I use add_qt_android_apk to build an APK using Qt 5:
add_qt_android_apk(my_app_apk gustavsfairyland NAME "#string/ApplicationName"
QTAV_LIBRARIES is defined before:
I build libQtAV.so using the debug mode (user.conf):
CONFIG += no_config_tests
CONFIG += config_avutil config_avformat config_avcodec config_swscale config_swresample
CONFIG -= release
CONFIG += debug
When I use nm to check for symbols I get many symbols:
nm ../buildqtav/lib_android_arm/libQtAV.so
00062884 t $a
00061d88 t $a
0005f9d0 t $a
But when I use nm on the copied library in the libs directory I get nothing:
bash-4.3$ nm armeabi-v7a/libQtAV.so
nm: armeabi-v7a/libQtAV.so: no symbols
Does add_qt_android_apk remove the debugging symbols?
In the CMake module for Qt APK I found this:
set(EXTRA_LIBS "${LIB}")
set(QT_ANDROID_APP_EXTRA_LIBS "\"android-extra-libs\": \"${EXTRA_LIBS}\",")
so it uses the specified external .so path. It is then added to qtdeploy.json in the CMake variable QT_ANDROID_APP_EXTRA_LIBS. Which has the entry
in "android-extra-libs":
So it actually has the correct entry but somehow strips the debug symbols. The library in the "libs" folder has a size of 1.1 MiBytes while the original library in "lib_android_arm" has a size of 1.6 MiBytes.
I'd like to see the routines using ndk-stack which prints at the moment:
Stack frame #05 pc 000b714f /data/app/org.qtproject.gustavsfairyland-1/lib/arm/libQtAV.so: Routine ??
I use the following CMake module: https://github.com/LaurentGomila/qt-android-cmake
It looks like androiddeployqt does always strip symbols of the libraries:
stripLibraries() is always called when building the application.
As already mentioned in the edited question and in the answer, androiddeployqt is what strips the debuginfo from the .so file.
I belive the important point here is that androiddeployqt does not modify the file, it creates a copy in the process of generating the apk, and only this copy has the debug infos stripped. In the build output there is still the unmodified .so file which contains the debug infos and which can be used to debug the application (Qt creator does that AFAIK) and which can be used to grab symbol information - I use this for creating readable stacktraces with breakpad crashdump files.
I believe that's also the reason why QTBUG-57771 was rejected as incomplete: The Qt maintainers see no good reason to have the symbols available on the device, as long as debugging the application with Qt creator works with the current build process (and demonstrates that debugging is possible with a properly configured toolchain).
Well, androiddeployqt does ALWAYS strip the libraries to reduce their size. I have opened a bug report for Qt: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-57771
I am trying to build an executable for Android with cross compiling, everything works but the executable complains that it could not find the .so file it needs, which is in the same directory as the executable.
So what I did is to add the following lines
set(TARGET myapp)
# following 4 lines added to add RPATH of ./ to the binary
# so it searches the .so in the same directory
# add source code to target
add_executable(${TARGET} src.cpp)
However, it builds the executable, but RPATH seems not working no matter how I play with the four lines above, I just could not find any RPATH info in the binary using readelf or objdump.
I also tried set_target_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES INSTALL_RPATH $ORIGIN) but still not working.
Did I miss use anything here for RPATH configuration?
just to note that if I build the app for host(Linux) (using the same cmake file except using the android ndk tool chain) then everything is fine, I see $ORIGIN in the binary RPATH using readelf.
although i dont know what is been done in android ndk tool chain
This is probably not what you want:
(I am mentioning it just to be complete with my answer)
I assume that $ORIGIN is an environment variable. If that is the case you need to explain to CMake that it is such an variable. You can use $ENV{VAR} to do this, e.g.:
This is probably what you want:
Ofcourse if the variable is not accessible during CMake generation step. You can try to use bracket arguments, however I do not think that alone would work (see last note at the bottom). Bracket arguments [=[...]=] tell CMake to skip the evaluation, because $ is a special character. e.g.:
To understand what [=[]=] do here is a simple example:
set(FOO "bar")
message(STATUS ${FOO})
message(STATUS [=[${FOO}]=])
Should output
${FOO} #<-- evaluation of ${FOO} was skipped
Also if I'm not mistaken you also need to pass $ORIGIN to linker with single quotes so that it doesn't get evaluated during linking, i.e.
