When i use xAxis.setLabelRotationAngle(-45); to rotate the labels of the xAxis on a bar chart,it causes the chart to jump up on the charts.BarChart control.
Chart without label rotation
Chart with label rotation
How do i prevent this from happening while keeping the rotation?
I'm trying to hide the bottom labels from the HorizontalBarChart graph (in black border) using MPAndroidChart.
I tried setDrawLabels(false) for XAxis, YAxis left, YAxis right with no success.
What parameter should i change and set to false to hide this line?
It work when i disable the axis right from my horizontal bar chart.
// Right Y Axis
YAxis yr = chart.getAxisRight();
// yr.setDrawGridLines(false);
// yr.setDrawAxisLine(false);
// yr.disableGridDashedLine();
XAxis xl = chart.getXAxis();
//This will stop the grid lines from being drawn
//This Will stop the labels from being drawn
How to make graphview background completely blank, not even show x axis and y axis.
couldn't find anything on web
I got my solution by adding these lines
mygraphview.getGridLabelRenderer().setGridStyle(GridLabelRenderer.GridStyle.NONE);// It will remove the background grids
mygraphview.getGridLabelRenderer().setHorizontalLabelsVisible(false);// remove horizontal x labels and line
// remove vertical labels and lines
I have a problem using MPChart :
x axis couldn't display the first date,could someone help me?thanks!
You can use the setAvoidFirstLastClipping(Boolean) from your chart to avoid your first and last labels to be truncated.
From the doc:
setAvoidFirstLastClipping(boolean enabled): If set to true, the chart will avoid that the first and last axis label entry in the x-axis "clip" off the edge of the chart or the screen.
I am using MPAndroidChart library for my project.
Is it possible to rotate the labels of the XAxis by 270 degrees so that I can fit more text?
Original answer:
Unfortunately it is currently not possible to rotate the values on the x-axis of a chart to a certain degree / angle.
You will have to implement such a feature yourself.
As of v2.1.5 this feature is now available:
XAxis xAxis = chart.getXAxis();
do it simply by
XAxis xAxis=barChart.getXAxis();
I'm using chart engine library to draw bar chart. X-Axis label has text values and it required more space. How can I tilt the x-axis values.
Have you tried:
Where ANGLE is your desired text angle?