Exporting Tensorflow model to Android - android

I originally have a code for generating and training a CNN model, with no added codes for saving or writing graph.
However, the optimized .pb file I generated using this code is not accepted in Android Studio and emulation stops.
What I did are the following:
Using my basic code for generating the CNN model, I added these lines in the training portion:
I edited my input placeholder and my output prediction by adding the "name" attribute,
X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape [None,input_height,input_width,num_channels], name="input")
y_ = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(f, out_weights) + out_biases, name='y_')
because I think these are needed to create the graph. I did not add any other code to my original code other than this
Then after saving the model, after generating the .pbtxt and .ckpt file, you freeze the model and generate the .pb file
I put this block of code outside of
in with session as tf.Session():
after training.
Then you still need to optimize this .pb file
I put this block of code outside of
in with session as tf.Session():
after training.
The final optimized model that will be placed in the assets folder in my Android Studio Project will be optimized_frozen_har.pb
But the emulation stops. I'm using my phone. If I simulated using the original optimized_frozen_har.pb file there aren't any errors. And the file size of the original optimized_frozen_har.pb file is 21kB but the one I generated is just 4kB.
Maybe there is the problem with code for generating the frozen and optimized model. Aside from adding the "name" attribute for the input and the output, should I add other lines of code in my original code? (such as with namescope.., etc


Is there a way to add XML code to an XML file from a Kotlin code?

The question might seem incomprehensible just from the title alone so let me elaborate on what I mean. From what little I've dabbled in HTML and JavaScript, you could add HTML lines to the HTML file from using a Javascript function in the script.js file and it would add those HTML lines you've written into the function to the HTML file on execution and it would work as if you've written it in the HTML file to begin with. That was my understanding of how it worked, at least, if I'm wrong on my assessment feel free to correct me on that matter.
Anyway, I'm wondering if we could do a similar thing in Android Studio where we can use a Kotlin function to add an XML line/attribute/command like 'app:srcCompat="#drawable/whatever"' to an XML file.
Of course the question doesn't come from a mere sense of wonder. I currently have an application with a fragment that's supposed to get some football teams from the Room database and display them in CardViews using RecyclerView. In those cards, the team's name and their logo should be displayed. I don't have logos as image files in the Room database itself, however there is a column that stores the names of the drawable files in which the team logos are stored. (For example: Team A's logo is stored in the drawable's as 'teama.png' and it has 'teama' stored in a column.)
In the Adapter class of the RecyclerView, I want to use the bind() function to put the name and the logo on the cards. What I'm expecting to do (related to my question overall) is using a function that can take a string parameter ("app:srcCompat="#drawable/teama"") and puts it to the XML file of my team item. Is this possible? I'm open to other solutions as well and can post code if requested.
Thank you for your answer beforehand.
Is there a way to add XML code to an XML file from a Kotlin code?
Yes, but not in the context of what you are asking.
What I'm expecting to do (related to my question overall) is using a function that can take a string parameter ("app:srcCompat="#drawable/teama"") and puts it to the XML file of my team item. Is this possible?
No. You cannot modify the content of a resource XML file at runtime.
From what little I've dabbled in HTML and JavaScript, you could add HTML lines to the HTML file from using a Javascript function in the script.js file and it would add those HTML lines you've written into the function to the HTML file on execution and it would work as if you've written it in the HTML file to begin with.
JavaScript, run in the browser, does not modify the HTML file on the server. It modifies the DOM: the parsed representation of the HTML that is used by the browser to render a UI on the screen.
Similarly, in Android, you will need to update the View objects — created from parsing that resource XML file — to reflect your desired name and logo. This approach is covered in books and courses on Android app development. FWIW, here is a free book of mine on the subject.
Till now this technology is not available and if it is available it's not that famous and in use