#and not $ORIGIN
I'm working on an Android project which uses a Java class that is a wrapper on a C++ library. The C++ library is a company internal library and we have access to its source code, but in the Android project it is only dynamically linked, so it is used only in the form of headers (.h) and shared objects (.so). Having access to the library source code, is it possible to specify to Android Studio the path to the source code so I can step inside the library using the debugger?
The debugger works, I can step inside the Java_clory_engine_sdk_CloryNative_nativeInit function, but I would also like to further debug the library corresponding to the Clory::Engine class which, as I mentioned, is an internal library we have source code access to.
For example, Clory::Engine::instance is part of the library and I would like to specify to Android Studio the location of the CloryEngine.cpp file so I can step inside Clory::Engine::instance with the debugger, thus debugging this static member function.
I am using Android Studio 3.1.4.
Is this possible?
The clory-sdk.gradle file specifies the CMakeLists.txt file which configures the C++ layer.
externalNativeBuild {
cmake {
path "CMakeLists.txt"
So I am using an internal application which uses the Clory SDK. Inside the app.gradle file I use:
dependencies {
compile project(':clory-sdk-core')
compile project(':clory-sdk')
so I don't think we're using the aars for the app.gradle project. The aars are shipped to the client, but we are using app.gradle project to test our little SDK functionalities before doing that. The JNI layer is inside clory-sdk-core project.
Here is the CMakeLists.txt which handles the JNI layer:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.1)
# JNI layer and other helper classes for transferring data from Java to Qt/C++
# Hardcoded for now...will fix later...
set(_QT_ROOT_PATH /Users/jacob/Qt/5.8)
if(${ANDROID_ABI} MATCHES ^armeabi-v7.*$)
set(_QT_ARCH android_armv7)
elseif(${ANDROID_ABI} MATCHES ^x86$)
set(_QT_ARCH android_x86)
message(FATAL_ERROR "Unsupported Android architecture!!!")
The library clorysdk is actually our internal library I was talking about, which contains e.g. Clory::Engine::instance I would like to step into with the debugger. It was built with qmake and is built in debug mode (CONFIG+=debug was added in the effective qmake call).
In the LLDB session which has opened after it hit the Java_clory_engine_sdk_CloryNative_nativeInit breakpoint, I got the following:
(lldb) image lookup -vrn Clory::Engine::instance
2 matches found in /Users/jacob/.lldb/module_cache/remote-android/.cache/6EDE4F0A-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/libclorysdk.so:
Address: libclorysdk.so[0x0001bb32] (libclorysdk.so..text + 8250)
Summary: libclorysdk.so`Clory::Engine::instance(Clory::Engine::Purpose)
Module: file = "/Users/jacob/.lldb/module_cache/remote-android/.cache/6EDE4F0A-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/libclorysdk.so", arch = "arm"
Symbol: id = {0x0000005e}, range = [0xcb41eb32-0xcb41ebc0), name="Clory::Engine::instance(Clory::Engine::Purpose)", mangled="_ZN4Clory2Engine8instanceENS0_7PurposeE"
Address: libclorysdk.so[0x0001b82c] (libclorysdk.so..text + 7476)
Summary: libclorysdk.so`Clory::Engine::instance(Clory::RuntimeConfiguration const&, Clory::Engine::Purpose)
Module: file = "/Users/jacob/.lldb/module_cache/remote-android/.cache/6EDE4F0A-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/libclorysdk.so", arch = "arm"
Symbol: id = {0x000000bd}, range = [0xcb41e82c-0xcb41e970), name="Clory::Engine::instance(Clory::RuntimeConfiguration const&, Clory::Engine::Purpose)", mangled="_ZN4Clory2Engine8instanceERKNS_20RuntimeConfigurationENS0_7PurposeE"
(lldb) settings show target.source-map
target.source-map (path-map) =
First of all, there was no CompileUnit section in the result of the command image lookup -vrn Clory::Engine::instance. How is this possible to have no source-map defined(second lldb command) if the libclorysdk.so was built in Debug mode? Is it possible to explicitly set it so that the debugger would search there for the library's source files?
