Save fragments states of a viewpager Activity after going to previous activity - android

Activity A opens Activity B, Activity B has two fragments a and b in a viewpager using FragmentPagerAdapter, fragments a and b has some radio buttons and check boxes where the user interacts with;
I need to store the buttons and checkboxes statuses in the fragments even if I left Activity B to A
My Attempts:
1- removed super.onBack() pressed to force the system into calling onSavedInstanceState in the activity, but still couldn't save fragments to it as am instantiating them in the adapter and do not know how to get the same object created of them to activity
2- tried the onSaveInstanceState(), onViewStateRestored() in each fragment and onSavedInstance never got called using setRetainInstance(true) in the oncreate(); then forced calling onSaveInstanceState() by calling it onPause()
I Read most of available solutions on stack and non of them worked, My Code is as follows;
public class FilterPagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter {
public final static int KEYWORDS_TAB = 0;
public final static int AREAS_TAB = 1;
private int tabCount;
private Context context;
public FilterPagerAdapter(FragmentManager fm, int tabCount, Context context) {
this.tabCount = tabCount;
this.context = context;
public Fragment getItem(int position) {
Fragment fragment;
switch (position) {
fragment = KeyWordsFragment.newInstance();
fragment = AreasFragment.newInstance();
return null;
return fragment;
public int getCount() {
return tabCount;
public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) {
String tabTitle = "";
switch (position) {
tabTitle = context.getResources().getString(R.string.tab_keywords);
tabTitle = context.getResources().getString(R.string.tab_area);
return tabTitle;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mAreas = new Areas();
mKeywords = new KeyWords();
private void viewControllers() {
tabLayout.addTab(tabLayout.newTab().setText(R.string.tab_keywords), CATEGORIES_TAB);
tabLayout.addTab(tabLayout.newTab().setText(R.string.tab_area), BRANDS_TAB);
filterPagerAdapter = new FilterPagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager(),
tabLayout.getTabCount(), this);
public void onBackPressed() {
startActivity(new Intent(FiltersActivity.this, BranchesActivity.class));
public void onStop() {

First off, I would recommend not forcing any call to onSavedInstanceState or any of the other lifecycle callbacks. It's better to fit to the flow of the lifecycle than to make the lifecycle fit your flow.
Second, there most likely isn't a reason to use setRetainInstance() on Fragments like this. This method is useful for creating viewless Fragments and store large data-sets. Going beyond that use-case tends to bring a lot of headaches.
So, with those out of the way, there should be a couple of ways to solve this, and they are dependent on the type of data it represents.
Method 1:
One way, which is similar to what you tried with #1, is advance to the next Activity (in this case ActivityA) rather than going back when the user presses back. This will pause and possibly stop ActivityB as well as use the onSaveInstanceState() method in which you can store the state of your Fragments.
The FragmentPagerAdapter will only call getItem() when it needs a new Fragment. All the Fragments that are already created will then be in the FragmentManager. Each Fragment will have to handle its own state. There's no need for the Activity or the Adapter to know about it. Each previously created Fragment will have onSavedInstanceState() called, and the bundle returned from that will be passed in onCreate(bundle) and onCreateView(bundle).
Method 2:
The above works for a lot of cases where the data is not very important. You could get away with it being wiped, and keeping the state is more for convenience. If the user was away from ActivityB for a while for whatever reason, the system could dump it from the stack. If that happens, then it could still be destroyed and the state reverts. In this case, you'll have to use SharedPreferences or some other more permanent data storage to save and restore the state.
Method 3:
I noticed that the name of ActivityB is actually FiltersActivity. I'm making the assumption that FiltersActivity is an Activity in which the user selects filters that get sent back to BranchesActivity. If you don't want to make these persistent, then another method then would be to simply pass the information back and forth between the two.
BranchesActivity will pass in the current filters to FiltersActivity.
FiltersActivity then defaults all its settings to the filters that were passed in.
FiltersActivity lets the user select the new set of filters.
The users presses "back" on FiltersActivity which returns the selected filters.
BranchesActivity now has new filters. When the user wants to change the filters, BranchesActivity will go back to step 1.


How can I add something to the savedinstancestate of an already destroyed fragment?