Accessing assets of main application inside package

i'm currently trying to develop a package for a Flutter App, with Kotlin. My issue is that I need to provide the package with a config file, which should only be defined inside the main App. Since the config differs for the Dev and Prod environment, the app should pass through the path of the File via the Method Channel. The problem is that the package isn't able to access the assets folder of the calling application.
Path: "assets/config.json" (the root being the main application)
Steps I already tried:
Creating the file inside the res/raw & accessing the config file through a ressource id -> Kotlin gives me an "Unresolved reference" error, unless I create the file inside the packages res/raw
Instead of passing through the path, I tried passing through the content of the config & writing it into an empty temporary file. The code in Kotlin like this:
val config = File(applicationContext.filesDir,"config.json")
-> This works, but it seems like a weird solution to the problem.
please let me know if I need to provide further information & thank you in advance!
The Java Method that is called during initialisation:
public static void createMultipleAccountPublicClientApplication(#NonNull final Context context,
#NonNull final File configFile,
#NonNull final IMultipleAccountApplicationCreatedListener listener)
Flutter assets aren't files - they are packaged up and only available through the rootBundle. So, if you want to make a file from a text asset, someone has to load the asset and write it to a file.
As your plugin user will be in charge of the asset, they will have to do the first part (and will end up with a String). The question arises of who should do the writing.
You could make the plugin user use path_provider to find the temporary directory and write it there and then pass you the file path. Eventually, down in the Java, you new File(theTempFilePath). Or they could pass the string to the Dart half of your plugin and you create the temp file in the same way.
It's probably more convenient if they pass your plugin the string, you pass that to the native side and have the native side create a temporary file and write the string there. (BTW, I assume we are talking about this config file: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/msal-configuration#how-to-use-a-configuration-file )
See this answer for creating temporary files: Creating temporary files in Android
Note that there's actually no reason that your plugin user then needs to use an asset. They could, instead, just hard code the string in their code if the configuration never really changes.
There's an argument that as this is a JSON configuration file, you may not want to bother your user with the details of this JSON configuration file. You may want to default it in your Dart code (why not hard code it as a string, as above, if it never really changes) and then provide some methods to override particular values like the client id and the redirect uri, which may be the only things that users ever change in practice. So rather than making them supply a complete JSON file, they just give you those two strings and you plonk them into your default JSON. Maybe a version 2 feature :)

Import Wavefront .obj model to ARCore OpenGL project

I'm trying out the java_arcore_hello_ar sample app but replacing the andy.obj with my own model created in Blender. I have exported the blender object using settings from this tutorial
The .obj and .mtl files were placed in the assets folder but when I tap on the screen I get nothing. It doesn't show an error so I'm thinking it does place the object on the screen but is not drawing it for whatever reason.
Any Google searching for results generally bring up tutorials where you have to create a parser for converting the object, but as far as I can see, the ObjectRenderer class in arcore package does this heavy lifting for you.
Has anyone tried this with any success? Do I have to do further work with the .mtl file?
I did get this worked by extending the code to reade OBJ and MTL files.
You can take a look at my code # https://github.com/JohnLXiang/arcore-sandbox .
I'm also new to openGL, my code is not perfect but works at least.
If it does't any error information , I think the reasons are:
1.The Obj model has been placed other position , for example far far place . So you should check if model's position is origin of Blender in modeling process .
2.The Obj model is different one of java_arcore_hello_ar sample , so when java_arcore_hello_ar sample's Obj parse library parsed error.
So, you can parse obj model by yourself.

How to add one imported function to existing Android SO library?

