I put react-native.jar to tensorflow android's directory and add configuration to tensorflow/examples/android/BUILD file like this:
name = "react-native",
jars = [
Now run bazel build //tensorflow/examples/android:tensorflow_demo work well. But then use import com.facebook.react.*; in java file and run bazel build ... again, it throws a nonexistent error, can't find com.facebook.react.* package.
In order to expose the classes in the JAR to the Java code in the Android build, you need to add a dependency in the android_binary that you are building on the java_import you have created.
For example:
# tensorflow/examples/android/BUILD
name = "react-native",
jars = [
name = "tensorflow_demo",
srcs = glob(["src/**/*.java"]),
deps = [
I have a binary in Android that links to a static library A. Static library libA depends on multiple shared libraries.
The binary does not do anything except it imports a class from the static library and executes a simple function.
However, the binary fails to build except I link against the same shared libraries to which the static library A is linked because the compiler tries to recompile libA with the build config of the binary.
Here is my Android.bp of the static library:
cc_library_static {
name: "libA",
relative_install_path: "hw",
vendor: true,
rtti: true,
cflags: [
srcs: [
shared_libs: [
header_libs: [
whole_static_libs: [
export_include_dirs: ["."]
Here is my Android.bp for the binary:
name: "simplebinary",
relative_install_path: "hw",
vendor: true,
cflags: [
whole_static_libs: [
shared_libs: [
srcs: [
The build of the binary fails with:
libA.hpp:4:10: fatal error: 'lib/lib.hpp' file not found
I'm building using the command mm
According to the error message, the compiler cannot find a header file in its header search path. Header includes are resolved during the preprocessor stage, therefore this is not a linking problem. The preprocessor runs at the beginning of compilation, the linking is done at the end.
From your description, I understand that the code for simplebinary includes the header libA.hpp, provided by libA. I understand that libA.hpp is contained in the same directory as the Android.bp that defines the libA module. Because of the export_include_dirs: ["."], this directory is added to the header search path for the compilation of simplebinary. Therefore, the compiler can find libA.hpp when compiling simplebinary.
Now libA.hpp includes CommonAPI/CommonAPI.hpp. I do not know to which library this header belongs. I assume the header belongs to some library libB, and libA links against libB. I further assume that libB has export_include_dirs set to point to the folder containing CommonAPI/CommonAPI.hpp. You can then make libA re-export this header by adding export_shared_lib_headers: ["libB"] to the module declaration of libA. If libB is not a shared library, you would have to use export_static_lib_headers or export_header_lib_headers instead (reference).
I have been trying to import opencv-android-sdk to my Bazel project but I am not able to do it.
I tried the this answer on SO but while building my project I get errors that
error: package org.opencv.android does not exist
I see that there's an opencv-android artifact on Maven.
You can depend on this using rules_jvm_external.
In your WORKSPACE file, specify the dependency along with the other external dependencies:
load("#rules_jvm_external//:defs.bzl", "maven_install")
artifacts = [
# ...
repositories = [
Then, in your BUILD file containing your Android targets, depend on the OpenCV target:
name = "my_lib",
custom_package = "com.example.bazel",
srcs = glob(["java/com/example/bazel/*.java"]),
manifest = "java/AndroidManifest.xml",
resource_files = glob(["res/**"]),
deps = [
visibility = ["//src/test:__subpackages__"]
Finally, you should be able to reference classes like org.opencv.core.Core in your Android Java code.
P.S. consider switching all your maven_jar and gmaven_rules/gmaven_artifact to use rules_jvm_external. The former Maven rules have been deprecated in favor of rules_jvm_external.
Hello my fellow developers,
I'm trying to switch from Gradle to Buck and have problems setting it up with Dagger and Butterknife since they need annotation processing.
I found a few links and tutorials, but they are already a few (~4) years old and I thought there might be a little bit newer approach on doing things.