Simple question. If a fragment is still existing then I can set the fields of that fragment so when it gets destroyed they will be put into the savedInstanceState. But if the fragment was already destroyed, is there a way to update the savedInstanceState for that fragment so it can get picked up when the fragment is re-created?
For example, I'm launching some other activity, while the user is in that other activity the fragment gets destroyed but I want to signal the fragment to display some notification to the user when the fragment is next created again (after the user comes back from the other activity).
One solution, albeit a bit ugly, would be to just store them with IDs in some static map like:
private static int fragmentInstance = 0;
private static Map<Integer,Map<String,String>> sisExtras = new HashMap<>();
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle bundle) {
// ...
sisExtras.put(++fragmentInstance, new HashMap<>());
public static void addToSavedInstanceState(String key, String value) {
if (sisExtras.containsKey(fragmentInstance)) sisExtras.get(fragmentInstance).put(key,value);
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (sisExtras.containsKey(fragmentInstance)) {
for (Map.Entry<String,String> sisExtra : sisExtras.get(fragmentInstance).entrySet()) {
savedInstanceState.putString(sisExtra.getKey(), sisExtra.getValue());
// continue to handle the savedInstanceState as before...
I am hoping that there is a better way than this to put things into the savedInstanceState of a destroyed fragment.

Validate fields on multiple Fragments hosted by a ViewPager

My app works with a long form which I decided to divide in multiple Fragments in a ViewPager. When you press the "save" option, the validation process starts.
Basically the validation is that some EditTexts are not empty. I'm looping through all Fragments in the ViewPager check if all fields has valid values.
// Inside Fragment
public boolean areFieldsValid() {
return !mEditText.getText().toString().isEmpty()
public void showErrors() {
mEditText.setError("cannot be blank");
If a field inside a Fragment is not valid, then viewPager.setCurrentItem(position, true); and fragment.showErrors() are called to go to that Fragment and show the user the error.
The problem comes when onCreateView() hasn't been called on the Fragment that has the error.
This happens either because you haven't navigated to that Fragment yet (supposing the user's on fragment1, error is on fragment7 and the user pressed "save" while on fragment1) or because the user rotated the device and all views are destroyed on every Fragment.
This problem/issue is not only that mEditText would be null, but also that the Fragment saved its state, so it might not even been blank. In other words, the following code is not an option, because even if the pointer is null, it might not be empty.
// Inside Fragment
public boolean areFieldsValid() {
return mEditText != null && !mEditText.getText().toString()isEmpty();
At this point I'm wondering if my architecture is wrong. I decided to go with ViewPager cause the form is really long, and I've been passing data from Fragment to Activity through callbacks.
Given the above settings, how can I validate fields and show the user which field is the one with the error?
You can't just assume that UI components will be there anytime you want. That fragment might be gone, killed or worse, destroyed without saving it's instance state.
What I offer is to save data on database and check if everything is set on save button click event. This can be done using ContentProviders and SQLiteDatabase. As Virgil Said in here "Persist more, persist often."
I have implemented a similar thing, but my approach is to go fragment by fragment. Hope this helps.
I add an interface,
public interface AddActionInterface {
public void onAddButtonClicked();
I created a base fragment which implements this interface as,
public abstract class BaseFragment extends Fragment implements AddActionInterface {
public void onAddButtonClicked() {
if (isAdded() && isVisible()) {
protected abstract void executeAction();
Then we will call our Interface object like this in the activity. Create a List like below,
List<AddActionInterface> listeners = new ArrayList<AddActionInterface>();
and add your fragment to the list inside the view pager as,
FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();
fragmentManager.beginTransaction().replace(, fragment, tag).commit();
Simply call the below in the onOptionsItemSelected method.
if (item.getItemId() == {
for (AddActionInterface listener : listeners) {
What the above method does is calls the onAddButtonClicked() method which is implemented in the BaseFragment.
Trick here is that every time the button in the action bar is clicked it will pass the control to the BaseFragment which checks if the current fragment is still attached then will call the executeAction() method of the respective fragment which being abstract every fragment can have their own implementation.
So say for FragmentA you will simply have to extend it from BaseFragment and override executeAction() method. You can write fragment specific implementations.
This process is called dependency inversion principle. See if you can put all these pieces in right place else let me know. :) Wow this is huge. :)
On the viewpager class:
public void validate() {
for (int i = 0; i < mSectionsPagerAdapter.getCount(); i++) {
Fragment fragment = mSectionsPagerAdapter.getItem(i);
if(!(fragment instanceof Validetable)) {
Validetable validetable = (Validetable) mSectionsPagerAdapter.getItem(i);
Fragment invalidFragment = validetable.validate();
if (invalidFragment == null) {
Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "valido", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
else {
On each fragment you do:
public static boolean isValid = true;
public Fragment validate() {
if ( StringUtils.isBlank(ColetaLocal.getInstance().getNivel())) {
isValid = false;
return this;
isValid = true;
return null;
public void onResume () {
private void treatErrorsShowing() {
if (!isValid) {
else {
I ended up validating each Fragment before moving to the next one.
The initial idea was to validate on save, and if there was an Fragment with invalid data, move to that fragment and show the errors. But since there is no way to determine the state of Views inside a Fragment if it is not visible, you cannot validate input.

