I am new to Android and currently having some issues with layout. Here is my problem:
View view = (View)findViewById(R.id.MiddleMan);
width is 2 dp, height is match_parent. This view is inside a relative_layout, which is inside a linear_layout. This coordinates are relative to linear_layout
When I run, instead of being exactly at this coordinate, it keeps sticking to the right edge of the parent. Can anyone show me how I can deal with this problem, pls ? Appreciate a lot
I wanted to make a layout which has three children layout.
the bottom layout must visible to bottom
screen size is enough:
the center layout need Dynamically change to wrap_content and we need the bottom layout is under the center layout (not top of the parent).
screen size is not enough:
fix size of center layout will fixed and it is a scrollview, it's height is dependency on the reminding width(if screen size is not enough)
I think a lot of ideas but i don't know how can do using xml. It can be only calculate in runtime?
this is the intend image:
you can use wrap_content in xml
To change programatically you can use following code
Your_Layout.getLayoutParams().height = 100;
I want to model my layout screen in the following 2 parts.
Basic Information related Linear layout with expandable view initially 20 % of screen height.
Bottom List view occupy Remaining Space.
But When the top view is expanded then i want to make it height upto 50 % and the bottom listview should start then after.
I have attached image for reference.
I have tried setting the layout_weight of top and bottom layout. But not able to find out exact solution. May be i am missing some points.
Let me know if you need more information from my end.
Thanks in Advance.
Try to remove the current weight from the top view and in the listview set android:layout_weight="1" and android:layout_height="0dp". This makes the ListView to take whatever height left in the screen.
In framelayout, if I want to put a view in the position that starts from 1/2 of the screen width. How can I do it? Thanks.
You can accomplish that in multiple ways. It only depends if you really need to stick with the FrameLayout.
Two easiest would be those:
FrameLayout - you would need to know whats the width of the layout (so if your layout is wrap_content it might get tricky). Set your view's gravity to left, and set its margin_left to half of the layout's width.
LinearLayout - either put it inside your FrameLayout (not very good practice), or (if you can) swap it with your FrameLayout. Set it's orientation to horizontal, add dummy view with width = 0dp, weight = 1. Then add your view with the same values for width and weight.
To learn animations, I'm creating a Towers of Hanoi type of game. My main goal is to animate the movement of the block from one tower to another. I've got the following layout
ID| Tower1 | Tower2 | Tower3 |
I've set the XML attribute android:clipChildren="false" on every ViewGroup.
For example, if I tried to animate the movement of Block1 from Tower1 to Tower2 using Block1.animate().setDuration(3000).translationX(1000). As the layout is right now, Block1 will animate within Tower1, but Block1 gets clipped the second it leaves Tower1.
I've played with changing the z-order by adding the blocks last in the XML file. It doesn't reliably work, though.
To ensure animations don't get clipped, I've decided to add a copy of the Block1 (named copyBlock) to the root RelativeLayout, position copyBlock on top of Block1, and animate it to the destination Tower2 (defined in coordinates)
To get the destination coordinates, I was planning on adding an invisible copyBlock to Tower2, then get the coordinates. This way, I can take advantage of the LinearLayout's layout functions to account for matters such as padding, gravity, etc. Otherwise, I'll have to get the position of Tower2, calculate the topmost block, adjust the coordinates of Block1 so that it'll be on top of the topmost block and centered.
But, I'm pretty sure this way is hacky, and there's a better way
How can I get the above destination coordinates without having to add an invisible view to the destination tower? Is there a way to ask for a "prelayout" without having to add View to the layout?
Do you have any explanations for why the animation gets clipped? Is there a better way to approach this rather than adding a new view to the root RelativeLayout ViewGroup?
1- You can't overcome the clipping issue, because you are trying to move the child beyond the parent dimensions, unless you are moving within the same parent.
2- Use FrameLayout instead of RelativeLayout so you can control views margins correctly;
3- You can get the destination coordinates by knowing the height of the root layout and width, its seems the towers width are equal, so the (total width/3) will give the cell width then get the X coordinate, and the (total height - cell height ) will give the Y coordinate of the tower ( assuming you have the tower hight)
I'm moving a view after an animation completes(to slide out a menu from the left). However, I don't seem to be able to achieve the effect I'm looking for. What I'd like is for the view to extend to the right past the parent's bounds, like this:
but what's happening is actually this:
The view resets itself to stay within the bounds of the parent. Even if I set an absolute pixel value (by looking at the display's width, or even a randomly large value).
The reason I need to do this is detailed in this SO question about a view's actual position after an animation has completed:
TranslateAnimated ImageView not clickable after animation [Android]
any thoughts? Thanks!
So, here is a related question. It explains how to move a view out of the screen.
I had same problem and I found the solution. I hope it can be helpful.
You need to set fixed width if you want to achieve this effect. To find real width of the view you need to measure it.
So full solution is:
view.measure(View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED);
int height = view.getMeasuredHeight();
int width = view.getMeasuredWidth();
view.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(width, height));
(Use LayoutParams of the type corresponding the type of the parent layout)