After searching more I found out that the process of creating the APK actually strips the *.so libraries from their debugging symbols. libclorysdk.so built in debug mode has about 10MB while the libclorysdk.so file which I extracted after unarchiving the generated *.apk file is just 350KB.
As stated here, running greadelf --debug-dump=decodedline libclorysdk.so on the debug version outputs references to the source files, but if the command is run on the *.apk extracted library, it outputs nothing.
Is there a way to stop Android Studio from stripping the *.sos? I tried How to avoid stripping for native code symbols for android app but didn't have any effect, *.apk file is the same size as before and debugging the native libraries still doesn't work.
I'm using Gradle 3.1.4.
The stripping solution works, but in my case, it needed a Clean & Build before hitting the breakpoints in the library. Deploying *.sos which are not stripped is allowing you to have debugging sessions and step inside the native libraries.
If the libraries are built using the Qt for Android toolchain, the *.sos deployed to $SHADOW_BUILD/android-build are also stripped(where $SHADOW_BUILD is the build directory usually starting with build-*). So in order to debug those you should copy them from outside the android-build directory where each *.so is generated.
The debug info records the location of the source files when they were built.
(lldb) image lookup -vrn Clory::Engine::instance
The CompileUnit line shows the source file. Suppose it says:
Let's assume you have the source on your machine here:
So you can tell lldb: find the source file rooted at /BuildDirectory/Sources/Clory in Users/me/Sources/Clory instead.
(lldb) settings set target.source-map /BuildDirectory/Sources/Clory Users/me/Sources/Clory
You can use these commands in the lldb console of Android Studio or put into a .lldbinit file for general use.
If there no debug symbols available, you might have to build the referenced library in debug mode.
defaultConfig {
externalNativeBuild {
cmake {
cppFlags "-std=c++14 -fexceptions -frtti"
externalNativeBuild {
cmake {
path file('src/main/cpp/CMakeLists.txt')
Or add this to the CMakeLists.txt of the library:
See the CMake documentation and Symbolicating with LLDB.
Elsewhere it explains (lldb) settings set target.source-map /buildbot/path /my/path:
Remap source file path-names for the debug session. If your source files are no longer located in the same location as when the program was built --- maybe the program was built on a different computer --- you need to tell the debugger how to find the sources at their local file path instead of the build system's file path.
There's also (lldb) settings show target.source-map, to see what is mapped.
(lldb) set append target.source-map /buildbot/path /my/path seems rather suitable, in order not to overwrite existing mappings.
I am trying to add a strip debug symbols step for my Android library which includes native shared libraries for different ABIs, e.g. x86/native-lib.so, x86_64/native-lib.so, arm64-v8a/native-lib.so, etc.
I understand that the strip command must be respective to each ABI. So, I need to invoke the correct strip command, for which I need to know its correct path during build time.
For example, for ABI x86_64, I need to have below path setting:
set(STRIP ~/Library/Android/android-ndk-r16b/toolchains/x86_64-4.9/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/x86_64-linux-android-strip)
COMMENT "Strip debug symbols done on final binary.")
The path I need is illustrated like below:
So, my questions are:
Is there an existing CMake variable to point at this path, i.e. /android-ndk-r16b/toolchains/???/prebuilt/???/bin/???-???-???-strip?
If not, is there a way to form this path utilising other known Android CMake variable, e.g. ANDROID_NDK, ANDROID_ABI, etc?
Thanks #Alex Cohn a lot for pointing out the file android.toolchain.cmake which usually exists at directory ~/Library/Android/sdk/cmake/cmake_version_xxx/android.toolchain.cmake on macOS.
There are many useful Android CMake variables already configured inside, e.g.
And the one ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX is exactly what I looked for, so my final CMake script comes into below:
COMMAND "${ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX}strip" -g -S -d --strip-debug --verbose
COMMENT "Strip debug symbols done on final binary.")
And I don't need to explicitly pass any additional arguments, i.e. DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=android.toolchain.cmake, from command line to the build process. Because, this file, i.e. android.toolchain.cmake, was already taken into account automatically by Android native build system.
You can use ${CMAKE_STRIP}. It is set appropriately when you use -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=android.toolchain.cmake. I hope it is OK also if you work with 'built-in' Android support with supported NDK version.
