I do not want the Android notification icon to be white - android

I tested several Android Marshmallow devices.
There are some devices that display white icons, others do not.
I want to consistently display images as .png files on all devices.
Is there a way?


Why is my icon stretched on android devices?

All my icons have correct sizes and look perfect on iOS in unity but when installed on android devices, they appear stretched.
How should I fix this?

Why use both legacy image launcher icons and adaptive icons

In our app, we have two sets of launcher icons, one for recent devices (from API 26), and one for older devices (just showing mdpi here, but we have other dpi folders as well):
The API26 ones use the newer adaptive-icons in a single folder mipmap-anydpi-v26, while the pre-API26 use images (webp) in several folders: mipmap-hdpi, mipmap-mdpi etc.
The API26 set of icons is much better since a single set of icons supports all densities.
However, since our app supports devices back to API21, we need the older icons as well.
So what I'm wondering is: Is there any point of having the newer icons mipmap-anydpi-v26, since the older ones in mipmap-*dpi folder would support both newer and older devices?
If you only have the old-style icons on devices that support adaptive icons then they will be scaled down to fit in a smaller safe foreground area. This will typically appear as a square inside a white circular border. If you don't want the extra border then you need to include the new-style icons as well.

How can my app show different icons when on Huawei or honor

I want my android app to have different launcher icons when on different devices. Specifically, on Huawei and honor, one icon, and all other devices another.
Is it possible ?

Android 6 Samsung Touchwiz launcher icons are bigger than of non samsung apps

Anbdroid stock Samsung icons are displayed bigger then non Samsung icons. I took a screenshot of my custom icon 144x144 px next to a stock Samsung browser icon, which is displayed at least 6 pixel larger.
The reason must be the .qmg decoded icon which is Samsung propietary. I have already looked for an .qmg encoder but there is no official way.
I tried the samsung theme designer for older Bada devices which is able to create qmg files (I have replaced the background with my desired icon and exported the whole theme, replaced the ending to .zip and exported my background) Samsung Theme Designer. Unfortunately android is not able to decode my created icon.
Is there a way to stretch a normal app icon to the same oversize like the stock Samsung icon or is there another way to encode a .qmg icon? I have found a decoder only tool on xda-developers: [TOOL] Converter QMG/ASTC->PNG, which uses the decoder on the device to create png files.
I did some research and noticed a really strange thing. If I create an empty Icon with a thin single boarder, the icon will be stretched to the same size like the Samsung icons. If I fill up the icon content, it will be shrinked.
Is this a Samsung Touchwiz behaviour or a general Android 6 issue? I don't have any non Samsung phones on my pool to test it.
Found the solution in a stock Samsung Application AndroidManifest.xml
You need to add the following line into the <application> tag in the mainfest.
<meta-data android:name="com.samsung.android.icon_container.has_icon_container" android:value="true"/>
This works with *.png and *.qmg icons too.

UI is not looking the same on Nexus 7 as on other Android devices

I have created anAndroid application UI which looks almost same on all Android devices except Nexus 7 and some other Android devices which fall in the same category.
I have read that some devices and some tablets require a special drawable folder in the application folder in IDE.
I have already created that folder and placed the images accordingly, but still it is not looking as good as on the other Android devices.
I have placed some text views according to the screen height and width, but even then it is not looking properly on those devices.

