Getting image download links from owncloud server - android

there is not much information out there for the newbies to owncloud.. not even here in Stack Overflow, a little background on what im trying to achieve is:
-Already managed to sync my project to the owncloud library via gradlle.
- The provided examples are not of much help for me you will see why.
I use this library to stream images URLs to some imageviews in my app, as i was on a web server I had no problem but now that I moved to owncloud, I can do the same if i provide my app with the "download link" from the stored images.
That said, what I need is to some how be able to select the owncloud stored images(access the shared folder and download) by name and or read the download link from where ever is stored..
here is the use the glide library on my project
String url = null;
if (plato.getFoto_movil().equals("churrasco.jpg"))
url = "";
if (plato.getFoto_movil().equals("pizza.jpg"))
url = "";
if (plato.getFoto_movil().equals("torta_chocolate.jpg"))
url = "";
which is sad because I had to manually get those URLs from my browser and it does not work with the newly added images from any othere device, so I need to be able to get any new image and show it too.
I have the library installed 100% and implemented but
private void startDownload(String filePath, File targetDirectory) {
DownloadRemoteFileOperation downloadOperation = new DownloadRemoteFileOperation(filePath, targetDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
downloadOperation.addDatatransferProgressListener((OnDatatransferProgressListener) mContext);
downloadOperation.execute( mClient, (OnRemoteOperationListener) mContext, mHandler);
public void onTransferProgress(long l, long l1, long l2, String s) { new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// do your UI updates about progress here
public void onRemoteOperationFinish(RemoteOperation remoteOperation, RemoteOperationResult remoteOperationResult) {
if (remoteOperation instanceof DownloadRemoteFileOperation) {
if (remoteOperationResult.isSuccess()) {
got those and
got also this two
mClient = OwnCloudClientFactory.createOwnCloudClient(serverUri,mContext,true);
then I call the method
the app crashes here when I call the startdowonload method
with the error java.lang.ClassCastException: com.eidotab.eidotab.MainActivity cannot be cast to
another relevant information is that im implementing the ownclod methods to
the viewholder of a recyclerview
public class VH extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder implements OnRemoteOperationListener, OnDatatransferProgressListener
but I could change to the main activity if needed, probably make it work from there but even if it does have success, donĀ“t know where or how to get the download links, like I said, I need the download link from every image stored in the server..
is this possible?
thanks in advance

I changed the implementation of the owncloud library to the main activity as suggested (and was the logical move) and everything went smooth.. worked at first try, I knew it was going to, the thing is that I didnt want to store the images on the device memory, I want to capture the download links which was my main concern but for now it is working since im streaming the images directly from the local sd to the imageview and that should give me some more time to investigate further in the matter whats the thing with the URLS...
Thanks cricket for your comments


Unable to cache images using Picasso

i am using Picasso as image loading library in my android project.
I am using it in one fragment.At first it take some time to load profile image but when i open some other fragment and then come back to the same fragment.It again takes the same amount of time to load the same image.I think it is not caching image in the memory.
Below is my java code:
Picasso.with(getContext()).load(str).fetch(new Callback() {
public void onSuccess() {
public void onError() {
TastyToast.makeText(getActivity(),"Unable to load profile image.", TastyToast.LENGTH_SHORT,TastyToast.ERROR).show();
You have use it like this
Picasso.with(getContext()).load(str).networkPolicy(NetworkPolicy.OFFLINE).fetch(new Callback() {
public void onSuccess() {
//Picasso.with(getContext()).load(str).placeholder(R.drawable.user).fit().into(cv); don't need to use it here
public void onError() {
TastyToast.makeText(getActivity(),"Unable to load profile image.", TastyToast.LENGTH_SHORT,TastyToast.ERROR).show();
try to take off the callback in order to know if the image is loaded, instead use the code below that automatically change the image in case of error
Picasso.with(getAplicationContext()).load("image to load").placeholder("image to show while loading").error("image in case of error").into(view);
Note the context of the first parameter: Picasso's cache still alive only if the context still alive, so if you put the ApplicationContext in the first parameter, the context and the cache keap alive even if the activity is changing. otherwise if you put getActivityContext() in the first parameter, the cache keap alive untill the activity hes been destroy
if your app is using internet connection to load image then every time you come back or go to your image containing fragment it will download image from internet so better you should store images in your app database and try to use thumbnails instead of actual images if possible it will take less time to get load

How to cancel Picasso fetch requests by tag?

