black screen in Android emulator in Ubuntu VM in Windows 7 - android

I built AOSP 5.1.0_r5 (LMY47O) with no modifications done to the source code. The build process ends with "success" and I get bunch of *.img files in out/target/product/deb. Sadly, executing emulator -verbose produces the generic emulator window with an empty screen and following output in the console. I see nothing that would explain the black screen. (I am looking at the black screen for tens of minutes, hence I doubt it is "merely very slow.")
My environment is Ubuntu 16.04 running in VirtualBox under Windows 7, no IDE involved.

Just an assumption. You have a line in your output: Failed to create Context 0x3005
Could not initialize emulated framebufferemulator: Can't start OpenGLES renderer? It seems that this is the cause of the problem. Could you please install the following libraries sudo apt-get install mesa-utils-extra and run your emualator once again?
P.S. What is the target deb? Try to build the AOSP using a recommended target, e.g., aosp_arm-eng.


Android emulator no sound in ubuntu

I am running android emulator in ubuntu-19.10 and I have attempted following solutions with no results,
1:10 PM Emulator: pulseaudio: pa_context_connect() failed
1:10 PM Emulator: pulseaudio: Reason: Connection refused
1:10 PM Emulator: pulseaudio: Failed to initialize PA contextaudio: Could not init `pa' audio driver
Some notes on solution I tried,
When trying Link-1 i don't see "Qemu-system" in settings. Also created many different versions of AVDs but does seem to work.
After trying Link-2 pulseaudio -D command errors out.
I have also tried Link-3 which looks like widely suggested solution in multiple blog posts. But still I find the same error on emulator startup. I would like to note that I am not smart enough understand this solution.
Thanks in advance for helping out.
Same problem in Ubuntu 20.04, with Android Studio installed from Ubuntu Software. Tried everything (paprefs, this), nothing worked. Uninstall Android Studio Snap and reinstall from tar package downloaded from Android Studio website, works perfect.
I was having a similar issue on Ubuntu 20.04 but I fixed it by uninstalling the store version of Android Studio and following the installation instructions on the Official Android Studio website here:
If you are running a 64-bit version of Ubuntu, you need to install some 32-bit libraries with the following command:
sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386
lib32z1 libbz2-1.0:i386
To install Android Studio on Linux, proceed as follows:
Unpack the .zip file you downloaded to an appropriate location for your applications, such as within /usr/local/ for your user profile, or /opt/ for shared users.
If you're using a 64-bit version of Linux, make sure you first install the required libraries for 64-bit machines.
To launch Android Studio, open a terminal, navigate to the android-studio/bin/ directory, and execute
Select whether you want to import previous Android Studio settings or not, then click OK.
The Android Studio Setup Wizard guides you through the rest of the setup, which includes downloading Android SDK components that are required for development.
I had the same issue, runing Intellij on Ubuntu 20.04. I solved it by adapting a solution from this link
I run this:
sudo ln -s /run/user/1000/pulse/native /run/user/1000/snap.intellij-idea-community/pulse
If you're using Android studio, just try to find "snap.intellij-idea-community" will be named differently, referring to your android studio installation.
On Ubuntu, is possible open the emulator with terminal and change the sound in System Preferences. Works with the instant version of Android Studio. It works with the snap version of Android Studio.
First is needed to add the emulator command to the PATH.
This can be done by editing .bashrc or .zshrc. Preferably these lines should be placed at the end of the file.
export ANDROID_SDK_PATH=$HOME/Android/Sdk
export ANDROID_NDK_PATH=$HOME/Android/Sdk/ndk
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/Android/Sdk/platform-tools"
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/Android/Sdk/emulator"
The PATH variable needs to be reloaded. This can be done manually, as shown below, or simply by opening another terminal:
source ~/.bashrc
# OR
source ~/.zshrc
Another way is to add adb and android-sdk-platform-tools-common packages to have the emulator command available. Package names may vary depending on the Ubuntu version.
After that, the emulator command can be used to list available emulators:
emulator -list-avds
Example of output:
Then can be opened one of the available emulators:
emulator #Pixel_4_API_30
Finally, the emulator probably will appear at the System Preferences:
If this is a Snap it's got strict requirements as far as i/o; that said, if the requirements are similar to those of running Androidx86 using Vbox on Debian (I realize Qemu is a different environment, however, this may be of use for both Jbaba as well as future reference. Step one: make sure that you belong to the group Qemu (or the equivalent for Ubuntu/Snap?). Step two: make sure you belong to the group pulseaudio. Step three: make sure that Qemu is explicitly permitted to access whatever your audio output device is and that it's the device that pulseaudio is configured to output to. There should be a fairly intuitive way of seeing this using Qemu (it's been awhile, so I am not able to tell you where to find it). As for pulseaudio; its GUI will show you.
I got crazy while trying to solve this issue but finally, it was solved. I figured out that we have to enable multiple simultaneous audio outputs in order to hear both sounds the emulator and the OS.
The solution is by installing paprefs small app as the following.
1- Install it:
$ sudo apt install paprefs
2- Open it:
$ paprefs
3- Go to the last tab Simultaneous Output and click on the only option there in order to enable the Simultaneous Output.
4- Restart it:
$ pulseaudio -k
5- If it fails then you have to restart the daemon
$ pulseaudio -D
6- Almost finished, go to the system settings and navigate to Sounds options and change the output sounds to the newly added one as below.
OS : Ubuntu 20.04.
Android studio (snap).
I tried all the methods, none worked for me.
By installing these libs, the sound works now.
sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386 lib32z1 libbz2-1.0:i386
as Gigi mentionned before

