Gradle cross platform build script for Android - android

I have a build.gradle for my Android app and then some helper.gradle files for various sub tasks. Some of these helper tasks invoke shell scripts. Because this app has been in development on exclusively Linux and Mac machines, the shell scripts run fine.
I've recently added a Windows development machine into the mix and the gradle build configuration is failing at calling the shell script.
task helperTask1 << {
exec {
workingDir rootProject.getProjectDir()
commandLine 'sh', './scripts/'
At some point I'll get Cygwin up and running on the Windows machine, but what are my options for getting my app compiling?
Is there a way to effectively have a helperTask1_Linux and helperTask1_Windows tasks that get called on their respective platforms?
Is there a more "gradle" way of calling shell scripts so that my gradle files are defining steps at a higher level?

Here is how I'm doing this:
define a property 'ant.condition.os'. The value of the property depends of the OS.
use the value that property in a switch to call a windows or linux script.
ant.condition(property: "os", value: "windows") { os(family: "windows") }
ant.condition(property: "os", value: "unix" ) { os(family: "unix") }
task myTask() {
switch ( {
case 'windows':
commandLine 'cmd', '/c', 'myscript.cmd'
case 'unix':
commandLine './'


How to integrate Flutter app's build process with Rust code? i.e. when building Flutter code, how to automatically build its Rust code?

I have a Flutter application that also has some Rust code, and they communicate via flutter_rust_bridge. There are already some tutorials talking about how to build such an app. However, they require me to manually trigger cargo build (or similar commands) and flutter run separately. You know, this is quite cumbersome, and if I forget to execute cargo, or that command fails, I run the risk of building a Flutter app with an old binary. Therefore, I wonder how I can automate that process. Thanks!
Add the following to your build.gradle
new Tuple2('Debug', 'debug'),
new Tuple2('Profile', 'release'),
new Tuple2('Release', 'release')
].each {
def taskPostfix = it.first
def profileMode = it.second
tasks.whenTaskAdded { task ->
if ( == "javaPreCompile$taskPostfix") {
println "hello let ${} dependsOn cargoBuild$taskPostfix"
task.dependsOn "cargoBuild$taskPostfix"
tasks.register("cargoBuild$taskPostfix", Exec) {
println "hello executing doLast for task cargoBuild$taskPostfix"
commandLine 'sh', '-c', "build-your-rust-code"
where build-your-rust-code is the command you use to build your Rust code. (For example, I use fastlane to wrap it (of course you can use others) and I put that in a rust folder, so I just call cd $projectDir/../rust/fastlane && bundle exec fastlane build_android profile:$profileMode.)
Method 1
The most manual way is as follows. Go to Build Phases, click + button and choose New Run Script Phase. Then enter the script you want to run to build your Rust code. (For example, for myself, I use Shell /bin/sh and call some fastlane commands which executes the actual commands.)
Method 2
A more automated approach is to use the CocoaPod files, which will automatically help you set up everything. For example, I add:
s.script_phase = {
:name => 'Compile Rust',
:script => your-script-to-compile-it,
:execution_position => :before_compile,
:shell_path => '/bin/sh'
(For example, my script is %q{env -i HOME="$HOME" PROJECT_DIR="$PROJECT_DIR" CONFIGURATION="$CONFIGURATION" /bin/bash -c 'source ~/.bashrc && cd $PROJECT_DIR/../.symlinks/plugins/vision_utils/rust/fastlane && LC_ALL= LANG=en_US.UTF-8 bundle exec fastlane build_ios profile:$CONFIGURATION'}. Notice that, at least in my case, I have to create a brand new shell. Otherwise the opencv in my Rust complains and fails to compile. But you may not have this problem if your Rust code does not contain c++ things.)
(Q&A style answer in order to help people who face the same situation as me, especially when not familiar with Android and iOS)

