Splitting unit and integration tests for android - android

Currently I have a test/src/java folder where all of the tests for the android application are stored (tests are done using junit, mockito and robolectric).
And I can run those using ./gradlew test
What I'd like to achieve is having two folders:
integrationTest/src/java - for integration tests
test/src/java - for unit tests
And also I'd like to run them separately, like ./gradlew test and ./gradlew integrationTest.
I've managed to split directories with tests using sourceSets like this:
sourceSets {
test {
java {
srcDirs = ['src/test/java', 'src/integrationTest/java', 'src/commonTest/java']
resources {
srcDirs = ['src/test/resources', 'src/integrationTest/resources', 'src/commonTest/resources']
And I had googled many examples on how to create custom test tasks, but most of them are related to java instead of android and the others are out-of-date. I've spent on that the whole day now and so if someone can help me I would really appreciate that.

If your integration tests are instrumented tests, then you can just use the default folders test and androidTest and run them separately using ./gradlew test and ./gradlew connectedAndroidTest
Another way (if you can have the integration tests inside the test folder) would be to use separate packages inside the test folder and run the tests separately using:
./gradlew testDebug --tests="com.yourapplication.unittests.*"
./gradlew testDebug --tests="com.yourapplication.integrationtests.*"

I had the same problem a few days ago.
In order to solve it and be able to run each type of test independently, I separated my tests like this:
// run only unit tests
include '**/unit/**'
exclude '**/integration/**'
doLast {
println 'Unit tests execution finished.'
// run only integration tests
task integrationTest(type: Test){
include '**/integration/**'
exclude '**/unit/**'
doLast {
println 'Integration tests execution finished.'
// run all tests (unit + integration)
task allTests(type: Test){
include '**/integration/**'
include '**/unit/**'
doLast {
println 'All tests execution finished.'
The include keyword indicates which files you want to include when executing the commands. If you want to run only your unit tests, you can only include the folder(s) that include your unit tests and exclude the folders that include your integration tests.
You can use a similar logic when creating a gradle command to run only your integration tests.
To execute your tests using this configuration and gradle, use:
./gradlew test to execute the unit tests only.
./gradlew integrationTests to execute the integration tests only.
./gradlew allTeststo execute both the integration and the unit tests.
NOTE: You can setup the paths in the includes / excludes in order to include / exclude tests or classes when executing your tests. It is also possible to include only one test and exclude the others and vice-versa.

Possibly something like
sourceSets {
integrationTest {
java {
compileClasspath += main.output
runtimeClasspath += main.output
srcDir 'src/integrationTest/java'
resources.srcDir 'src/integrationTest/resources'
configurations {
integrationTestCompile {
extendsFrom compile
integrationTestRuntime {
extendsFrom runtime
task integrationTest(type: Test) {
testClassesDir = sourceSets.integrationTest.output.classesDir
classpath = sourceSets.integrationTest.runtimeClasspath
check.dependsOn integrationTest
Then you could do
dependencies {
integrationTestCompile 'org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-java:3.0.1'
integrationTestRuntime 'com.foo:bar:1.0'


Run specific instrumentation test suite with Gradle Managed Devices - Android

So with the release of Android Studio Dolphin & Beta of Electric Eel, I wanted to try the instrumentation tests in gradle. I do however want to exclude some of the tests being run, in order to be able to run specific test suites one at a time.
So here is what I configured so far:
android {
testOptions {
managedDevices {
devices {
pixel2api30 (com.android.build.api.dsl.ManagedVirtualDevice) {
device = "Pixel 2"
apiLevel = 30
systemImageSource = "aosp-atd"
I know I can run my entire suite using
./gradlew device-nameBuildVariantAndroidTest
In my case that would be
./gradlew pixel2api30gaeDebugAndroidTest
gaeDebug being my build variant. This command is being run in my project root.
If I want to run the tests in the tests/large folder for example
How would I go about doing that? Thanks.
For this you could use 2 different approaches:
Create and run test suites.
For example, for each of these folders, create a TestSuite and define Test classes. For example:
public class LargeTestsSuite {
This suite can be run using following command
./gradlew pixel2api30gaeDebugAndroidTest - Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.class=path.to.your.suite.class
Use Test Categories
Annotate your Test classes like this:
public class ExampleLargeTest { ... }
And then you could execute the following command for running all tests with same category:
./gradlew pixel2api30gaeDebugAndroidTest -PtestCategory=Large
Hopefully one of these two approaches will suite you.

