AVD Crash on second monitor - android

I just installed Android Studio and was trying to get a preview of my application but whenever i start the AVD Emulator on whatever devices or API it crashes, but it only do crash when I swipe the window of the AVD to my second monitor.
my computer configuration : i7-6700k, 16Gb RAM and a GTX 1060
the AVD configuration :
Anyone had the same problem in the past or have a solution ? feel free to ask me for more info in case I didn't explained enough

I had the same problem, and I found a solution that you can have the hardware acceleration still activated and move the AVD between monitors.
Here's how I did it:
Start the AVD.
Go to Extended Controls (the last button on the control strip, with the 3 dots) > Settings > Advanced
Change the "OpenGL ES renderer" to "ANGLE (D3D11)"
Restart the AVD.
And there you go.

I had this same problem and solved it by setting the AVD Graphics performance from 'automatic' or 'hardware' to 'software' graphics acceleration. You can see the setting here: Android AVD graphics acceleration setting picture
You can read more about that setting here: Configure Hardware Acceleration for the Android Emulator
I believe this has something to do with Nvidia drivers and the android emulator, as I only got the problem on the display using a Nvidia GPU and not the display using the Intel integrated one... which is disappointing not to be able to take advantage of the better GPU for graphics acceleration.

Thanks to the hint provided by Serjux's answer, I resolved my similar problem - Android emulators freeze immediately when moved from one monitor to another. They worked fine without this problem until I upgraded my PC from Intel i5-3570K to AMD Ryzen 7 2700 while the video card GeForce GTX 1050 remained. I use Hyper-V versions of Android emulators. For hw.gpu.mode, I have tried auto, host, angle, mesa, and found only mesa works fine:

In my case moving the AVD window very slowly, does the trick.
Serjux's answer works but apparently at the cost of performance. I should mention that moving it to my primary monitor at speed doesn't cause a crash, but moving it quickly to the second one does.

For me what worked was changing the
gpu.mode from config.ini located in users/youruser/.android/avd/emulator-name/config.ini to gpu.mode=host

The problem appears also with a i7-6700k, GTX 1080 and miscellaneous AVDs in my environment.
It works without a problem when Nvidia Surround is enabled.
But this might not be a solution which everyone prefers.

I had the same problem, but the 2018's answer does not helped to me.
I found another solution and share here, maybe it can help other peoples.
I just changed the GPU Mode to "Software". In my case it was not possible from the AVD settings, so I did it manually.
In my case the phone is Pixel 4 so the config.ini file is located here: C:\Users\myuser.android\avd\Pixel_4_API_30.avd\config.ini
I replaced hw.gpu.mode = auto by hw.gpu.mode = software


Android Studio Emulator Screen Flickers

I have a new laptop with configuration: -
List item
Windows 11 latest build
Ryzen 7 5800H
RTX 3060 Ti Mobile GPU
Latest Android Studio
Latest Android Emulator
I have tried reinstalling the android studio and its emulators but its the same issue. Is this related to the presence of AMD processor ?
I have some ongoing projects which are halted and would like the get this problem fix as soon as possiable.
I have to develop some flutter applications
Emulator Screen Image Here
Emulator Screen Image 2 Here
I think you can resolve this problem changing the render options to ones that best suit your system, test diffent values to find out what is best for you.
To reach this screen click on the 3 dots at the side of your emulator and then: Settings -> Advanced
Edit: I have used an computer with a Risen 5700G and a RTX3050 with no flickers, so It's probably a configuration issue, also check if you have virtualization enabled on your bios, it'll depend on the manifacturer of your motherboard so I can't provide clear guide on how to enable it on your system, if needed.
try to delete the current Emulator from .android/avd and install another one such as pixel 4 or pixel 3
It also works if you put the emulator in floating mode. At least it helped for me, and many others with similar problem. On he photos I only see that you have unpinned it, but not set it to "float".
Go to settings, view mode and then float:
I hope it helps, cheers!

Android Emulator UI breaks on orientation changed

Currently I have a strange issue on Android Studio 4.1 with my emulators. When I'm trying to change the orientation to landscape the ui of the emulator is completely breaking... This is how it looks like:
Has anyone an idea why this is happening? I changed the emulator performance in the AVD settings to "Software" after that it does not happen but it is very slow.
As already pointed out, setting emulator graphics options to "Software" helps as a temporary fix.
I would like to add that if you can't change the settings in the AVD Configuration (in my case graphics were automatic, the field was readonly), you can do that manually:
on AVD Manager, right-click on the desired device, then "Show on Disk"
look for the config.ini of the device and open it
change "hw.gpu.mode = auto" to "hw.gpu.mode = software"
This worked for me. Hope it helps someone else to avoid headaches.
Hoping you are referring to emulator UI broken ,like this image
For me, clicking on zoom button seems to fix the issue.

