Proguard: Keep all classes that have annotation - android

I want to keep the class name and class fields names of all classes that have my custom Annotation:
public #interface DoNotObfuscate {
I tried this:
-keep #com.mypackage.DoNotObfuscate public class *
but that did not work.

In order to keep class fields you should add "{*;}" at the end:
-keep #com.mypackage.DoNotObfuscate public class * {*;}


Could not compute caller for function: public constructor Error when enable proguard in Android

The project working well without enabling proguard, the problem comes when enable it, I am using retrofit with Moshi converter and Coroutines to fetch list of data, and Hilt for DI, and I added all rules and kept all models
This is the error:
Could not compute caller for function: public constructor MovieListEntity(movie_data: kotlin.collections.List<com...domain.entities.MovieData>) defined in com...domain.entities.MovieListEntity[c#dad1eb0] (member = null)
And these are the classes mentioned
data class MovieListEntity(
#field:Json(name = "movie_data")
val movie_data: List<MovieData>
data class MovieData(
#field:Json(name = "movie_id")
val movie_id: Int,
#field:Json(name = "sub_title")
val sub_title: String,
#field:Json(name = "title")
val title: String
Note: I tried also without annotations, and it didn't help
These are the proguard rules:
-keep class com.***.***.domain.entitie.** { *; }
-keep class com.***.***.domain.entities.*
-keep class com.***.***.domain.entities.MovieListEntity
-keep class com.***.***.domain.entities.MovieData
-keep class com.***.***.DataBinderMapperImpl { *; }
-keep class com.***.***.DataBinderMapperImpl { *; }
-keep class com.***.*****{
public ** component1();
Plus other rules for retrofit, OkHttp, hilt .. etc.
How Can I solve this error?
Solved by adding these rules
-keepclassmembers class kotlin.Metadata {
public <methods>;
-keepclassmembers class * {
#com.squareup.moshi.FromJson <methods>;
#com.squareup.moshi.ToJson <methods>;
-keepnames #kotlin.Metadata class com.******.domain.entities.**
-keep class com.******.domain.entities.** { *; }
-keepclassmembers class com.*****.domain.entities.** { *; }
The problem was in Moshi library, check this

Proguard obfuscating Annotations

I need to keep all model classes to be unobfuscated, so I added this line in proguard rules to keep all model classes:
-keep class my_package_name.model.** { *; }
All model classes are getting kept by this command but still, it is obfuscating the annotations inside the Model classes. I tried adding the following line:
-keepattributes *Annotation*
-keepattributes EnclosingMethod
But still, results are same. My model classes contain these two annotations:
private String message;
How can I keep the two annotations unobfuscated?
Try this:
-keepattributes *Annotation*
-keepattributes Signature
-dontnote sun.misc.**
-keep class * implements
-keep class * implements
-keep class * implements
Actually, there is a proguard config in official repo on github
Gson uses generic type information stored in a class file when working with fields.
Proguard removes such information by default, so configure it to keep all of it.
Trying adding
-keepattributes Signature
-keepattributes EnclosingMethod
-keepattributes InnerClasses
-keepattributes Annotation
For using GSON #Expose annotation
-keepattributes *Annotation*
For Gson specific classes
-keep class sun.misc.Unsafe { *; }
Prevent proguard from stripping interface information from TypeAdapterFactory,JsonSerializer, JsonDeserializer instances (so they can be used in #JsonAdapter)
-keep class * implements
-keep class * implements
-keep class * implements
-keep #package.annotationclassname public class *
The rule
-keep class*
will keep all annotations in the package including the SerializedName and Expose ones that you have used.
Add to your proguard : It's preventing specific classes to be obfuscated.
Mandatory : -dontshrink. :
Not mandatory : try to use -dontoptimize.
I don't really understand the issue, are you referring to a field or inner class ?
If you have an inner class inside a class, you need to specify its inner fields.
For example, if this is the class :
public class Parent {
protected Child child;
protected class Child {
private String name;
private int age;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public int getAge() {
return age;
public void setAge(int age) {
this.age = age;
In the proguard, you need to specify Child class :
-keep class$Child {*; }
You may Need To Create an annotation called DontObfuscate in your project
for more check this
Managing obfuscation with annotations

Gson do not deserialize fields that never used

Current situation
I have a model, where class UserSettingModel have two field : long UserId and have as field one exemplar of class UserSettings ( with many field ) with name Settings.
WARNING : none of this fields used directly in my code ( in Android Studio color of this fields is gray), but I need to resend it to server.
public class UserSettingsModel
public long UserId = -1L;
public UserSettings Settings;
}//end of class/ UserSettingsModel
class UserSettings
public String showRegion = "";
public String showAddress = "";
If working with apk in DEBUG mode : GSON deserialize all field of class UserSettingModel, including Settings
If working with apk in RELEASE mode : field Settings - not deserialize
My proguard :
-keepattributes Signature
-keepattributes *Annotation*
-keep class sun.misc.Unsafe { *; }
-keep class** { *; }
-keep class** { *; }
-keep class** { *; }
-keepclassmembers enum * { *; }
-keep class * implements
-keep class * implements
-keep class * implements
What I need
How to serialize/deserialize with GSON in Release mode ALL FIELD of classes, also with warning "field is never used" ?
This is because of obfuscation, as DQuade states in the comment.
To prevent gradle from removing them, you can either add the specific class in your file:
-keepclassmembers class [yourPackageName].UserSettingsModel
-keepclassmembers class [yourPackageName].UserSettings
or prevent gradle from removing all members annotated with the SerializedName annotation:
-keepclassmembers class * { <fields>;

