Fabric Crashlytics stuck on build and run - android

Currently, I'm trying to integrate Crashlytics into an Android Application. However I can't get the app to be recognized and added to the Fabric Dashboard.
When using the Android Studio Fabric plugin following these steps:
New App
Select Crashlytics
Apply Code changes
Sync gradle
Rebuild project
Build app onto device (not virtual)
However when I do this, the Fabric plugin is still stuck on the "Please build and run your application" screen, and eventually gives an error message "It's been a while. Need some help?"
I've also attempted to install Crashlytics manually, by adding the code myself using this link: https://fabric.io/kits/android/crashlytics/install
But when I build the application, still nothing happens within my Fabric Dashboard.
I've attempted checking out the branch again and re-adding this code to no avail. I've also tried reinstalling the Fabric IDE plugin, restarting Android Studio and Restarting my machine.
I have successfully added Crashlytics to other applications following these same steps.
Any ideas?

I just had the same problem - nothing happened in the Fabric-plugin screen saying "Please build and run your application" during app-launches.
It started working after I disabled Instant Run (Preferences > Build Execution Deployment > Instant Run) then rebuilt and run the app.

Probably you forgot to add apply plugin: 'io.fabric' in start of your app level gradle.build file

I have had a similar problem - month ago I refactored package name and inserted wrong char to name (cyrillic с instead of latin c), what I only have seen now by viewing java code in hex-editor. In the build.gradle applicationId = "package name" was write similar as package name in *.java files, but only all chars were the right in latin.
Simple refactoring app package name to right name that equals the appliationId and clean/build project not solve that problem with the Fabric Crashlytics. May be wrong package name stay in another files, not only in *.java, manifest and gradle. I don`t know. Because I made fully refactoring by next step:
1) delete all lines of code that was added by Fabric plugin (if you used automatic code inserting) or that was added by you manually from build.gradle (app), AndroidManifest.xml, MainActivity.java.
2) replace old package name to new by Edit>Find>Replace in Path
3) manually copy all minimal needed project files to new project folder. I copyed these folder and files
4) close current project, at "Welcome to Android Studio" select Import Project and select project in new project folder.
5) make some refactoring to run your app normally (I use Firebase, therefore I add this new app to my Firebase project in Firebase console and download the new google-services.json to NewProjectFolder/app/ )
6) be sure your app runs as well as before refactoring and stop it
7) start Fabric plugin, press "+New App" > "Crashlytycs" > "Install" > "Apply" to make auto-install fabric`s code to your build.gradle (app), AndroidManifest.xml, MainActivity.java.
8) run your app and wait "Done!" on Fabric plugin. After this you can see your app in Crashlytics dashboard.
It has worked for my project and I hope help to you.

I also had this problem. Make sure you rename your application package identically to what the application ID is.
For instance, I had the package structure com/exampleapp/, but it should have been com/companydomain/appname, because the application id was com.companydomain.appname

Have same issue here, i resolve doing these things:
First, add at your app build.graddle file:
defaultConfig {
applicationId "<your package name>"
If that doesnt resolve, try change your applicationId to other one, that doesnt match with your package.
For some reason, they worked here.

Also had this issue, then
I refactored my application package name
changed application id name in gradle
built it again and the issue was solved.

Make sure to include all dependencies on their dedicated gradle.build and meta in manifest file. Next is to throw a force runtime error on your device with internet connection also do not forget to initialize it first with Fabric.with(this,new Crashlytics()). If this doesn't work try to download Fabric for Android plugin in Android Studio and select your package.

