Migrating GCM to FirebaseCM: onMessageReceived() not called in foreground - android

I'm trying to migrate Android client app from Google Cloud Messaging to Firebase Cloud Messaging. I strictly followed an official tutorial, but didn't succeed - onMessageReceived() method is not called when app in foreground.
So here are code snippets that I touched.
build.gradle (project level)
dependencies {
//other stuff
classpath 'com.google.gms:google-services:3.0.0'
build.gradle (app level)
apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services' //this line in the bottom
dependencies {
//other stuff here
compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:9.0.0'
<service android:name=".service.FirebaseService">
<action android:name="com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT" />
<action android:name="com.google.firebase.INSTANCE_ID_EVENT" />
android:exported="false" />
as childs of <application> tag.
public class MyInstanceIDListenerService extends FirebaseInstanceIdService {
final String TAG = "Firebase instance id";
public void onTokenRefresh() {
String refreshedToken = FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken();
Log.d(TAG, "Refreshed token: " + refreshedToken);
private void sendRegistrationToServer(String token) {
Intent intent = new Intent(RegistrationIntentServiceEvent.TOKEN);
intent.putExtra(RegistrationIntentServiceEvent.TOKEN, token);
public class FirebaseService extends FirebaseMessagingService {
public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage message){
String from = message.getFrom();
Map data = message.getData();
Log.d(TAG, "Message: " + from); //Never appears in logcat
//other stuff
public class RegistrationIntentService extends IntentService {
private static final String TAG = "RegIntentService";
public RegistrationIntentService() {
protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
try {
synchronized (TAG) {
String token = FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken();
Log.i(TAG, "GCM Registration Token: " + token);//This works fine
//and shows this line - 12-19 17:59:33.295 3146-5386/ru.bpc.mobilebank.bpc I/RegIntentService: GCM Registration Token: *some_token*
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d(TAG, "Failed to complete token refresh", e);
private void sendRegistrationToServer(String token) {
Intent intent = new Intent(RegistrationIntentServiceEvent.TOKEN);
intent.putExtra(RegistrationIntentServiceEvent.TOKEN, token);
Please, tell if i did something wrong and why registrations seems to be done properly, but the onMessageReceived() method is never called even if the app is in foreground. Thanks in advance.
P.S. By the way, is adding SHA-1 keys in Firebase console necessary? maybe this could cause the problem? But Firebase says this action is optional.

if you are using FCM then you should replace this
<service android:name=".service.GcmService">
<action android:name="com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT" />
<service android:name=".service.FirebaseService">
<action android:name="com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT" />
your service not registered properly..


How to have multiple FirebaseMessagingService in Android?

In my project, I'm using two libs to handle two different types of push notifications: Localytics and react-native-push-notification.
I have a custom FirebaseMessagingService that checks if it's a Localytics push then let the Localytics handle it via their provided methods. But if it's not a Localytics push, I need to pass this push data to react-native-push-notification's RNPushNotificationListenerService which is also a FirebaseMessagingService.
I'm attempting to start the RNPushNotificationListenerService but it doesn't seem to be starting because it never sends a push. I have tried setting breakpoints too but no luck.
<!-- push notifications -->
<service android:name=".fcm.CustomFirebaseMessagingService">
<action android:name="com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT" />
<receiver android:name="com.dieam.reactnativepushnotification.modules.RNPushNotificationPublisher" />
<receiver android:name="com.dieam.reactnativepushnotification.modules.RNPushNotificationBootEventReceiver">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" />
<service android:name="com.dieam.reactnativepushnotification.modules.RNPushNotificationRegistrationService"/>
<action android:name="com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT" />
<!-- push notifications end -->
public class CustomFirebaseMessagingService extends FirebaseMessagingService {
public CustomFirebaseMessagingService() {
public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
Map<String, String> data = remoteMessage.getData();
try {
if (!Localytics.handleFirebaseMessage(data)) {
} catch (Exception e) {
Timber.e(e, "Failed to extract Push Message", remoteMessage.getMessageId());
public void onDeletedMessages() {
public void onMessageSent(String msgId) {
public void onSendError(String msgId, Exception e) {
super.onSendError(msgId, e);
public void onNewToken(String token) {
private void forwardPushNotification(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
Map<String, String> data = remoteMessage.getData();
data.put("from", remoteMessage.getFrom());
Intent intent = new Intent(this, RNPushNotificationListenerService.class);
Bundle extraData = new Bundle(data.size());
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : data.entrySet()) {
extraData.putString(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
I have a feeling I'm not starting the service correctly?
I am also aware that AndroidManifest will ignore the declaration of com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT for RNPushNotificationListenerService.
I have tried getting the individual libraries working without my custom FirebaseMessagingService and they both work correctly. I just need to figure out how to start RNPushNotificationListenerService when I have both setup with my custom FirebaseMessagingService.

