Creating custom rx.Observable and rx.Subsciber - android

I'm working on an Android App. I'm using Retrofit to manage the http request to the server-side endpoints. Currently when I'm doing a request I'm doing something like this:
Observable<List<ApiFeedResponse>> feedObservable = mFeedRepository.getFeed(0, 50)
.flatMap(apiFeedsResponse -> {
if (apiFeedsResponse.code() != 200) {
if (apiFeedsResponse.code() == 304) {
List<ApiFeedResponse> body = apiFeedsResponse.body();
return Observable.just(body);
} else {
return Observable.error(new ServerSideErrorException(apiFeedsResponse));
} else {
return Observable.just(apiFeedsResponse.body());
My FeedRepository calls the Retrofit service. I've an endpoint that is like The thing is that I'm also using etags to get cached server-side responses. And I want to be able to differentiate between a normal 200 http response and a "not modified" 304 response. I want to extend the rx.Subscriber lifecycle methods (onNext, onError and onComplete) to be something like (onSuccess, onServerError, onNotModified, onServerResult). That way when I subscribe to this methods is going to look like this:
getFeed(0, 50).subscribe(new ServerSubscriber<List<Feed>>() {
//Executed when the response is 200
protected void onSuccess(List<Feed> feed) {
//Executed when the response is 304
protected void onNotModified(List<Feed> feed) {
//Executed if something goes wrong while doing the http request (code is different than 200 or 304)
protected void onServerSideError(ServerSideErrorException e) {
//Executed always that the result of the http request is successfull (200 or 304)
protected void onServerResult(List<Feed> feed) {
I have been looking through different repos trying to find if someone has done something similar and the closes thing that I found was this:
But I still can't fully understand how to implement custom rx.Observables and custom rx.Subscribers. Any advice is welcome.

Why not repackage your logic in a reusable form?
public <T> Transformer<Response<T>, T> applyCache(
Supplier<T> src,
Consumer<Response<T>> sink) {
return responseSrc -> responseSrc.flatMap(response -> {
switch(response.code()) {
case 200:
return Observable.just(apiFeedsResponse.body());
case 304:
return Observable.just(src.get());
return Observable.error(new ServerSideErrorException(apiFeedsResponse));
Just add the cache get/set functions (and adjust to taste); use like:
.getFeed(0, 50)
.compose(applyCache(feedCache::get, feedCache::set)

I think the solutions to your problems can be fixed in Retrofit/OkHttp.
Retrofit2 uses OkHttp3 under the hood to execute the API calls. OkHttp can handle the 304 not modified status code and deliver you the result from cache. To do that you need to set up retrofit to use a custom OkHttp client with cache.
For more custom callbacks there the solution is custom CallAdapter. There is an example for that in the retrofit repo which looks similar to yours. RxJava already uses a call adapter, maybe you can base is on that.


[Android][Retrofit] Using interceptor to call different API

I am working on an Android project which uses retrofit to handle network calls. I have a hard time figuring out a use case.
I have an API (api1) which has already been implemented and is being called from multiple places.
Now, I need to call a new API (api2) before calling api1.
What would be the best way of doing this ?
Can I use interceptors for this purpose ? Are interceptors the best way to handle this use case ?
public class MyApi2Interceptor implements Interceptor {
public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
// original request
Request request = chain.request();
val api2Response = api2.execute()
if (api2Response.code() == 200) {
return chain.proceed(request);
} else {
return null;
fun suspend callApi1() {
return api2.execute()
.map { api2Response ->
if (api2Response.code() == 200) api1.execute()
else return null
I personally like the interceptor approach I feel its clean, but not sure if interceptors are used for this purpose. Also which interceptors should I use addInterceptor or addNetwrokInterceptor (I guess in my case I can add them in any one of them ?)
I haven't actually tried out yet on my project and I am not sure if executing a different api in interceptor would actually work.
Please let me know your thoughts on this. Thanks in advance.
The second approach is more favorable as using interceptor would shadow the logic inside the interceptor and no one else would know about it. Also retrofit instances are usually created for single single service, this logic should be also handled in a business component as APIs are a data layer.

