Failed to resolve:
I see this error when I open my projectI cant install constraint-layout:1.0.2, there is some error strong text
Your project's build.gradle should have the content as below.
All the Google specific dependencies are now hosted on their own Maven Repository.
If you still find it confusing, just create a new Project from scratch using Android Studio 3.0.1 and all the dependencies would be properly configured.
buildscript {
repositories {
google() // Speficically this entry
dependencies {
classpath ''
First of all, make sure to update your Android Studio. Second thing, make sure you import the Google maven repository into your project gradle file. Then, you should be able to install ConstraintLayout.
Here's the solution:
repositories {
maven {
url ''
then add this line in dependencies:
compile ''
compile ''
I added the following line to my build.gradle(Module:app):
compile ''
But when executing Gradle I'm getting
Failed to resolve:
I got that the support code from the android support design library and added it to a new project. I added it to the dependency section as such:
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
androidTestCompile('', {
exclude group: '', module: 'support-annotations'
compile ''
compile ''
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
compile ''
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
Important: The support libraries are now available through Google's Maven repository. You do not need to download the support
repository from the SDK Manager. For more information, see Support
Library Setup.
Step 1: Open the build.gradle file for your application.
Step 2: Make sure that the repositories section includes a maven section with the "" endpoint. For example:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
Step 3: Add the support library to the dependencies section. For example, to add the v4 core-utils library, add the following lines:
dependencies {
compile ""
A more updated version of the answer of "Bhavesh Patadiya" :
In your project build.gradle file, add google() into the repositories blocks:
repositories {
Update the same file with a newer Gradle version:
classpath ''
If the above cause you new issues or the same issue, exit Android-Studio, and delete the "gradle" folder/s (maybe also ".gradle" folder) and the "build" folder and sub-folders, and then open Android-Studio again.
Mr. Bhavesh Patadiya give us a good solution. However, I'd like to share something more, to make fix process more explicit.
There are two "build.gradle" files under the project directory. Their pathes are to be "Your-project-root-dir/build.gradle" and "Your-project-root-dir/app/build.gradle" respectively. When you see the error information in your android studio, and try to trace the file, you will probably open the second one.
You should add this statement in the first file ("Your-project-root-dir/build.gradle").
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
and add the statements in the second build.gradle ("Your-project-root-dir/app/build.gradle")
dependencies {
compile ""
Always keep appcompact version and support lib versionssame, so change to
allprojects {
repositories {
You need to update the android support Repository in the SDK manager . Also the Design Library depends on the Support v4 and AppCompat Support Libraries.
Same version android support must be the same with others..
compile '' <-- same
compile '' <-- same
after adding :
maven {
url ""
make sure your Gradle sync is on ONLINE mode
you can check it from:
Android studio -> Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment ->
Gradle -> Offline work (make sure this check box is not selected)
This problem occurs when there is andoridtestImplementation is added in
Remove testImplementation,androidTestImplementation from the, that solves this issue.
Above answers did't resolve anything for me.
Tried syncing the project- Failed.
Tried building the project -Failed
Problem found :
Sdk Support Repository was corrupted
Go to the SDK manager, click the "SDK Tools" tab. If the check-mark
for "Support Repository" is selected, unselect it and click OK. This
will delete all of the files in the repository. Then recheck the
check-mark, click GO and reinstall the repository.
If you still have the issue, check the project settings for offline mode. if offline mode is on, then off and sync the project. That fixed my issue.
There is no library by that name. There is
Failed to resolve
Failed to resolve
I am trying to include this library to my project by adding
compile 'jp.wasabeef:recyclerview-animators:2.2.7'
so remove this line from gradle
my error just resolved
I am fairly new to Android programming and am trying to use the libsodium-jni library for some basic Crypto tasks. In Android Studio I add libsodium-jni-aar as a Library Dependency and I can see that this modifies my build.gradle file by adding :
compile 'com.github.joshjdevl.libsodiumjni:libsodium-jni-aar:1.0.6'
Many of the functions in this library work fine, but when I use the Sodium.sodium_init() function I get
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for int org.libsodium.jni.SodiumJNI.sodium_init() (tried Java_org_libsodium_jni_SodiumJNI_sodium_1init and Java_org_libsodium_jni_SodiumJNI_sodium_1init__)
at org.libsodium.jni.SodiumJNI.sodium_init(Native Method)
I'm guessing somehow this is caused by the fact that sodium_init is a native function and for some reason the implementation is not being installed to the phone (or emulator) by gradle.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
To import a Sonatype repository you need to add this
maven {
url ""
to your project build.gradle file in the allprojects object which should result in something similar to this:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url ''
Then you can add your compile statement in your app build.gradle file
compile 'com.github.joshjdevl.libsodiumjni:libsodium-jni-aar:1.0.7-SNAPSHOT'
hi i am trying to add MPAndroidChart to my android studio i tried evrything from file>New >Import Module
and tried to copy it directly to my android studio
i put this in the
and this in the dependency
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.PhilJay:MPAndroidChart:v2.2.5' }
but i always keep getting this error
please helppp
Read follow documentation github
Add the following to your build.gradle:
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.PhilJay:MPAndroidChart:v2.2.5'
add or merge this in your build.gradle script.
repositories {
maven { url "" }
I am adding this library to my project. I followed the instructions. I put th project under app/lib. the problem is when i add :
compile project(':lib:paralloid:paralloid')
compile project(':lib:paralloid:paralloidviews')
an error message in generated:
Error:(26, 0) Project with path ':lib:paralloid:paralloid' could not
be found in project ':app'.
Seems like you haven't specified mavenCentral() as a repository.
In build.gradle file, you need to specify which repository to use when resolving dependencies for building your project.
Add mavenCentral() repository in build.gradle file like this:
repositories {
And add library to your project
dependencies {
compile ''
Have you tried the other option they give?
dependencies {
compile ''