This is what I looked at already:
Thanks in advance,
Buck supports annotation processing for Java-based rules (including android_library). Take a look at how Immutables are used in buck repository (link to source code):
First of all, you need to declare library jars:
name = "immutables",
exported_deps = [
visibility = [
name = "value",
binary_jar = "value-2.5.6.jar",
source_jar = "value-2.5.6-sources.jar",
licenses = [
name = "builder",
binary_jar = "builder-2.5.6.jar",
source_jar = "builder-2.5.6-sources.jar",
licenses = [
Define annotation processor:
name = "processor",
isolate_class_loader = True,
processor_class = "org.immutables.value.internal.$processor$.$Processor",
visibility = [
deps = [
You can then add this annotation processor to the list of plugins of the targets:
name = "target",
plugins = [
deps = [
Buck repository contains a custom rule (java_immutables_library) that adds this annotation processor so that developers don't need to specify plugins on every target. You can probably use similar approach.
As per a lot of examples, android data bindings are enabled by putting the following snippet in build.gradle file:
android {
dataBinding {
enabled = true
However, I'm working on an android project in AOSP which builds using the make file (Android.mk).
So my question is: How can we add support for data-binding dependencies in android make file?
I found a solution that works for me!
The first hurdle to climb will look something like this: error: package net.mulliken.pinenotenotebook.databinding does not exist
I found that Android Studio automatically generates these files. It was in app/build/generated/data_binding_base_class_source_out/debug/out/net/mulliken/pinenotenotebook/databinding. In order to incorporate this in my build I made a symbolic link from my Android studio workspace to databinding_src in my packages folder.
After that it still didn't work because it could not find the view binding package. You will probably get an error like this: error: package androidx.viewbinding does not exist
I found that google has a repo that includes this package and so I cloned it into my AOSP workspace under frameworks.
[me aosp/frameworks] $ git clone -b studio-main https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/data-binding data-binding
I then created a new symbolic link from that path into my package directory so that the compiler could find that class:
[me packages/apps/MyAPP] $ ln -s ../../../../frameworks/data-binding/extensions/viewbinding/src/main/java/ androidx_viewbinding_src
At the end of the day my Android.bp file looks like this:
android_app {
name: "PineNoteNotebook",
static_libs: [
certificate: "platform",
srcs: [
resource_dirs: ["res"],
product_specific: true,
sdk_version: "current",
optimize: {
enabled: false
required: ["libpinenote"],
And my package tree looks like this:
├── Android.bp
├── AndroidManifest.xml -> /home/mulliken/AndroidStudioProjects/PineNoteNotebook/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
├── androidx_viewbinding_src -> ../../../../frameworks/data-binding/extensions/viewbinding/src/main/java/
├── databinding_src -> /home/mulliken/AndroidStudioProjects/PineNoteNotebook/app/build/generated/data_binding_base_class_source_out/debug/out
├── res -> /home/mulliken/AndroidStudioProjects/PineNoteNotebook/app/src/main/res/
└── src -> /home/mulliken/AndroidStudioProjects/PineNoteNotebook/app/src/main/java/
i think you must use the latest android studio 3.6 version , with the latest ndk +
add this to your android gradle
android {
viewBinding {
enabled = true
check this : https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/view-binding
I'm building an Android library based on Tensorflow with Bazel.
Here the BUILD file
name = "libfoo.so",
srcs = glob([
copts = [ "-fexceptions", "-DEIGEN_AVOID_STL_ARRAY",
"-mfpu=neon", "-std=c++11",
"-O2", ],
linkopts = [
linkshared = 1,
deps = [
The linker complains about not finding -lpthread, while I didn't add this flag to linkopts.
I've checked the executed command, and in fact there is extra flags on it: -lz -lpthread ...
Where did they came from ? Is there a workaround for this ?
I got the answer from the tensorflow's issue tracker.
Since copts and linkopts are viral and propagate to dependencies, -lpthread is most likely being inherited from #boringssl//:crypto
-lpthread is not necessary or possible on Android, so it sounds like the solution would be to add another condition for the select statement as in the linked commit google/protobuf#1386:
The only other workaround I know of that doesn't require editing the other repository is to create a dummy libpthread.so target, but that's pretty hacky.