WakefulBroadcastReceiver startWakefulService fails to proceed - android

My app will not invoke the intentservice request from the wakefulbroadcastreceiver
<action android:name="com.google.android.gms.wearable.DATA_CHANGED" />
<action android:name="com.google.android.gms.wearable.MESSAGE_RECEIVED"/>
<data android:scheme="wear" android:host="*"/>
So i register all receivers and services.
inside my main activity i have these as sub-classes within the main class so i can call the method in the main class msgReqAction()
public class WearableReceiver extends WakefulBroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Intent service = new Intent(context, WearableReceiverService.class);
startWakefulService(context, service);
public class WearableReceiverService extends IntentService {
public WearableReceiverService(){
protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
msgReqAction(intent.getIntExtra(MyConstants.BROADCAST_DATA_REQ, 0));
I don't think having these as subclasses should hinder the situation but it may. if i must have these outside the main class for operation let me know.
finally i begin the whole process from a listener outside the main activity that listens for a message from the wearable
public void onMessageReceived(final MessageEvent messageEvent) {
nodeId = messageEvent.getSourceNodeId();
String incomingPath = messageEvent.getPath();
int incomingReq = Integer.parseInt(new String(messageEvent.getData()));
if(incomingPath.equalsIgnoreCase(MyConstants.MSG_COUNTER_REQ_PATH)) {
Intent broadcastIntent = new Intent();
broadcastIntent.putExtra(MyConstants.BROADCAST_DATA_REQ, incomingReq);
}else if(incomingPath.equalsIgnoreCase(MyConstants.MSG_DEFAULT_PATH)){
public static final String BROADCAST_ACTION_RESP = "com.example.johnbravado.zionwork.MESSAGE_PROCESSED";
my project is com.example.johnbravado.zionwork - also on a side note is there a way to change and refactor that in android studio easily so i can get rid of example or change it completely?
when i run the debugger the system gets all the way to
startWakefulService(context, service);
then it crashes without entering the intent service. is there somethig simple i am missing amongst all this which is preventing it from going into the service and doing work. best i can tell is it does not go into the service at all. i added some intro lines of the service
protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
int data;
data = 0;
msgReqAction(intent.getIntExtra(MyConstants.BROADCAST_DATA_REQ, 0));
and tried to run debug points on these lines and it didnt get there.

You cannot have a Service defined as a non-static inner class.
A non-static inner class contains a reference to its outer class. This means that in order to create a new instance of the inner class, you need to have an instance of the outer class.
When Android tries to start your Service, it tries to create a new instance of the inner class. This fails, because Android does not have an instance of the outer class to use in the creation.
The same rule applies to the BroadcastReceiver.
Solution: Move all your inner classes to full-fledged classes (in their own source files).

The solution was to eliminate the WakefulfulBroadcastReceiver and secondary IntentService. Instead, I used a BroadcastReceiever and sent a broadcast directly from the Wearable listener function and used that to process data directly within the activity.
public class WearableReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
//Intent service = new Intent(context, WearableReceiverService.class);
//startWakefulService(context, service);
PowerManager powerManager = (PowerManager) getSystemService(POWER_SERVICE);
PowerManager.WakeLock wakeLock = powerManager.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK,
// Do Work
msgReqAction(intent.getIntExtra(MyConstants.BROADCAST_DATA_REQ, 0));
Even though i do not do much that would necessarily require a wakelock. if i decide later to do more work i have it ready to go. i am not sure if this is best place for the wakelock either never really used them but that is another topic.
I removed reference to the extra service and receiver in the manifest file also. works good now


Can't instantiate class …; no empty constructor

I have this famous error Can't instantiate class ...; no empty constructor even after i added an empty constructor it's doesn't solve the problem. here's the code:
public class BackService extends Service {
private BackService() { }
public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
return null;
SmsListener SmsListener = new SmsListener();
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
registerReceiver(SmsListener, new IntentFilter("android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED"));
and in manifest :
<service android:name="MainActivity$BackService" />
How i can solve it? thank you
Make the constructor public or eliminate that zero-argument constructor. Having a private zero-argument constructor will not work, as the framework cannot use it.
Also, this needs to be a static class, since from your <service> element, it appears to be inside MainActivity (which is very strange).
The empty constructor needs to be accessible. You could define it as public:
public BackService() { }
Or just remove it altogether and use the default constructor (since the class has no other constructors).
You should not construct Service (or Activity, BroadcastReceiver) explicitly. The Android system does that for you internally. The proper way to start a service is via startService() with an Intent, not by calling something like new YourService().
In your case, just delete this line:
private BackService() { }
..and make sure you're starting the Service correctly.
If you want to be notified about new SMS only when your activity is visible to user do these:
remove service entirely
move this line to Activity's onCreate
SmsListener SmsListener = new SmsListener();
move this line to Activity's onResume
registerReceiver(SmsListener, new IntentFilter("android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED"));
add this line to Activity's onPause
Otherwise if you want to always be notified about new SMS just add a broadcast receiver to your project:
<receiver android:name=".SmsListener" >
<intent-filter android:priority="500">
<action android:name="android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED"/>

