scroll Textview from out of collapse toolbar as title - android

I have one CollapsingToolbar and NestedScrolView under these contain of several CardView I want along with scroll up. Header TextView of one of CardView placed into toolbar. Thanks.


Android: How to change views in collapsing toolbar when scrolling

I am using collapsing toolbar. Is it somehow possible to achieve behavior, that will change multiple views in collapsing toolbar according to scrolling? For example I have three RelativeLayouts next to each other consisting of an ImageView (centered in parent) and text (below image) in collapsing toolbar. I want it for example to move image to left top, to move text to end of image and resize its height.
This wireframe shows a little what I would like to achieve:
Try use CollapsingToolbarLayout in the AppBarLayout.
Put big views to the CoollapingToolbarLayout. And Small views in the Toolbar.
You can try play with flag:
If you want create rely cool animation for text in the text view.
You must implement all behavior in Java code.

create a collapsing toobar layout with half of image in collapsing toolbar and nested scrollview

I wanted to create a layout as shown in picture, with following contents as follows,
b)Collapsing toolbar
c)container with many edittext and button with nested scrollview
I am not able to create this layout with collapsing toolbar as how to place the image between 2 and 3 with both area having separate background.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hiding Toolbar Android when scrolling down but not All Layout views

I have an Android Layout with a Scroll View Layout as Root, with a Relative Layout.
Inside of this Relative Layout I have a Toolbar and a Text View and other children below.
How can I change this layout when scrolling down, the toolbar can hide and other children inside Scroll View as well, but not this specific Text View?
Relative Layout
TextView (Visible even in Scrolling Down)
Other Children...

stop scrolling of an element in a scrollview In android

I have a Scrollview that contains some textview and a listview. one of those textsviews is the title of listview. when scrolling, I need that this textview remain on the top of screen. how can I do that?

How position a View to the right inside a Toolbart without hiding the title?

I'm using the Toolbar widget of appcompat v21.
Without hiding the toolbar title I want to add some views (ie: textview, button) to the content of the toolbar.
By default they are positioned to the left, but I need to put them to the right. I managed to do it with a RelativeLayout. The problem is that the RelativeLayout takes all the toolbar's space and the title is not visible anymore.
There is a way to do it without hide the title?

