Swift detect if beacon is out of range - android

I have an iOS app which scans nearby Beacons using CoreBluetooth.
But I have to detect if a beacon is out of range. I already did something like this in android:
public void run() {
try {
if(expirationTime <= 0) {
if(getLocation() != null) {
Log.i("AUTOLOST", "Device lost: " + device.getDeviceName() + " " + getLocation().getLatitude());
activity.postDeviceLocation(device, getLocation().getLatitude(), getLocation().getLongitude(), BeaconStatus.BEACON_LOST, "Device lost");
} else {
expirationTime -= 1;
if(isAccepted()) {
handler.postDelayed(new AutoLost(device), expirationTimer);
} finally {
In android a beacon gets scanned even though it was already scanned once. So I was able to set a timeout method which will autmatically remove it from an array as soon as it is not scanned in a certain time (1 minute).
So here is my question:
In Swift I am not able to scan a beacon twice if it was already scanned once, so i don't think that this method will work again. Is there any possibility to check if a beacon is out of range and not scannable any more (Beacon lost)?

You actually can get multiple callbacks from CoreBluetooth on iOS to the func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didDiscover peripheral: CBPeripheral, advertisementData: [String : Any], rssi RSSI: NSNumber) delegate method, if you specify the CBCentralManagerScanOptionAllowDuplicatesKey when you start scanning. Like this:
centralManager.scanForPeripherals(withServices: uuids,
options: [CBCentralManagerScanOptionAllowDuplicatesKey: true] )
It is worth noting, however, that this only allows you to get multiple callbacks for the same advertisement when the app is in the foreground. In the background, this option is ignored.
Using the above it is possible to use a timestamp as you do in Android to see when the beacon has not been seen in awhile and determine that it is no longer in range.


How to scan IBeacon constantly on Android (Xamarin.Android)?

I'm working on a cross-platform (iOS/Android) Xamarin app, in which I need to scan IBeacon devices to assert the distance between them and the phone device.
On iOS, I use the native iOS iBeacon API, which works flawlessly and as expected.
On Android, since Android does not natively support iBeacon, I use a mix of my own code and a library "UniversalBeacon". This approach works, but when it comes to scanning (or "ranging") for Beacons over a period of time, in order to constantly assess the distance of the phone device, the experince proves very unreliable.
I am experiencing that incoming BLE packets come in as expected, but only in intervals.
Roughly summarized: Packets will come in, in a steady stream, for a seemingly random amount of time, before the packets eventually stop coming in entirely. Then, after another seemingly random amount time, packets will start coming in again. This process repeats indefinitely.
So my question is: What is causing this issue? Is it an Android quirk that I somehow have to work around?
Initiating the scan:
_ScanCallback.OnAdvertisementPacketReceived += ScanCallback_OnAdvertisementPacketReceived;
var settings = new ScanSettings.Builder()
_Adapter.BluetoothLeScanner.StartScan(null, settings, _ScanCallback);
Callback implementation:
internal class BLEScanCallback : ScanCallback
public event EventHandler<BLEAdvertisementPacketArgs> OnAdvertisementPacketReceived;
public override void OnScanFailed([GeneratedEnum] ScanFailure errorCode)
public override void OnScanResult([GeneratedEnum] ScanCallbackType callbackType, ScanResult result)
base.OnScanResult(callbackType, result);
switch (result.Device.Type)
case BluetoothDeviceType.Le:
case BluetoothDeviceType.Unknown:
var p = new BLEAdvertisementPacket
BluetoothAddress = result.Device.Address.ToNumericAddress(),
RawSignalStrengthInDBm = (short)result.Rssi,
Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(result.TimestampNanos / 1000000),
AdvertisementType = (BLEAdvertisementType)result.ScanRecord.AdvertiseFlags,
Advertisement = new BLEAdvertisement
LocalName = result.ScanRecord.DeviceName
if (result.ScanRecord.ServiceUuids != null)
foreach (var svc in result.ScanRecord.ServiceUuids)
var guid = new Guid(svc.Uuid.ToString());
var data = result.ScanRecord.GetServiceData(svc);
var recordData = result.ScanRecord.GetBytes();
var rec = RecordParser.Parse(recordData);
foreach (var curRec in rec)
if (curRec is BLEManufacturerData md)
if (curRec is BLEAdvertisementDataSection sd)
OnAdvertisementPacketReceived?.Invoke(this, new BLEAdvertisementPacketArgs(p));
catch (Exception ex)
I've read in various articles that this could be caused by Android automatically suspending the scan in order to save power. Whether this is the case is not obvious to me, as there does not seem to be much support on the subject.
I've already tried the following:
Changing ScanMode to LowPower/Balanced - no change
Scanning with a filter set to the specific Beacon I was testing with - filter worked, but no change in regards to the issue
Implementing logic that restarts the scan in set intervals to work around potentional limits for scan duration imposed by Android - did not affect the issue
Using other, more broadly used libraries, such as Shiny.Beacons - same experience
The issue is not caused by the Beacon device itself not advertising correctly - I've made sure of this by scanning it on another device, at the same time as my app. It is the app itself that stops scanning and/or receiving its advertisement packets.
Thanks for your time :)

