How to call an Android app's method remotely? - android

I'm working on a project that improves Automation Test for Android's App. What I want to do is very "easy": I have this very simple SIP Client with a basic UI and developed just reading the API guides on the android developer website ( that receives and makes SIP calls.
I need to control remotely this app from my PC, connected at the same local network or the same wifi, by sending commands or similar (without interact with the phone) to the app itslef running normally on my phone.For a specific example I posted the method initiateCall() that calls sipAddress(in the app, sipAddress is taken from a Text Box), what I want to do is:
Starting the app on my phone
calling the method initiateCall() from my pc giving a sipAddress as a parameter (I must not use the UI from the app running, that's why I need to give the sipAddress)
check if an outgoing call starts from the app running on my phone
I thought that the solution must be something about web-services,but I don't have any better ideas and i don't know how to start and where to start solving this problem,that's why i need you help.
public void initiateCall() {
try {
SipAudioCall.Listener listener = new SipAudioCall.Listener() {
// set up the listener for outgoing calls
public void onCallEstablished(SipAudioCall call) {
updateStatus(call, 2);
public void onCallEnded(SipAudioCall call) {
updateStatus("Call End");
call = manager.makeAudioCall(me.getUriString(), sipAddress,
listener, 30);
} catch (Exception e) {
"Error when trying to close manager.", e);
if (me != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception ee) {
"Error when trying to close manager.", ee);
if (call != null) {

You could do it REST API style. You would need to set up a minimalistic webserver.
If you access for example the url phoneip/ctrl/makecall?number=yournumber a serverside method us called if set up correctly. Then you can call you method and use the GET or POST variables as arguments.
You would have to look into Java Webserver Libraries/Frameworks. You can pick a lightweight one for that purpose. For example this one.
You could then also add security features (authentification to protect it) quite easily.
Example with sparkjava
import static spark.Spark.*;
get("/ctrl/makecall", (request, response) -> {
String phonenum = request.queryParams("number"); //may not be accurate; you have to determine the GET variable called "number" in that case; you can rename it; see docs!!!
//call your method with proper arguments


How to end the Sip Call using sipstack

I used the Android built-in sip library to write an app that makes calls via my server. The calls are being made correctly, but most of the time, the calls aren't ended correctly.
This is my code to end the call:
public void stopCalling(){
try {
} catch (SipException e) {
But it does not Ended properly.
Is there any other way to ended the sip call.

How to join an active session running on a Chromcast device

I have to Users (User A and B) and one Chromecast device (C1).
User B starts a stream on C1.
User A connects to C1
Now User A should be able to control the stream running on C1. But every time I want to start a session the running stream on C1 is shut down and the receiver app is restarting.
Is there a way to join an active session? Or is that a job which has to be done by the web app running on the Chromecast device?
my sender app is a native Android app
You should have a look to the TicTacToe application. I think it does exactly that where 2 players can join the same game :
Hope this helps.
What sort of sender are you using? Is it a native app (i.e. using Android or iOs SDK on a mobile device) or the sender is a chrome app?
On the receiver, you create a Receiver object and a ChannelHandler. You use the receiver to generate a ChannelFactory which you then pass to the ChannelHandler. The ChannelHandler now handles the creation of channels on the receiver. You will want to add an EventListener to the handler to listen to messages. Based on those messages you can do various things.
receiver = new cast.receiver.Receiver(YOUR_APP_ID, [YOUR_PROTOCOL], "", 5);
var dashHandler = new cast.receiver.ChannelHandler(YOUR_PROTOCOL);
dashHandler.addEventListener(cast.receiver.Channel.EventType.MESSAGE, onMessage.bind(this));
onMessage = function (e) {
var message = e.message;
switch (message.type) {
On the sender, after a session is created you will want to send a check status message to the receiver to see if there are already channels attached. You can do this via your MessageStream and your receiver needs to respond in such a way that the MessageStream gets its status updated. You check that status to see if there are channels. If there are you can start listening to updates for your receiver. If not you can send a load event to the receiver to start your activity.
MediaProtocolCommand cmd = mMessageStream.requestStatus();
cmd.setListener(new MediaProtocolCommand.Listener() {
public void onCompleted(MediaProtocolCommand mPCommand) {
if (mMessageStream.getState() == 'channelsExist') {
//Start New Activity
} else {
//Join Existing Activity
public void onCancelled(MediaProtocolCommand mPCommand) {
This is kind of a vague response, but it could be more specific if I knew what you were trying to do. My app is using Google's RAMP protocol to play videos so my MessageStream and all it's messages are already defined. If you're doing something different, you need to create your own MessageStream.
Sorry for the late answer, but I figured it out by myself: It wasn't such complicated at all
I started the an Application like this
try {
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(), e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(), e.getMessage(), e);
But it seems, that the MimeData applicationArgs is not needed at all. By removing the arguments and starting the session like below it works really fine!
try {
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(), e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(), e.getMessage(), e);
I hope this works for you too!

