IllegalStateException can not perform this action after onsaveinstancestate - android

I read many threads to this topic but nothing could help me.
I can´t post my code, but i try to explain my situation:
I´m getting an IllegalStateException: can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState
I have an activity Main (with an DrawerLayout / navigation drawer). In this activity is always 1 fragment. At first there is the fragment WelcomePage.
When the user clicks the fragment gets replaced with new fragment (I call it: FootballClubs). This fragment contains a ViewPager, so it consists of multi pages; each page is a fragment FootballClub. (So the fragment FootballClubs consists of multi pages of one FootballClub fragment). In each FootballClub fragment is a button where the user can click; on click opens a new fragment (I call it NewFragment).
At first, everything is ok and no exception is thrown. I can click the button as often as possible, each time the new fragment is shown correctly without an exception, and onBackPressed I get back to FootballClubs with the ViewPager. But when I turn my smartphone, screen orientation has changed at least one time, I get following exception when I click on the button to open the new fragment (whatever fragment I want to show):
IllegalStateException: can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState
I replace the fragments WelcomePage/FootballClubs/NewFragment with this code:
protected void replaceSubfragment(int containerID, Fragment newFragment) {
FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
transaction.replace(containerID, newFragment);
The exception is thrown in transaction.commit();
containerID is always the same (FrameLayout in activity layout)
Some additional information:
If I replace
I get this Exception: IllegalStateException: Activity has been destroyed (although I click/do exactly the same)
All fragments gets replaced in my FragmentActivity class Main; When you click on the button, the Subclass of SectionPage gets noticed and calls a listener from FragmentActivity, so that the FragmentActivity can replace the fragments (BaseActivity gives the listener over to FootballClubs fragment, and this gives it over to the Subclass of SectionPage)
Due to the fact that I only replace fragments in my FragmentActivity I don´t use getChildFragmentManager(); (As far as I can remember this didn´t work too)
I know that the activity gets destroyed and recreated by the system when orientation changed, but I can´t do something with this information.. the whole app works perfectly except this button
If I want to show a dialog instead of NewFragment on button click I get an IllegalStateException too
In my FragmentActivity, I have a variable activeModule; here I can check activeModule.isAdded(); When the exception is thrown, isAdded() return false.. So I can check if the error will be thrown or not
I hope I could describe my problem. The screen orientation ruins everything, don´t know why..
If you need further information ask me.. if you need some code pieces maybe I can post something.


What Fragments am I hosting and displaying?

Is there a way to know which Fragment is currently displayed in a given <fragment> container of an Activity without keeping track of all the changes via the onAttachFragment callback?
Is it even possible to know which fragments are displayed when fragment transactions can take place when the user presses the back key? In this latter case, i.e. when a Fragment is re-displayed due to a back, the onAttach is not called.
In my experience, the only way to know for sure which fragment is being displayed is to keep track of that carefully yourself.
For example, you could make a variable in your Activity:
Fragment mCurrentDisplayedFragment;
and then whenever the user requests a different fragment do:
mCurrentFragment = (Fragment) userRequestedFragment;
fragmentManager.replace(container, mCurrentFragment, tag);
Then, whenever you needed to do things to the currently displayed fragment, you could triage it by try/catching a cast or with instanceof.
You could also handle the back pressed behavior by overriding that method in the activity:
public void onBackPressed() {
int stackSize = fragmentManager.getBackStackEntryCount();
// This counts up from the bottom so the most recent fragment is the biggest number/size
backFragId = fragmentManager.getBackStackEntryAt(stackSize);
// Get a handle on the fragment that is about to be popped
mCurrentFragment = fragmentManager.findFragmentById(backFragId);
Also, are you sure that onAttach is not called when a fragment is popped off the stack? I seem to remember that it will be, and you can call through the interface created there (if you have one and the activity implements it) to register the fragment as the current fragment in the activity at the time.
But to directly answer your question, there isn't a built in way to just know what fragment is currently displayed (and there could be more than one!). The implementation details of that are up to you. Hopefully I've given you some ideas of how it could be handled though. You might also find the FragmentManager documentation helpful.
Each time when you add/replace fragment to the container, use tag for it:
FragmentTransaction ft = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
ft.add(, fragment, tag).commit();
then you can find out the fragment is current visible or not:
Fragment fg = getFragmentManger().findFragmentByTag(tag);
//fg is the current visible fragment
Hope this help!