This helped me:
If you want to use Crashlytics with your debug builds, you can still
speed up incremental builds by preventing Crashlytics from updating
app resources with its own unique build ID during every build. Because
this build ID is stored in a resource file that is referenced by the
manifest, disabling automatic build ID generation also allows you to
use Apply Changes alongside Crashlytics for your debug builds.
To prevent Crashlytics from automatically updating its build ID, add the following to your build.gradle file:
android {
buildTypes {
debug {
ext.alwaysUpdateBuildId = false


E/FirebaseCrashlytics: Failed to retrieve settings from https://firebase-settings.crashlytics.com/spi/v2/platforms/android/gmp/XXXX/settings

I tried new Firebase Crashlytics SDk after migrating from Fabric and seem to run into a weird issue.
Crash logs are not captured in dashboard after upgrading firebase-crashlytics to 17.0.0 and I get this error in log:
E/FirebaseCrashlytics: Failed to retrieve settings from https://firebase-settings.crashlytics.com/spi/v2/platforms/android/gmp/XXXX/settings
and I followed all instructions from firebase console quickstart guide. Please help me if any one have faced similar issue.
In my case, I had migrated the release version but I guess I never enabled Crashlytics on the Firebase console for the debug variant.
A simple mistake, but putting it here in case it helps out someone else.
If you enabled multiple apps in single project, ensure you choose the correct one (left drop down menu choose the correct project which hold the multiple apps, right drop down menu choose the correct running app). I made such mistake and keep looking on the wrong app page and enabling Crashlytics on the wrong app and of course I get that error "Failed to retrieve settings from https://...:
In my case, There was a legacy firebase project which using same package name of app. When I deleted legacy firebase project and It's works like a charm!
Firebaser here -
We often see these kinds of errors after upgrading due to some sort of configuration error when you were switching out your dependencies. Did you make sure to follow all the steps in this guide?
You may also want to enable Crashlytics debug logging and force a test crash to see if the logs give you any other output. And it may help to edit your original question with your Gradle files and any other relevant Crashlytics setup.
Same problem here with 17.2.1, one of my app flavours didnt't work throwing above error. Removing current apps and re-adding them in firebase project settings solved the problem for me.
We had an issue with the firebase apps and had to re-create the android app on firebase. This meant I had to update the google-services.json file.
After doing this, firebase remote config worked but analytics and crashlytics did not.
Turns out android studio was using-an auto generated file values.xml. This contained
<string name="google_app_id" translatable="false">1:xxxxxxx:android:yyyyyyyy</string>
The yyyyyy part of it was still using the old value from the previous google-services.json file. Deleting this file for all flavors, debug and release builds, coupled with an invalidate caches + restart
might do the trick, but just to be safe, what fixed it for me was:
commenting all the firebase libs from all gradle files
syncing gradle
project will not compile at this points since it cant find Firebase dependencies
invalidate caches + restart
uncomment firebase libs in all gradle files
sync gradle
run app and check if firebase crashlytics works
I am using Android studio 4.1.2
If you have changed the google-services.json file, i.e changed it with a one from a different project, you should do the following:
Comment out all the crashlytics dependencies in the gradle files
Build the app
Invalidate cache and restart
Uncomment crashlytics dependencies and rebuild app
This should fix the problem if it's caused by cached values from the previous json file for crashlytics.

Creating a debug app

Okay so i have an application, put up on the playstore.
What i want now, it to create the same application but with debug postfix in the name and it must have everything same.
I want to do this, because i do not want to disturb my original project when i am experimenting stuff,
So what i did was, i copied the project folder from wherever it was to the desktop, original one had the package name com.femindharamshi.spa so i refactored the whole thing to com.femindharamshidebug.spadebug and all changed the app_name in string
but when i try to open this app in the emulator, Android Studio Gives me the following error :
Installation failed with message Failed to finalize session :
INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK: Split_lib_slice_4_apk was defined multiple
times. It is possible that this issue is resolved by uninstalling an
existing version of the apk, if it is present, and then re-installing
Also i do not want to uninstall the original app from the emulator/physical device, i just want to add this app for testing purposes. What should i do ?
Try closing the Android Studio and giving clean and build to the project.
change you application ID in app level build.gradle file and sync the project
applicationId "//pkg id here"

How to solve too many field references: 79266; max is 65536 [duplicate]