Receive notification in chat with fcm

Hi there I'm building the chat app using firebase and I would like to push notification when a user send message to another user with FCM.
Any help please
add compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:11.8.0' to your app/build.gradle file.
and below code to your AndroidManifest.xml
<action android:name="com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT" />
<action android:name="com.google.firebase.INSTANCE_ID_EVENT" />
public class MyFirebaseMessagingService extends FirebaseMessagingService {
private static final String TAG = "MyFMService";
public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
// Handle data payload of FCM messages.
Log.d(TAG, "FCM Message Id: " + remoteMessage.getMessageId());
Log.d(TAG, "FCM Notification Message: " +
Log.d(TAG, "FCM Data Message: " + remoteMessage.getData());
public class MyFirebaseInstanceIdService extends FirebaseInstanceIdService {
private static final String TAG = "MyFirebaseIIDService";
private static final String FRIENDLY_ENGAGE_TOPIC = "friendly_engage";
* The Application's current Instance ID token is no longer valid
* and thus a new one must be requested.
public void onTokenRefresh() {
// If you need to handle the generation of a token, initially or
// after a refresh this is where you should do that.
String token = FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken();
Log.d(TAG, "FCM Token: " + token);
// Once a token is generated, we subscribe to topic.
Hope this will help you

Push notification not works in firebase

I have created one new app for push notification in https://console.firebase.google.com. I have followed all steps mentioned at last it shows -unknown app- under the head Targeting user segment.
How to test push notification in firebase?
<activity android:name=".MainActivity">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
First, for using firebase push notifications add the dependencies
dependencies {
compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:11.6.2' // this line must be included to use FCM
Add a service that extends FirebaseMessagingService
public class MyFirebaseMessagingService extends FirebaseMessagingService {
private static final String TAG = "FCM Service";
public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
// TODO: Handle FCM messages here.
// If the application is in the foreground handle both data and notification messages here.
// Also if you intend on generating your own notifications as a result of a received FCM
// message, here is where that should be initiated.
Log.d(TAG, "From: " + remoteMessage.getFrom());
Log.d(TAG, "Notification Message Body: " + remoteMessage.getNotification().getBody());
In your Manifest add this
<service android:name=".MyFirebaseMessagingService">
<action android:name="com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT"/>
Add a service that extends FirebaseInstanceIdService
public class FirebaseIDService extends FirebaseInstanceIdService {
private static final String TAG = "FirebaseIDService";
public void onTokenRefresh() {
// Get updated InstanceID token.
String refreshedToken = FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken();
Log.d(TAG, "Refreshed token: " + refreshedToken);
// TODO: Implement this method to send any registration to your app's servers.
* Persist token to third-party servers.
* Modify this method to associate the user's FCM InstanceID token with any server-side account
* maintained by your application.
* #param token The new token.
private void sendRegistrationToServer(String token) {
// Add custom implementation, as needed.
Add it into the AndroidManifest.xml file, this makes sure that the service is loaded
<service android:name=".FirebaseIDService">
<action android:name="com.google.firebase.INSTANCE_ID_EVENT"/>
You are done implementing firebase push notifications !
Test and send your first push notification from firebase console !
hope it helped
For more info check this: https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/android/client?hl
happy coding !

How to get (FCM) token in android studio?