How to call IntentService from WakefulBroadcastReceiver

I have an IntentService defined as below:
<service android:name=".service.AppService" android:process=":app_process" android:icon="#mipmap/ic_launcher" />
I have a WakefulBroadcastReceiver that receives some data and I would like to call my already running service above. The service above is always running, even if it is killed, it restarts. How can I pass messages to that?
I read the following:
I tried to do a startService, PendingIntent among other things and nothing seems to work.
First of all, remember that an IntentService works in a different worker thread, there for it's not possible to have intercommunication with the Activity that invoked it. That's why mostly we use them for synchronization on background where feedback to the user is not needed. However, if you want to pass some information to the Activity, you have to use a BroadcastReceiver as you said, and from there create the Intent that will send "data" to the Activity.
Going back to your question, you have to add the service and the receiver in your AndroidManifest.xml inside the <application> tag
<service android:name=".AppService"
<receiver android:name=".WakefulBroadcastReceiver" >
Then in your Activity launch the service like this (whenever you need it, in the onCreate, or in a button listener)
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(WakefulBroadcastReceiver.ACTION_RESP);
WakefulBroadcastReceiver broadcastReceiver = new WakefulBroadcastReceiver();
registerReceiver(broadcastReceiver, filter);
In your BroadcastReceiver you override the onReceive() method like this:
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Toast.makeText(context, "IntentService Broadcasting", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Also in the same BroadcastReceiver add this variable that identifies the intentfilter:
public static final String ACTION_RESP = "MY_FILTER_NAME"
In your IntentService class you have to override the onHandleIntent() method like this:
protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
String msg = intent.getStringExtra("MSG");
Intent broadcast = new Intent();
broadcast.putExtra("MSG", resultTxt);
I have a demo project in my GitHub account here, where I use bound and unbound services and IntentServices:
I hope it helps.
Kind regards!
You can write this in your class that extends WakefulBroadcastReceiver :
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Intent gcmIntent = new Intent(context, MessageService.class);
startWakefulService(context, gcmIntent);
And write this in your class that extend IntentService :
protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();
//do sth with that data

Broadcast Receiver class and registerReceiver method

Hi i am trying to understand Broadcast Receiver , i went through many sample codes , but still have some doubts. I wanted to know when we have to extend the Broadcast Receiver class and when should we use registerReceiver() method and when should we create object for BroadcastReceiver. In some programs i came across registerReceiver methods being used but without extending the Broadcast Receiver class. I also wanted to know how the onReceive method gets called.
Which approach should be used when?
here is the registerReceiver method:
registerReceiver(new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
switch (getResultCode()) {
}, new IntentFilter(SENT));
Object being created for BroadcastReceiver:
private BroadcastReceiver intentReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Android has intent action for broadcast receiver. BroadCast receiver will be trigger when it listen any action which registered within it.
Now we will take one example :
That we need to listen the action of "whenever any bluetooth device connect to our device". For that android has it fix action android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.ACTION_ACL_CONNECTED
So you can get it via manifest & registration also
BY Manifest Registration:
Put this in your manifest
<receiver android:name="MyBTReceiver">
<action android:name="android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.ACTION_ACL_CONNECTED" />
Create MyBTReceiver.class
public class MyBTReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Log.d(TAG,"Bluetooth connect");
That was the simplest broadcast Receiver.
if you are only interested in receiving a broadcast while you are running, it is better to use registerReceiver(). You can also register it within your existing class file. you also need to unregister it onDestroy().
here, you dont need any broadcast registration in manifest except activity registration
For example
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
IntentFilter filter1;
public void onCreate() {
filter1 = new IntentFilter("android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.ACTION_ACL_CONNECTED");
registerReceiver(myReceiver, filter1);
//The BroadcastReceiver that listens for bluetooth broadcasts
private final BroadcastReceiver myReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if(intent.getAction().equalsIgnoreCase("android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.ACTION_ACL_CONNECTED")) {
Log.d(TAG,"Bluetooth connect");
public void onDestroy() {
In both cases BroadcastReceiver will be extended. In your second example you create so called anonymous class. New class has no specific name, that is why it's called so. Anyway this new class extends BroadcastReceiver and overrides onReceive() method.
Now back to your question. There are two kinds of receivers - statically and dynamically defined ones.
If you declare your receiver in AndroidManifest file, then it is statically defined. In this case you need to refer to a class implementing BroadcastReceiver by name. As you can see, you cannot use an anonymous class, because the last has no name. You have to explicitly implement a receiver. It's worth to mention, that in this case you do not use registerReceiver() method. Android does it for you automatically.
If you declare receivers dynamically (for instance in activity's onResume() method), then you can use anonymous class for that. To register a receiver you call registerReceiver() method. You can also use a named class too. Both options are valid in this case.
Hope this explains the difference.
In both case you are creating object.But in first case there is not any reference for
the receiver object so it can not be unregistered later but second one has so it can be
unregistered after registering object using below methods:
registerReceiver(intentReceiver );
unregisterReceiver(intentReceiver );