proguard configuration with groundy Tasks

I'm using the android "Groundy" library containing the GroundTask class, which makes use of annotations. Further I created a class
public class DownloadTask extends GroundyTask
and a callback object:
private final Object mCallback = new Object() {
public void onNiceProgress(#Param(Groundy.PROGRESS) int progress) {
But after obfusecation using proguard the method annotated with "OnProgress" never gets called (but no errors occure)
In the proguard file I added
-keep class com.telly.groundy.*** {
public protected private *;
-keepattributes *Annotation*, EnclosingMethod
-keepattributes *OnSuccess*
-keepattributes *OnProgress*
-keepattributes *OnCancel*
-keepattributes *OnCallback*
-keepattributes *OnFailure*
-keepattributes *OnStart*
-keepattributes *Param*
-keepattributes *Traverse*
-keep class {
public protected private *;
Any idea what "keep" configurations could be missing here ?
I just added a basic proguard configuration to the readme. It looks like this:
-keepattributes *Annotation*
-keepclassmembers,allowobfuscation class * {
#com.telly.groundy.annotations.* *;
-keepnames class com.telly.groundy.generated.*
-keep class com.telly.groundy.generated.*
-keep class com.telly.groundy.ResultProxy
-keepnames class * extends com.telly.groundy.ResultProxy
-keep class * extends com.telly.groundy.GroundyTask
ProGuard doesn't know that the code accesses the annotation through reflection, so you probably need to preserve it explicitly:
-keep #interface com.telly.groundy.annotations.OnProgress

ProGuard with Android app -> duplicate definition

I am trying to enable ProGuard when compiling my Android application.
Below is the ProGuard configuration.
The problem I have is that I get a lot of warnings about duplicate definition (pretty much for all classes, in my app or the basic java classes) and what's worse is that when I make changes in my code, those do not get reflected when I run on the device.
I am compiling (and developing) using IntelliJ IDEA 11.1.5 (and just enable ProGuard in the project structure, I did not set it to use the system proguard configuration).
I saw that other question, but it does not help at all, I don't think my problem is limited to 3rd party libraries, I imagine it's more about setting the right input/output... ?
-injars bin/classes
-outjars bin/classes-processed.jar
-libraryjars /home/matthieu/android/platforms/android-17/android.jar
-repackageclasses ''
-optimizations !code/simplification/arithmetic
-keepattributes *Annotation*,SourceFile,LineNumberTable,*Annotation*
-renamesourcefileattribute SourceFile
-dontwarn java.awt.**,**,java.beans.**,com.sun.**
-keep public class my.package.MainMenuActivity
-keep public class * extends
-keep public class * extends
-keep public class * extends
-keep public class * extends android.content.BroadcastReceiver
-keep public class * extends android.content.ContentProvider
-keep public class * extends android.view.View {
public <init>(android.content.Context);
public <init>(android.content.Context,android.util.AttributeSet);
public <init>(android.content.Context,android.util.AttributeSet,int);
public void set*(...);
-keep public class * extends android.view.ViewGroup
-keep public class * extends
-keep class** { *; }
-keep interface** { *; }
-keep class com.actionbarsherlock.** { *; }
-keep interface com.actionbarsherlock.** { *; }
-keepclasseswithmembers class * {
public <init>(android.content.Context,android.util.AttributeSet);
-keepclasseswithmembers class * {
public <init>(android.content.Context,android.util.AttributeSet,int);
-keepclassmembers class * extends android.os.Parcelable {
static android.os.Parcelable$Creator CREATOR;
-keepclassmembers class **.R$* {
public static <fields>;
#ACRA specifics
# keep this class so that logging will show 'ACRA' and not a obfuscated name like 'a'.
# Note: if you are removing log messages elsewhere in this file then this isn't necessary
-keep class org.acra.ACRA {
# keep this around for some enums that ACRA needs
-keep class org.acra.ReportingInteractionMode {
-keepnames class org.acra.sender.HttpSender$** {
-keepnames class org.acra.ReportField {
# keep this otherwise it is removed by ProGuard
-keep public class org.acra.ErrorReporter
public void addCustomData(java.lang.String,java.lang.String);
public void putCustomData(java.lang.String,java.lang.String);
public void removeCustomData(java.lang.String);
# keep this otherwise it is removed by ProGuard
-keep public class org.acra.ErrorReporter
public void handleSilentException(java.lang.Throwable);
-keepclassmembers enum * {
public static **[] values();
public static ** valueOf(java.lang.String);
Assuming you are building with Ant inside IntelliJ IDEA, you mustn't add -injars, -outjars, or -libraryjars options; the Ant script already does that for you. This explains the warnings about duplicates.
Note that it's better to remove the generic part of the configuration in your proguard-project.txt and rely on the configuration of the Android SDK. The latter is partly generated by aapt (tuned for your project) and partly maintained inside the SDK.

