My IntentService gets fired from 2 places, either by an Alarm or by the Activity and since the duration is related to the amount of data it needs do fetch from the web, from what I understood, I need to keep a partial wakelock.
Here's my implementation:
protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getSystemService(POWER_SERVICE);
WakeLock wakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, "WakeLock");
try {
///other code here
if (wakeLock.isHeld()) {
My question is: will this work good enough? Will the finally make sure that the wakelock is released in any circumstances? From what I know onHandleIntent handles intent one after another, so there is no risk in having 2 intents/2 wakelocks in the same time.
Later edit:
The IntentService is called in 2 ways:
from my Activity, like
startService(new Intent(context, MyService.class).putExtra()..);
2 from a triggered Alarm using a PendingIntent
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getService(context, someId, myServiceIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
Will the service have enough time to aquire wakelock when ran from the Alarm?
Whether you need to keep wake-lock or not should not be related to the amount of work your Service does - theoretically, device can go to sleep even if the amount of work is small.
Wake-locks should be considered only if you absolutely must ensure that device can't sleep while the Service is running. Cases like this are very rare. Some examples:
Alarm clock applications (need to wake you up even if the device is sleeping)
Real time messaging applications (need to notify you about new messages even if the device is sleeping)
Most applications don't have such a strict timing requirements. For example, the following are NOT good reasons to use wake locks:
Periodic synchronization of data with the server (should be delayed until device awakes)
Displaying current user's location on map (can be obtained when device awakens; but wake-lock will be needed for applications that monitor user's entire route)
If you really need to ensure that the device doesn't sleep during Service execution, then you need to acquire a wake-lock (one of the several types). Let's assume that this is the case here.
You want to be able to start the "wakeful" Service from application's UI (Activity), and using AlarmManager.
Starting from UI
Since the device should be completely awake in order for the user to interact with UI, you can safely assume that if you start the Service in response to UI interaction it will have a chance to acquire a wake-lock (but do it as soon as the Service is started).
Your solution covers this case.
Starting from AlarmManager
Unfortunately, there is no guarantee (at least no documented guarantee) that when AlarmManager starts the Service it will hold a wake lock and allow the Service to acquire its own wake-lock. This means that the device can go to sleep after alarm fired, but before your Service had a chance to acquire the wake-lock.
This means that your solution will "break" in this case.
The only documented scheme in which AlarmManager will help you with wake-locks involves broadcasts:
The Alarm Manager holds a CPU wake lock as long as the alarm
receiver's onReceive() method is executing. This guarantees that the
phone will not sleep until you have finished handling the broadcast.
Once onReceive() returns, the Alarm Manager releases this wake lock.
This means that the phone will in some cases sleep as soon as your
onReceive() method completes. If your alarm receiver called
Context.startService(), it is possible that the phone will sleep
before the requested service is launched. To prevent this, your
BroadcastReceiver and Service will need to implement a separate wake
lock policy to ensure that the phone continues running until the
service becomes available.
This is where WakefulBroadcastReceiver comes in very handy.
Note that if you use this scheme, then there is no need to support a different one for "UI initiated" case - use the same approach in both cases.
You might also want to take a look at this library developed by #CommonsWare (I didn't use it myself though).
I have an IntentService which is called from elsewhere (say from component X) in my app. I want its onHandleIntent to run with a wake lock. There seem to be two ways of doing this:
Acquire and release a wake lock in onHandleIntent.
Create a new WakefulBroadcastReceiver which starts this service. In component X, call this receiver instead of the service directly.
The second option seems to be recommended. But why? Does the added indirection and boilerplate offer any advantage over the first approach?
Back in 2010, we were told that the only guarantee with AlarmManager and _WAKEUP-style alarms was that if we used a broadcast PendingIntent, then Android would keep the device awake long enough for onReceive() to complete. Any other type of PendingIntent did not have that sort of guarantee.
However, onReceive() of a BroadcastReceiver is called on the main application thread, and we cannot safely spend much time there. Ideally, it's sub-millisecond, as for all you know, your UI happens to be in the foreground right now, and you do not want this receiver to cause jank.