I'm trying to implement autoConnect between android app and Arduino ble

I'm android developer and facing some autoConnect issue.
I'm using Arduino nano IOT and developed some simple application to communicate.
but I don't know why autoConnect doesn't work in this case.
Arduino nano continuously sends gyroscope sensing data(but only when app connected to module)
below is sample code.
#include <ArduinoBLE.h>
#include <Arduino_LSM6DS3.h>
BLEService sensorService("66df5109-edde-4f8a-a5e1-02e02a69cbd5");
BLEStringCharacteristic xSensorLevel("741c12b9-e13c-4992-8a5e-fce46dec0bff", BLERead | BLENotify,15);
BLEStringCharacteristic ySensorLevel("baad41b2-f12e-4322-9ba6-22cd9ce09832", BLERead | BLENotify,15);
BLEStringCharacteristic zSensorLevel("5748a25d-1834-4c68-a49b-81bf3aeb2e50", BLERead | BLENotify,15);
// last sensor data
float oldXLevel = 0;
float oldYLevel = 0;
float oldZLevel = 0;
long previousMillis = 0;
void setup() {
while (!Serial);
if (!IMU.begin()) {
Serial.println("Failed to initialize IMU!");
while (1);
if (!BLE.begin()) {
Serial.println("starting BLE failed!");
while (1);
BLE.setLocalName("Demo Gyroscope");
Serial.println("Bluetooth device active, waiting for connections...");
void loop() {
BLEDevice central = BLE.central();
if (central) {
Serial.print("Connected to central: ");
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
while (central.connected()) {
//long currentMillis = millis();
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
Serial.print("Disconnected from central: ");
void updateGyroscopeLevel() {
float x, y, z;
if (IMU.gyroscopeAvailable()) {
IMU.readGyroscope(x, y, z);
if (x != oldXLevel) {
oldXLevel = x;
if (y != oldYLevel) {
oldYLevel = y;
if (z != oldZLevel) {
oldZLevel = z;
and in my android app, I have set autoConnect true
private fun connectDevice(device: BluetoothDevice?) {
// update the status
broadcastUpdate(Actions.STATUS_MSG, "Connecting to ${device?.address}")
bleGatt = device?.connectGatt(context, true, gattClientCallback)
App can connect to module and read/write some data using UUID but when I turn off the module and turn on again, App cannot automatically connect it.
As far as I know, once I set it true, android store bt info as cache and trying to reconnect repeatedly.
(fyi, I'm not using Service to maintain connection)
but in my case, when I turn the module on again, it just shows below message in serial monitor
Bluetooth device active, waiting for connections...
It seems like app doesn't retry to connect.
I have read related questions and answers over here but couldn't find clue for my case.
My question over here is am I doing wrong? or this is normal behaviour?
when it comes to bt earphone, it's automatically connected when turn on. so I'm thinking something like that.
Please share any idea for this.
Really appreciate it!
After reading more articles, I found what's the issue.
Not sure if anyone reaching out to this question but in my case, I want app to reconnect to ble automatically even after turning off and on the ble.
But I found turning off/on the phone, turning off/on ble clear the cache in android internally. so Cannot automatically reconnect in this scenario.
Please have a look. this is really helpful for me
This is not an answer but I found autoConnect is working when I use nRF Connect application. that means BT module itself has no issue and my application has issue.