Nativescript emulator installation headaches

I've been trying to get emulators to work for NativeScript on my brand new clean Windows 10 laptop for three days and nothing is working.
To be more accurate, I think I was able to get the 'emulator-5554' to launch, but it doesn't not load the Groceries app.
I have all the Angular requirements installed since I also build Angular SPAs and they work fine. I read and followed all these articles, and I still can't get emulators to work.
I even installed GenyMotion, but it is not detected. I have not installed Android Studio since I'll be developing with Visual Studio Code, so I used the Android CLI to install the SDK. - this was my primary emulator setup
I have also read many SO posts and none have solved my problem.
Is there some documentation somewhere that is simple and clear, with step by step instructions on how to get emulators installed that will work with Nativescript? What am I missing?
BTW, when I connect my Samsung Galaxy S8 Active phone to my laptop, it's not recognized by the tns device command either.
I can't believe it's this difficult to get emulators to work. I also can't believe that the Nativescript documentation has left this information out of their instructions.
This might not be the answer most are looking for, but this is what was wrong with my installation and this is how I fixed it:
I noticed that the docs all had $./advmanager [someArg] and I had to be sudo for commands to execute. So I ran sudo chown -R myUser:myUser /usr/local/android thus changing all owner:group permissions from root to myUser.
then I could run ./avdmanager create.... (full command below) without having to be superuser
restarted Nativescript Sidekick
I know this is kinda stupid, but I worked out that if the AVD was created as root, the Sidekick program running as myUser could not see and access it. This was confirmed when I ran avdmanager list avd as sudo and got a result, but after changing my files' ownership from root to myUser, nothing was listed from the same command.
I recreated my virtual devices (AVDs) as a normal user and Sidekick was able to see them.
edit: the actual line I ran to create the AVD (because I see a lot of variation in these):
$ ./avdmanager create avd --name Pixel -k "system-images;android-28;google_apis;x86" --device "pixel"?
The uppercase and lowercase "pixel"s come from one entry from the output of
$./avdmanager list
id: 17 or "pixel"
Name: Pixel
OEM : Google
Do this "create" step for each device you want to emulate.
Install Android Studio and open it. Then (without starting a new project) click on:
Configure --> AVD Manager.
There you can create virtual devices, which will be recodnized by NativeScript Sidekick and its virtual device launcher.

