I'm trying to use a regex to match some text in a string.
The problem is it is always -1 even if I have a match.
Pattern tagMatcher = Pattern.compile("[#]+[A-Za-z0-9-_]+\\b");
int start = post.getPublisher().indexOf(tagMatcher.toString());
int end = start + tagMatcher.toString().length();
any ideas why start is always -1?
Because you're using it wrong. String.indexOf() doesn't use regexps, it just looks for substring ("[#]+[A-Za-z0-9-_]+\\b" in your case).
Code should be something like this:
Pattern tagMatcher = Pattern.compile("[#]+[A-Za-z0-9-_]+\\b");
Matcher m = tagMatcher.matcher(post.getPublisher());
if (m.find()) {
// matches
int start = m.start();
int end = m.end();
find() can be called several times to find all of the occurences of pattern. Look in the Pattern and Matcher docs for details.
It's returning -1 because you're looking for the index of the regex pattern itself as a string instead of looking for a match. You need to use the Matcher object to find an instance of a match.
I've done a bunch of searching but I'm terrible with regex statements and my google-fu in this instance as not been strong.
In push notifications, we're passed a URL that contains a 9-digit content ID.
Example URL: http://www.something.com/foo/bar/Some-title-Goes-here-123456789.html (123456789 is the content ID in this scenario)
Current regex to parse the content ID:
public String getContentIdFromPathAndQueryString(String path, String queryString) {
String contentId = null;
if (StringUtils.isNonEmpty(path)) {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([\\d]{9})(?=.html)");
Matcher m = p.matcher(path);
if (m.find()) {
contentId = m.group();
} else if (StringUtils.isNonEmpty(queryString)) {
p = Pattern.compile("(?:contentId=)([\\d]{9})(?=.html)");
m = p.matcher(queryString);
if (m.find()) {
contentId = m.group();
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Content id " + (contentId == null ? "not found" : (" found - " + contentId)));
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(contentId)) {
Answers.getInstance().logCustom(new CustomEvent("eid_url")
.putCustomAttribute("contentId", "empty")
.putCustomAttribute("path", path)
.putCustomAttribute("query", queryString));
return contentId;
The problem:
This does the job but there's a specific error scenario that I need to account for.
Whoever creates the push may put in the wrong length content ID and we need to grab it regardless of that, so assume it can be any number of digits... the title can also contain digits, which is annoying. The content ID will ALWAYS be followed by ".html"
While the basic answer here would be just "replace {9} limiting quantifier matching exactly 9 occurrences with a + quantifier matching 1+ occurrences", there are two patterns that can be improved.
The unescaped dot should be escaped in the pattern to match a literal dot.
If you have no overlapping matches, no need to use a positive lookahead with a capturing group before it, just keep the capturing group and grab .group(1) value.
A non-capturing group (?:...) is still a consuming pattern, and the (?:contentId=) equals contentId= (you may remove (?: and )).
There is no need wrapping a single atom within a character class, use \\d instead of [\\d]. That [\\d] is actually a source of misunderstandings, some may think it is a grouping construct, and might try adding alternative sequences into the square brackets, while [...] matches a single char.
So, your code can look like
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\d+)\\.html"); // No lookahead, + instead of {9}
Matcher m = p.matcher(path);
if (m.find()) {
contentId = m.group(1); // (1) refers to Group 1
} else if (StringUtils.isNonEmpty(queryString)) {
p = Pattern.compile("contentId=(\\d+)\\.html");
m = p.matcher(queryString);
if (m.find()) {
contentId = m.group(1);
I try to get only this part "9916-4203" in "Region Code:9916-4203 " in android. How can I do this?
I tried below code, I used substring method but it doesn't work:
firstNumber = Integer.parseInt(message.substring(11, 19));
If you know that string contains "Region Code:" couldn't you do a replace?
message = message.replace("Region Code:", "");
Assumed that you have only one phone number in your String, the following will remove any non-digit characters and parse the resulting number:
public static int getNumber(String num){
String tmp = "";
for(int i=0;i<num.length();i++){
tmp += num.charAt(i);
return Integer.parseInt(tmp);
Output in your case: 99164203
And as already mentioned, you won't be able to parse any String to Integer in case there are any non-digit characters
Im going to guess that what you want to extract is the full region code text minus the title. So maybe using regex would be a good simple fit for you?
