Retrieve Info from forum software with Android [closed] - android

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Say I pass a search Query to a forum board and I want to retrieve all the posts tags from the search on said forumboard.
How could I use android to parse all the posts?
I am lead to believe that I should utilize some form of API.
Can someone guide me down the right path?
I do not have a specific forumboard software in mind, if any forum softwares have good API please let me know.

Okay so you are making a site that allows users to post things(?) and you can tag them. Just like here on Stack Overflow they allow you to tag your question and you can include that in the POST your website sends back to your server. Now you can send all sorts of information back to your servers including profile, question, tags, time of last update, etc; it really is limitless.
Now once you have that, if it is your own site you can then incorporate the Swagger API or whatever API you want, or you can hook your android app directly to the server and implement the same search features there as on the website. Once you have that determined, if you want to use an API for your app then you will need to look at AsyncTask for android. This little handy task can crawl the website in the background and return whatever you want, including API information if that is what you want.
I know this answer is broad but your question is broad, you have to start from the ground up and it can be challenging but remember that in order to get good at something it takes time, and if this is something you really want to do then it's not time wasted.


where do i start with an app that's going to hold a database on ios/android? [closed]

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Closed last year.
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i want to contribute to a fandom i'm in and also practice my coding, so i wanted to make an app that would let the user keep track of the event stories they've read. but i don't know where to start with this.
i can add extra features like scoring and total stories read later on, but for now i need an idea of where to start. i think i've heard java would work for this? but would that even work on android and ios both??
once i know what programming language to use i need to find something to code this on, as well as how to even hold information in a database. (similar to myanimelist and how it has a database of entries that you can add to your own list.) likely with a login system--but one step at a time.
what are the basics i need to know to start? and where would i build this app? thank you!
If you want a single application that can work on both ios and android then go for Flutter or React Native. For your question regarding where to keep database and how login system works you will need to study at-least one of the systems in some depth.

How apps like booking/web based works [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I recently started programming in Android, and I already have done some easy apps, but today I want to ask you how some apps are done, to can be able to develop some advanced app in future.
In particular, I want to know how the apps like Booking, Airbnb, Couchsurfing or Worldpackers and much more existing apps like them in the market work.
I assume that they are web based applications, and maybe have some database from where retrieve data to show results in the webside and in the app, and it also reload this database from website or app?
Is it some software architectural pattern (I don't know the name) for this type of apps I can take a look at and learn?
Do you know if exist some recommended framework which can help you to develop this type of apps?
This are my questions, basically please help me to understant a little more about this kind of code. If you know some app example name, it is also welcome.
The companys that offers those apps have web services that serves datas trough Http/Https to be consumed by applications.
Android uses URLConnection to download data, and libraries like GSON to parse JSON data and DOM for XML and stores internally on SQLite to be displayed to users.

Import photos from wesbite to an app [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have made an android app for someone else. The app has a gallery option that should show various photos. The person I am giving this app to has no programming knowledge. I would like to have a common place where the person can upload pics and they show automatically in the app and get updated for all the app users. And by "common place" I mean a site like google photos or something. I would not want users to have to authenticate or anything. Whenever they open the app, the photos should get downloaded from the site. Which web service allows me to do this?
I would think a lot of photo sites would allow you to do this. I've done it in the past with Flickr and PHP, so I imagine it could be done using Android/Java.
Having said that, there's likely to be a lot more you need to consider. Photo sites have various terms of service, copyright agreements, and other important things you'll want to tell your client about before blindly deciding on a service just because it allows you to accomplish this task.

Build an online application like facebook android [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am trying to build an online application for movie management. I want the application to be an online one, could any have inputs as to how to build it, as in currently i am downloading each of the dynamic content and loading the layouts which is highly inefficient. Could anyone suggest a better procedure to make an online application and guide for the same.
That link will show you how to make a Google app engine project. The easiest way to use an online database with android. You can post, and get with very little code. What you do with the data you get back is up to you... Throw it into list views, text views, fragments, etc. But yes this is the best place to start as you need an online database or a social network would not work at all. I suggest you do the above totural and then come back with some more questions. Hope this helps!

Android: UUID and Licensing [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am looking to find the most efficient way to create an application that has a 30 day trial and then forces the user to buy the full paid version if they like the demo's features.
I was looking for suggestions as the best way to implement a license for the app. Here were some thoughts I had:
-Sharedprefs - This would work until the user uninstalled and reinstalled the app. The trial period would essentially start over.
-Use Device ID - I thought I could get a device serial number and upload the data to a server. Then I came accross that showed the issues with trying to get a user id for a device.
UUID- It seemed like this was the best option. However, would someone be able to give me an overview of how to implement this and how it works. Also what are the limitations.
A sample implementation is already presented in the blog that you have cited.
Limitations: For your case, UUID won't work. Since, the user can actually delete whatever file/UUID you use for tracking (not easy, but doable)
Your requirement is to track devices. So, perhaps, go for telephony ID, Mac ID or a combination of both.