I am building a daemon on Android Platform. For which I have cross compiled the existing code, which is present in Linux to Android. Please consider my below 2 cases -
I cross compile the code using Cmake with Android NDK-15 and push manually to the board on which Android Code is available. The path in which we push is /system/lib. Then if I try to execute my daemon (which is also pushed manually to /system/bin ) everything works fine.
2 The cross compiled library have been pushed into the AOSP code by writing an Android.mk file written in vendor specific folder. I have used BUILD_PREBUILTS method and was successfully able to push the libraries to /system/lib. Now, when I try to execute my application (Compiled with CMake ) I get a linker error.
Below is the error which I get ( Reference Example ) -
Below is the folder structure -
Total Number of folders - 3
a. abc folder which produces output libabc.so and links to libdef.so and
b. def folder which produces output libdef.so
c. ghi folder which produces output libghi.so
When I push all the 3 libraries (libabc.so, libdef.so, libghi.so ) directly in /system/lib and my executable (drive_test) which links all the 3 libraries, I have no issue. But, when I push it along with AOSP build I get the following error on execution of the executable (drive_test) -
a. Unable to link ../abc/def.so file.
I am unable to debug how to solve this linker issue. I am not getting whether it is because of CMake (or) any other issue.
If you're trying to make a system daemon (something that goes in /system/bin), don't use the NDK. Just use the AOSP build system.
In mydaemon/Android.bp (make sure to add this path to the root Android.bp file):
cc_library {
name: "libmylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
cc_binary {
name: "mydaemon",
srcs: ["mydaemon.cpp"],
shared_libs: ["libmylib"],
The build system will deal with getting libraries and binaries into the right place for you.
I'm pretty new to Android with NDK / CMake. However, I'm trying to embed a native CMake library into an Android Application. However, this library depends on OpenSSL.
That's why I downloaded a precompiled version of OpenSSL for Android.
However, when I try to sync the project I get the following error:
Could NOT find OpenSSL, try to set the path to OpenSSL root folder
in the system variable OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR (missing: OPENSSL_LIBRARIES)
(found version "1.1.0f")
Here is my (minimal) project structure
- src
- main
- cpp
- library
- CMakeLists.txt
- distribution
- openssl
- armeabi
- include
- openssl
- lib
libcrypto.a, libssl.a
In my build.gradle I've defined the following:
externalNativeBuild {
cmake {
path 'src/main/cpp/CMakeLists.txt'
The /app/src/main/cpp/CmakeLists.txt looks as follows:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.1)
set(distribution_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../../../../distribution)
set(OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR ${distribution_DIR}/openssl/${ANDROID_ABI})
find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)
find_package(...) searches for libraries in a few standard locations (read here - search for "Search paths specified in cmake"). In your case, it fails because it can't find OpenSSL on the machine you're trying to cross-compile the code for Android.
I know I also had various attempts on linking OpenSSL with my native c++ Android code, and the only way I managed it make it work, was the following:
SET(distribution_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../../../../distribution)
SET(OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR ${distribution_DIR}/openssl/${ANDROID_ABI})
#<----Other cmake code/defines here--->
ADD_LIBRARY(library #your other params here#)
I know I also tried to make find_package work correctly, by playing with some of it configuration properties, such as CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH, and some other approaches, but I couldn't get it done.
Don't know if the solution I provided is the best approach, cmake-wise. Maybe someone has a better way of doing it, but alas, it solved my problem at the time.
Hope this helps
The reason OpenSSL is not found is because all the find_*() commands also rely on the variable CMAKE_SYSROOT variable, which is used to prefix paths searched by those commands. This is used when cross-compiling to point to the root directory of the target environment.
A solution is to add the path where OpenSSL is located to CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH; the documentation of find_library() states:
The CMake variable CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH specifies one or more
directories to be prepended to all other search directories. This
effectively “re-roots” the entire search under given locations.
This solution works for me:
set(OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR "/path/to/openssl/for/android")
For me it worked to import openssl via gradle and then linking the fetched lib like described here
Either append NO_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH to your find_* command, e.g.
Or set CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_* variables (like this) to NEVER. The following options fixed the Android and iOS builds on macOS for me: