Extract duration from Google-distance url - android

I'm in the middle of developping a map app that enables user to send duration data that it takes him to get to another place, to the database (MySQL) , for this reason I tried to extract the double value of duration directely from url as it's showing in the method below :
public void setDouble(String result) {
String res[]=result.split(",");
Double min=Double.parseDouble(res[0])/60;
int dist=Integer.parseInt(res[1])/1000;
Duree.setText("Duration= " + (int) (min / 60) + " hr " + (int) (min % 60) + " mins");
Distance.setText("Distance= " + dist + " kilometers");
In this method it worked, but when I tried to do it like this :
url = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/json?origins="+latt+","+lngg+"&destinations="+lt+","+lg+"&mode=driving&language=fr-FR&avoid=tolls&key=API_KEY";
String res[]=url.split(",");
Double duration=Double.parseDouble(res[0])/60;
It showed me that it's not a valid double value, knowing that I need to send this value when I click a button showed on a popup window after marker click (So the problem of inner class is posed).
Can you help me know what is the right way to do it ,if that is possible !

Don't expect your first result-field contains the duration but make your parsing a little more intelligent. Use, by example, the org.json library (introduction on json
Following code snippet should help a little:
LOGGER.debug("---google duration in seconds = {}", jsonElement.opt("duration") == null ? 0 : jsonElement.getJSONObject("duration").get("value"));
transportInfo.setDuration(jsonElement.opt("duration") == null ? 0 : (Integer) jsonElement.getJSONObject("duration").get("value"));
And, btw, I would recommend removing your API key ASAP from your post .... Be aware this key could be used by other people.


Format textField value with comma - Titanium

I have a textField value as 12345678955. I want to format this value as 1,234,567.8955
Want to seperate the value with comma.
I have tired with some codes. But it doesn't work.
Well, you would want to get your 4 decimal places you would need to divide your number by 10000:
var newNumber = parseInt($.yourTextField.value);
newNumber = Math.round(Number(newNumber)) / 10000;
console.log(newNumber); // 1234567.8955
Next you want to add your commmas:
var parts = newNumber.toString().split(".");
var num = parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",") + (parts[1] ? "." + parts[1] : "");
console.log(num); // 1,234,567.8955
Thats the functionality, how you tie that to your textField and by which event listener, is yours to work out.
(answer adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/25127753/829989 which you could have easily found on your own)

Google Maps automatically convert period (.) into comma (,) from my Intent URI

I'm calling Google Maps Intent from my activity with this code found on StackOverflow:
final String uriContent = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "http://maps.google.com/maps?q=loc:%s", pCoordinate);
final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(uriContent));
where pCooriante contains entirely address such as 1.23456,7.8901.
It works well when my phone is using English as its language, but when I change it to French or Vietnamese (which use comma , as its number decimal seperator), it can't work anymore, because the query proceeded by Google Maps look like: 1,000,2,000 (it is shown in the search bar, and after that, a message like Cannot find 1,0000,2,0000 appears), although the exact URI I sent to the intent is 1.000,2.000 (the coordinate is converted to String to prevent Locale problems, and therefore the Locale.ENGLISH in String.format is more or less just abundant).
In short, Uri.parse(uriContent) return exactly the request with the query is 1.000,2.000, but Google Maps itself changed it. However, the code for direction works well with either Locale:
final String uriContent = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "google.navigation:q=%s", pCoordinate);
final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(uriContent));
Is there anyway to prevent the conversion of Google Maps? If I use geo:<coordinate>, it's fine, but I need a marker at that position.
Addional information:
This code final String uriContent = String.format("geo:0,0?q=%s&z=19", pCoordinate); doesn't work too, the periods are converted into commas.
This code final String uriContent = String.format("geo:%s?q=%s&z=19", pCoordinate, pCoordinate); can bring the map center to the coordinate, but still cannot put the marker there, and with the error "Cannot find 'coordinate with periods replaced by commas'"
I am using a temporary solution to this problem, by converting the decimal form of coordinates to degree one. (For example, instead of sending 10.768717,106.651488, I send 10° 46' 7.3812",106° 39' 5.3568"). The conversion is just simple mathematics operation.
However, there was a problem with Java float and double precision, and that was a lot of distance when sending to Google Maps. Therefore I change my input data, convert data using C#'s decimal and my Android app just use it without manupilating anything. Here is the convesion (C#) code:
protected String convertDecimalToDegree(decimal pDecimal)
int degree = (int)Math.Floor(pDecimal);
pDecimal -= degree;
pDecimal *= 60;
int minute = (int)Math.Floor(pDecimal);
pDecimal -= minute;
pDecimal *= 60;
return degree + "° " + minute + "\' " + pDecimal + "\"";
String[] coordinates = shop.MapCoordination.Split(',');
decimal n1 = Decimal.Parse(coordinates[0]);
decimal n2 = Decimal.Parse(coordinates[1]);
shop.MapCoordination = this.convertDecimalToDegree(n1) + "," + this.convertDecimalToDegree(n2);
I will mark this as answer for now, but I appreciate any solution without having to convert to this form.
You can use the following snippet to solve the problem
public String getCoordinates(String coordinates){
if(Locale.FRANCE == Locale.getDefault()){
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(",.*?(,)");
Matcher m = p.matcher(coordinates);
if (m.find( )) {
int index = m.end(); //gets the second comma position
String str1 = coordinates.substring(0,index-1);
String str2 = coordinates.substring(index,coordinates.length());
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.FRANCE);
try {
str1 = nf.parse(str1).toString();
str2 = nf.parse(str2).toString();
} catch (ParseException e) {
return str1+","+str2;
return coordinates;
Updating the Google Maps app to the latest version (7.2.0) seems to fix the issue.
in Xamarin.Android:
using System.Globalization;
Android.Net.Uri.Parse("http://maps.google.com/maps?daddr=" + myLatitude.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "," + myLongitude.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));

