Ionic App for Android alternative way to update - android

I am developing an application for android with ionic, it will be an app which will not get to Play Store, I will generate the apk and my client will install it on his devices.
My first question is: I will use SQLite to store some informations, will these informations be lost if I need to update the app through generation of new apk and install it manually?
Second: There is another way to update the app remotely? Since it won't be on Play Store, how can I make the app update himself since I don't want to use any third party service for this?

I will use SQLite to store some informations, will these informations be lost if I need to update the app through generation of new apk and install it manually
Any data stored in database is kept between app updates.
You can alter (delete rows by example) this data in your new version if you want using the SQLiteOpenHelper#onUpgrade() method (link)
Second: There is another way to update the app remotely? Since it won't be on Play Store, how can I make the app update himself since I don't want to use any third party service for this?
There are some good services for this but I recommend to check HockeyApp.


Update app without Play Store

I have one service where I can put new apk file.For example, ( project is not in play store and I would to update my app remote,without play store.
I search about this in google,found some examples and articles,but I don't know witch is a best practice to solve my problem
In your option,how I can solve my problem most optimal way?
To implement auto update you can manage with your server with version details but for that you have to checked with application as well.
But there are another option from where you can manage auto-update.
You can use custom class provide by below URL.
One of the most optimal ways is to store APP version somewhere in web (for example in JSON file) with your APK file. And when running your app check if app version is not lower than stored in web JSON. If current app version is lower than stored in web - download new APK in background and and prompt user with notification and dialog about successful download and offer him to launch installation. For more details check this and this threads.

I want to update my android app in playstore that i made using basic for android

I just made my app using B4A and want to publish it in Play Store. And i want it to auto update whenever i made change in that app(new version). So my question is does i need to add the code in my app that checks for update or play store has feature that checks for new version and update automatically for the user.
The Play Store will periodically check for updates that you publish and prompt the user to install them. You don't have to write any code to make that happen.

App updates from server without App Store?

I have an idea about updating App without through AppStore:
After publishing, the app has two main functions, loader function and app content function. If I want to fix some little bug, which is only one line code sometimes, or just need to change the background of APP UI, even some logic codes. In tradition solution that is updated the APP to APP store and notify the user to update it.
Is it possible, using the loader function to download changed app content from server?
Does Apple and Android allow to do it?
Thanks a lot.
You can't do that in iOS app. You should submit your next version app to access the new features. If you try to download codes or any other runtime content. Your App should be rejected.
Please refer the apple-review guideline here.
According to the google play Developer-Content-Policy:
An app downloaded from Google Play may not modify, replace or update its own APK binary code using any method other than Google Play's update mechanism.
No, you can not do it. If you want to make any change in the application, you will have to pass through store formalities to distribute the application to end client.
For iOS, you can go with enterprise distribution option, but using that you cant distribute the application outside your Organisation.
For customisable background or UI customisable, you can take help of server to receive configuration from server.

How to update apps which are not on google play, i store or windows store

Am making an app for our company. This is a specific app only for internal use. Its size will be around 200 -250 mb. It is a cross platform app (Using phone-gap), i.e., it will be active on windows, android and on apple. Am not putting it on any store, i.e., istore, wondows store or google play.
Problem : I want to create a way in which this app can be updated from server, i.e., every time I make some data changes to it, it should be updated or ask for update on the respective platform.
Possible Solution : Use Django as a back-end. Every-time some data changes are saved, a script is initiated. This script updates or changes the respective code bases and builds the respective platforms. How can I push or pull these changes or updated version on the mobile devices?
PhoneGap offers Hydration, an automatic updating system activated by clicking a check-box.
It's more develoment than production oriented, but if this is an internal product, this would be a zero-cost solution.
You can use GCM for notifying the app, that you have an update.

Android Application Update Automatically

I have created simple Android Application to send a email, Application is Works Fine. I Created a one service to download and install Android Application form server[i don't want to put that Application in Marketplace]
I have update that Android Application in Future and built as a apk then upload it in server
Problem is In device i need to update that Application if i did some changes in Application
Give some useful ideas
You'll have to set up an API on your server which will tell your app if new updates are available. This API has to be checked periodically. If there is a new update, then this can be downloaded and installed and the original one uninstalled.
Another way is to use Google Cloud Messaging. You can set it up such that your app will get notification from your server when an update is available and then you can do as earlier.
Have a look at this thread to see how to uninstall and install packages:
install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents)
If you don't wanna uninstall/install manually, then you can use this excellent package from CommonsWare:
If you wanna use a framework then there are many options:
Probably you may want to try something like hockeykit