So, the recipe became:
Have the alarm trigger a BroadcastReceiver
Have the receiver acquire a WakeLock
Have the receiver delegate the work to a Service, typically an IntentService
Have the service release the WakeLock when the work is completed
My WakefulIntentService was the first library to offer support for this recipe. WakefulBroadcastReceiver came along later. They both accomplish the same end, just with different semantics.
Note that "why don't we just acquire a WakeLock in the service?" fails because the device might fall asleep between the end of onReceive() and the first place where the service might get a chance to acquire the WakeLock.
Now, for other situations, not involving AlarmManager, having the service manage its own WakeLock is perfectly reasonable. In fact, that's one of the reasons I went with having a special IntentService (WakefulIntentService) rather than a special BroadcastReceiver (WakefulBroadcastReceiver).
I can observe my device is not going to sleep because alarm is holding a partial wakelock, but i don't know how to find app on behalf of which alarm is holding wakelock.
AlarmManager provides access to the system alarm services. These allow you to schedule an application to be run at some point in the future. When an alarm goes off, the Intent that has been registered for it is broadcasted by the system, automatically starting the target application if it is not already running. Registered alarms are retained while the device is asleep (and can optionally wake the device up if they go off during that time), but will be cleared if it is turned off and rebooted. The Alarm Manager holds a CPU wake lock as long as the alarm receiver's onReceive() method is executing. This guarantees that the phone will not sleep until you have finished handling the broadcast. Once onReceive() returns, the Alarm Manager releases this wake lock. This means that the phone will in some cases sleep as soon as your onReceive() method completes. more Detail
You can also look at battery-historian. It's a very helpful tool for finding unreleased wakelocks and logging battery history.
The documentation for AlarmManager seems to imply (but does not outright explicitly require) that the PendingIntent you pass in to any of the set() methods should be of the type BroadcastReceiver, but I tested passing in other component types (like an IntentService) and it seemed to work fine.
Is it safe to use non-BroadcastReceiver Intents with AlarmManager?
Yes, and it has always worked, but I suspect not in the way that you're thinking. You can use any PendingIntent with an alarm; this could indeed be an activity or service PendingIntent. If it's a service PendingIntent, then the OS will call startService() for you when the alarm fires. The hidden catch is about the behavior of wakeup alarms.
When any alarm fires, the OS holds a wakelock on the sender's behalf for as long as it takes to deliver the PendingIntent, at which point the wakelock is released and the device is allowed to go back to sleep. The exact meaning of "as long as it takes to deliver" depends on which kind of PendingIntent is being used.
Broadcast delivery is essentially treated as synchronous: the wakelock is held by the Alarm Manager until the recipient's onReceive() callback returns. This gives you a hard guarantee that whatever processing you want to do in onReceive() is guaranteed to proceed without the device sleeping.
However, activity and service PendingIntent delivery does not wait for the recipient in the same way. With those kinds of alarm PendingIntents, the device remains awake long enough to begin the process of starting the target activity or service, but then it can (and does) go back to sleep immediately after that launch has begun, before the target code actually has a chance to run. In practice this means that with a service PendingIntent, even if the alarm is a wakeup alarm, the service will often not actually execute until the device as a whole is woken up normally, e.g. the next time the user turns on the screen manually.
Sometimes this is okay, if your code doesn't actually care that even though the alarm fired at 3am, the service didn't start running until 7am when the alarm clock went off and lit up the phone for an extended period. More often, though, what apps need to do is use a broadcast alarm, then in their onReceive() -- knowing that the device will sleep as soon as they return -- acquire their own wakelock and start up the service under that wakelock, etc.
There is a terrific support library class called WakefulBroadcastReceiver that encapsulates this alarm-wakelock-service dance and makes it both easy and bulletproof; it's Use that if you ever want to start a service in response to a wakeup alarm.
I am working with Android API especially Alarms, IntentService and notifications. I am using AlarmManager to schedule a periodic IntentService which might or might not fire notifications.