Trying to only do math functions on edittexts users have entered information in on android

I have a 10-field average lap calculator. However, in testing, someone said they normally only run X laps in practice, vs. 10 (let's say 7).
I think I could use an if statement, but there'd be at least 10 of them and a bunch of clumsy code, and I'm not sure on arrays/switch statements exactly. I think all of those might be possible, but my low level of experience has yet to fully comprehend these useful tools.
double tenLapAvgVar = ((lap1Var + lap2Var + lap3Var + lap4Var + lap5Var + lap6Var + lap7Var + lap8Var + lap9Var + lap10Var) / 10);
So essentially, if someone leaves a field or fields blank, I want to calculate the average based on the populated fields, not 10 (if they leave 3 fields blank, calculate based on 7, for instance). Any help you guys could provide would be much appreciated, thanks!
You could have an ArrayList<EditText> object and a method which iterates over it and adds up the values. Something like:
public double getLapAverage()
int noOfCompletedLaps = 0;
double lapAve = 0;
double lapsTotal = 0;
for(EditText text : textBoxes)
if(text.getText().toString().length() > 0)
//psuedo code, and assuming text is numerical
lapsTotal += Double.parse(text.getText().toString());
if( noOfCompletedLaps > 0)
lapAve = lapsTotal / noOfCompletedLaps;
return lapAve;
Maybe it would be better if you used an array instead of 10 different variables.
Then you can use a for statement and initialize them to 0, afterwords let the user fill the array and count how many are not zero.
Finally sum up all the array and divide by the count you previously calculated.

Using previous value when calculating in loop

I'm displaying a scoreboard from a SQLite table in my app.
I want to the players so that they have the position in front of there name.
The problem i am having is that if they have equal time i want them to have equal position.
and after this i want the loop to jump over the next position. All this should be calculated and inserted into the SQLite database.
Like this:
position name time
1 George 4.00
2 Bill 5.02
2 Henry 5.02
4 Sabina 6.05
5 Heini 6.32
I'm not shure how to tackle this.
I want the loop to run just before i set my view, because the background data is changing also.
Can I use an cursor to select from my database an run a while loop? and how can i refer to the previous selection?
Try something like this:
int position = 1;
int time, previousTime = 0;
String name;
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
name = cursor.getString(...);
time = cursor.getInt(...);
if (time != previousTime) {
position = cursor.getPosition() + 1;
System.out.println(position + " " + name + " " + time);

Attempting to remove an object off screen moves all the objects in play?! - Android. Please Help!