My project uses these plugins:
Google Analytics
Unity IAP
Facebook SDK
Those plugins are used in almost every project.
But I am over field references count
This is my .aar file list
What should I do to decrease reference count?
So What should i do to decrease reference count ?
You have so many plugins with many functions/fields. There is a limit when building this from Unity's Editor and you have reached that limit.
To decrease reference count, you have to delete some these plugins but I am sure that you need them and deletion may not be the appropriate solution in this case.
The only way to actually get around this and build for Android at this moment is to export the Project as Android Project then build it with Android Studio. This removes the reference limit imposed by Unity's Editor.
I forgot to mention that you have to enable multidex after exporting it out. Since many people go through this problem daily, I decided to add a thorough instruction on how to fix this problem by exporting it out and also how to fix it without exporting it.
1A.Export the Unity Project as Android Project.
1B.Import into Android Studio:
If you get grade error when importing into Android Studio like the one below:
cannot be cast to
In the "dependencies" block which is in the "buildscript" block in the build.gradle file, change:
classpath 'com.android.tools.build.gradle.2.1.0'
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.2.3'
If you export the Project and still get the-same error, you need to manually enable multidex. Below is a simplified step to follow from Google's doc that will be shown to you in the error:
2.Add android:name="android.support.multidex.MultiDexApplication" > to the
application tag in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
3.Add compile 'com.android.support:multidex:1.0.1' to the "dependencies" block in the build.gradle file.
4.Add multiDexEnabled true to the "defaultConfig" block which is in the "android" block in the build.gradle file.
Build APK and see if it works. If the reference count error is gone, stop here.
5.Getting a GC overhead exception like the one below?
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
Increase the heap size that will be used when performing dex operation. From this solution, add the following to the "android" block in the build.gradle file:
dexOptions {
javaMaxHeapSize "4g"
Must have Unity 5.5 and above to do this:
1.Go to <UnityInstallationDirecory>\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\Tools\GradleTemplates, Copy the mainTemplate.gradle file to your <ProjectName>Assets\Plugins\Android folder.
2.Go to <UnityInstallationDirecory>\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\Apk, Copy the AndroidManifest.xml file to your <ProjectName>Assets\Plugins\Android
3.Open both the mainTemplate.gradle and AndroidManifest.xml file you just copied with Visual Studio then do the modification from the FIX BY EXPORTING THE PROJECT instruction above. Skip/Ignore step #1A and #1B. Just do steps from #2 to #5. That's it.
This is what the final mainTemplate.gradle should look like and this is what the final AndroidManifest.xml should look like. This is only for reference purposes. I suggest you don't use mine but instead follow the copy steps above to create yours because future Unity versions can come with different files. You want to make sure you use the latest one or you may have problems building it.
4.Build APK and see if it works:
If the reference count error is gone, stop here:
5.Getting an error like the one below?
Build Failure Release builds have to be signed when using Gradle
Just sign the apk from the Publishing Settings in the Build Settings. You can create new keystore or use an existing one.
6.Another error like below?
Error: Avoid hardcoding the debug mode; leaving it out allows debug
and release builds to automatically assign one [HardcodedDebugMode]
Remove android:debuggable="true"> from the AndroidManifest.xml file.
If this non exporting solution did not work for you then you have to
use the exporting solution.
IMO, The accepted answer isn't correct (or only partly correct). Exporting an Android studio will not "magically" fix this issue. Also, from my experience, the exported Android studio project does not always build right away and you have to fix lots of things before you can actually build it.
You are using lots of plugins and so you faced an Android limitation of not being able to reference more than 64k methods.
There are a few things you can try to solve this:
Delete some of these plugins, if possible (as already suggested in the accepted answer).
Use multidex. In the past this was only possible by exporting the project to Android studio and building it there. Starting with Unity 5.5 you can build your project using Gradle right from Unity. This means you can create a custom gradle file that configures your game to use Multidex. This doesn't reduce the method ref count, but it works around it by splitting your native Java count into multiple dex files.
Use ProGuard - since you can use Gradle from Unity, you can also define ProGuard to run and remove any code that is not used.