FragmentManager popBackStack doesn't remove fragment

I'm implementing menu navigation using Fragments. So I begin with Home, and then users can navigate to diferent sections and details of each section.
When a user changes section, then I call pop on the fragmentmanager backstack until I reach Home, and then load the new section.
This is all working as expected. But I'm getting this problem:
load a section that calls setHasOptionsMenu(true) on onResume()
loads another section (old section it's suposed to get out of the stack). I see it OK. No menu is shown
leave the application (for example, go to Android Laucher activity) and then when I return, I see the correct section, but it's showing the Menu of the old Fragment.
I've iterated the backstack and printed each fragment, and there it's not the fragment with the menu.
I put a debug mark on the onResume() method (where the setHasOptionsMenu(true) is flagged) and it indeed enters here, so the Fragment it's still somewhere.
I want to know if I'm doing something wrong and how could I solve it, thx
I'm using this code to load new fragments
.add(container, sectionFragment.getFragment())
And for remove:
private void clearStack(){
int count = fm.getBackStackEntryCount();
while(count > 1){
NOTE 1: I'm using add instead replace because I don't want to loose the state of my fragment when I navigate back from detail section. When I load another different section, then I call clearStack to pop the stack up to 1, and then loads new fragment. At the end, I'm calling executePendingTransactions() to finish to remove the fragments from the transaction.
NOTE 2: I'm seeing that it is entering on my fragment onDestroy() method, so it is suposed to be destroyed. But I don't know why it is getting called again when the Main activity resumes.
I found that the problem was not in the logic of adding and removing fragment of the stack.
The problem was that some of the fragment loaded another fragments inside of it (it had ViewPager component). Then I thought that when the fragment was removed then these fragments were removed too.
This is true ONLY if you use getChildFragmentManager() method. This method MUST be used when loading fragments inside other fragmets. If not, then the fragments are asociated with the fragments activity.
popBackStack will just revert your last FragmentTransaction.
If you use FragmentTransaction.add, popBackStack will just call FragmentTransacetion.remove.
But if you call FragmentTransaction.replace, popBackStack will call FragmentTransaction.remove and FragmentTransaction.add
For your "NOTE 1" :
FragmentTransaction.replace will not change your fragment state.
I found this question, because after calling
fragmentManager.popBackStack(null, FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE);
this code fragmentManager.getFragments().size() returns me the maximum number of fragments, which were in the stack. I checked every fragment on null. And I found that some fragment is null in my case. Maybe it will help someone)
If you are really looking to remove fragments at once then follow:
How to replace Fragments of different types?
Otherwise use replace transaction for fragments to smooth transitiona and hassel free approach, see
Also understand Fragment lifecycle,
I had a similar problem where the popBackStack() didn't remove my fragment.
However, I noticed that I called the wrong FragmentManager, where I had to call getSupportFragmentMananger() instead of getFragmentManager().
Maybe there is a <fragment> or <> in an activity with android:name="androidx.navigation.fragment.NavHostFragment", app:defaultNavHost="true" and app:navGraph="#navigation/nav_graph".
In this case navigation is held by nav_graph. If you don't want to use NavController and NavHostFragment, maybe you should remove navigation and clean <fragment> tag.

Replaced fragment still visible

When I start my app it runs an AsyncTask to load up and then in onPostExecute, I then setContentView to the new layout then add a fragment with two buttons offering two modes by an add FragmentTransaction. After one of the two modes is clicked, it then replaces the fragment with yet another FragmentTransaction using the replace method.
If the app crashes it returns to the first screen, loading up the two buttons offering the two modes. In this case if either mode is selected, the second fragment is loaded but is now the background is suddenly transparent showing the two buttons below and they remain clickable. If they are clicked again they properly replace the fragment so that it isn't visible below. This is just weird, I can't understand what could cause this.
I've researched and seen these two similar questions, one and two, which suggested that it might be because the ID is wrong or I have defined the fragment in XML. Neither of these two factors are the case.
My code is shown below:
Below I replace the loading screen.
protected void onPostExecute(Void result) {
FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager()
transaction.add(, new ModeFragment())
After which, when a button is clicked I pass the fragment I wish to replace the current with into this method below:
private void replaceCurrentFragment(Fragment fragment) {
FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager()
transaction.replace(, fragment)
This works the first time, however if a crash occurs then the app returns to the first fragment and the second time this method is passed, the new replacing fragment is semi-invisible. Clicking the button on the first fragment again calls this method again and it is now fine.
Obviously I don't want the app to crash so this shouldn't occur, but I get this feeling that there's something wrong with how I'm writing my code.
I've had the same problem happen to me, and it was because I loaded a fragment in the OnCreate of my Activity, without checking if there was a savedInstanceState, so android first reopen all old fragments, then do the OnCreate, which added the fragment over the old ones without replacing them so when you navigate to another fragment, it only replaces the top one, but not the bottom one, so you will see the fragments under it.
Might not be exactly the same thing for you, but it might help you figure it out.

