Cordova: Cannot find module './android_sdk' - android

I checked out a Cordova project from SVN in IntelliJ Webstorm. When I try to run it on an emulated Android device, I receive the error message:
Error: Cannot find module './android_sdk'
All the other people working on the project can run the project fine. And I can run every project that I have created locally.

in my case (Kubuntu 16.04.2, Ionic 3.3.0, Cordova 7.0.1) i just did this:
cordova platform rm android
cordova platform add android
and that did the trick :)


I am gettin an error when try to generate android or ios build of ionic project

I have project build in ionic
I run the following command
ionic cordova platform remove ios
ionic cordova platform remove android
ionic cordova platform add ios
ionic cordova platform add android
when I run them on my project folder I got the error in the following screenshot
I have tried to delete node_modules folder and run npm install command again but this does not solve my problem
add platform ios need xcode
add platform android you need Android Studio

Gradle version to use with Android/Cordova CLI

I currently use Cordova CLI on Windows to build hybrid Android apps. I am in the process of moving my development mover to a headless Ubuntu server. Getting java, NVM, Node, Android SDK and Cordova CLI installed on Ubuntu has not been a problem. Having done so and created the customary Cordova hello world project,
cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld
I proceeded to add the Android platform
cordova plaform add android
and then attempted to build
cordova build android
at which point I was told
Error: Could not find an installed version of Gradle either in Android Studio,
or on your system to install the gradle wrapper. Please include gradle
in your path, or install Android Studio
Installing Gradle by following the instructions given here - I am NOT installing Android Studio and am working on a headless Ubuntu machine so automatic Gradle installation is not an option - is not a problem. However, it is not clear to me which version of Gradle I should install.
I do not want to break my current Cordova project so I am trying to replicate the current Windows/Cordova CLI setup as closely as I can
Node 8.9.2
Java 8
Gradle ???
Dipping inside the file in my existing project I find
I have noted that when I compile the project at present there are some ominous warnings about features to be removed from future versions of Gradle that are shown. I could experiment with using gradle-2.10 but it is not entirely clearr to me that it would indeed be the right version. Hopefully, someone here will be able to point me in the right direction.
First, clean up the project
cordova clean android
Then, force the cordova to use the distribution url with the version you want, in this case: gradle-6.3
Then, build your application.
cordova build android --release

Cordova 7.1.0 cannot build ionic android project

cordova android has some issues and not sure how to solve it.
I have updated my cordova to the latest cordova#7.1.0 and my node to node8.2.0
but each time i try to build my ionic cordova project i get two errors
when i try to build my android project ionic cordova platform add android
Error: Source path does not exist: resources/android/icon/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png
Also when i try to run ionic cordova prepare i get the following error
Unable to load PlatformApi from platform. Error: Cannot find module '/platforms/browser/cordova/Api.js'
Error: Unhandled "error" event. (The platform "browser" does not appear to be a valid cordova platform. It is missing API.js. browser not supported.)
Kinda confused on these two errors and not sure how to solve them.
I am building an Ionic3 project.
Any help is appreciated

MAC - cordova project fail after installing Android Studio

in continuation to MAC - Cordova error after installing Android Studio
On Mac os - Cordova project stopped working after installing Android Studio (4.4.1)
NOTE: it was working previous to the installation
I had some error when trying to do cordova build which
I managed to solved (see MAC - Cordova error after installing Android Studio)
but I'm still cannot run the project on the device.
I've installed the latest cordova (5.4.0) and when I'm running the project I get in logcat Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'uuid' of undefined
the line code that fails is this.device_id = window.device.uuid;
this line was working previously so it seems that Cordova doesn't load properly.
any idea how to fix it?
The solution is:
cordova plugin remove org.apache.cordova.device
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.device
cordova prepare
then refresh the proj and run it (in eclipse)
than I add to delete the project from android studio and re-import it.
NOTE: you might also need to remove/add org.apache.cordova.console plugin

Cordova build android

When I want to try ionic weather app ( I've got problems when I wanted to build android to my phone-gap application using cordova. I receive this message in terminal when I execute the command cordova build android
Error: An error occurred while listing Android targets
I work on ubuntu 13.10
I was able to successfully build the project with the following steps:
npm install -g cordova ionic
git clone
cd ionic-weather
cordova platform add android
cordova build android
You may be missing the required android sdk tools, or they may not have been added to your system path.
Refer to this question
cordova ubuntu: An error occurred while listing Android targets
And follow this guide to ensure your environment was setup correctly.