Windows emulator.exe PANIC: Missing emulator engine program for 'x86' CPU

I'm trying to use emulator.exe as android emulator for Charles Proxy. But I have problem, when I launch
emulator #5.1_WVGA_API_28
I get this error:
PANIC: Missing emulator engine program for 'x86' CPU.
But I can run the emulator from android studio and it's working fine! I have an intel processor.
If you want to run emulator from command line,
<your-full-path>/emulator -avd 5.1_WVGA_API_28
For newer version of Android SDK, the emulator path should be something as below:
For older version of Android SDK, the emulator path is as below:
Try either one of above to see which is your case.
Here is the official document for Android emulator command line usage:
That was not a path/location problem on my PC.
I have to use x86_64 system images to get the emulator working from the command line...
I have solved the problem. You must install HAX drivers. You can do it here: Or just do update of SDK:
C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\tools\android.bat update sdk
#shizen answer worked for me using "...emulator/emulator" but even after changing the path in .zprofile (I use zsh on Mac), it was finding the old emulator. To find out which emulator your system is using, use "which emulator". In my case it was still loading the old one so I deleted the old path (rm -R /usr/local/bin/emulator) and now the correct (new) emulator loads.

What is command to run android AOSP image in plain QEMU?

I want to test TrustZone feature in mainline QEMU and let QEMU run android image. The TrustZone feature is not in qemu-ranchu which is emulator of android built on top of old version qemu. Qemu-ranchu does not include TrustZone feature. So I have to use plain qemu to run trustzone feature on android.
I already compiled the AOSP with arm64 option and I have following image file: ramdisk.img, system.img, cache.img, userdata.img. I want to use qemu-system-aarch64 run these AOSP images.
Could anyone provide some guide line what command should I use to let qemu run these android images? Thanks in advance.
Although I don't know what "TrustZone" is, I think you are confused - "ranchu" is a hardware definition that the new Emulator can use, and it, in turn is based on a much newer Qemu code base.
In any case, you can see exactly what options are being used to run qemu by the Android Emulator (which "wraps" qemu) by starting it from the command line with the -verbose flag, for example:
~/.android-sdk/tools/emulator -avd Nexus_10_API_19 -verbose
I've had some luck running qemu directly by copying those options, and by experimenting with the values that are printed out by the Emulator "wrapper" code.
BTW, you will first need to use Studio's "AVD Manager" to make an avd to use in that command. More information about the command line use of the Emulator can be found here:
Android Emulator Command Line
Good luck!

Android emulator start slowly and lost from running devices

I have a problem with my AVD in android Studio. After I click the run button and start a new emulator it is very slow when the android starts, the app doesn't install on it. When it is finally running and I click the run button again, I can't find the running emulator in the choose device window.
I've got a MacBook Pro, so it is running on OSX 10.10
Maybe I couldn't set up correctly the intel acceleration, but I don't think so it causes the problem. Running emulator is not found. Sometimes it works, but most of the time it doesn't/
I don't use android studio (prefer eclipse) but maybe you can use a genymotion It's free for non commercial use. It's much more faster in eclipse than normal eclipse emulator. In my opinion it acts like real phone when eclipse symulator is always slow especially with hight resolution screen.
I 've already installed HAXM but It isn't better. I try to do it again. I followed the steps. I typed the terminal steps,but I had some problem.
After this command:
kextstat | grep intel
(got this message )
147 0 0xffffff7f82b0b000 0x14000 0x14000 (1.1.1) <7 5 4 3 1>
After that:
sudo kextload –b
(but I've got that)
/Users/mecseidani/–b failed to load - (libkern/kext) not found; check the system/kernel logs for errors or try kextutil(8).
/Users/mecseidani/ failed to load - (libkern/kext) not found; check the system/kernel logs for errors or try kextutil(8).
Can be it a problem!?