Android Emulator (from Android Studio) lagging

Searched for a solution, didn't find anything helpful.
I have a GTX 970 and an i5 4690k OC 4.2 GHz.
The Emulator from Android Studio is lagging as hell and I don't know why.
Intel HAXM is installed, 4G Ram is allocated to the Android Device. I just can't find a solution. Btw. I don't think my processor is too bad since I can run 2 VMs at once and the Emulator works fine on my XPS 15 9560 (i7 7700HQ & GTX 1050)
Does anyone have an idea what to do?
Also tried using Software for graphics emulation, much more slower. Btw for reference this runs in the background and doesn't seem to resolve:
The SDK used
CPU Usage:
Also, I installed the AVD also on the same system on Hackintosh:
CPU: 10% and works smoothly
Cut the RAM way back. There is no Android device of note that has 8GB of RAM. Something in the 1-2GB range should be fine.
Cut the VM heap way back. For example, my emulator images use 48-128MB, not 8GB.
If those don't help, experiment with a lower-resolution emulator (e.g., Nexus 4 1280x768) and see if that changes your results.
Fixed it! I did a random windows update to Version 1803 and now the emulator works perfectly! Thanks for all your suggestions and answers!
also think that the RAM settings are at fault ...
in particular the heap size matching the total capacity.
the default settings, which should run smooth(er) are:
CPU: 4 Cores (while available)
RAM: 1536MB
Heap: 384MB
also check background processes once, in particular AntiVirus with on-access scanner, etc. (some people have 2-3 of them installed); one of them is enough and if present, disable it once for a test. the emulator ordinary is much less of a memory hog than Android Studio with Gradle can be. if everything fails, the screenshot shows that there is one bank available, which could take 2 DIMM. booting another system from external media might also worth a try, in order to rule out the current OS install. and I also have that "preparing for setup" on one emulator image; that's nothing to worry about.
Could you try changing the OpenGL ES Renderer to Desktop Native OpenGL
And OpenGL ES API Level to Renderer Maximum
This made my emulator very responsive, almost 2x faster.
Like this picture
Also it might be worth mentioning that I set both my camera's to none.

Android Emulator shows only on a small part of the screen

I have a problem with my android emulator. It only shows a fraction of the screen.
I have Android Studio version 3.0.
I tried a lot of things. I could fix the error when I use the emulator with Software emulated graphics but it is really slow.
know someone the solution?
thank you.
Make sure you have configured hardware acceleration correctly.
Disable the Device Frame by edit action.
Start the emulator and Go to Extended Control
Go to Settings and change OpenGLES render to Desktop native OpenGL
Restart Emulator and Resize the Emulator Window.

Can't change emulated performance of AVD in Android Studio

I can't change the graphics to software as I'm sure this is the fix for my AVD not launching.
The option is greyed out (see screenshot). Has anyone has experience with this? I couldn't find anyone who had the same issue.
I'm running the latest version of Android Studio on Ubuntu 17.04.
Actually, this problem seems to be limited to devices with Play Store available, so Nexus 5X and Nexus 5 images will be forced to use Automatic Graphics, but all other devices allow you to choose either Automatic, Hardware or Software graphics.
edit: I've just tested this today and it seems to no longer be the case. At least on MacOS with Android Studio 3.3.2, I can now make a Nexus 5X image with Play Store and Hardware Graphics. I'll do more testing at home later, on Windows and Linux to see if it's related to OS or graphics drivers.
I also think it's related to whether the Playstore is contained or not, but I cannot explain why.
Dielson Sales already gave the answer which worked for me - unfortunately only in a comment to this answer. I just thought it's worth to make a "real" answer out of it:
Edit the config.ini file of the AVD. Under Linux it's located under /home/<user>/.android/avd/<AVD-name>/config.ini
(in my case <AVD-name> is Nexus_5X_API_29.avd).
In a text editor change the lines
either to
or to
This setting remains even if opened in the Android Virtual Device Manager of Android Studio. It's just not editable there.
I also tried this, which I found in another AVD:
But this is then changed to "no" / "off" by the Android Virtual Device Manager.
I didn't look any further so far. hw.gpu.mode=off worked for me. Otherwise my whole Kubuntu hangs (using the Nouveau driver, not the NVidia driver)
Seems like the problem was with the choosen VM. If I choose a Nexus 4, it runs just fine.
I am little late on this thread but following are my findings and solution. I am using Ubunut 18.04 and faced the same issue. The solution is to edit AVD and under Emulated Performance, change the grpahics to Software. The problem was that this option was disabled for me. I was unable to change graphics drop down.
I did some more research and found that while creating AVD if you choose default/existing device definition on first screen, you will not be able to edit graphics drop down.
The solution is to create a "New Hardward Profile" while creating AVD and use your new profile. Now, you will be able to edit "Grahics" drop down.
Hope this helps....
It seems all emulators with Play Store cannot emulated performance. I am using AS 4.0
Open Android Virtual Device Manager Android Studio, change VMHeap to 512, RAM to 4096 MB. Then restart Android Studio.
I think It's just a bug!
Solved the issue by selecting any virtual device had the option enabled and after finishing the installation I just clicked on edit and reselected the device I wanted and the option was still enabled.
Click on edit button from here.
Then change the device to the one you want.
For those who are still searching for solutions on how to make it work with an image containing google play store: install / update your GPU drivers solves the problem. On my Ubuntu 20 this was the issue.
I'm working on mac os - after i upgrade my os my emulator stoped working and one of the solution was to change the graphic settings from hardware to software - since i couldn't - came here ---> turns out Android Emulator HAXM on macOS High Sierra is left out from security reasons
follow this link : https://developer.android.com/studio/known-issues#deploy