Unity Android trouble writing output: Too many method references: 78573; max is 65536 [duplicate]

My project uses these plugins:
Google Analytics
Unity IAP
Facebook SDK
Those plugins are used in almost every project.
But I am over field references count
This is my .aar file list
What should I do to decrease reference count?
So What should i do to decrease reference count ?
You have so many plugins with many functions/fields. There is a limit when building this from Unity's Editor and you have reached that limit.
To decrease reference count, you have to delete some these plugins but I am sure that you need them and deletion may not be the appropriate solution in this case.
The only way to actually get around this and build for Android at this moment is to export the Project as Android Project then build it with Android Studio. This removes the reference limit imposed by Unity's Editor.
I forgot to mention that you have to enable multidex after exporting it out. Since many people go through this problem daily, I decided to add a thorough instruction on how to fix this problem by exporting it out and also how to fix it without exporting it.
1A.Export the Unity Project as Android Project.
1B.Import into Android Studio:
If you get grade error when importing into Android Studio like the one below:
cannot be cast to
In the "dependencies" block which is in the "buildscript" block in the build.gradle file, change:
classpath 'com.android.tools.build.gradle.2.1.0'
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.2.3'
If you export the Project and still get the-same error, you need to manually enable multidex. Below is a simplified step to follow from Google's doc that will be shown to you in the error:
2.Add android:name="android.support.multidex.MultiDexApplication" > to the
application tag in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
3.Add compile 'com.android.support:multidex:1.0.1' to the "dependencies" block in the build.gradle file.
4.Add multiDexEnabled true to the "defaultConfig" block which is in the "android" block in the build.gradle file.
Build APK and see if it works. If the reference count error is gone, stop here.
5.Getting a GC overhead exception like the one below?
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
Increase the heap size that will be used when performing dex operation. From this solution, add the following to the "android" block in the build.gradle file:
dexOptions {
javaMaxHeapSize "4g"
Must have Unity 5.5 and above to do this:
1.Go to <UnityInstallationDirecory>\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\Tools\GradleTemplates, Copy the mainTemplate.gradle file to your <ProjectName>Assets\Plugins\Android folder.
2.Go to <UnityInstallationDirecory>\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\Apk, Copy the AndroidManifest.xml file to your <ProjectName>Assets\Plugins\Android
3.Open both the mainTemplate.gradle and AndroidManifest.xml file you just copied with Visual Studio then do the modification from the FIX BY EXPORTING THE PROJECT instruction above. Skip/Ignore step #1A and #1B. Just do steps from #2 to #5. That's it.
This is what the final mainTemplate.gradle should look like and this is what the final AndroidManifest.xml should look like. This is only for reference purposes. I suggest you don't use mine but instead follow the copy steps above to create yours because future Unity versions can come with different files. You want to make sure you use the latest one or you may have problems building it.
4.Build APK and see if it works:
If the reference count error is gone, stop here:
5.Getting an error like the one below?
Build Failure Release builds have to be signed when using Gradle
Just sign the apk from the Publishing Settings in the Build Settings. You can create new keystore or use an existing one.
6.Another error like below?
Error: Avoid hardcoding the debug mode; leaving it out allows debug
and release builds to automatically assign one [HardcodedDebugMode]
Remove android:debuggable="true"> from the AndroidManifest.xml file.
If this non exporting solution did not work for you then you have to
use the exporting solution.
IMO, The accepted answer isn't correct (or only partly correct). Exporting an Android studio will not "magically" fix this issue. Also, from my experience, the exported Android studio project does not always build right away and you have to fix lots of things before you can actually build it.
You are using lots of plugins and so you faced an Android limitation of not being able to reference more than 64k methods.
There are a few things you can try to solve this:
Delete some of these plugins, if possible (as already suggested in the accepted answer).
Use multidex. In the past this was only possible by exporting the project to Android studio and building it there. Starting with Unity 5.5 you can build your project using Gradle right from Unity. This means you can create a custom gradle file that configures your game to use Multidex. This doesn't reduce the method ref count, but it works around it by splitting your native Java count into multiple dex files.
Use ProGuard - since you can use Gradle from Unity, you can also define ProGuard to run and remove any code that is not used.