Jenkins Android building pipeline from different Git repositories

Hi, I would like to create a job in Jenkins where I would like to build one apk from 2 Android repositories.
I tried it with both Jenkinsfile and Gradle wrapper in the Jenkins GUI, but both are giving the same error at the same point, at the verification Gradle commands.
Since the code in the first repository is depending on the code from the 2nd, the structure was designed that they have to be sibling directories to reach each other.
What went wrong:
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':app:testStaging_gakUnitTest'.
Could not resolve all task dependencies for configuration ':app:staging_gakUnitTestRuntimeClasspath'.
Could not resolve project :ticketingcommons.
Required by:
project :app
Unable to find a matching variant of project :ticketingcommons:
First one is a specific application code repository.
Second one contains the commons for the specific apps to run tests, validation etc...
In the configuration I only set the source-code management and building process fields so far.
I have been trying with pipelines, freestyle projects, multibranch pipelines and nothing seemed to be working.
In the Jenkinsfile, I have the following code, which is supposed to do the same I was doing from the Jenkins GUI:
pipeline {
agent {
// Run on a build agent where we have the Android SDK installed
label 'master'
options {
// Stop the build early in case of compile or test failures
stages {
stage('Compile') {
steps {
// Compile the app and its dependencies
sh 'chmod +x gradlew'
sh './gradlew compileDebugSources'
stage('Unit test') {
steps {
// Compile and run the unit tests for the app and its dependencies
sh './gradlew test'
// Analyse the test results and update the build result as appropriate
junit 'app/build/test-results/**/*.xml'
stage('Build APK') {
steps {
// Finish building and packaging the APK
sh './gradlew assembleDev'
// Archive the APKs so that they can be downloaded from Jenkins
archiveArtifacts '**/*.apk'
stage('Stage Archive') {
steps {
//tell Jenkins to archive the apks
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'app/build/outputs/apk/*.apk', fingerprint: true
stage('Static analysis') {
steps {
// Run Lint and analyse the results
sh './gradlew lintDebug'
androidLint pattern: '**/lint-results-*.xml'
post {
failure {
// Notify developer team of the failure
mail to: '', subject: 'Oops!', body: "Build ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} failed; ${env.BUILD_URL}"
I don't know how to make Jenkins have them as sibling directories after cloning them, so the app can see the commons and run the commands. Now it is failing at the tests, but every validation Gradle command makes it fail.
A simple solution could be to create two jobs and customize their workspace directory (So you can use the same directory for both jobs). In your first job just load the repository from git and in the second load the repository and run whatever commands you want.

React Native - Automatic version name from package.json to android build manifest

