I need to save a downloaded file in my ionic 2 path and use that ineteral url path.
for downloading: using file-transfer plugin.
const fileTransfer = new Transfer();
console.log("download completed:"+entry.toURL());
entry.toURL() is giving path like file://...... in need to use that path to play using Media plugin. But, Media plugin is not accepting path with file://...,
this.playerStatic = new MediaPlugin(internalFilePath,onStatusPlayerUpdate);
so, on googling foundout: https://forum.ionicframework.com/t/ios-9-cant-play-audio-video-files-that-are-downloaded-to-device/37580/4
so using "cdvfile://localhost/library-nosync/" + fileSrc; as a temporary solution. Its not working for android.
so to be able to use in both platforms, i should be able to follow other solution, where the path will be resolved to InternalURL. when i try
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(src, function(dir){});
its saying resolveLocalFileSystemURL is not a function.
anybody can help me with it? how to use window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL in ionic 2?
I am using it in ionic 3, for iOS build. Please check the code:
this.file.resolveLocalFilesystemUrl(this.file.dataDirectory).then((entry) => {
console.log("Success! Got a DirectoryEntry",entry);
Here, I am using cordova-plugin-file but I think it should work for cordova-plugin-file-transfer also. Please try and let me know, if there is any issue.
I am new to Ionic and I am trying to upload an image taken from camera that is stored in Android filesystem:
var ft = new FileTransfer();
console.log('Uploading: ' + fileURL);
function(error) {
$ionicLoading.show({template: 'Ooops error uploading picture...'});
setTimeout(function(){$ionicLoading.hide();}, 3000);
var pictureUploaded = function() {
fileUrl is pointing to an existent image: file:///data/data/com.ionicframework.nutrilifemobile664547/files/Q2AtO1462636767466.jpg
In chrome://inspect/#devices console I get the following error and it looks like because of the error the FileOptions are also not properly sent, this is the error (Not allowed to load local resource):
Cordova version: 6.1.1
Ionic version: 1.7.14
This happens when you use the "livereload" option with Ionic.
Try running in normal mode
With ionic webview >3.x, you have to use convertFileSrc() method.
For example if you have a myURL local variable such as file:// or /storage.
let win: any = window; // hack ionic/angular compilator
var myURL = win.Ionic.WebView.convertFileSrc(myURL);
Another possible reason is that you have a webview plugin installed (like https://github.com/ionic-team/cordova-plugin-ionic-webview or just https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine). Also this will not allow to use cdvfile:// protocol as well.
It might be too late but... you could convert native path to blob using File then convert blob to URL using URL.createObjectURL(blob) and passing/setting as src to your html element. This is unnecessary for production environment but you could use it for development with -lc. It might work
This is the version where it works for me on Ionic 3.9.2 app.
Remove the latest version of webview and then:
i.e. ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-ionic-webview#1.2.1
Note: This version works fine with normalizeURL() method.
I used to be able to run this without problem to get to the databases folder of my Android App:
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI('file:///data/data/{package name}/databases',
function (entry) {
}, rlfsOnErrors);
However, the statement returns error when I am using file-transfer plugin v0.4.2. When I switched back to file-transfer plugin v0.3.3, there is no problem. When I am using v0.4.2, I can only gain access to file:///data/media/xxxx directory and not file:///data/data/xxxx.
Anyone has any idea how I can workaround this ? Currently, I am sticking to v0.3.3, but I am sure there is some way to workaround this ?
We are using Phonegap 3.1.0-0.15.0 and the application chocked when trying to access location information.
Works fine in iOS however the App chock on Android
We are using:
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(app.location.onSuccess, app.location.onError);
and we also tried:
var geo = cordova.require('cordova/plugin/geolocation');
geo.getCurrentPosition(app.location.onSuccess, app.location.onError);
The logcat mentioned the following:
Could not find cordova.js script tag. Plugin loading may fail. at file:///android_asset/www/phonegap.js:1511
Uncaught module cordova/plugin/geolocation not found at file:///android_asset/www/phonegap.js:56
The plugin was added using:
cordova plugin add https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cordova-plugin-geolocation.git
Are we doing something wrong ?
Thank you in advance
Just to answer my own questions. I removed all the plugins manually and then add them (including the problematic geolocation plugin) using the following command:
phonegap local plugin add https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cordova-plugin-geolocation.git
That solved my issue.
I'm using Cordova 1.9.0 for an Android App. The same code, on IOS works fine.
On Android, i find a problem for the file trasfert from remote location to local.
The problem is on the file name: someone has space. I try to do
.replace(" ","%20")
but doesn't work. It gives me the following error
07-03 12:06:32.503: E/FileTransfer(337): java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://www.mydomain.com/sa02 -.jpg
There was a bug in FileTransfer upload which a fix was checked in for 1.9.0.
url = url.replace(/ /g,"%20");
PhoneGap 1.9.0 and 2.0.0 break fileTransfer.download() for names with spaces.
The workaround for now until PhoneGap 2.1.0 comes out is
var source = encodeURI(file path here);
source = source.replace(/%/g,"%25");
I can't load the plugins in android. I have added the plugin to the plugins.xml list, have added the java code in my project. But still when I call window.plugins I get undefined object. Why is this happening? BTW I'm trying to use the share plugin - https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugins/tree/master/Android/Share
Just to be clear, I have added the phonegap.js file and the share.js file containing the JS plugin code. Also I have used the EmailComposer plugin for iphone with same code and it works on iphone, i.e. on iphone the window.plugins object it isn't undefined.
I fixed the exact same issue after noticing... i forgot to reference phonegap-1.1.0.js in my html. I also had to uncomment PhoneGap.addPlugin('share', new Share()); in share.js.
I had the same issue and I think I found the problem with phonegap.
You should go see on this thread, it may explain why you can't access your plugins : Phonegap background geolocation plugin not found
In phonegap 1.1.0 we can't call the windows.plugin what we need to in your share.js instead of
PhoneGap.addConstructor(function() {
add navigator.your plugins.js=new WebIntent(); (Java file) and call the plugin as navigator.your javascript plugin name in your javascript.