How do i generate JWT token from android - android

How do i generate JWT token from android. I tried the following :
token = JWT.create().withClaim("email",username)
System.out.println(" JWS token : "+ token);
But i got this exception :
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method encodeBase64URLSafeString([B)Ljava/lang/String; in class Lorg/apache/commons/codec/binary/Base64; or its super classes (declaration of 'org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64' appears in /system/framework/ext.jar)
at com.auth0.jwt.JWTCreator.sign(
at com.auth0.jwt.JWTCreator.access$100(
at com.auth0.jwt.JWTCreator$Builder.sign(
at se.stigasoft.netwrapper.NetCom.jwtWork(
I tried other methos from some other library too.
String compactJws = Jwts.builder()
.signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.HS256, "secret".getBytes())
this one generates the token. But i dont know how to send my data like name,value pair that i used to send in the post method .
. Please help

To generate JWT token there is the way to generate:
1) add dependency in gradle
implementation 'io.jsonwebtoken:jjwt:0.7.0'
2) add the following code on the basis of the parameters.
btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
String jwt = Jwts.builder().claim("emailId","").claim("emailIdOTP", "123456")
.claim("phoneNo", "1111111111")
.signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.HS256, "secret".getBytes())
Log.v("JWT : - ",jwt);

After much digging in the internet for last day I found the solution to this
String compactJws = Jwts.builder().claim("email",username).claim("password",password)
.signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.HS256, "secret".getBytes())
this is the correct way to generate the token from the app side. So that the data is not sent in plain header.

In Kotlin Generate using this
val jws1 = Jwts.builder()
.signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.HS256, "key".toByteArray()).compact()
Log.d("SHUBH", "onCreate: $jws1")

Related token issue Android

We are generating agora token from token server provided by agora but the token expires immmediately after the generation it throws DYNAMIC-KEY-EXPIRY with error code 109 and i have tried using onRequestToken() call back method provided in SDK below is the code snippet
override fun onRequestToken() {
//this will be called when the token expires
//so generate new token and renew the existing token
runOnUiThread {
and getting another token from server and renewing the token using mRtcEngine.renewToken(token)
we have contacted agora team regarding this but unable to find the issue the token generated works sometimes,we have two account one is test account and other is main account when we use the one credentials it works for a day or so and after we need to change the credentials for every 2 days
and the new generated token is expiring just after the generation
So if any one faced the same issue and any help regarding this is appreciated
When you generate the token, you can set the token expiration time in the request parameter. Here is a guide for token generation.
If you have set the expiration time but still having the issue, please let me know.
We are generating the token using agora token server and the time expiration is 3600
const { RtcTokenBuilder, RtmTokenBuilder, RtcRole, RtmRole } = require('agora-access-token');
const role = RtcRole.PUBLISHER;
const expirationTimeInSeconds = 3600
const currentTimestamp = Math.floor( / 1000)
const privilegeExpiredTs = currentTimestamp + expirationTimeInSeconds
const generateAuthTokenToInititateCall = async (channel, cb) => {
const token = RtcTokenBuilder.buildTokenWithUid(appID, appCertificate, channel, 0, role, privilegeExpiredTs);
cb({ "token": token, "channel": channel })
this is the node js code snippet
Is anyone able to resolve this? This is occurring despite setting the expiration to 3600 seconds (1 hour from current time).
let me make this token generation for you very simple and also the later process.
*firstly how to generate token?
you need a backend server which provides you with token when you provide the server a channel name. no where you will be told that this backend server is not necessary. rather you can copy - paste the token generation code directly into the app in a form of directory.
*where is this token generation code?
this code is available for flutter also research a little bit.
*how to generate token using it?
once you have the all java files in your project you can use them to generate the token. here you can see a variable expirationTimeInSeconds, that will be the total time you want token to be active. rest all work leave it to the code it will do it for you.
package io.agora.sample;
public class RtcTokenBuilderSample {
static String appId = "970CA35de60c44645bbae8a215061b33";
static String appCertificate = "5CFd2fd1755d40ecb72977518be15d3b";
static String channelName = "7d72365eb983485397e3e3f9d460bdda";
static String userAccount = "2082341273";
static int uid = 2082341273;
static int expirationTimeInSeconds = 3600;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
RtcTokenBuilder token = new RtcTokenBuilder();
int timestamp = (int)(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 + expirationTimeInSeconds);
String result = token.buildTokenWithUserAccount(appId, appCertificate,
channelName, userAccount, Role.Role_Publisher, timestamp);
result = token.buildTokenWithUid(appId, appCertificate,
channelName, uid, Role.Role_Publisher, timestamp);
result here is the generated token which is valid for 3600 seconds, that is 1hour.