ViewPager + Fragment + saveInstanceState

I have a simple Activity containing a ViewPager, which displays Fragments.
My Activity should display information about a football league, and each fragment displays information like livescroes/matchdays, tables, etc.
The Intent with which I start the Activity, contains the league id.
And each Fragment needs this league id to load the correct data.
So my FragmentPagerAdapter looks like this
public class LeaguePagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter {
private String leagueId;
public LeaguePagerAdapter(FragmentManager fm, String leagueId) {
this.leagueId = leagueId;
public Fragment getItem(int pos) {
if (pos == 0){
return TableFragment.newInstance(leagueId);
} else {
return MatchdayFragment.newInstance(leagueId);
The TableFragment looks like this ( the matchday fragment looks similar):
public class TableFragment extends PullToRefreshListViewAdFragment {
private String leagueId;
public static TableFragment newInstance(String leagueId) {
TableFragment t = new TableFragment();
t.leagueId = leagueId;
return t;
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Setup UI and load data
Sometimes the leagueId is null. I see the exceptions in the crash logs (crittercism). But Im asking my self why. It seems to me, that the problem is when the activity has been destroyed in the background and reconstructed if (for instance) the user uses the multitasking button to switch to my app.
So as far as I know, the original Intent will be stored internally by Android itself if the Activity has been destoryed. Therefore I have not implemented any onSaveInstanceState() in my activity nor in the fragment. In my activity I read the Intent Extra to retrieve the leagueId. This works fine, also on restoring the activity. I have assumed that by recreating the activity, a new LeaguePagerAdapter will be created and all fragments will also be new created.
Is that correct? Or does the "old" fragment instance will be restored and hence the leagueId is null (because the fragment has not stored the leagueId in Fragments onSaveInstanceState method?).
Is there a way to test such lifecycle things
The reason it is null is because the system restores the Fragment with the default constructor. Here's what the documents say:
Every fragment must have an empty constructor, so it can be instantiated when restoring its activity's state. It is strongly recommended that subclasses do not have other constructors with parameters, since these constructors will not be called when the fragment is re-instantiated; instead, arguments can be supplied by the caller with setArguments(Bundle) and later retrieved by the Fragment with getArguments().
edit: also, take a look at this: Fragment's onSaveInstanceState() is never called
edit: To further add on, you are creating your Fragment with your newInstance(String) method. If your Fragment is killed by Android, it uses the default constructor and so your leagueId variable won't be set. Try using setArguments/getArguments to pass the value into your Fragment instead.

