latest modifications.
Please guide me how to do this. Thank you in advance.

If you have unified data storage for both activities (so that you know that this problem is purely UI issue, because the data itself is updated upon returning from activity B), then you should call this method on your ListView adapter:

In order to display what you want, you need to have some TextViews in your other activity and then just add a text to them to display what you need.
When you get the data, just do like this in the onCreate method:
TextView tv = (TextView)inflate.findViewById(;


First Activity to Second Activity (Intent, Database and Adapter)

I have a database and adapter for the first activity showing the name and description. There is a button on each list item which takes you to the second activity displaying a unique image related to that item.
I have included an Intent from the first activity to the second activity.
So on the second activity I would like to add the image related to the item clicked.
(a)Do I include the image in the same database for the first activity or do I need a separate database and adapter for the second activity?
(b)Also do I need to create a separate intent for each item in the first activity as each item has a separate image that it will link to via the button which will be displayed on the second activity.
Your click listener will be one and generic as same lite item view is inflated for all items of adapter.
2.on click you need to pass the Uri string to second activity via intent and display the image Uri in second activity after receiving it from getIntent() in oncreateview() of second activity.
I would like to answer this in two parts.
Part 1: the database: You should use the same table for the image as well. You can always talk to the same database and all the tables from any activity, so no need to have a separate database. So the name, description and image in the same activity.
Part 2: The intent
If you are in a scenario where you have to add any action on click of an adapter item, always use a callback.
When you click on any item, this callback will tell you in the activity that which item in the adapter is clicked.
This medium blog is a very good example to demonstrate this.
In this blog's code, there is a block in adapter where you pass the values from the activity. It is the constructor.
RecyclerViewAdapter(RecyclerViewClickListener listener) {
mListener = listener;
If you had added some code, it would help, but I am sure you also have this constructor in your code, so add this listener along with the other data and see how it works out.

ListView pass data to another ListView

I have two activities with List View's:
Activity A --> ListView person
Activity B --> ListView favouritePerson
In person ListView there is a button i every item of the list
person --> Button likeButton
I would like to add person to favouritePerson list when the like button is clicked. I was trying to achieve this by adding data to singleton and then trying to get it from there, but without success. I have also tried to use SharedPreferences, but could not get it right either. What would be the best approach for this workflow?
I also forget to mention, that I'm populating the first listView by querying the Realm database.
I would like to add person to favouritePerson list when the like button is clicked
To get this, onClick like button, you need to write a query to insert favourite bit in data base against that record. And when you load activity B updated data will be populated. No singleton, sharedpreference or Parcelable is required. This is the best approach. Update database record on the fly and get updated data in Activity B.

How to structure this Fragment / RecyclerView

I know this is somewhat of a design question but I do have specific questions for it. I'm trying to understand how to handle a situation like this one:
Let's say I have a RecyclerViewFragment which loads a RecyclerView containing a bunch of Toy objects.
In one situation: Maybe this RecyclerViewFragment is part of a ViewPager on main display. There is a FloatingActionButton add-button present over this RecyclerView. You click the + button and you can add a new Toy to the list. Or you can click a Toy from the list directly and a floating menu pops up with Edit/Delete buttons, and pressing Edit lets you edit the Toy's details in a DialogFragment, or clicking Delete removes it from the RecyclerView.
In another situation: Now I am in a separate part of the app where I want to choose toys to use. So I press a button and a DialogFragment appears with a RecyclerView of Toys. I can click a Toy and it'll be added to my cart.
It seems like I should be re-using the same RecyclerView code in both situations, since they both involve a list of the same Toys. The only difference is that in one situation, I can add Toys and edit Toy details, and in the other situation, there is no Add button and clicking on a toy does something different (adding to a cart as opposed to bringing up an Edit/Delete dialog).
Is this the correct way to handle this:
Communication from Fragment to Activity: Interfaces? Have the RecyclerViewFragment, in the onAttach method, assign a listener of my design to the context. Then when a row of the RecyclerView is pressed, the callback is triggered. Now the underlying Activity can decide what to do with that press -- show the Edit/Delete dialog in one situation, add the Toy to a Cart in the other situation. Either way, the click item sends the Toy to the calling Activity so it can decide what to do with it.
Communication from Activity to Fragment: Now what about the situation with the Add button? This Add button would not be intrinsically part of the RecyclerViewFragment, so when I click Add, it would bring up the details dialog box where I can give the Toy details, and then press OK to add it. So somehow I have to transfer this new Toy to the Fragment to have it added to the RecyclerView. Would I simply do something like this:
RecyclerViewFragment recyclerViewFragment = (RecyclerViewFragment ) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("TOY_RECYCLERVIEW");
and then in the RecyclerViewFragment:
public void getNewToyAndRefreshList(Toy newToy) {
Collections.sort(toyList); //Toy has Comparable implemented, sort by name
Am I on the right track? Is there a different way to fix this situation?
That's certainly a design question, but IMHO there's a very specific issue on it and I believe it's a good question (reason I'm answering), but that also means other developers might have other approaches to solve the issue.
1. that is a totally fair and acceptable approach to it. You let the fragment be simple UI element and let someone else (the activity) implement the click behavior.
For this approach remember to code it only against the interface. That means, don't cast it to your activity. For example:
// do this
// don't do this
That way you keep the "simple UI element" be completely unaware of who is implementing the behavior.
2. IMO for this kind of scenario (specially on RecyclerView.Adapter) the best thing to do is to forget the UI and only focus on the data. And how speciafically you implement this, will vary on what is your data source.
But the base idea is that you have somewhere a data repo (DB?) and anyone using data from there, should subscribe to changes to it.
So you override RecyclerView.Adapter.registerAdapterDataObserver and unregisterAdapterDataObserver add the subscription/listener code, something like that:
#Override registerAdapterDataObserver(RecyclerView.AdapterDataObserver observer) {
db.subscribe(this, toyList);
#Override unregisterAdapterDataObserver(RecyclerView.AdapterDataObserver observer) {
#Override public void onDbDataUpdate(new Data comes here){
update the data, and call .notifyDataSetChanged();
that way once the FAB + and then dialog is clicked the new Toy gets added to the DB and the adapter gets "automatically" notified.
So if this data comes from a SQLite you can call on the cursor registerContentObserver if it's a RealmDB you'll use addChangeListener, even Android databinding libraries have a ObservableList

