When building a project I get the following error:
Flavor 'nativescript-telerik-ui' has unknown dimension 'nativescript-telerik-ui'.
It happens only when using the pro version through the #progress registry. Doesn't happen with the local .tgz pro version.
I noticed the error has to do with the include.gradle file it generates. I read the following article: https://docs.nativescript.org/plugins/plugins#includegradle-specification
It says that when the plugin doesn't have the include.gradle, at build time gradle creates a default one with default elements. When I saw the include.gradle it generated for the plugin it seems to have generated a default one like so:
android {
productFlavors {
"nativescript-telerik-ui" {
dimension "nativescript-telerik-ui"
The include.gradle generated for the local .tgz version of the plugin is like this:
android {
productFlavors {
"F6" {
dimension "nativescripttelerikuipro"
I replaced the default include.gradle with the latter and it got past the error. You can recreate the problem by following these steps:
create a new hello world app
use the command npm login --registry=https://registry.npm.telerik.com/ --scope=#progress to log in if you're a paying customer.
use the command npm install --save #progress/nativescript-telerik-ui-pro to install the plugin
use tns run android
Is there anything I can do to solve this problem? Really need help on this.
My name is Vladimir and I am part of the nativescript-telerik-ui-pro team. Thank you for logging this issue in our feedback portal. We are going to review it as soon as possible and update you regarding its status, but from what I currently see there is some incorrect "parameters" passed to the 'pro' version of the plugin that are going to be resolved very fast.
We apologize for any inconvenience that this is causing.
I created my first expo app, who can send notification to multiple users. I use the expo-notification package to generate the ExponentToken and handle incoming notification.
Everythings works perfecly when I use the expo go app, but recently I build my app in apk with eas
$ eas build -p android --profile genAPK
//the genAPK profile :
build: {
"android": {
I downloaded the builded apk, but when my real app want to generate the ExponentToken it just not works and return me a empty string... (I know it because my app crash do a alert() if the token is empty)
I don't know if this help, but I dont use the firebase way, I use the expo node sdk and my own database and API to store tokens and send notifications
Is this a common mistake and how can I fix this ?
Or at least can I see the output of my package even if this is a apk ?
Thanks in advance
My notification is also not working when i upgrade to EAS.
And i found this in Expo discord group:
No experienceId or projectId found. If one or the other can't be inferred from the manifest (eg. in bare workflow), you have to pass one in yourself.
at in _createSuperInternal
at node_modules/expo-modules-core/build/errors/CodedError.js:10:8 in constructor
at in getExpoPushTokenAsync$
There is a problem with ExpoPushToken, and you can see the source of this error from here expo-notifications-repo. The cause of this error in my case is the projectId, because in the expo-notifications-repo they use expo-constant package which have change in the latest SDK. So i need to add projectId to my app.json
I feel like I have tried every possible combination of ways to report a crash on the firebase crashlytics console for the android side of my react-native application.
I have followed the rnfirebase setup instructions and triple checked that everything is where it should be: https://rnfirebase.io/crashlytics/android-setup
I have read in several forums that the app needs to be run in 'release' mode for the crash to be reported and then the app must be closed and opened once again for the report to be sent, I have done this multiple times:
firstly i've tried:
./gradlew installRelease
secondly I tried a method recommended in a github issue forum:
./gradlew assembleRelease
adb install ./app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk
both methods ran on my emulator and I was able to use the crashlytics().crash() method to cause a crash, alas nothing appears in the console.
I have also added this into a firebase.json file in the root of my project like the docs explain:
"react-native": {
"crashlytics_debug_enabled": true
any help is greatly appreciated as I really don't know where the issue lies.
PS. I have registered my app with the FB console and enabled crashlytics
in firebase.json
"react-native": {
"crashlytics_disable_auto_disabler": true,
"crashlytics_debug_enabled": true
make sure that crashanalytics sdk is installed/initialised
follow: https://rnfirebase.io/crashlytics/android-setup
When I transitioned to Expo's Managed Workflow (SDK 37 and now 38 as well), in-app update checking broke.
My code:
import * as Updates from 'expo-updates';
async checkForUpdate() {
const update = await Updates.checkForUpdateAsync();
if (update.isAvailable) {
async updateApp() {
await Updates.fetchUpdateAsync();
Logcat shows me that the checkForUpdateAsync() promise is being rejected with this message:
Error: The method or property Updates.checkForUpdateAsync is not available on android, are you sure you’ve linked all the native dependencies properly?