It's my first time to use FCM, I created a new project in android studio, then I clicked on "tools" and I chose Firebase, I followed all the steps in this window
and I copied and pasted these blocks of code exactly in the same location as mentioned
here's my Java code
public class ZeftToken extends FirebaseInstanceIdService {
public void onTokenRefresh() {
// Get updated InstanceID token.
String refreshedToken = FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken();
Log.d("zeft", "Refreshed token: " + refreshedToken);
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
This is my Manifest file:
<activity android:name=".MainActivity">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
<action android:name="com.google.firebase.INSTANCE_ID_EVENT"/>
When I run the application I don't get the token in the logcat and it's completely missing. I don't know what's wrong.
extend FirebaseMessagingService
use onNewToken instead of onTokenRefresh
getToken() method is now deprecated
public void onNewToken(String token) {
Log.d(TAG, "Refreshed token: " + token);
// If you want to send messages to this application instance or
// manage this apps subscriptions on the server side, send the
// Instance ID token to your app server.
if you want to retrieve token in you activity
use the below code .getInstanceId() instead of .getToken() method
FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getInstanceId().addOnSuccessListener( MyActivity.this, new OnSuccessListener<InstanceIdResult>() {
public void onSuccess(InstanceIdResult instanceIdResult) {
String newToken = instanceIdResult.getToken();
I solved my solution with this function below;
public void savePushToken(){
if (!settings.hasData(Keys.pushTokenSaved) ){
FirebaseMessaging messaging = FirebaseMessaging.getInstance();
messaging.getToken().addOnSuccessListener(s -> {
Log.d("ON TOKEN",s);
pushToken = s;
JSONObject params = new JSONObject();
JSONObject info = new JSONObject();
try {
info.put( "framework", "flutter");
info.put( "cihaz_bilgisi", new JSONObject());
} catch (JSONException e) {
NetworkHelper.request(MyMethod.put, Links.savePushToken, params, false, false,
if (response.has("successful")||response.optString("message").contains("Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry")) {
settings.setBool(Keys.pushTokenSaved, true);
if everyting other good. (i hope you have json file provided by fcm service ? )
just move
to for example your application or mainactivity
if u have error ( null pointer exception ) than you firebase not initialized. Check againe tutorial. And dont forget about google-json
Maybe you've already received the token in previous instance of app. The method onTokenRefresh only gets called when it is created or updated. It will not be executed in all app instances. Clear app data or uninstall app and run it again so that new token will be created and you can see it in the log.
Make sure to store the received token in shared preferences or database for future usage.
Reference Get started with Firebase
Cross check the file path of google-service.json as specified
Check the console for FCM token when you launch the app(Main Activity)
Android Manifest
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
<activity android:name=".MainActivity">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
<action android:name="com.google.firebase.INSTANCE_ID_EVENT"/>
<action android:name="com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT"/>
Main Activity
package in.sdev.android.stackoverflow;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;
import android.util.Log;
import com.google.firebase.iid.FirebaseInstanceId;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
public static String TAG = "MainActivity";
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
String refreshedToken = FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken();
Log.d(TAG, "FCM token: " + refreshedToken);
Sample Firebase Package
package in.sdev.android.stackoverflow.firebase;
import android.util.Log;
import com.google.firebase.iid.FirebaseInstanceId;
import com.google.firebase.iid.FirebaseInstanceIdService;
import static android.content.ContentValues.TAG;
public class MyFirebaseInstanceIDService extends FirebaseInstanceIdService {
public void onTokenRefresh() {
// Get updated InstanceID token.
String refreshedToken = FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken();
Log.d(TAG, "Refreshed token: " + refreshedToken);
// If you want to send messages to this application instance or
// manage this apps subscriptions on the server side, send the
// Instance ID token to your app server.
public void sendRegistrationToServer(String token){
Log.v("FirebaseService", "Token " + token);
package in.sdev.android.stackoverflow.firebase;
import android.util.Log;
import com.google.firebase.messaging.FirebaseMessagingService;
import com.google.firebase.messaging.RemoteMessage;
public class MyFirebaseMessagingService extends FirebaseMessagingService {
public static String TAG = "MyFirebaseMsgService";
public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
// ...
// TODO(developer): Handle FCM messages here.
Log.d(TAG, "From: " + remoteMessage.getFrom());
// Check if message contains a data payload.
if (remoteMessage.getData().size() > 0) {
Log.d(TAG, "Message data payload: " + remoteMessage.getData());
// Check if message contains a notification payload.
if (remoteMessage.getNotification() != null) {
Log.d(TAG, "Message Notification Body: " + remoteMessage.getNotification().getBody());
// Also if you intend on generating your own notifications as a result of a received FCM
// message, here is where that should be initiated. See sendNotification method below.
Hope this helps

Fetch old notification from fcm Android

I am using FCM for notification and it is working good in all scenarios in Foreground and background. My problem is when I am logout from my application and another user send me message, I am not getting any notification as I am logout which is fine, but when I again login in my application I want to receive that old unread notification so how to do this any help would be appreciated following is the code I used
public class FirebaseIDService extends FirebaseInstanceIdService {
private static final String TAG = "FirebaseIDService";
Context ctx = this;
public void onTokenRefresh() {
// Get updated InstanceID token.
try {
String refreshedToken = FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken();
Log.d(TAG, "Refreshed token: " + refreshedToken);
} catch (Exception e) {
public class MyFirebaseMessagingService extends FirebaseMessagingService {
private static final String TAG = "FCM Service";
public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
Log.e("remote", remoteMessage.getData().get("type") + "");
Log.e("remoteMessage", remoteMessage.getData() + "");
Log.e("remoteMessagebody", remoteMessage.getData().get("body") + "");
// handling other data also according to my app which i am not mentioning
I have used this code for fetching old notification but didnot worked
and in manifest
<action android:name="com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT" />
<service android:name=".FirebaseIDService">
<action android:name="com.google.firebase.INSTANCE_ID_EVENT" />
and in gradle
compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:9.2.1'
An FCM message has its own lifetime -- 4 weeks default, could be modified by setting time_to_live in your payload. After that time, the message would be discarded.
What you could do is implement that each notif is saved in a your Server DB, if it is not read yet and you detect that the user re-logs in, re-send them as push notifications, or simply retrieve them in your app and display them as notifications.