I am building an android game where objects randomly come in from either side of the screen towards a sprite in the middle of the screen. When one passes the tripwire on the central sprite it is dealt with by my collision detection which sets the enemy objects co-ordinates to somewhere off the screen, thats desired but as this happens in my updatePhysics() method when we loop back to the doDraw() method the canvas has redrawn to an empty state (ie. without any enemy objects on it). Any objects that were on screen and not colliding with the sprite are erased too and new ones regenerated. Why is it removing all the enemy objects rather than just updating the position of the ones left in play at that point???
I will include my code to make this simpler to understand. This is the collision detection part of my updatePhysics():
int n = 0,haveHidden = 0; //haveHidden is number of objects that are hidden in this current pass of CD
while(n < mCurrentDistractionsOnScreen){
// If the X co-ordinate is past the edge of the performer sprite
if((DistractionsArray[n].ObjmX2 > LEFT_TRIPWIRE) && (DistractionsArray[n].ObjmX2 < RIGHT_TRIPWIRE))
mConcentration -= DistractionsArray[n].dDamageToInflict;
Log.w(this.getClass().getName(), "Object: " + n + "LEFT Damage: " + DistractionsArray[n].dDamageToInflict + " leaves " + mConcentration);
// If the X co-ordinate is past the edge of the performer sprite
if((DistractionsArray[n].ObjmX > LEFT_TRIPWIRE) && (DistractionsArray[n].ObjmX < RIGHT_TRIPWIRE))
mConcentration -= DistractionsArray[n].dDamageToInflict;
Log.w(this.getClass().getName(), "Object: " + n + "RIGHT Damage: " + DistractionsArray[n].dDamageToInflict + " leaves " + mConcentration);
mCurrentDistractionsOnScreen -= haveHidden;
This is the hideDistraction() method that is a method defined in the DistractionObjects inner class in this thread (DistractionsArray consists of these objects):
public void hideDistraction(){
// Set attributes to default
this.dName = "Default";
this.dVelocity = 0;
this.dMaxPoints = 10;
this.dDamageToInflict = 0;
this.dOrigin = 100;
this.dGestureRequired = "";
// Can be reused again
this.isUseable = true;
Log.w(getClass().getName(), "HIDING FROM: " + this.ObjmX + " " + this.ObjmY + " " + this.ObjmX2 + " " + this.ObjmY2 + " ");
// Position it off-screen
this.ObjmX = -150;
this.ObjmX2 = -150 + this.dDistractionObjectSprite1.getIntrinsicWidth();
this.ObjmY = -150;
this.ObjmY2 = -150 + this.dDistractionObjectSprite1.getIntrinsicHeight();
Log.w(getClass().getName(), "HIDING TO: " + this.ObjmX + " " + this.ObjmY + " " + this.ObjmX2 + " " + this.ObjmY2 + " ");
And the doDraw method starts by canvas.save() and at the end does a canvas.restore. To render my objects at their new position it does this:
// For each object in play, draw its new co-ordinates on the canvas
int n = 0;
while(n < mCurrentDistractionsOnScreen){
I am literally devoid of any ideas now after trying so many different fixes, even attempted to serialize the position of those other enemy objects on screen in an integer array that is rebuilt in the physics method but nothing!!
To summarise, I need a way of hiding the enemy object off-screen like in hideDistraction() when it passes the tripwire, but I want all the other objects to still continue on course as they are without being moved off screen and re-rendered from scratch.
If you need more details please ask....and if you can, pleaseeee help!
Many thanks
You are controlling your loop using the mCurrentDistractionsOnScreen, but you are also resetting the mCurrentDistractionsOnScreen inside of the loop. You likely don't want to be doing this. The exact reason it is removing everything is likely very difficult to pin down (i'm not surprised you couldn't figure it out!). Try re-factoring that main while loop to something like this:
for (Distraction distraction: DistractionsArray) {
switch(distraction.dGeneralDirection) {
// Your code goes here ...
// Your code goes here ...
When pasting your code, remove all references to DistractionsArray[n] and replace them with distraction
If this helps you, then please consider 1) accepting more answers on your questions and 2) Not putting stuff like 'please help' in your titles. It's a site geared towards help, we know what you are looking for ;)
Your hideDistraction() and doDraw code is likely fine.