How to prevent calling onCreateView when back button pressed in fragment in android

In my application, I have tabbar functionality. In one tab i am displaying server data in lisview, and on clicking on that detail page for that list item will be open in new fragment.
But when I press back button from that detail page, every time oncreateview called of previous page, so every time listview created and new fetches new server data. So how to prevent such and just display previous state when back button press?
I know it has been too long to give this answer but what i am guessing is you are replacing your fragment with other one. I mean to say is you are using
ft.replace(, fragment);
to move to other fragment which is you are using in your onItemClick so simple solution is use
ft.add(, fragment);
instead of replacing your fragment.
Understand the difference between replace and add. This will solve your problem.
Replace : it will replace the original fragment and re-create the view when you come back
Add : it will just add a new fragment to stack.
Hope this will help someone who is facing the same problem...
I don't think prevent calling onCreateView is a good idea, beside if the function is not called, there will be exception, so NO, you shouldn't. Instead of doing that, I suggest you move your "listview created and new fetches new server data" into another place where you can call explicitly (when you want, where you want, onCreate() is a good place), don't put it in onCreateView(). Hope this helps.
You should cache your data objects apart from view variables as their references needs to be updated if you are fetching any data from server and don't want to make a call again then use branching to branch out that code.
Create an init() method where you do all initialization and server calls and logically branch out call to init() method whenever you don't want to call init().

Android: Dynamically Change Activity Title to Text of Selected List Item

I'm new to Android development.
I created a simple master-detail app that starts with a simple, vertical scrolling list of topics.
When the user selects a topic, a details screen appears, replacing the first screen, with a list of details that pertain to the selected topic.
I want the title for the details screen to show the topic the user has selected on the first page, but haven't been able to solve the problem after working for almost a week.
All I need to know is, Can this be done? Not looking for someone to solve this for me, but maybe a hint or a link to a tutorial that shows how this can be done.
Note: I'd post a drawing of what I want to do, but I'm new here and don't have 10 reputation yet.
Not exactly sure what you want but either way..
-You have a listview. Each view (the data) in the listview should be a represented by a model. (aka a separate class containing specific information that you want to represent for each listitem.
-Write a custom list adapter (extend from base adapter).
In the getView method of this class you load the the String field of the model that you want in the textview.
-Make sure to use the viewholder pattern in the adapter above. I noticed the example doesnt use one. This speeds up scrolling in the list because there are much fewer calls to findViewById.
-in the list activity set up a View onClick listener. This should create an intent (for launching an activity) or a fragment transaction (for fragments). Send the instance of your entire model (will get from
in the on click method) into the detail activity.
-if you want to set a textview title just get the textview and set it from the model. It will be the same filed you inflated in the getView method of the adapter.
-if you want to set the titile in the actionbar set:
This is simple. Just send extra data in the intent that starts the activity and then in the activity's onCreate read the data and then use the setTitle(myString) method from the activity.
setTitle(String title) can be called from anywhere using the activity by the way.
So, your in your listadapter, then you set a listener on your view right? A simple onClickListener on the whole "root" view is just fine.
In the listener you say something in the ways of this:
Intent intent = new Intent(myActivity, MySubActivity.class);
intent.putExtra(key, titleName);
Note that the activity reference should be set in the constructor of the adapter and that the "key" String is something you get from your strings.xml. Do not duplicate these in code since if you change one and forget to change the others you might get some wierd NPEs.
Continue in your MySubActivity's onCreate()
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Intent intent = getIntent();
String key = getString(R.string.my_title_key);
String title = intent.getString(key);
NOTE: I'm not sure of all method names are correct and such but something like this.