Android: Obtaining a class after a call to startService()

I am getting confused with all the different terminology when using Android: Activity, Service...
Right now I create a service:
startService(new Intent(this, RingerServer.class));
And this service starts a thread:
public class RingerServer extends Service {
public void onCreate() {
new Thread(new Ringer()).start();
public class Ringer implements Runnable { ... }
public void refuseConnection() { ... }
In this service, the RingerServer, I also have methods that I want to use. I would like to keep a reference to the RingerServer. I would basically like the Activity that created the service to be able to call refuseConnection(), but not make that method static.
startService returns a ComponentName, so I've been trying to cast it back to RingerServer but that doesn't seem to work. I see that it has getClass() and I've checked and getClassName() gives me the correct class. I haven't been able to use getClass() properly though.
Is there any way I can please keep a reference to the newly created RingerServer class? I am sure this is trivial, but I am stuck right now.
Thank you very much,
You have two options
1.Override onStartCommand of the service and start the server with intent using an action. that intent will be received in service, based on the intent action you can call refuseConnection()
//In Activity
//Start the service
Intent intent=new Intent("com.xx.xx.REFUSE_CONNECTION");
//In Service
public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) {
super.onStart(intent, startId);
//Refuse the connection
}else {
//Do something else
//In Manifest
<service android:name="RingerService">
<action android:name="com.xx.xx.REFUSE_CONNECTION"></action>
Implement AIDL interface and override onBind() of service , and use this interface to call refuseConnection(). Refer to this link http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/aidl.html regarding AIDL.
You can use a ServiceConnection to get access to your service class. See sample code here:
Android service running after pressing Home key
That said, managing things via the service's onStart handler is much simpler.

Android-Broadcast Receiver and Intent Filter

I am new to android platform.please help me out how the Broadcast Receiver and Intent Filter behaves in android.please explain in simple line or with example.thanks in advance...
A broadcast receiver is a class in your Android project which is responsible to receive all intents, which are sent by other activities by using android.content.ContextWreapper.sendBroadcast(Intent intent)
In the manifest file of you receicving activity, you have to declare which is your broadcast receiver class, for example:
<receiver android:name="xyz.games.pacman.network.MessageListener">
<action android:name="xyz.games.pacman.controller.BROADCAST" />
As you can see, you also define the intent filter here, that is, which intents should be received by the broadcas receiver.
Then you have to define a class which extends BroadcastReceiver. This is the class you defined in the manifest file:
public class MessageListener extends BroadcastReceiver {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* #see android.content.BroadcastReceiver#onReceive(android.content.Context, android.content.Intent)
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Here, all intents which are passed through the filter are received and you can access them using the parameter passed in the method call.
A BroadcastReceiver can be registered in two ways: dynamic or static. Static is nothing but declaring the action through an intent-filter in AndroidManifest.xml to register a new BroadcastReceiver class. Dynamic is registering the receiver from within another class. An intent-filter determines which action should be received.
To create a BroadcastReceiver, you have to extend the BroadcastReceiver class and override onReceive(Context,Intent) method. Here you can check the incoming intent with Intent.getAction() and execute code accordingly.
As a new class, static would be
public class Reciever1 extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
String str = intent.getAction();
if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("HELLO1")) {
Log.d("Abrar", "reciever....");
new Thread() {
public void run() {
Log.d("Abrar", "reciever....");
or, if placed inside an existing class, it is called dynamically with
intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
//---register the receiver---
registerReceiver(new Reciever1(), intentFilter);
BroadcastReceiver : 'Gateway' with which your app tells to Android OS that, your app is interested in receiving information.
Intent-Filter : Works with BroadcastReceiver and tells the 'What' information it is interested to receive in. For example, your app wants to receive information on Battery level.