Android Fragment View State Loss When Using FragmentTransaction.replace()

I am having a pretty big issue and I am not quite understanding what is happening. I am developing an application that uses Fragments (from the support library) and am using FragmentTransaction.replace() to place new Fragments on to the back stack and replace the old one. The code looks as follows:
FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction ft = ft.beginTransaction();
// Animations in my res/anim folder
ft.setCustomAnimations(R.anim.slide_in_right, R.anim.slide_out_left, R.anim.slide_in_left, R.anim.slide_out_right);
ft.replace(, newFragment, tag);
This is successful in replacing my fragment. My issue is the following. In one Fragment, I have a list of items that is built from user input. Now, when the user clicks next and then clicks the back button (to return to the list), the list is empty because the view is destroyed. Now, I have noted the following:
onSaveInstanceState is not called. I believe this is because that is only called when the parent Activity tells it to. Based on the docs: " There are many situations where a fragment may be mostly torn down (such as when placed on the back stack with no UI showing), but its state will not be saved until its owning activity actually needs to save its state.". Apparently, performing a replace on the FragmentTransaction is not one of those times. Does anyone have confirmation on this or a better explanation?
setOnRetainInstanceState(true) is not helpful in this situation. Again, I believe this has to do with info from the docs: "Control whether a fragment instance is retained across Activity re-creation (such as from a configuration change)". I am not performing any action in re-creating the activity so this is of no use.
So, I guess my main question is: is there a way to preserve the View state (simply retain the Fragment) when using replace? There is FragmentTransaction.add(), but there are a few issues with this as well. One being that the exit animation is not performed, thus the animation is not correct. Another is that the new Fragment that the old fragment (the one that is being put into a non-visible state) is still clickable. For example, if I have a ListFragment, and I place a content fragment on top of that by using add, I can still click the list items in the ListFragment.
Without being able to see the code of your fragments this is a bit of a guess, but in the past I've run into this same issue and I've found that resetting the adapter in your ListFragment in onViewStateRestored seems to do the trick.
public void onViewStateRestored (Bundle savedInstanceState)
super.onViewStateRestored (savedInstanceState);
setListAdapter(new ArrayAdapter(Activity, R.layout.nav_item, objects));
Which is weird considering the documentation states that this method is called after onActivityCreated but before onStart. But it seems that it is also called at other times because when the most recent fragment transaction is popped off the back stack this method is called before the previously replaced fragment is displayed. The activity that owns the fragments has not been paused or obscured in any way, so according to the docs onViewStateRestored should not be called since just the fragments were modified. But this seems to work anyway.
It sounds like you simply need to make sure you have properly implemented onCreateView and onDestroyView. The situation you are describing seems to indicate that when the list fragment is put on the back stack (as a result of the replace transaction) Android is calling onDestroyView to free up some resources. However, it apparently has not destroyed the list fragment because when you tap back you are getting back the same instance of the fragment.
Assuming this is all true then, when the user taps back Android will call onCreateView. Any state that you have stored in the fragment's instance variables should still be there and all you need to do is repopulate the view...perhaps set the adapter on the ListView or whatever.
Also make sure your onSaveInstanceState() callback actually does save any instance state that you need to rebuild the view. That way if the fragment actually does get completely destroyed the FragmentManager can restore the state when it needs to recrete the fragment later.

Android fragment instances avoid duplicates

Hi I am not sure I am doing the right thing. I have several fragments in one activity (not shown at the same time). When I add the fragment do I have to check if a previous instance exists? I am using the compatibility package and my fragment CameraFragment is a separate class (in its own file):
private void addNewFragment(Fragment fragment, String tag) {
FragmentTransaction ft = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
ft.replace(, fragment, tag);
and then :
public void startPicTaking() {
addNewFragment(CameraFragment.newInstance(), TAG_PIC_TAKING);
So each time a user clicks a button to take a picture I use this methods BUT shall I verify if the fragment already exists and remove it first or does the static method newInstance make sure the fragment is not duplicated?
I have read the doc several times but I don't understand why the line:
what is it for? I know you can pop the back stack and it keeps the transaction but how can it be used and for what? Is it necessary or if I don't use it I can skip it?
I have several fragments in one activity (not shown at the same time). When I add the fragment do I have to check if a previous instance exists?
No, it will just create a new instance of that Fragment when it adds the next instance of it. It will not affect the previous instance of it.
So each time a user clicks a button to take a picture I use this methods BUT shall I verify if the fragment already exists and remove it first or does the static method newInstance make sure the fragment is not duplicated?
You could do that if you wanted to, to ensure that no Fragment appears twice in the stack. (So when you hit back, you don't get the same activity again.) Depending on exactly what appears in your back stack, you may not want to remove stuff lower down. (Consider that a user expects previous fragments to appear when he hits the back button.)
I have read the doc several times but I don't understand why the line: ft.addToBackStack(null); what is it for?
When Fragment objects are added to the back stack, then each time the user hits back, they will go to the previous item on the stack. If you do not add an item to the back stack, the user will not encounter it when they hit the back button.

