How to change visibility of Back button in webview(Android)? - android

I want to remove that back button which is highlighted in below screenshot.
I am implemented Payubiz Payment gateway by using webview. I am not getting any way to remove that back button from webview.
Or else is there any way to set click event for that webview back button so that when i click on that back button I will directly come back to app.


react native picker - doesn't hide when android back button pressed

I have a listener on the whole app for the back button press event in android to override the default behaviour of back button(exit the app).
Also in some component i have override it too if i want the back button to be disabled or do something else.
The problem is when i open a react-native-picker, the picker stays on the screen ignoring the back button press.
I want it to first close (on the first back button press) and only then do what the higher component ordered to do when back button is pressed.
so i can't override the the higher component back button handling
i thought maybe to add the picker as a screen in the navigator and instead of planting it as a component, navigate to it, so it will be added to the stack navigator.
then by default it will first pop it of the stack when pressing back.
how can i add the picker component as a screen to navigate to, or is there a better way to do that?
By default the back behavior collapses or closes the picker on Android (depending on the mode you have chosen). You can see a working example here.

How to Implement Gmail Drawer Navigation in android

I Have used inbuilt android navigation drawer and now i want to implement multi fragment navigation like as gmail.
1.first image When click on Google mail, it will redirect to Google details with back button icon in preview fragment(image2).
2.second image when click on back button its open again first image (main activity with default fragment) instated of navigation drawer.
So Same way i want to implement in my app, Please help me how to achieve this scenario?
In default fragment i have placed editfieds and submit button. when click on submit button redirect to new fragment, now click on back button on new fragment i want to come back the default fragment.

How to differentiate between a back button press within an Android webview and a back button press taking you to a separate page?

I would like to send a metric if my back button press took me to a different page within the same WebView or a different metric if it exited the WebView. How would I do that?
In other words, I would like to know if the new page that comes up after hitting the back button is an instance of the same webview or a different fragment in the same activity.

Which is the default submit button in Android when pressing GO button on keyboard?

I have web app in Adnroid. I have two submit buttons inside. When I press go button on the keyboard one of then is always selected. Is there a way to manage which button is selected. How to determine which is the default submit button?
Pressing the GO button should work similar to pressing enter on a computer keyboard. So the GO button is just submitting the form, it shouldn't be triggering any specific button on the form.

how to Add a Button on the home screen in android?

I want to add a button on the home screen and want to code in the click event of that button.
I have an application which has an activate button,As soon as this activate button is clicked i want that a Button gets created on the home screen and i want to code some database queries in its click event.I have already created that application,Now i want to place the button on the home screen.How do i do that.
Thanks in Anticipation.
I don't think you can create a button on the Home Screen on-the-fly by coding. In my book, the only way to get a button on the Home Screen is if the user adds it as a widget.
If you are using xml layout for it add the button widget you needed and set it's visibility by android:visibility="gone",when you clicked the first button to activate the button to display,make it to visible by getting the id of the corresponding button
for eg: btn2.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);