Is it possible to load several data asynchronously with Retrofit and wait for all data before doing something else?

Here is my current code. The problem with this code is I need to wait get the data sequentially. The loading time is poor because of this. I want to use something like .enqueue() to get asynchronously several data at once, but I want to wait until I get all the data before continuing the process. Is it possible to do it with Retrofit?
List<Data> datas = new ArrayList<>();
for (long dataId : mDataIds) {
Response<T> response = resource.getData(dataId).execute();
if (response.isSuccessful()) {
//do something else
You can solve this problem very elegantly using RxJava.
If you never heard of RxJava before, it is a solution to many of your problems.
If you don't use java8 or retrolambda I recommend you to start using it, as it makes working with RxJava a piece of cake.
Anyway here's what you need to do:
// 1. Stream each value from mDataIds
// 2. Create a network request for each of the data ids
.flatMap(dataId -> resource.getData(dataId))
// 3. Collect responses to list
// Your data is ready
.subscribe(datas -> {}, throwable -> {});
1) First add RxJava2 dependencies to your project
2) Define retrofit api interface methods which return RxJava observable types
public interface DataApi {
Observable<Data> getData(#Query("id") String id);
3) Call api passing input data like below.
.flatMap(id -> {
return retrofitService.getData(id).subscribeOn(;
.observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()).subscribe( listOfData -> {// do further processing }, error -> { //print errors} );
For reference :
Define interface with callback Model type.
public interface LoginService {
Call<List<Login>> getLogin();
In you calling method override the callback method.
LoginService loginService = ServiceGenerator.createService(LoginService.class);
Call<List<Login>> call = loginService.getLogin();
call.enqueue(new Callback<List<Login>>() {
public void onResponse(Call<List<Login>> call, Response<List<Login>> response) {
if (response.isSuccessful()) {
// Login successful
} else {
// error response, no access to resource?
public void onFailure(Call<List<Login>> call, Throwable t) {
// something went completely south (like no internet connection)
Log.d("Error", t.getMessage());
I would recommend using RxJava and try it. You have something called FlatMap to combine the results.
To Start here is the tutorial start for RxJava2 and Retrofit2.

Conditional subsequent request with RxJava

I have an issue with my network client design. I have a use case, when the client tries to request an item from a REST API, but in case the API returns a 404 HTTP status code I need to send a request to create the item on the server and then request the item again.
I would like to use RxJava to avoid the callback hell. Is this a valid use case RxJava? Is it possible to create such a conditional sub-request?
Thank you for your time and answers.
Based on your question, I assume you have something that look like
public Observable<Item> getItem();
that will either return the item, or fire an error and
public Observable<?> createItem();
That will create one.
You can use those two together like so:
public Observable<Item> getOrCreateItem() {
return getItem().onErrorResumeNext(error -> {
// Depending on your framework, figure out which is the result code
if (error.getResultCode() == 404) {
return createItem().flatMap(ignored -> getItem());
} else {
return Observable.error(error);
With Retrofit, you'd have to simply make sure the exception is a RetrofitError, cast it, and get the response and the status code. (((RetrofitError) error).getResponse().getStatus())