Currently I have a react native app and the issue that I have is that is very time consuming to update the version on every build or commit.
Also, I have Sentry enabled so every time I build, some builds get the same version so some crashes are hard to determine where they came from.
Lastly, updating the version manually is error prone.
How can I setup my builds to generate an automatic version every time I build and forget about all of this manual task?
While the currently accepted answer will work, there is a much simpler, and therefore more reliable way to do it.
You can actually read the value set in package.json right from build.gradle.
Modify your android/app/build.gradle:
// On top of your file import a JSON parser
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
// Create an easy to use function
def getVersionFromNpm() {
// Read and parse package.json file from project root
def inputFile = new File("$rootDir/../package.json")
def packageJson = new JsonSlurper().parseText(inputFile.text)
// Return the version, you can get any value this way
return packageJson["version"]
android {
defaultConfig {
applicationId ""
versionName getVersionFromNpm()
This way you won't need a pre-build script or anything, it will just work.
Since I was working with this for several days, I decided to share with everyone how I did it, because it could help others.
Tools used:
GitVersion: We will use GitVersion to generate a semantic version automatically depending on many factors like current branch, tags, commits, etc. The toold does an excellent job and you can forget about naming your versions. Of course, if you set a tag to a commit, it will use that tag as name.
PowerShell: This command line OS built by Microsoft has the ability to be run from Mac, Linux or Windows, and I chose it because the builds can be agnostic of the OS version. For example I develop on Windows but the build machine has MacOS.
Edit App build.gradle
The app gradle only needs one line added at the end of it. In my case I have the Google Play Services gradle and I added it after that.
apply from: 'version.gradle'
This file should be in the same folder as your app gradle and this is the content:
task updatePackage(type: Exec, description: 'Updating package.json') {
commandLine 'powershell', ' -command ' , '$semver=(gitversion /showvariable Semver); Set-Content -path -value semver=$semver; npm version --no-git-tag-version --allow-same-version $semver'
preBuild.dependsOn updatePackage
task setVariantVersion {
doLast {
if (plugins.hasPlugin('android') || plugins.hasPlugin('android-library')) {
def autoIncrementVariant = { variant ->
variant.mergedFlavor.versionName = calculateVersionName()
if (plugins.hasPlugin('android')){
//Fails without putting android. first
android.applicationVariants.all { variant -> autoIncrementVariant(variant) }
if (plugins.hasPlugin('android-library')) {
//Probably needs android-library before libraryVariants. Needs testing
libraryVariants.all { variant -> autoIncrementVariant(variant) }
preBuild.dependsOn setVariantVersion
setVariantVersion.mustRunAfter updatePackage
ext {
versionFile = new File('')
calculateVersionName = {
def version = readVersion()
def semver = "Unknown"
if (version != null){
semver = version.getProperty('semver')
return semver
Properties readVersion() {
//It gets called once for every variant but all get the same version
def version = new Properties()
try {
file(versionFile).withInputStream { version.load(it) }
} catch (Exception error) {
version = null
return version
Now, let's review what the script is actually doing:
updatePackage: This task runs at the very beginning of your build (actually before preBuild) and it executes gitversion to get the current version and then creates a file which later be read by gradle to take the version.
setVariantVersion: This is called afterEvaluate on every variant. Meaning that if you have multiple builds like debug, release, qa, staging, etc, all will get the same version. For my use case this is fine, but you might want to tweak this.
Task Order: One thing that bothered me was that the version was being run before the file was generated. This is fixed by using the mustRunAfter tag.
PowerShell Script Explained
This is the script that gets run first. Let's review what is doing:
$semver=(gitversion /showvariable Semver);
Set-Content -path -value semver=$semver;
npm version --no-git-tag-version --allow-same-version $semver
Line 1: gitversion has multiple type of versions. If you run it without any parameter you will get a json file with many variants. Here we are saying that we only want the SemVer. (See also FullSemVer)
Line 2: PowerShell way to create a file and save the contents to it. This can be also made with > but I had encoding issues and the properties file was not being read.
Line 3: This line updates your package.json version. By default it saves a commit to git with the new version. --no-git-tag-version makes sure you don't override it.
And that is it. Now every time you make a build, the version should be generated automatically, your package.json updated and your build should have that specific version name.
App Center
Since I am using App Center to make the builds, I will tell you how you can use this in a Build machine. You only need to use a custom script.
#!/usr/bin/env sh
#Installing GitVersion
OS=$(uname -s)
if [[ $OS == *"W64"* ]]; then
echo "Installing GitVersion with Choco"
choco install GitVersion.Portable -y
echo "Installing GitVersion with Homebrew"
brew install --ignore-dependencies gitversion
This is needed because GitVersion is not currently a part of the build machines. Also, you need to ignore the mono dependency when installing, otherwise you get an error when brew tries to link the files.
The #MacRusher version was fine for me. Just for further readers, I had to add .toInteger() to make it work. Since I'm using yarn version --patch to automatically upgrade the version in package.json I also had to take only the two first characters.
Here is the new version:
// On top of your file import a JSON parser
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
def getVersionFromPackageJson() {
// Read and parse package.json file from project root
def inputFile = new File("$rootDir/../package.json")
def packageJson = new JsonSlurper().parseText(inputFile.text)
// Return the version, you can get any value this way
return packageJson["version"].substring(0,2).toInteger()
android {
defaultConfig {
applicationId ""
versionName getVersionFromPackageJson()

Best way to add a code generation step in the build process?

