Can't find Android Support Libary in Android SDK Manager - android

problem already explained in the topic. I already looked at:
Can't find Android Compatibility Package on SDK Manager
Can't find Android Support Package
Cant' find Android Support package
Android Support package not present in SDK Manager
Cannot find Support Package in Android SDK Manager
cannot find android support library
I made a screenshot with the things I can see:
Furthermore I'm using NetBeans. Hope you can help me

Download me
Download, unzip it and put it into the androids sdk\extras\android Folder. Than the Android Support Library should show up


Android sdk manager I don't have Android Support Library

I do a Android training and I have to use Eclipse. I created a new project and I get the error cannot resolved.
I look for the android-support-*.jar.
This is my SDK manager
I don't have Android Support Library package in my SDK Manager. How can I install the package "Android Support Library" ?
You have already downloaded Android support Repository .
To add support library to project, go to android sdk location sdk\extras\android\support , you can find all support libraries there .Add what ever library you need as a dependency
i guess you have to add V7 appCompact
If you are using linux. Try doing this in the terminal, it worked for me at some point in time. Don't know if it still works:
:~$ android list sdk -a --extended|less
This will list all the packages plus the extra-androidm2-repository because of the --extended option. After this you can the type:
android update sdk --no-ui -a --filter "extra-android-m2repository"
This will proceed to download the extra support repository, and place it in the $ANDROID_HOME/extras/android/m2repository/.If that does not work try downloading the zip file here. This is still not the end of it because you still have to find a way to use it and
This is why you should move to Android studio
The structure of android support repository changed to the .aar format. This means you cannot import the library as you would have with earlier support versions. You have to use maven plugin in eclipse to manage the libraries.
Maven central does not have the latest android support libraries, hence you have to use maven android connector.
If you want to read more, on how to Mavenize your project and use maven for android libraries read this. I found it personally to be very hard compared to android studio where you just have to add a dependency in gradle. Good luck.

Android SDK does not show the Android support library

I am new to Android development. I just installed Android SDK and with required packages.
In eclipse, I created my first Android project and came through all the steps of the wizard until the final step. In the last step, when I finish the creation of the project, the wizard does not disappear, but the project gets created with some errors(which are some popular errors among developers).
the error is :
Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the
given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light'.
I came through a suggestion given here and the suggestion is to install
the Android Support Library.
But in my SDK manager, it does not show the package for Android Support Library. under Extras. Why is that? How can I install the Android Support Library. using my SDK manager.
A screen shot of my SDK manager is given below. You can see that Android Support Library is not there even though support repository is there.
Found the solution finally.
RMB on the project
Android tools -> Add support library
It will install the Android support library(In my case it installed an obsolete version. I do not know why)
Then, in the SDK manager, Android Support Library can be seen after adding a tick to show the obsolete packages.
But cannot update it. Don't know why
Clean and build the project
Follow steps here

Where is Android Support package in the Android SDK Manager?

I am using Intellij Idea (same thing as Android Studio). Today I decided to update packages in Android SDK Manager, and during the update, my computer crashed. When I rebooted Ubuntu, the android executable was missing. So I re-extracted the android-sdk and got it working again. However, some jar files are missing, as shown in the attachment.
Apparently, when I installed all the necessary packages in the SDK Manager, I missed a package pertaining to android-support-v4.jar. I googled and found this link. It says download Android Support package under Extras. But I do not see it. I just see something called Android Support repository. Is it the same thing? If not, where can I get the Android Support package?
The Android Support Repository is the only entry still being updated and is all you need to run a Gradle based builds.
The now obsolete 'Android Support Library' package can be found by checking the 'Obsolete' checkbox in the bottom left and allows you to use at latest version 23.2.1.

Adding Xamarin support library v4

Can you please suggest me how do I manually add xamarin support library v4 jar file to the Components or some other way so that I would be able to use DialogFragment and other features.
The same question has also been asked in this but no one has proposed the solution.
I am actually working on xamarin using visual studio 2012. I am unable to use DialogFragment and other features because of not proper configuration of xamarin support library v4 in visual studio. I have already installed xamarin support library v4 using sdk manager and it exists in C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\extras\android\support\v4
but visual studio is not loading this library, although it loads automatically. This path contains android-support-v4.jar and src folder as well.
I have also tried installing using nuget but I get the following error
Could not install package 'Xamarin.Android.Support.v4'. You
are trying to install this package into a project that targets
'MonoAndroid,Version=v2.2', but the package does not contain any
assembly references or content files that are compatible with that
framework. For more information, contact the package author.
The Xamarin.Android.Support.v4 supports android 1.6 and higher.
I have looked on this answer but it did not help me.
Thank you.

Download whole project from android developer?

I want to use this project:
How can I download all files at once?
The samples are downloadable with the AVD Manager tool, under the name "Samples for SDK API X".
You can get read this page for further explanation :
Go to Android SDK Manager in Eclispe
Check Samples for SDK for the given API number
Then install packages
You will be able to find sample projects in your sdk folder