How to transfer images via Bluetooth (LE) to a desktop application

We are currently trying to implement the transmission of images from a mobile device (in this case an IPhone) to a desktop application. We tried already the Bluetooth Serial plugin which works fine for Android but does not list any devices when scanning for our desktop application.
To cover iOS support (AFAIK iOS only supports BluetoothLE), we reimplemented our desktop application to use BluetoothLE and behave like a peripheral. Also we altered our Ionic application to use BLE plugin.
Now BluetoothLE only supports the transmission of packages with the size of 20 Byte whilst our image is about 500kb big. So we could obviously split our image into chunks and transmit it with the following function (taken from this gist):
function writeLargeData(buffer) {
console.log('writeLargeData', buffer.byteLength, 'bytes in',MAX_DATA_SEND_SIZE, 'byte chunks.');
var chunkCount = Math.ceil(buffer.byteLength / MAX_DATA_SEND_SIZE);
var chunkTotal = chunkCount;
var index = 0;
var startTime = new Date();
var transferComplete = function () {
console.log("Transfer Complete");
var sendChunk = function () {
if (!chunkCount) {
return; // so we don't send an empty buffer
console.log('Sending data chunk', chunkCount + '.');
var chunk = buffer.slice(index, index + MAX_DATA_SEND_SIZE);
sendChunk, // success callback - call sendChunk() (recursive)
function(reason) { // error callback
console.log('Write failed ' + reason);
// send the first chunk
Still this would mean for us that we would have to launch about 25k transmissions which I assume will take a long time to complete. Now I wonder why is that the data transmission via Bluetooth is that handicapped.
If you want to try out L2CAP your could modify your Central desktop app somehow like this:
private let characteristicUUID = CBUUID(string: CBUUIDL2CAPPSMCharacteristicString)
Then advertize and publish a L2CAP channel:
let service = CBMutableService(type: peripheralUUID, primary: true)
let properties: CBCharacteristicProperties = [.read, .indicate]
let permissions: CBAttributePermissions = [.readable]
let characteristic = CBMutableCharacteristic(type: characteristicUUID, properties: properties, value: nil, permissions: permissions)
self.characteristic = characteristic
service.characteristics = [characteristic]
self.manager.publishL2CAPChannel(withEncryption: false)
let data = [CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey : "Peripherial-42", CBAdvertisementDataServiceUUIDsKey: [peripheralUUID]] as [String : Any]
In your
func peripheralManager(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager, central: CBCentral, didSubscribeTo characteristic: CBCharacteristic) {
respective your
func peripheralManager(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager, didPublishL2CAPChannel PSM: CBL2CAPPSM, error: Error?) {
offer the PSM value (= kind of socket handle (UInt16), for Bluetooth stream connections):
let data = withUnsafeBytes(of: PSM) { Data($0) }
if let characteristic = self.characteristic {
characteristic.value = data
self.manager.updateValue(data, for: characteristic, onSubscribedCentrals: self.subscribedCentrals)
finally in
func peripheralManager(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager, didOpen channel: CBL2CAPChannel?, error: Error?)
open an input stream:
channel.inputStream.delegate = self
channel.inputStream.schedule(in: RunLoop.current, forMode: .default)
where the delegate could look something like this:
func stream(_ aStream: Stream, handle eventCode: Stream.Event) {
switch eventCode {
case Stream.Event.hasBytesAvailable:
if let stream = aStream as? InputStream {
//buffer is some UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>
let read = stream.read(buffer, maxLength: capacity)
print("\(read) bytes read")
case ...
iOS app with Central Role
Assuming you have something like that in your iOS code:
func sendImage(imageData: Data) {
self.manager = CBCentralManager(delegate: self, queue: nil)
self.imageData = imageData
self.bytesToWrite = imageData.count
then you can modify your peripheral on your iOS client to work with the L2Cap channel like this:
func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didUpdateValueFor characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: Error?) {
if let characteristicValue = characteristic.value {
let psm = characteristicValue.withUnsafeBytes {
$0.load(as: UInt16.self)
print("using psm \(psm) for l2cap channel!")
and as soon as you are notified of the opened channel, open the output stream on it:
func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didOpen channel: CBL2CAPChannel?, error: Error?)
channel.outputStream.delegate = self.streamDelegate
channel.outputStream.schedule(in: RunLoop.current, forMode: .default)
Your supplied stream delegate might look like this:
func stream(_ aStream: Stream, handle eventCode: Stream.Event) {
switch eventCode {
case Stream.Event.hasSpaceAvailable:
if let stream = aStream as? OutputStream, let imageData = self.imageData {
if self.bytesToWrite > 0 {
let bytesWritten = imageData.withUnsafeBytes {
$0.advanced(by: totalBytes),
maxLength: self.bytesToWrite
self.bytesToWrite -= bytesWritten
self.totalBytes += bytesWritten
print("\(bytesWritten) bytes written, \(bytesToWrite) remain")
} else {
case ...
There is a cool WWDC video from 2017, What's New in Core Bluetooth, see here https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2017/712/
At around 14:45 it starts to discuss how L2Cap channels are working.
At 28:47, the Get the Most out of Core Bluetooth topic starts, in which performance-related things are discussed in detail. That's probably exactly what you're interested in.
Finally, at 37:59 you will see various possible throughputs in kbps.
Based on the data shown on the slide, the maximum possible speed with L2CAP + EDL (Extended Data Length) + 15ms interval is 394 kbps.
Please have a look at this comment
The following snippet is taken from there
ble.requestMtu(yourDeviceId, 512, () => {
console.log('MTU Size ok.');
}, error => {
console.log('MTU Size failed.');
It is suggesting that you need to request the Mtu after connection and then I think you can break your message into chunks of 512 bytes rather than 20 bytes.
They have done this for android specific issue
First I should say that there are already tons of blog posts and Q&As on the exact same topic, so please read them first.
If you run iPhone 7, you have the LE Data Length Extension. The default MTU is also 185 bytes, which means you can send notifications or write without response commands with 182 bytes of payload. And please make sure you absolutely not use Write With Response or Indications since that will almost stall the transfer. When you run iOS in central mode you are restricted to 30 ms connection interval. Using a shorter connection interval can have benefits, so I would suggest you to run iOS in peripheral mode instead so you from the central side can set a connection interval of something short, say 12 ms. Since iPhone X and iPhone 8, you can also switch to the 2MBit/s PHY to get increased transfer speed. So to answer your actual question why BLE data transfer is handicapped: it's not, at least if you follow best practice.
You also haven't told anything about the system that runs your desktop application. If it supports 2 MBit/s PHY, LE Data Length Extension and a MTU of at least 185, then you should be happy and make sure your connections use all those features. If not, you should still get higher performance if you enable at least one of them.