GraphQL server returns a 422 Error when request sent from Android app via Apollo Client

Hi I've been trying to set up a simple Android app to send a query to a GraphQL server I set up on my localhost via Springboot. If I don't use the app to send a request, either through GraphiQL or Postman, everything is fine and I have absolutely no issues. It's only when I send the request in the app through an Apollo Client that I get a 422 error.
I've set up log statements in Springboot that hosts the GraphQL server to log the payload.
Here's the schema as defined in Springboot.
type Query {
bookById(id: ID): Book
type Book {
id: ID
name: String
pageCount: Int
author: Author
type Author {
id: ID
firstName: String
lastName: String
Here's the query as defined in AndroidStudio for the Apollo Client to work with.
query BookById($id : ID) {
bookById(id : $id){
Here's the code in Android Studio.
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private static final String BASE_URL = "";
private static final String TAG = "MainActivity";
private TextView textBox;
private Button queryButton;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
textBox = (TextView) findViewById(;
queryButton = (Button) findViewById(;
OkHttpClient okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient.Builder().build();
ApolloClient apolloClient = ApolloClient.builder()
// To make requests to our GraphQL API we must use an instance
// of a query or mutation class generated by Apollo.
Input<String> id = Input.fromNullable("book-1");
BookByIdQuery bq = BookByIdQuery.builder()
queryButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
Log.d(TAG, "Book Query: " + bq.queryDocument());
ApolloCall.Callback<BookByIdQuery.Data>() {
public void onResponse(#NotNull com.apollographql.apollo.api.Response<BookByIdQuery.Data> dataResponse){
Log.d(TAG, "Got Response: \n" + dataResponse.toString());
// changing UI must be on UI thread
public void onFailure(#NotNull ApolloException a){
Log.d(TAG, "Failed, ApolloException " + a);
}); // end apolloClient query
Here's the log on the server side I get if making a request via GraphiQL or Postman.
DEBUG 13749 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] o.s.w.f.CommonsRequestLoggingFilter : Before request [uri=/graphql]
Here's the log when the request comes from Apollo in the app.
DEBUG 13749 --- [io-8080-exec-10] o.s.w.f.CommonsRequestLoggingFilter : Before request [uri=/graphql]
DEBUG 13749 --- [io-8080-exec-10] o.s.w.f.CommonsRequestLoggingFilter : REQUEST DATA : uri=/graphql;payload={"operationName":"BookById","variables":{"id":"book-1"},"query":"query BookById($id: ID) { bookById(id: $id) { __typename name author { __typename firstName lastName } }}"}]
Could the issue be related to the __typename attribute that Apollo is adding? Or could it be due to "id" being defined as a simple parameter in the server side schema but it being a variable in the Android Studio definition of the query?
I just expected to receive the response back with no issues since it seems to work every other way. Even if I type in the query manually into my web browser I have no issues getting the right response, it's only when working with Apollo Client in G̶r̶a̶p̶h̶Q̶L̶ Android Studio that this issue pops up and I'm at a complete loss as to why. I appreciate any help people can offer. Thanks in advance.
Update: So looking around some more it looks like when sending a query via ApolloClient it sends the query as an object instead of as a JSON string. Now I'm thinking that's probably the cause of the 422 error. I've also read that allowing my GraphQL server to accept objects in addition to JSON strings is something I must enable. I'm not really sure how to go about that though, so does anyone with experience with Spring Boot have any advice on how I could go about doing that? Thanks.

Create Firebase custom auth token using JWT

For creating firebase custom auth tokens, I am using third party JWT library (
In this library, there is an option to add firebase Custom Token Claims like (alg, iss,sub,aud,iat etc.)
All firebase information is available at
private_key = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----... -----END PRIVATE KEY-----";
I had passed private key in signWith method with encoding in base64
val encodeKey = Base64.encode(privateKey.toByteArray(), android.util.Base64.DEFAULT)
val jwt = Jwts.builder().setIssuer("firebase-adminsdk-kywht#...")
.setExpiration(calendar.time) //a java.util.Date
.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString())signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.RS512 ,encodeKey).compact()
I have used the above code but it did not work.
Anyone knows how to pass a private key to generate token?
first thing is whether you had missed a dot in your code acccidentally or not so put that and the parameters for signWith() is not correct i.e. first parameter is key and second one is signature algorithm. try this:
val encodeKey = Base64.encode(privateKey.toByteArray(), android.util.Base64.DEFAULT)
val jwt = Jwts.builder().setIssuer("firebase-adminsdk-kywht#...")
.setExpiration(calendar.time) //a java.util.Date
.signWith(encodeKey, SignatureAlgorithm.RS512) //changed here