How to use the hide methods in API?

I have seen some hide methods in
/** #hide */
public void setDiscoverableTimeout(int timeout) {
if (getState() != STATE_ON) return;
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {Log.e(TAG, "", e);}
I want to use the above method but still not aware that how can I use this method in my program so that my app should be always in discoverable mode?
you can use reflections, i have been using it. The only flip side is it may be google doesn't provide any guarantee for it.

Exception when trying to call(SIP)

I'm developping a SIP application, and when i want to call someone(with its identifier configured in the server) i have a NullPointerException => "Error when trying to close manager."
Here is the code:
public void initiateCall() {
try {
SipAudioCall.Listener listener = new SipAudioCall.Listener() {
public void onCallEstablished(SipAudioCall call) {
public void onCallEnded(SipAudioCall call) {
call = manager.makeAudioCall(me.getUriString(), sipAddress, listener, 30);
catch (Exception e) {
Log.i("WalkieTalkieActivity/InitiateCall", "Error when trying to close manager.", e);
if (me != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception ee) {
"Error when trying to close manager.", ee);
if (call != null) {
Thank you for your help.
The VOIP/SIP libary is not supported by default on Android emulator. The problem is that the manager == null - thats why you are getting the NullPointerException.
Luckily, there is a work-a-round. Download this link and copy it into ...\.android\avd\.avd folder.
Start your emulator and
Boolean voipSupported = SipManager.isVoipSupported(this);
Boolean apiSupported = SipManager.isApiSupported(this);
should now return true.
Source: (Sip API) only works on G711 over Android 2.3+.
Also the phones supplied by carriers may have the SIP stack ( blocked or cripple. SipManager.isVoipSupported(this) && SipManager.isApiSupported(this) will return false for most of the devices is your ie. your SipManager object will always be null in such case.You should use third party library to implement SIP.
There are different open source sip stack libraries as well as projects are available on internet. You can download the source code of that projects.
Here is the List of some popular open source sip stack libraries which allows to voice call over internet.
1.Jain sip (I think the best option):
There are different open source projects which have used these libraries in their projects.
1.Jain sip: Not used in a "famous" app.
2. Sipdroid uses MjSip
3. Csipsimple uses PjSip
4. Imsdroid uses doubango.
Check the bridge connection in Android and the SIP server in your application to obtain the SIP key of your application.

Bind to Service and execute some methods?

Ok, I understood, that when you bind to a remote Service, it won't bind until you return from the callback. I need to bind to a service and execute some method from it immediately. Is there any way? My code looks like:
try {
Parser parser = FrameworkBridge.getFrameworkBridge(this).getParser();
if (parser != null) {
for (Article a : parser.getArticlesList("", 1379, 20)) {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Log.d(TAG, "Service communication failure");
} catch (FrameworkNotInstalledException e) {
Log.d(TAG, "No framework installed. Install it!");
Here FrameworkBridge.getFrameworkBridge(this).getParser() performs all service connection routine and returns remote interface. The problem is -- when I'm in the code above, the connection is not performed yet, therefore parser is null. How can I make it connect before exiting the code?
onServiceConnected(..) will tell you when the service is connected and the remote interface is established. Don't try to call any methods in the service until this is triggered.
mContext.bindService( new Intent("name of the class"), this, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
the above method call on the copy of the context you store should automatically bind the service when you need it. I am not 100% sure, but this should help you out somewhat.