Retrofit and RxJava, avoiding callback hell

So currently, Im making an async network request with a date parameter (using Retrofit), and if that request returns with a response code that isnt 200 (or if its 429, 400, or if the response body is just null, whatever is easiest to determine), I make a new request with a date parameter 1 day earlier. Again, if this request comes back with a response code that isnt 200, I make one more request with a date 1 day earlier than the previous, for a total of 3 possible requests if the first two fail.
I'm currently achieving this with a bunch of callbacks and calling a new method set up to perform the request with the day -1 for each try.
I know that I can achieve a cleaner solution with Rx and Retrofits built in Rx features. How would this be done?
First you need to add RxAndroid and RxJava adapter in your dependencies
compile 'com.squareup.retrofit:adapter-rxjava:2.0.0-beta2'
compile 'io.reactivex:rxandroid:1.0.1'
and then you need to register the call adapter to your Retrofit declaration
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
And then you can change your service interface return type from Call to Observable
public interface MyAPIService {
Call<User> getUser();
Observable<Response<User>> getUserWithRxJava();
Observable<Response<List<User>>> getUserFriends();
And this is an example for chaining call
.flatMap(new Func1<Response<User>, Observable<Response<List<User>>>>() {
public Observable<List<Home>> call(Response<User> responseUser) {
// You can also use responseUser.code to get the response code
// but isSuccess() function will return true if the code
// is in the range [200..300)
if (responseUser.isSuccess()) {
return myService.getUserFriends();
} else {
// You can also use Observable.empty() if you want to ignore unsuccessful response
return Observable.error(myThrowable);
.subscribe(new Subscriber<Response<List<User>>>() {
public void onCompleted() {
// TODO Completed
public void onError(Throwable e) {
// TODO Handle the error
public void onNext(Response<List<User>> friendListResponse) {
// TODO do something with the data
// To get the serialized data you can use friendListResponse.body();
The non-200 responses should come back as RetrofitError objects, which contain Response objects with a status code.
You could do something like this:
.retryWhen(new RetryStrategy())
and RetryStrategy might look like this (note, I'm using retrolambda, so wherever you see -> just replace with a new anonymous inner class):
public class RetryStrategy implements Func1<Observable<? extends Throwable>, Observable<?>> {
public RetryStrategy() {}
public Observable<?> call(Observable<? extends Throwable> attempts) {
return attempts.flatMap((throwable) -> {
if (throwable instanceof RetrofitError) {
RetrofitError error = (RetrofitError) throwable;
if (error.getKind() == RetrofitError.Kind.HTTP) {
if (error.getResponse().getStatus() == 401) {
// This is where you attempt to recover
return someRecoveryObservable???;
// Bubble any other errors back up, e.g. connection loss.
return Observable.error(throwable);
You could also implement Exponential Backoff here by adding support for a retry count, along with using Observable.timer(long, TimeUnit) in your recovery phase (and compute the timing based on the current number of tries). Spotty connection problems sometimes benefit greatly from this approach - especially with fire & forget tasks that run in the background.

Using RX-Java for dependent actions and http requests

I'm trying to use rx-java on Android to do few sequential http requests, each of which is dependent of the response of the former one.
This does not quite fit the map() / doFinall() model and so I'm not sure what would be the best way to do this without getting into "callback hell" as well as writing concise code.
More concretely:
do http GET "/x"
do http GET "/y" if (2) was successfully
do calculation on the result of GET /y
Any suggestions on how to go about this?
I think flatMap is what you're looking for. For example, assuming you have the following methods:
Observable<Foo> getFoo();
Observable<Bar> getBar(Foo foo); //needs a Foo first
You could effectively chain them this way:
getFoo().flatMap(new Func1<Foo, Observable<Bar>>() {
public Observable<Bar> call(Foo foo) {
return getBar(foo);
You could then perform some calculation with the final result Bar by subscribing to the resulting Observable<Bar> (full example shown for clarity):
getFoo().flatMap(new Func1<Foo, Observable<Bar>>() {
public Observable<Bar> call(Foo foo) {
return getBar(foo);
}).subscribe(new Action1<Bar>() {
public void call(Bar bar) {
//everything succeeded, so perform calculation to the Bar
}, new Action1<Throwable>() {
public void call(Throwable throwable) {
//handle an error that occurred anywhere in the chain
Note that an error anywhere in the process of getting the Foo or the Bar will be handled by the Action1 that we provide when subscribing to the Observable. It is, of course, painfully verbose because Java, but at least it avoids nesting Observables/callback hell.