I have a python script that modifies a part of a java class (add static fields) according to another file.
What is the best way to add it in the Gradle build process (My script requires pyton3 (so it would be better to tell the user if he doesn't have it) and need to be executed before the java compilation) ?
I'm not certain what the best way to run python from gradle is, but one candidate is to use the exec task:
task runPython(type:Exec) {
workingDir 'path_to_script'
commandLine /*'cmd', '/c'*/ 'python', ''
You might have to add cmd and /c on windows. You can also parse/assert on stdout for success conditions. See here for more about Exec.
As for ensuring that this task always runs before compileJava, you have to add this task as a dependsOn for the compileJava task:
compileJava.dependsOn runPython
alternate syntax:
dependsOn runPython
When compileJava dependsOn runPython, runPython is executed first everytime compileJava is invoked.

How to enable read/write contacts permission when run connected Android test?

Let connected Android tests work well on Android M.
How to enable read/write contacts permission when run connected Android test?
I know pm command could enable the apk's permission.
adb shell pm grant <PACKAGE_NAME> <PERMISSION_NAME>
I want to run the tests which could run on both real apis and mock apis. If I fail to trigger pm command in gradle DSL, test code is not able to touch real api for security reason.
I try to add the step as first of connectedAndroidTest (connectedInstrumentTest) task. It doesn't work for the target apk has not been install yet. The command lines are called with error code.
android.testVariants.all { variant ->
variant.connectedInstrumentTest.doFirst {
def adb = android.getAdbExe().toString()
exec {
commandLine 'echo', "hello, world testVariants"
exec {
commandLine adb, 'shell', 'pm', 'grant', variant.testedVariant.applicationId, 'android.permission.READ_ACCOUNTS'
I try to add the step as last step of install task. It isn't called when I start connectedAndroidTest.
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
if (variant.getBuildType().name == "debug") {
variant.install.doLast {
def adb = android.getAdbExe().toString()
exec {
commandLine 'echo', "hello, world applicationVariants"
exec {
commandLine adb, 'shell', 'pm', 'grant', variant.applicationId, 'android.permission.READ_ACCOUNTS'
My plan is to enable permissions before tests are launched. I don't know which task is proper one. It looks like connectedVariantAndroidTest doesn't depend on installVariant, though they both call adb install.
I try to run the pm grant from test cases. It fails as expected.
I will accept other solutions to run the android tests well.
I think that you need to create your own task depending on installDebug and then make connectedDebugAndroidTest depend on your task.
People does it to disable animations and works, you force the app installation and grant your specific permission before the android tests are executed like this:
def adb = android.getAdbExe().toString()
task nameofyourtask(type: Exec, dependsOn: 'installDebug') { // or install{productFlavour}{buildType}
group = 'nameofyourtaskgroup'
description = 'Describe your task here.'
def mypermission = 'android.permission.READ_ACCOUNTS'
commandLine "$adb shell pm grant ${variant.applicationId} $mypermission".split(' ')
tasks.whenTaskAdded { task ->
if ('connectedDebugAndroidTest')) { // or connected{productFlavour}{buildType}AndroidTest
task.dependsOn nameofyourtask
You can add this code to a new yourtask.gradle file and add the next line at the bottom of the build.gradle file:
apply from: "yourtask.gradle"
And declare your permission in the proper manifest
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_ACCOUNTS" />
Fixed commandLine command like you did on your version for multiple variants, thanks.
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
if (variant.getBuildType().name == "debug") {
task "configDevice${}" (type: Exec){
dependsOn variant.install
group = 'nameofyourtaskgroup'
description = 'Describe your task here.'
def adb = android.getAdbExe().toString()
def mypermission = 'android.permission.READ_ACCOUNTS'
commandLine "$adb shell pm grant ${variant.applicationId} $mypermission".split(' ')
variant.testVariant.connectedInstrumentTest.dependsOn "configDevice${}"