My questions is What happens when the device is in sleep mode?
Alarm will not fire and thus IntentService will not run at all. I am not sure if this will be the case.Will it make a difference if I make it a WakefulIntentService? I believe wake locks are needed to ensure the service keeps running after the BroadCastReciever returns. However, in this case there is no broadcast reciever.
Alarm and IntentService will run, but any notification will not have any impact since the device is sleeping. In this case, do I have to explicitly get a wakelock from PowerManager to fire notification ?
What happens when the device is in sleep mode?
That depends upon your type of alarm and the component your PendingIntent is to invoke.
If your alarm type ends in _WAKEUP, and you are using a broadcast PendingIntent, the device will wake up and remain awake through the call to onReceive() of the BroadcastReceiver. Once onReceive() returns, the device can fall asleep again. This is why WakefulIntentService and WakefulBroadcastRecevier were created -- to offer tested patterns for how to pass control to an IntentService and keep the device awake while the service completes its work.
If your alarm type ends in _WAKEUP and you are not using a broadcast PendingIntent, as the saying goes, your mileage may vary. You may not get control before the device falls back asleep. This is not a recommended pattern.
If your alarm types does not end in _WAKEUP, the device will not wake up due to your alarm.
With respect to the Notification, given the nature of the API, one hopes that it is the OS' responsibility to keep the device awake long enough for the ringtone or vibration pattern to play, as we do not know the precise instant when the Notification appears, nor do we know whether the ringtone will play (e.g., device is on silent mode).
I am new to the notion of WakeLock and need your help.
I assume WakeLock to be some type of lock which when held by the executing code prevents the device from sleeping. What if the device is already in sleep/standby mode, will the code execute then? Assuming that it would never acquire a WakeLock?
When a long running task(abt 7-8 sec) is done in a background thread(AsyncTask) should I be bothered about holding a WakeLock? Does AsyncTask already acquire it for me?
links to official documentations and writeup on wakelocks are appreciated.
1.If the phone is in full sleep mode, aside from an incoming phone call, you could use an AlarmManager intent to wake the phone up.
From the AlarmManager class documentation:
The Alarm Manager holds a CPU wake
lock as long as the alarm receiver's
onReceive() method is executing. This
guarantees that the phone will not
sleep until you have finished handling
the broadcast. Once onReceive()
returns, the Alarm Manager releases
this wake lock. This means that the
phone will in some cases sleep as soon
as your onReceive() method completes.
If your alarm receiver called
Context.startService(), it is possible
that the phone will sleep before the
requested service is launched. To
prevent this, your BroadcastReceiver
and Service will need to implement a
separate wake lock policy to ensure
that the phone continues running until
the service becomes available.
2.If you're working with an AsyncTask, you will want to publish results on to the UI thread on onPostExecute()
From the AsyncTask documentation:
AsyncTask enables proper and easy use of the UI thread. This class allows to perform background operations and publish results on the UI thread without having to manipulate threads and/or handlers.
3.I suggest you have a read at the official documentation of Power Manager which gives a good introduction to the WakeLock concept.
Typically the only code that would run while the phone is sleeping is a BroadcastReceiver. Actually, the phone wakes up for a second, runs the BroadcastReceiver's code and sleeps again. Since you should never run long code in a BroadcastReceiver (use it to launch a Service instead), you can basically assume that your code is never run while the phone is sleeping. Of course, if you are using a BroadcastReceiver to start a Service, you should usually obtain a WakeLock.
With an AsyncTask initiated by the user, you don't really need to worry about WakeLocks. It is unlikely the phone will sleep while it is running. I'm not sure if they get a WakeLock, but putting my phone to sleep while running a standard AsyncTask doesn't seem to interrupt the it.
As SteD said, check this out:
Basically the only time you need to worry about WakeLocks is when you either expect your task to be interrupted by sleeping (as is the case if you set an alarm that wakes the phone up briefly) or if you absolutley cannot have the task interrupted. Otherwise, just make sure that you gracefully handle any interruptions.