How to convert SMILE into TEXT (android) [closed] - android

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have Android 4.4, and someone messaged me unknown smile (to be true, most of smiles are strange to me), and I dont know which combination was used for that smile,
:* :P or i something other i dont know
how can i know, which combination was used? Have I to type every combination manually to find that?

You can find here the list (and search using ctrl+f and then paste the emojii):


How to create a Pin Keyboard on Android [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I wonder how to create a pin keyboard like this layout, in this layout, we have a pinview and Pin keyboard just and, I still looking on GitHub but they using a library not made the layout by self, maybe someone can help me to solve this case, thank you for your help
It is easy.
You can use this
Or you can design this by adding buttons to your layout.

How to create drop down like below image in android? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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is it possible to do? if possible then what element i should use for this. I searched so many time in google but not found functionality like this.
Just show and hide layout it will give you effect like drop down .
We can do every thing we are androider's look at this awesome example -
you can do like this also much easy -

Android contact app layout [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Wich is the best aproach here? I have a list of phones, another one for emails, and another one for names, all of them is in a database and I need to achieve the following result:
It has to be exactly like that image, I'm not asking anyone to right te code for me, I just need to know what is the best way to achieve that.
A linear layout may be a good starting point.

Making a Circular Dial like menu [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Am currently working on a circular dial like menu like one below, where user can scroll to select an option. May I get any UI ideas for achieving this in native Android development.
AbsoluteLayout is deprecated.
However, you are lucky:
there is a similar open source project on github:
Good Question,
You can use "AbsoluteLayout" for this type of UI.
Black Image for Dialer and , Than small images for numbers.
Thank you,

Tricks to remember syntax in android [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am new in android and I have a big problem with remembering syntax. Anyone have some tricks to remember it then give me please.Thanks in advance.
In either XML or Java, you will get auto-complete when you start typing API calls or, defining attributes in layout files.
CTRL+SPACE will provide API or Attribute auto-complete options.
Also, try Cmd+1 (mac) or CTRL+1 (Windows) for quick text options.