String myString = "Region Code:9916-4203";
String match = "";
String pattern = "\:(.*)";
Pattern regEx = Pattern.compile(pattern);
Matcher m = regEx.matcher(myString);
// Find instance of pattern matches
Matcher m = regEx.matcher(myString);
if (m.find()) {
match = m.group(0);
Variable match will contain "9916-4203"
This should work for you.
Java code sourced from http://android-elements.blogspot.in/2011/04/regular-expressions-in-android.html
In Java the substring() method works with the first parameter being inclusive and the second parameter being exclusive. Meaning "Hello".substring(0, 2); will result in the string He.
In addition to excluding the parsing of something that isn't a number like #Opiatefuchs mentioned, your substring method should instead be message.substring(12, 21).
I am currently working on an android project. I would like to know if a string contains the '\r' or '\n' as the last character. How to do the pattern match?
Try this.
String string = "stackoverflow";
lastchar = string.substring(string.length() - 1);
It will give you the result "w".
String patterntomatch ="^[_A-Za-z0-9-]*(\r\n)$";
Pattern pattern=Pattern.compile(patterntomatch);
Matcher matcher=pattern.matcher(matchfromedittext);
boolean matcher.matches();
String last = your_string.substring(Math.max(your_string.length() - 2, 0));
//It will give you the last 2 characters of the string. If the string is null
//or has less than 2 characters, then it gives you the original string.
if(last.equals("\r") || last.equals("\n")){
//String's last two characters are either \n or \r. Now do something.
I'm trying to use regex in an Android application to read a substring. I'm using Pattern and Matcher, but I can't figure out how to do it.
My input string is: javascript:submitForm(document.voip_call_log,30,0,'xxxxx','',0,'');
where xxxxx is a variable number of digits.
How can I read 'xxxxx' using Pattern and Matcher?
I'm not an expert in RegEx, but this one should work for you:
String input = "javascript:submitForm(document.voip_call_log,30,0,'5555','',0,'');";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(",'(\\d*)',");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input);
String out = matcher.group(1);
Proof http://ideone.com/WI6VB1
If you will have always that format, it might be easier to use the split(",") method and access the value you like.
Alternatively, you could try something like so:
String str = ...;
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\d{3,})");
Matcher m = p.matcher(str);
Try this one:
String s = "javascript:submitForm(document.voip_call_log,30,0,'1999','',0,'');";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("javascript:submitForm\\([^,]+,\\d*,\\d*,'(\\d+)','\\d*'");
Matcher m = pattern.matcher(s);
if(m.find( )) {
This is following the pattern of your input string from the question description. You can find the explanation of your regex from this link. Just input your regex with single slash \ instead of double \\
I am trying to get substrings from the string which are between apostrophes using regex.
Format of the string: Duplicate entry 'bla#bla.bl' for key 'email'.
The regex I am using: '([^']*).
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("'([^']*)");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(duplicated);
Log.d(TAG, matcher.group()));
I am not also sure about matcher.group(), which returns a single string, that matched the whole regex. In my case, it should return two substrings.
Can somebody correct this regex and give me an explanation?
Thanks in advance
Better to use .split() instead of Pattern Matching. Its simply hard-coding. Do as below:
String[] strSplitted = <Your String>.split("`");
Then, the strSplitted Array contains the Strings splitted between `.
I would use this regex. It is almost exactly like yours but I include the closing single quote. This is to prevent the closing single quote from being used in the next match.
And to get the contents inside the single quotes use a line similar to this:
Here is a Java example:
Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("'([^']*)'", Pattern.MULTILINE);
Matcher matcher = regex.matcher(duplicated);
while (matcher.find()) {
Log.d(TAG, matcher.group(1)));
Here's my tested solution. You have to call find
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("'([^']*)'");
String duplicated = "Duplicate entry 'bla#bla.bl' for key 'email'";
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(duplicated);
String a = "";
while (matcher.find()) {
a += matcher.group(1) + "\n";
I invent my solution like following.
int second_index = 0;
String str = "Duplicate entry 'bla#bla.bl' for key 'email'";
while (true) {
if (second_index == 0)
first_index = str.indexOf("'", second_index);
first_index = str.indexOf("'", second_index + 1);
if (first_index == -1)
second_index = str.indexOf("'", first_index + 1);
if (second_index == -1)
String temp = str.substring(first_index + 1, second_index);
06-25 17:25:17.689: bla#bla.bl
06-25 17:25:17.689: email