When I enter an activity I'm calling this method:
private void cacheImagesAndLoadToMemory() {
for (City city : cities) {
This fetches around 200 images which equates to around 45MB of data. Then I attach a fragment to this activity but when I leave the fragment I want the requests for the 200 images to be cancelled. So I have this code set up.
public void onDestroy() {
But the fetch requests are not being cancelled. I have a bandwidth monitor on my status bar and can see that data keeps being pulled until all 200 images have been cached. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Seems to be a well known bug, cf. Github bug #1205.
Unfortunately Picasso project does not seem to move forward lately.

Android gms ImageManager never loads image

I'm attempting to draw an icon for an achievement using Google Play Game Services API.
However, it is silently failing.
The URI for the image is retrieved successfully, exists and is valid.
I use ImageManager.loadImage to get the image, with an OnImageLoadedListener for callback (
However OnImageLoadedListener's method, onImageLoaded, is never called.
No error's, no evidence, just completely ignored, I even waited 10 minutes just in case.
// Get URI [is valid, exists, is of type png, I checked]
Uri uri = getAchievementIconUri(id);
// Use ImageManager to get the icon image
loadImage(new ImageManager.OnImageLoadedListener() {
public void onImageLoaded(Uri u, Drawable d, boolean r) {
* This code is never reached, no call to onImageLoaded is made!
}, uri);
It's probably a very late answer, but it might help other people experiencing the same. From the latest google documentation,
Note that you should hold a reference to the listener provided until the callback is complete. For this reason, the use of anonymous implementations is discouraged.
This might explain the behaviour you experienced, as in the first code snippet provided, no reference to the Listener was retained.
Well, for what it matters, I never solved the problem entirely.
It seems that it actually displays the icons occasionally, whenever it feels like it.
I implemented a workaround that loads a compressed, cached version of the image and later replaces it with the ImageManager provided image if it can be bothered doing so.
If anybody works out the correct answer then I will remove this workaround, but until then its here for anybody with the same issue.
Code that loads the local icons:
public Bitmap loadDefaultAchievementIcon(final String id) {
// Get drawable ID for achievement
// iconIdMap is a map of achievement ID strings against their drawable res IDs
int resID = iconIdMap.containsKey(id) ? iconIdMap.get(id) :
// Fallback/unknown icon
// Load and return bitmap
InputStream is = getResources().openRawResource(resID);
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
return bitmap;

Android Volley - Some disc cached images dont get displayed?

I've run into this weird error, where some images get cached as usual and some don't, any idea why?
Both images do get displayed and memory cached just fine, but when offline some display error image.
For example, this works fine:
However, this does not:
Both work fine displaying and memcaching but the second doesn't get displayed from disk cache, although I think I see it being saved, as app says it has 12kB cache in the system settings
I checked out a clean copy of Volley and it does the same thing. Its definatelly a bug...
From what Ive found out its that images do get cached, but Bitmap cachedBitmap = mCache.getBitmap(cacheKey); always returns null, so the cache says it doesnt have the bitmaps and then proceedes to download it again, and fail when offline, weird
The reason you're not getting any hits is because the default behavior in Volley for disk caching is dependent on the HTTP headers of the element you're requesting (in your case, an image).
Check the volley logs and see if you get the "cache-hit-expired" message - that means that the image was cached but it's TTL is expired as far as the default disk cache is concerned.
If you want the default settings to work, the images must have a Cache-Control header like max-age=??? where the question marks indicate enough seconds from the time it was downloaded.
If you want to change the default behavior, I'm not sure, but I think you have to edit the code a bit.
Look at the CacheDispatcher class in the Volley source.
Hope that helps.
A quick and dirty way:
private static class NoExpireDiskBasedCache extends DiskBasedCache
public NoExpireDiskBasedCache(File rootDirectory, int maxCacheSizeInBytes)
super(rootDirectory, maxCacheSizeInBytes);
public NoExpireDiskBasedCache(File rootDirectory)
public synchronized void put(String key, Entry entry)
if (entry != null)
entry.etag = null;
entry.softTtl = Long.MAX_VALUE;
entry.ttl = Long.MAX_VALUE;
super.put(key, entry);