Unable to retrieve BLE RSSI value using cordova/phonegap

I'm using Cordova/Phonegap plugin Ble Central to connect to BLE devices using Android Phone.
As per the documentation on github code is :
onConnect = function(device) {
function() {
function() {
ble.readRSSI(deviceId, function(rssi) {
console.log('read RSSI',rssi,'with device', deviceId);
ble.connect(deviceId, onConnect, app.onError);
Even though ble.isConnected() fucntion returns true, RSSI value never returns.
What could be the issue here ?? Has anyone tried using cordova-plugin-ble-central to retrieve RSSI ?
Try retrieving rssi from Peripheral data.
onConnect = function(device) {
console.log('rssi' + device.rssi);
See if it gives a proper value.

Is there a way to synchronize clocks with the Microsoft Band using the SDK?

I'm working on a project where I need sensor data readings from the Band and a connected smartphone to be synchronized. Thus, I need to be able to find out the clock difference between both devices. Events contain a timestamp, which I could use for synchronization, but this would require a way to reliably force the Band to send a sensor reading directly on request.
The smartphone requests a sensor reading from the Band (f.e. by registering an event listener) and notes the local time t1 of the request transmission
The Band receives the request and directly responds to it, sending its local timestamp s1
The smartphone receives the response at local time t2.
Now, the smartphone can approximate the connection delay d = (t2 - t1)/2 and can set its local time to s1 + d to approximately synchronize with the Band. This protocol only works properly if the Band responds within a reasonable time.
Does getSensorManager().registerXXXEventListener() behave like this or is there a possibility that it delays the response (f.e. to save energy)? If it may introduce delays, is there some other way to get the Band's current time?
There seems to be an automatic synchronization. If you set the clock of the band to some other time and print the timestamp of the SDK you will notice that it corresponds to the phone time, not the band time.
So I guess there is no need for time synchronization between phone and band.
Grab a sensor and hook the appropriate timestamp? Don't have band with me but I believe ISensorReading:: Timestamp comes from the device?
As defined, pulled out of object browser...
Let us know if this works...
namespace Microsoft.Band.Sensors
public class BandSensorReadingEventArgs<T> : EventArgs where T : IBandSensorReading
public BandSensorReadingEventArgs(T reading);
public T SensorReading { get; }
System.DateTimeOffset Timestamp { get; } Member of Microsoft.Band.Sensors.IBandSensorReading
private async void HeartRate_ReadingChanged(object sender, BandSensorReadingEventArgs<IBandHeartRateReading> e)
await CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,
() =>
TextBlock_HeartBeatStatus.Text = e.SensorReading.HeartRate.ToString();
DateTimeOffset timestamp = e.SensorReading.Timestamp;
private async void Accelerometer_ReadingChanged(object sender, BandSensorReadingEventArgs<IBandAccelerometerReading> e)
await CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,
() =>
string status =
$"x:{e.SensorReading.AccelerationX.ToString("F1")} y:{e.SensorReading.AccelerationY.ToString("F1")} z:{e.SensorReading.AccelerationZ.ToString("F1")}";
TextBlock_AccelStatus.Text = status;
DateTimeOffset timestamp = e.SensorReading.Timestamp();