Android managing fragments from activity elegantly

Description of what I'm trying to accomplish:
I have an app that uses a FragmentActivity with a LinearLayout as a container for the fragments. I click different buttons on the FragmentActivity UI and add and remove Fragments to the container in the FragmentActivity. In addition to clicking buttons on the FragmentActivity UI, each Fragment also has buttons that can be clicked which will remove the current fragment and add a different fragment in its place.
The Android way of doing things as I understand it:
I have been reading up on how to do this and as I understand it, the 'proper' way of doing things is to use the FragmentActivity as sort of a relay station and have each fragment do callbacks to the FragmentActivity to communicate events and deal with them.
So let's say that the FragmentActivity is displaying Fragment A and when the user clicks a button in FragmentA I want to stop showing FragmentA and start showing FragmentB. To do this I have created an interface in FragmentA called AListener. In the onAttach() method of FragmentA I use the suggested method of checking that the FragmentActivity implements AListener. When the button in FragmentA is clicked I use one of the callback methods from AListener to communicate the click event to the FragmentActivity. In the FragmentActivity I create an instance of FragmentB and add it to the container in FragmentActivity. Then if some event happens in FragmentB I use the same scheme to communicate the event to the FragmentActivity and do something interesting.
So what's the problem?
For my application I have found this scheme of having Fragments call back to the FragmentActivity and then having the FragmentActivity create a new fragment or call forward to and existing fragment very cumbersome. I have many fragments that need to be displayed by the FragmentActivity and therefore I am implementing an interface for every type of fragment that needs to be displayed (Each fragment is different so they each have their own interface). This causes clashes when I have two interfaces that have the same method signatures and I'm forced to rename one of the methods.
For instance, if I want to attach a listener to a fragment using the onAttach() method of the fragment, then my FragmentActivity must implement the interface. I have found several instances where I have callback methods that have the same name (or I'm forced to name them something similar but different because of a namespace collision). One solution to this would be to use an anonymous classes as callbacks instead of having the FragmentActivity implement the interface. This seems to work well enough, but goes against what the Android documentation says about using the onAttach() method to set the listener.
Are there any elegant ways to approach this problem? It seems to me the tradeoff is that you either force the FragmentActivity to implement an interface for each Fragment that you want to display in it and have the fun problem of watching out for method signature collisions, or you go against the Android documentation and use Anonymous classes to handle the callbacks (not sure of the implications of this).
I am fairly new to Java and feel like I could be missing a concept here that would solve my problem. Can anyone set me straight on how to solve this problem elegantly?
I completely understand your problem since i was dealing it for a long time. Here is the solution i came up right now! It may need some modification based on your need but i it works well.
first of all to to make communicating of event easier in your app use an EventBus! here is the most famous one
event bus allows you to send event from anywhere to anywhere without need to worry about implementing interfaces, broadcast receivers, threading, etc.
Then add FragmentOrganizer to your app. It's a base class for all of your Fragment Organizers. basically you need one for each activity. Here is the code
public abstract class FragmentOrganizer {
protected FragmentManager fragmentManager;
public FragmentOrganizer(FragmentManager fragmentManager) {
this.fragmentManager = fragmentManager;
protected abstract Fragment getInitialFragment();
protected abstract void onEvent(Object event);
public abstract boolean handleBackNavigation();
public void freeUpResources(){
protected Fragment getOpenFragment(){
String tag = fragmentManager.getBackStackEntryAt(fragmentManager.getBackStackEntryCount() -1).getName();
return fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(tag);
protected boolean isFragmentOpen(Fragment fragment){
return isFragmentOpen(fragment, true);
protected boolean isFragmentOpen(Fragment fragment, boolean useArgs){
String fragmentTag = createFragmentTag(fragment, useArgs);
if (fragmentManager.getBackStackEntryCount() != 0) {
String name = fragmentManager.getBackStackEntryAt(fragmentManager.getBackStackEntryCount() - 1).getName();
name = name.substring(0, name.indexOf("-"));
return name.equals(fragmentTag);
return false;
private String createFragmentTag(Fragment fragment, boolean addArgs) {
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if(addArgs) {
if (fragment.getArguments() != null)
return stringBuilder.toString();
public void openFragment(Fragment fragment) {
String fragmentTag = createFragmentTag(fragment, true);
FragmentTransaction transaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();
transaction.replace(, fragment, fragmentTag);
Now you need to create your fragment organizer that inherit from FragmentOrganizer and implements 3 required methods. here the sample
public class MainFragmentOrganizer extends FragmentOrganizer {
public MainFragmentOrganizer(FragmentManager fragmentManager) {
protected Fragment getInitialFragment() {
return HomeFragment.newInstance();
public void onEvent(Object event){
if(event instanceof ClickedOnPhotoEvent){
String photoCode = ((ClickedOnPhotoEvent) event).photoCode;
public boolean handleBackNavigation(){
Fragment fragment = getOpenFragment();
if (fragment instanceof HomeFragment){
return false;
} else {
return true;
And in your activity you just need to insatiate your FragmentManager and let it do the magic!
fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();
fragmentOrganizer = new MainFragmentOrganizer(getSupportFragmentManager());
public void onBackPressed() {
//first let fragment organizer handle back. If it does not activity takes cares of it!
protected void onDestroy() {
It may seem a lot of code but as you see most of the code encapsulated in FragmentOrganizer base class and it does all the general works so you just have to copy this file from one project to another.
As i said in the beginning i just came up with this solution right now, so it may not be perfect. I Plan to use this in my next project i hope you do to. And if you do i really appritiate if you share your though. have a good time
A co-worker of mine came up with what I consider an elegant solution to this problem.
Remember, what we're trying to achieve is a way for fragments to callback to the parent activity without having the activity implement the interface. Also, we need to be able to automatically set the listener again if the activity is destroyed and then recreated.
Activities have a lifecycle callback called onAttachFragment(Fragment fragment) which is called whenever a fragment is being attached to the activity. So, for instance, when a new fragment is created within the activity, this gets called. It also gets called if an activity that was previously destroyed gets recreated. What you can do is use an interface or an anonymous class to set a listener on the new fragment in onAttachFragment like this:
public void onAttachFragment(Fragment fragment) {
//Determine which fragment this is by checking its tag
//set a listener on this fragment using an anonymous class or interface
((TextFrag)fragment).setListener(new TextFragButtonListener() {
public void onButtonClicked() {
Using this technique we are able to avoid the activity having to implement an interface for the callback and thus we avoid any naming conflicts with our callback methods. Also, if the activity is destroyed, once it is recreated the listener will be automatically reset so our callbacks will still work.
There are probably many other ways to do this and I'd love to here anyone's criticisms of this technique and suggestions for any other techniques.

