How to arrange the layout when Soft Keyboard opens up in android - android

I have searched for various answers for this particular problem but could not find one. I am developing an android application and I am currently up to arranging the layouts.
My problem is when a soft keyboard opens up in a form containing lots of input fields, the buttons at the bottom also keeps coming up. What I want is the buttons should not come up and along with this the form should be scrollable to bottom of the layout while the soft keyboard is still visible.
Before I was trying lots of modes combinations for windowSoftInputMode inside AndroidManifest.xml in the respective activity, but could not get any satisfactory result.
The normal form (shown the bottom part) looks like this:
When the soft keyboard opens up, it cuts the lower portion i.e. I am unable to scroll the layout further.
I somehow managed to remove the buttons using following code, I do not know whether this is correct or not:
android:label="साइन अप"
android:windowSoftInputMode="stateVisible|adjustPan" />
Now I am wondering whether I can scroll to the bottom of the layout while keeping the soft keyboard active and not showing the buttons(Home button and Next button)


Trying not to show the buttons showing when I click in one of the EditText of the form

I'm working on an Android app with Android Studio. I have a form with several field and 2 buttons at the bottom to either validate or going back. The problem is that as soon as I click in one of the EditText of the form, the 2 buttons are following the keyboard.
How to prevent these 2 buttons to show up and force them to stay at the bottom of the page, hidden behind the keyboard. The form is in a ScrollView, which is in a ConstraintLayout. I tried many things like having my 2 buttons in the ConstraintLayout. Also outside in a RelativeLayout with constraint at the bottom of the parent... I also tried to use LinearLayout instead of the ConstraintLayout and weight each component but the buttons are still there. The only way I found is to use a vertical LinearLayout without weighting the components. But then I have the problem of not seeing the buttons if the screen is too small. I would like buttons to stay at the bottom.
Is it normal? Do I have to fix it from the code by hiding the buttons when focusing on one of the TextEdit, or by the layouts?
The other thing is that if I click on the last field ("Ville"), the form doesn't move and I still see the first 2 lines...
Thanks a lot for your help
On your manifest.xml you can set android:windowSoftInputMode to adjustPan.
android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan" />
From Android documentation:
Don't resize the window to make room for the soft input area; instead
pan the contents of the window as focus moves inside of it so that the
user can see what they are typing. This is generally less desireable
than panning because the user may need to close the input area to get
at and interact with parts of the window

How to make in app custom keyboard behave like a system keyboard?

I have an in app keyboard that tries to behave like a system keyboard. So far it pops up from the bottom using Bottom Sheet, which is great.
However, unlike a system keyboard, it does not push the entire layout up when you select an EditText that might otherwise get hidden. So far all the solutions I saw on StackOverFlow seem to be about Soft/System Keyboard not an in-app implementation like mine.
Here is my activity with 3 Edit Texts
This is what happens if I click on the last Edit Text. It gets covered by the keyboard in blue
This is how I want it to be. Everything getting pushed up.
How can I achieve this?

Android - ScrollView activity hosted in TabActivity and windowSoftInputMode

I have a TabActivity which has the tabs across the bottom of the screen. My first tab hosts an activity which consists of a fixed header layout at the top of the screen, and a ScrollView beneath it which contains several EditText controls. The ScrollView scrolls it's content fine between the header bar and the bottom tabs, the problem occurs when an EditText is tapped and the soft keyboard appears. I understand to control the behaviour of the views when the keyboard appears I need to use the windowSoftInputMode attribute in the manifest XML file. However I've tried both the following settings :
adjustResize - Gives the correct functionality for the ScrollView and the header layout remains fixed at the top of the screen. However the tab bar controls are pushed up on top of the keyboard.
adjustPan - The tab bar controls remain at the bottom of the screen beneath the keyboard (which is what I want) but the other views are pushed up by the keyboard meaning the header layout gets pushed up off the screen.
It seems I need characteristics of both settings, but they can't be used together. I've heard of the setting adjustNothing but if I try this my project fails to build as it doesn't recognise this setting. I guess I need my tab host activity to have adjustPan but my content activity to have adjustResize but it seems you can't combine the two as it's the tab host activity that takes precedence.
Any help greatly appreciated.
In the absence of any direct solution for this, I have resorted to a kind of hack. I have set my TabHost activity to adjustResize and then written code to hide/unhide the tab bar controls (TabWidget) when the soft keyboard appears/disappears. I managed to get a pretty good result in the end, using the technique here : Adjust layout when soft keyboard is on to detect the keyboard appearing/disappearing.

Keyboard layout hiding android action bar?

In my Android application running in a XOOM device, when I click in an Edittext the keyboard opens and hides the Actionbar. I don't want this to happen, how can I solve this? This is done by the Google Contacts app for the tablet for example.
I have several edittexts in which the user needs fo fill. At first, when the user clicked on one edittext on the bottom, the keyboard showed up and hide the edittext in which the user was typing, so he couldn't see what he was typing. I found it really bad, and to solve it I just added to the manifest: android:windowSoftInputMode="stateVisible|adjustPan"
But after that, now the screen adjust itselfs and hides the action bar.
The Google Contacts app does the same, but it magically doesn't hide the Action bar. How do they do it?
Use adjustResize instead of adjustPan. The framework will always try to keep the focused element on-screen by scrolling any parent views if necessary.
If your EditText field is not nested in some sort of scrolling container such as a ScrollView then your layout may be too tall to completely display when the keyboard resizes your activity. Try wrapping your form's layout in a ScrollView. This will also allow your app's content to scroll if it is running on a smaller screen device where it may have similar issues.

detect soft keyboard being hidden

i have an activity with an edit box, when the user touches inside the edit box, the soft keyboard comes up. if the user presses the hardware "back" button, the soft keyboard goes away. I want to detect this situation. I have looked around and the best response i've seen so far is this one:
my question is -- how can you detect if your application window has been resized?
I added this text to my activities in my android manifest file:
but I'm not quite sure how to detect the change.
any help greatly appreciated.
Android does not provide an API for checking if the keyboard is visible or not. You can, however, key off the height of your top level layout to determine this information.
First, you have to set your activity's android:windowSoftInputMode attribute to "adjustResize".
Then, create a new class that extends your desired layout type (eg LinearLayout). In that class, you can override a few different methods that will be called as the height of your layout changes (due to the keyboard being shown or hidden). When these calls are triggered, you can compare the height of your layout to the height of the screen. If there's a substantial difference between the two (ie more than just the size of the notification bar), the keyboard is visible.
Finally, make sure that you use your new class as the top level layout in your layout xml (eg in place of LinearLayout).
If you would like a more thorough explanation, I've written one up:
Creating an Input Method Service (See to listen for the back button might work. When it is pressed, you can pass that on to your activity which then does what you want it to do along with removing the soft keyboard.