GoogleTokenResponse does not contain ID token, intermittently

Intermittently, GoogleTokenResponse.parseIdToken() has an NullPointerExpection because the token response does not contain an ID token. Without changing any code, sometimes there is an ID token, and sometimes there isn't. Note that GoogleTokenResponse.getAccessToken() always works.
With no change to any code whatsoever, the ID token will be missing from one minute to the next, even if the access token is always available.
How can I debug this? Where to look?
I get the server auth code using this in an Android client using Google Play Games API:
PendingResult<Games.GetServerAuthCodeResult> pendingResult =
Games.getGamesServerAuthCode(mGoogleApiClient, Constants.web_client_ID);
pendingResult.setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<Games.GetServerAuthCodeResult>() {
public void onResult(Games.GetServerAuthCodeResult getTokenResult) {
On the server side (Google Cloud Endpoints), I exchange the code for a token using this code:
try {
tokenResponse = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeTokenRequest(
} ...
String accessToken = tokenResponse.getAccessToken();
GoogleIdToken idToken = null;
try {
idToken = tokenResponse.parseIdToken(); //-- FAILES HERE INTERMITTENTLY!!!!
} ...
Since it seems that Play Games Services does not guarantee an ID token using Games.getGamesServerAuthCode one should follow the directions in this post and get the ID token as it recommends:
Once you have the access token, you can now call using that
access token. Pass the auth token in a header as follows:
“Authorization: OAuth ” The response value will contain
the player ID for the user.
See this for a full example.

About how to pass the ParseObject(Object) using Rest API(service) in Installation class in android?

I am sagar, i am trying to implement the Parse Push-Notification in android using REST API (Service), and i am almost got success in implement the Push-Notification in Xamarin-Android using REST API. But i got stuck with one part in sending the Data into REST service. I trying to pass the ParseObject in service, but the in parse table there is a need of Object,(). I have tried to pass the ParseObject as below:
It convert ParseObject into array and array is not accepted in table and ,i got failed to save it in table. because there i a need of object.
I need solution or suggestion from developer guys. Yours help will be appreciated. I am trying the below code to achieve the result.
public static void RegisterPush(string regristrationId)
if (regristrationId != null) {
string appID = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
string restID = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
string masterID = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
try {
var client = new RestClient ("");
var request = new RestRequest ("1/installations", RestSharp.Method.POST);
request.AddHeader ("Accept", "application/json");
request.AddHeader ("X-Parse-Application-Id", appID);
request.AddHeader ("X-Parse-REST-API-Key", restID);
request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential (appID, masterID);
request.Parameters.Clear ();
Console.Error.WriteLine ("ParseUser.CurrentUser-->"+ (ParseObject) ParseUser.CurrentUser);
string strJSONContent = "{\"user\" :"+ JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ParseUser.CurrentUser)+",\"owner\":\"" + ParseUser.CurrentUser.ObjectId + "\",\"deviceType\":\"android\",\"GCMSenderId\":\"1234567890\",\"appName\":\"abcdefgh\",\"pushType\":\"gcm\",\"deviceToken\":\"" + regristrationId + "\"}";
Console.Error.WriteLine("json string-->"+ strJSONContent);
request.AddParameter ("application/json", strJSONContent, ParameterType.RequestBody);
client.ExecuteAsync (request, response => {
Console.Error.WriteLine ("response for android parse installation-->" + response.Content);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Console.WriteLine (ex.Message);
Output:{"user" :[{"Key":"dealOffered","Value":4},{"Key":"dealRequested","Value":5},{"Key":"displayName","Value":"Cook"},{"Key":"email","Value":""},{"Key":"firstName","Value":"Lorenzo"},{"Key":"lastName","Value":"Cook"},{"Key":"mobileNumber","Value":9999999999.0},{"Key":"picture","Value":{"IsDirty":false,"Name":"tfss-afd25c29-6679-4843-842c-fe01f7fcf976-profile.jpg","MimeType":"image/jpeg","Url":""}},{"Key":"provider","Value":"password"},{"Key":"userType","Value":"Merchant"},{"Key":"username","Value":""},{"Key":"zipCode","Value":2342343}],"owner":"3cF1vHUXkW","deviceType":"android","GCMSenderId":"1234567890123","appName":"Sailfish","pushType":"gcm","deviceToken":"APA91bE3bsTIInQcoloOBE4kdLVVHVTRVtNyA1A788hYSC15wAVu8mUg-lwk7ZPk370rngrK7J6OoLmiM9HRr1CGPaBo6LCNrSUL7erBku4vepaFFkQzgqS6BcAemp"}
Error:{"code":111,"error":"invalid type for key user, expected *_User, but got array"}
I found the solution in , parse xamarin docs, in one query , the way is simple, but i little bit hard to found out.
The issue is with the data passing in json format in REST, to pass any pointer using REST API, use as below.
The solution is as below:
It looks like your column user is set up wrong. It should show as a Pointer<_User> not Pointer
If you load this class in your Data Browser, is the "user" key defined as a string, or a Pointer <_User>
This error seems to indicate that this is a string column, which is why the Parse.User object is not being accepted as a valid value. You might have tried setting a string on this key before, which in turn type-locked the "user" key as a string column.
Found it on the examples given on this page -
Have you check your REST API connection while passing ParseObject?
Because your error says:
Error:{"code":111,"error":"invalid type for key user, expected *_User, but got array"}
Here "code":111This error code comes when server refuse for connection