I'm currently developing the SO plugin loader for the existing SO library (GTA SA for Android).
The SO libraries on Android are Unix ELF files.
Having no source code of the library I cannot simply add the imported function in source code and compile the SO library again.
There is libGTASA.so, which I want to edit and alter the import table, adding a new symbol RunSOpluginLoader, which would be implemented in libFastman92pluginLoader.so, which is already loaded before libGTASA.so gets loaded, by Java code (classes.dex) that I also have modified.
For EXE files on Windows there are plenty of programs to edit the imports and I'd use LordPE.
For ELF file I need a different solution however and I'm having a trouble with finding one.
I tried using HT Editor, which is supposed to open and edit the ELF files, but few seconds after libGTASA.so gets opened in HT Editor the application simply crashes.
I need a solution to add an import to SO library, preferably the solution that would run on Windows, but if there's none then I am willing to do it on Linux system.
After properly adding an import I am going to edit a bit of ARM code inside the libGTASA.so to actually call the newly imported function.
libGTASA.so - I want to add an imported symbol RunSOpluginLoader to this file.
Few days after I wrote the question I figured out how to do this task.
I had written a simple ELF file manager class in C++ and program, which does the following:
load the ELF file - create a representation of header, sections and program segments, dynamic table (pointed by PT_DYNAMIC)
added new section (.fastman92_code, with permissions RWX)
added new program segment that covers a new section
I noticed the program segment must be aligned, I made an alignment of 32768 and it worked.
added new string to string table (pointed by this->header.e_shstrndx), string "fastman92.code", it's the section name.
sections are rellocated and will be written at the end of file, elfManager.header.e_shoff had to be updated.
rellocated .dynstr (the section pointed by DT_STRTAB), adding two importedentries to it:
rellocated .dynsym, adding these two entries to the array.
reallocated section pointed by DT_JMPREL from dynamic table, added one entry to point into ProcessLoadingPlugin, near my added Jni_OnLoad function
rellocated program segments, added PT_DYNAMIC entry, which is neccessary, because the program segments are longer a part of the first loadable segment. They're no longer a part of segment with virtual address of 0x0.
added a simple function, a replacement of Jni_OnLoad which would call an imported symbol ProcessPluginLoading, which is implemented in libFastman92pluginLoader.so, then execute functions from .init_array, then call real an original Jni_OnLoad. A symbol "Jni_OnLoad" had to be pointed to my few function.
edited dynamic table, added DT_NEEDED with offset of string pointing to "libFastman92pluginLoader.so"
edited dynamic table, disabled .init_array, set up a size of it to be zero (InitArraySzIt->d_un.d_val = 0;) where auto InitArraySzIt = elfManager.FindFirstEntryInDynamicTableWithTag(0x1B);
save a new .so file
If you want to learn more about or get the code, feel free to contact me.

what R.java file actually does and how

I have been working on a simple android tutorial and while browsing through the project folders I found this R.java file in gen folder...
When I opened it seemed to me as a mess...
first R itself is a class.
it had multiple Inner classes defined within eg drawable,id,layout,etc.
and that inner classes had lots of variables declared as below which were assigned with hex values
public static final int addr=0x7f080003;
and much more
R is auto generated and acts as some pointer for other files
Questions for R.java
what it is basically for
how it works
values are in hex
what role did it performs while the actual application is running
"Acts as some pointer to other files" is actually absolutely correct, now the question is which files it points to how it is done.
What does it contain?
R file contains IDs for all the resources in the res folder of your project and also some additional IDs that you define on your own (in the layouts, for example). The IDs are needed for the Android resource management system to retrieve the files from the APK. Each ID is basically a number which corresponds to some resource in the resource management system.
The file itself is needed so you can access or reference the resource from code by giving the ID of the resource to the resource manager. Say, if you want to set the view in the activity, you call
main in the R file contains the number which is understood by the Android resource management system as the layout file which is called main.
Why is it better than just plain file names?
It's harder to make a mistake with the generated fields. If you write the field name incorrectly, your program won't compile and you will know that there's an error immediately. If you write an incorrect string, however, the application won't fail until it is launched.
If you want to read more on this topic, you should check the Android documentation, especially the Accessing Resources part.
This holds your resource ids. So when you do something like
TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.mytextview);
it looks up your id here for that View, layout, etc... This way the app has an easy way to look up your ids while you can use easy to remember names. Anytime you create a resource it automatically creates an id for it and stores it here. That's why you never want to try and edit this file yourself.
One way to think about how valuable R.java is, imagine a world without it. Its amazing how android brings the xml and java world together to help avoid coding the UI manually completely. With legacy java building UI using the java language was a pain. Invaluable.
With Android you can not only build your UI using only xml, but also see it while you build it. Invaluable.
Every element in the xml can be referenced in the java code WITHOUT writing a single line of code to parse the xml :). Just R.id.nameOfElement. Invaluable.
Rapid development is beautifully done in android. Imagine if iPhone would have 5000 screens to fit that one piece of code, they would crumble on their XCode. Google has done a wonderful job with just R.java. Invaluable.