Too many field references: 70613; max is 65536

My project uses these plugins:
Google Analytics
Unity IAP
Facebook SDK
Those plugins are used in almost every project.
But I am over field references count
This is my .aar file list
What should I do to decrease reference count?
So What should i do to decrease reference count ?
You have so many plugins with many functions/fields. There is a limit when building this from Unity's Editor and you have reached that limit.
To decrease reference count, you have to delete some these plugins but I am sure that you need them and deletion may not be the appropriate solution in this case.
The only way to actually get around this and build for Android at this moment is to export the Project as Android Project then build it with Android Studio. This removes the reference limit imposed by Unity's Editor.
I forgot to mention that you have to enable multidex after exporting it out. Since many people go through this problem daily, I decided to add a thorough instruction on how to fix this problem by exporting it out and also how to fix it without exporting it.
1A.Export the Unity Project as Android Project.
1B.Import into Android Studio:
If you get grade error when importing into Android Studio like the one below:
cannot be cast to
In the "dependencies" block which is in the "buildscript" block in the build.gradle file, change:
classpath 'com.android.tools.build.gradle.2.1.0'
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.2.3'
If you export the Project and still get the-same error, you need to manually enable multidex. Below is a simplified step to follow from Google's doc that will be shown to you in the error:
2.Add android:name="android.support.multidex.MultiDexApplication" > to the
application tag in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
3.Add compile 'com.android.support:multidex:1.0.1' to the "dependencies" block in the build.gradle file.
4.Add multiDexEnabled true to the "defaultConfig" block which is in the "android" block in the build.gradle file.
Build APK and see if it works. If the reference count error is gone, stop here.
5.Getting a GC overhead exception like the one below?
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
Increase the heap size that will be used when performing dex operation. From this solution, add the following to the "android" block in the build.gradle file:
dexOptions {
javaMaxHeapSize "4g"
Must have Unity 5.5 and above to do this:
1.Go to <UnityInstallationDirecory>\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\Tools\GradleTemplates, Copy the mainTemplate.gradle file to your <ProjectName>Assets\Plugins\Android folder.
2.Go to <UnityInstallationDirecory>\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\Apk, Copy the AndroidManifest.xml file to your <ProjectName>Assets\Plugins\Android
3.Open both the mainTemplate.gradle and AndroidManifest.xml file you just copied with Visual Studio then do the modification from the FIX BY EXPORTING THE PROJECT instruction above. Skip/Ignore step #1A and #1B. Just do steps from #2 to #5. That's it.
This is what the final mainTemplate.gradle should look like and this is what the final AndroidManifest.xml should look like. This is only for reference purposes. I suggest you don't use mine but instead follow the copy steps above to create yours because future Unity versions can come with different files. You want to make sure you use the latest one or you may have problems building it.
4.Build APK and see if it works:
If the reference count error is gone, stop here:
5.Getting an error like the one below?
Build Failure Release builds have to be signed when using Gradle
Just sign the apk from the Publishing Settings in the Build Settings. You can create new keystore or use an existing one.
6.Another error like below?
Error: Avoid hardcoding the debug mode; leaving it out allows debug
and release builds to automatically assign one [HardcodedDebugMode]
Remove android:debuggable="true"> from the AndroidManifest.xml file.
If this non exporting solution did not work for you then you have to
use the exporting solution.
IMO, The accepted answer isn't correct (or only partly correct). Exporting an Android studio will not "magically" fix this issue. Also, from my experience, the exported Android studio project does not always build right away and you have to fix lots of things before you can actually build it.
You are using lots of plugins and so you faced an Android limitation of not being able to reference more than 64k methods.
There are a few things you can try to solve this:
Delete some of these plugins, if possible (as already suggested in the accepted answer).
Use multidex. In the past this was only possible by exporting the project to Android studio and building it there. Starting with Unity 5.5 you can build your project using Gradle right from Unity. This means you can create a custom gradle file that configures your game to use Multidex. This doesn't reduce the method ref count, but it works around it by splitting your native Java count into multiple dex files.
Use ProGuard - since you can use Gradle from Unity, you can also define ProGuard to run and remove any code that is not used.