For the record I did install it via expo install expo-updates
I solved this by creating a new Expo project and looking for differences from my many-times-upgraded one. I found two:
I was using off-the-shelf React Native instead of the Expo build, so I changed the dependency in package.json to "react-native": "https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-38.0.1.tar.gz"
I also updated my expo version to ^38.0.8, as used by the new project.
Finally, I also deleted some build relics that I had generated during the way, but I think the fix came from one of the steps above.
In my app I have two product flavors. Both of them used to work fine. Suddenly I started to get ANR error when I try to run the application and the app freezes during start up. The error in Logcat is:
ANR in com.myapp.development
PID: 7937
Reason: executing service com.myapp.development/com.myapp.development.service.MyFirebaseInstanceIDService
The method MyFirebaseInstanceIDService.onTokenRefresh is never called. The app freezes before any of my own code is executed.
The production flavor still works fine.
Everything in the Firebase console is set up correctly. The app is in the Play Store and both flavors used to work.
productFlavors {
production {
applicationId 'com.myapp'
dimension "default"
development {
applicationId 'com.myapp.development'
dimension "default"
As you can see the only difference between the two flavors is the application id. And if I change the application id in the developmnet flavour it starts to work (the app does not freeze).
I tried the following tests:
I change the package id of the development flavor by adding just one letter: 'com.myapp.developmentX'. I also make the corresponding change in google-services.json file . Then the development flavor also starts. But of course Firebase services do not work, because the new application id is not configured in Firebase console.
In the manifest file I remove the MyFirebaseMessagingService and MyFirebaseMessagingService and MyFirebaseInstanceIDService. Then the app still freezes at start up, but the error in logcat changes slightly:
ANR in com.myapp.development
PID: 683
Reason: executing service com.myapp.development/com.google.firebase.iid.FirebaseInstanceIdService
I checked out an old git branch and tried to start it but the problem is still there.
I also tried: Uninstall the app and install again. Clean project. Delete the build directories. Restart the test device. Use the Android emulator. Restart the computer. Restart Android Studio. Update Android Studio to the latest 3.1.4 for Mac. But non of these helped.
It looks like the problem has something to do with the application id and Firebase, but I cannot find what.
Anyone has any ideas?
Update after comments from Shark and sebasira.
In Firebase console I have one single project and there are two applications defined for it - one for each flavour. In that case there is no need of multiple google-services.json, one for each flavour. The file is the same for all flavours and can be places in the root directory :
The file structure is like that:
"project_info": {...},
"client": [...],
As you see, there is an array of clients. All application IDs (all flavours) are defined in that array. That's why if I download from Firebase the google-services.json file for each application, they are all the same.
Anyway, I tried to put a different google-services.json file for each flavor like that:
But that didn't help.
I was facing exactly same issue, and my app configuration was also exactly similar as yours.
The issue was caused by the latest Facebook SDK I was using in my code, it crashes the Firebase before the app start hence the app goes to ANR.
I set my Facebook SDK version as 4.35.0 and that solved the issue.
Try it out and let me know if it was helpful.
Recently the gradle plugin for android got updated (with android studio), after which the previous way of getting to the SDK directory ceased to work. The expression
which worked in an older version now returns the error
Error:(42, 0) No such property: sdkDirectory for class: com.android.build.gradle.LibraryPlugin
What would be the proper way of getting the android SDK directory being used, preferably independent of the user's configuration such as plugin and gradle version? The script needs to be shareable with several users.
Since all the previous answers depend on the environment or specific user intervention on top of normal configuration, I'll just post my technically messy fix.
if (android.hasProperty('plugin')) {
if (android.plugin.hasProperty('sdkHandler')) {
androidPath = android.plugin.sdkHandler.sdkFolder
} else {
androidPath = android.plugin.sdkDirectory
} else {
androidPath = android.sdkDirectory
Unlike all previous methods, this actually works, but it still looks hacky.
In gradle.properties set location sdkdir=/home/user/android-sdk and then in gradle you can use $sdkdir
I'm using Android gradle plugin v1.2.3 and this works fine:
You can use
export ANDROID_HOME=/xxx/xxx/ in shell, then use it by System.env.ANDROID_HOME in gradle file.