LVL licensing in a Live Wallpaper?

Has anybody had success integrating the Licensing Verification Library (LVL) with a Live Wallpaper? If it were just running an Activity, it'd be crystal clear to just extend my Activity from the Licensing Activity, which in turn extends Activity. But Live Wallpapers are a Service, and I'm not sure how the two are intended to interact.
I'm using code derived from this: which seems to be the code that nearly everything I can find on the web refers to.
I notice that wallpaper settings are an activity, and I have those working properly, but for some reason I can't grok the Licensing stuff...
It's actually really quite simple, you don't need to use any Activity class to implement licensing into a WallpaperService.
Make sure you've followed the directions carefully at
Here's how I did it:
Your extended Engine class should include something similar to the following... (code not essential to your question has been removed)
class startYourEngines extends Engine {
public startYourEngines() {
licenseStatus(); //custom license check method (for modularity)
//the rest of your engine would go here
public void onDestroy() {
licenseChecker.onDestroy(); //we call this to close IPC connections
//prep work
private static final String BASE64_PUBLIC_KEY = //OMITTED//;
private LicenseCheckerCallback licenseCallback;
private LicenseChecker licenseChecker;
private byte[] salt = "rAnd0mStr!ng".getBytes();
private AESObfuscator aes;
private String deviceId;
//our custom license check method
private void licenseStatus() {
deviceId = Secure.getString(getContentResolver(), Secure.ANDROID_ID);
aes = new AESObfuscator(salt, getPackageName(), deviceId);
licenseCallback = new licenseVerification();
licenseChecker = new LicenseChecker(context, new ServerManagedPolicy(context, aes), BASE64_PUBLIC_KEY);
//our callback method
private class licenseVerification implements LicenseCheckerCallback {
public void allow() {
//allow full app use
public void dontAllow() {
//prevent or limit app use
public void applicationError(ApplicationErrorCode errorCode) {
//error handling here
Licensing on the Android platform was created with versatility in mind. Just be sure to read through the documentation, and you shouldn't have any issues.
I have only written applications that start activities, but looking at my source code, it seems that the only reason that you would have to have an Activity do the license check is to show dialogs.
In all of the examples available on line, the LicenseCheckerCallback implementation always shows a dialog in the allow() and dontAllow() methods. Why not just show a toast in dontAllow() and exit your wallpaper service (call stopSelf(YourService.this))?
Let me know if you want more information, because I dont think you are limited to only using an activity for license checking. As an aside, make sure that you dont keep whole strings, etc in your app or in the preferences. Anyone with root access can access your preferences and if your app is decompiled, your strings are visible...
I think I've actually got it working now. I'm extending LicenseCheckActivity to my own Activity class that I'm calling in the manifest file with the usual MAIN action and LAUNCH category. I instantiate my class, do the license check, and then either allow the wallpaper to function or not based on that result (though the best way to do that is still something I need to sort out).
It almost seems too easy that I think I must be missing something. I'd appreciate anybody with experience with selling a licensed live wallpaper on the Android Market to share whatever wisdom they care to.