onBackPressed() behaviour with ActivityGroups

Quick question: I have an activitygroup. Within that Activitygroup I have an activity. If I press back while inside this activity. the onBackPressed method of the activity is called - Not the Activitygroups onBackPressed - Why is that ?
EDIT: Got my answer but the problem remains. Here follows code and explanation of my original issue:
I am using ActivityGroups within a TabHost and as such have been "forced" into overriding onBackPressed. I can navigate through my application without issue by pressing back on my phone and by pressing the tabs on my tabhost. But I cannot interact with the interface after pressing Back.
Once I press one of the tabs on the tabhost again I can interact with everything like normal. Why is this happening? Do I need to override onResume?
Relevant code
SettingsActivityGroup :
public class SettingsActivityGroup extends ActivityGroup
// Keep this in a static variable to make it accessible for all the nested activities, lets them manipulate the view
public static SettingsActivityGroup group;
// Need to keep track of the history if you want the back-button to work properly, don't use this if your activities requires a lot of memory.
private ArrayList<View> history;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
// Allocate history
this.history = new ArrayList<View>();
// Set group
group = this;
// Start root (first) activity
Intent myIntent = new Intent(this, SettingsActivity.class); // Change to the first activity of your ActivityGroup
ReplaceView("SettingsActivity", myIntent);
* Replace the activity with a new activity and add previous one to history
public void ReplaceView(String pId, Intent pIntent)
Window window = getLocalActivityManager().startActivity(pId, pIntent);
View view = (window != null) ? window.getDecorView() : null;
// Add the old activity to the history
// Set content view to new activity
* Go back from previous activity or close application if there is no previous activity
public void back()
if(history.size() > 1)
// Remove previous activity from history
// Go to activity
View view = history.get(history.size() - 1);
Activity activity = (Activity) view.getContext();
// "Hack" used to determine when going back from a previous activity
// This is not necessary, if you don't need to redraw an activity when going back
// Set content view to new activity
// Close the application
* Overwrite the back button
public void onBackPressed()
// Go one back, if the history is not empty
// If history is empty, close the application;
Arbitrary child of SettingsActivityGroup(CallForwardActivity)
public class CallForwardActivity extends ListActivity
public void onBackPressed()
// Go one back, if the history is not empty
// If history is empty, close the application;
Because I believe calling onBackPressed() of the currently selected activity is the desired behavior.
It's also worth noting that ActivityGroup is deprecated, but I assume you are coding for <3.0 and don't fancy working with the support libraries.
Regarding your edited question:
Another question on this site cites this article as a good ActivityGroup example, and I would agree
This example just calls finish() on the current activity when back is pressed, and lets the os restart the previous activity, which is simpler than what you are doing, and will hopefully work! You can just call getParent() in your child activities too to avoid using that static reference (just seems easier to read to me that way!).