Isolating test APK build

I have a situation where in an Android project with instrumentation tests I have all of the production code precompiled and ready to be installed as an .apk (a React Native environment).
Whenever I run instrumentation tests, I initially build the AndroidTest .apk using Gradle by running:
./gradlew assembleDebugAndroidTest -DtestBuildType=debug
(i.e. in a pretty standard way).
Trouble is that despite explicitly specifying only the xxxAndroidTest task, all of the production code assembly Gradle tasks are run as well. This is an extreme time waster to me since - as I explained, the production apk is already there, and thus code compilation (and packaging, signing, etc.) is scarce.
In essence, I have no dependency in production code from the instrumentation code -- even the ActivityTestRule I use is created dynamically and isn't directly bound to my main activity:
Intent launchIntent = context.getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage(context.getPackageName());
ResolveInfo resolveInfo = context.getPackageManager().resolveActivity(launchIntent, 0);
Class<?> activityClass = Class.forName(resolveInfo.activityInfo.name);
ActivityTestRule<?> activityTestRule = new ActivityTestRule(activityClass, false, false);
Question is: How can I isolate / restrict Gradle's work so it would only include test-related tasks? I even tried inspecting the tasks tree using this Gradle plugin, but couldn't find a clear place to "cut the tree" down.
Well so far I've come up with this (heuristic) solution, that does 2 things:
I noticed that most of the time that goes to waste is due to sub-projects that are not needed for the job. Therefore, the solution provides an easy way to exclude implementations from test building.
Out of the tasks remaining in the list, still - the plugin iteratively force-disables tasks that are not related but run nonetheless.
It boils down to this helper Gradle script:
// turbo-test-apk.gradle
def isEnabled = System.getProperty('TURBO_TEST_APK') != null
project.ext.dependenciesExcludeTest = { depsClosure ->
if (!isEnabled) {
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { graph ->
if (isEnabled) {
def disabledTasks = new ArrayList<Task>(graph.allTasks.size())
[/.*JsAndAssets.*/, /package.*Release/, /package.*Debug/, /compile.*/, /.*[Pp]roguard.*/, /.*[Nn]ew[Rr]elic.*/, /.*AndroidTest.*/].forEach { regex ->
graph.allTasks.findAll { it.name ==~ regex }.forEach({ task ->
task.enabled = false
graph.allTasks.findAll { it.name ==~ /.*AndroidTest.*/ }.forEach({ task ->
task.enabled = true
println '--- Turbo test build: task scanning ---'
disabledTasks.forEach { task ->
if (!task.enabled) {
println 'Force-skipping ' + task
println '---------------------------------------'
Namely, the dependenciesExcludeTest enabled the exclusion of unwanted subprojects, and the task-graph-ready callback does the disabling. NOTE that the regex list is custom made, and is not generic. It makes sense for my project as react native projects have a heavy-weight JS-bundling tasks called bundleJsAndAssets, and I also have new relic installed. Nevertheless, this can be easily tailored to any project.
Also, the app.gradle looks something like this:
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
apply from: './turbo-test-apk.gradle'
dependencies {
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:$kotlin_stdlib:$kotlinVersion"
implementation "com.android.support:support-v4:$supportLibraryVersion"
implementation "com.android.support:appcompat-v7:$supportLibraryVersion"
// etc.
// These will be excluded when executing test-only mode
dependenciesExcludeTest {
implementation project(':#react-native-community_async-storage')
implementation project(':any-unneeded-sub-project')
So when gradle is run like this (i.e. with a custom TURBO_TEST_APK property):
./gradlew assembleDebugAndroidTest -DtestBuildType=debug -DTURBO_TEST_APK
the script will apply its work and reduce the overall build time.
This solution isn't optimal: tricky to maintain, doesn't omit all of the unnecessary work. I'd be very happy to see more effective solutions.

Gradle Espresso - Task connectedProductFlavorBuildTypeAndroidTest not found in root project

My build.gradle is like this:
productFlavors {
mainFlavor {
// ...
buildTypes {
debug {
// ...
buildType1 {// I write mock data classes for Espresso tests here
// ...
./gradlew tasks includes connectedMainFlavorDebugAndroidTest but not connectedMainFlavorBuildType1AndroidTest.
I want to specifically run Espresso tests for buildType1 only.
I'm not the owner of the project, I'm not allowed to use either mainFlavorDebug or someNewFlavorDebug to write Espresso tests
The answer from official documentation:
By default, all tests run against the debug build type. You can change
this to another build type by using the testBuildType property in your
module-level build.gradle file. For example, if you want to run your
tests against your "staging" build type, edit the file as shown in the
following snippet.
android {
testBuildType "staging" }

How to copy debug assets for unit tests

I have an android library gradle project. And I need to copy some files to assets folder for robolectric unit tests.
To do it I've defined a copy task:
task copyDebugAssets(type: Copy) {
from "${projectDir}/somewhere"
into "${buildDir}/intermediates/bundles/debug/assets"
but I can't add this task as a dependency for processDebugResources task:
processDebugResources.dependsOn copyDebugAssets
because of this error:
Could not get unknown property 'processDebugResources' for object of type com.android.build.gradle.LibraryExtension.
Now I have to manually execute this task before unit test:
./gradlew clean copyDebugAssets test
How can I solve it?
The android plugin adds several tasks dynamically. Your .dependsOn line doesn't work because at the time gradle is trying to process this line, processDebugResources task yet available. You should tell gradle to add the dependency as soon as the upstream task is available:
tasks.whenTaskAdded { task ->
if (task.name == 'processDebugResources') {
task.dependsOn copyDebugAssets
Why copy? Configure where the assets should be pulled from:
android {
// other cool stuff here
sourceSets {
androidTest {
assets.srcDirs = ['../testAssets']
(replacing ../testAssets with a path to where the assets should come from)
I have used this successfully with androidTest for instrumentation testing. AFAIK, it should work for test or any other source set.

How can I ignore test failures with the gradle robolectric plugin?

I'm using the robolectric-gradle-plugin for robolectric unit tests. I don't want to fail a build on failed tests. Is there a way in DSL or a property not to fail a test on the build similar to -DtestFailureIgnore=true on the Surefire Maven plugin?
I've tried:
robolectric {
ignoreFailures = true
robolectric {
ignoreFailure = true
and -DignoreFailure=true on the command line.
I can't seem to find any documentation of how to do this, or any reference to ignoring tests in the source code.
answering very old question, so that it might help others who bump into here
testOptions {
unitTests.all {
I would suggest not to continue building an APK if there are any failing tests. But if you want to build an APK without testing the only way right now is to use gradle build -x test[1]. This will run build and not run any tests.
try without '='
robolectric {
ignoreFailures true

