Get RSSI Value of Android Explicitly Paired Devices - android

I have paired my device to the Android phone explicitly, via an app. This device is a MI-Band 2, and it is paired using the MI-FIT app. I am currently connecting to bluetooth devices using this code:
String action = intent.getAction();
if (BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND.equals(action)) {
BluetoothDevice device = intent.getParcelableExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE);
int rssi = intent.getShortExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_RSSI, Short.MIN_VALUE);
However, the problem is that if the MI-band is connected via the mi-fit app, I cannot get the RSSI value from the MI-Band.
Is it possible to get the RSSI value of explicitly paired devices in Android? If so, what am I doing wrong?
Edit: It seems like I can't get RSSI values of any connected devices. For example, if Android phone A is connected to Android Phone B, then I can't read the RSSI values when trying to read via the above code from Phone A.

If you know for sure the bluetooth name of device to be connected, maybe you can try using BluetoothAdapter.LeScanCallback to get noticed when it's scanned. Or do you really need to tell scanned or connected apart?
BluetoothManager bleManager = (BluetoothManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE);
BluetoothAdapter bleAdapter = bleManager.getAdapter();
bleAdapter.startLeScan(leScanCallback);// find match device
BluetoothAdapter.LeScanCallback leScanCallback = new BluetoothAdapter.LeScanCallback() {
public void onLeScan(final BluetoothDevice device, final int rssi, byte[] scanRecord) {
if (device.getName() == null || !device.getName().equals("your bluetooth device name")) {
// here you can get rssi of specified bluetooth device if it's available.
// and try to connect it programmatically.


How to get only present connected Bluetooth device name in android

I am trying get the connected Bluetooth device name in android.
Done like below ,
mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
String name = mBluetoothAdapter.getName();
but I am getting my device name.
You can use Android BluetoothManager
following functions you can make use of :
getConnectionState (BluetoothDevice device, int profile)
getConnectedDevices (int profile) //get fetch connected device's info
Example :
BluetoothManager btManager = (BluetoothManager)
List<BluetoothDevice> devices =
for(BluetoothDevice device : devices) {
// you will get each device's info here.
If you have the mac-address of the connected device then you can get the device by
BluetoothDevice device = mBluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice(mac-address);
And to get the name of the connected device
String connectedDeviceName = device.getName()

Android bluetooth get the heart rate measurement

I want to get the value of the HRM of an "A&D UA-651BLE" device.
this is what's written in the datasheet of this device to get the HRM value:
Set the application to pairing mode to start scanning.
Start pairing of A&D BLE device following each instruction manual.
At pairing mode, the application should set time and date and any other device settings
to A&D BLE device. After successful pairing, A&D BLE device shows “End” on the screen.
Take a measurement and finish the measurement, then A&D BLE device start BLE
connection with advertising. The application starts scanning with suitable interval so that
the application catches the advertising of A&D BLE device as soon as it can.
At initial connection or pairing, the Application set “2” to CCCD (Client Characteristic
Configuration Descriptor) so that A&D BLE device sends a measurement data with
After A&D device recognizes to be set “2” to CCCD and to be synchronized time and date
within 5 seconds after connected, send the data with Indication.
If the timeout set CCCD and time and date is expired, A&D BLE device will not send data
and store the data in memory. The stored data in A&D BLE device can send next
successful connection.
this is my service code:
public void setCharacteristicNotification(BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic,
boolean enabled) {
if (mBluetoothAdapter == null || mBluetoothGatt == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "BluetoothAdapter not initialized");
mBluetoothGatt.setCharacteristicNotification(characteristic, enabled);
// This is specific to Heart Rate Measurement.
if (UUID_HEART_RATE_MEASUREMENT.equals(characteristic.getUuid())) {
BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor = characteristic.getDescriptor(
and this is the method that read data:
final byte[] data = characteristic.getValue();
if (data != null && data.length > 0) {
final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(data.length);
for(byte byteChar : data)
stringBuilder.append(String.format("%02X ", byteChar));
Log.e("HRM value",stringBuilder.toString());
the problem is that this code doesn't return any data !!
There's an Android Open Source Project example that does precisely this, easiest option would be to clone the android-BluetoothLeGatt code, build and compare it to your own. If you can't spot the difference / issue simply deploy both app's and step through both sets of code. Having some known working code will also help to rule out the possibility that the HRM is not functioning properly.
Do you have and example , i try this with equal device and i cant obtain the information y try with
public String response() {
if (mConnected) {
byte response[] = characteristica.getValue();
String respuesta = ReadBytes(response);
return respuesta;
} else {
return null;

android device.getUuids returns null

I'm trying to connect to an Arduino Uno via an android app using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).
I'm developing on Android Studio, testing with a Samsung Galaxy S4, and with an Android version 5.0.1
I followed this link:
I'm scanning devices and when I found one, I would like to get it's UUID before connecting to it, to make sure that it's the right type of device:
mScanCallback = new ScanCallback() {
public void onScanResult(int callbackType, ScanResult result) {
BluetoothDevice btDevice = result.getDevice();
ParcelUuid[] uuids = btDevice.getUuids(); //<-- this is always null!! :(
Log.d(TAG, ""+btDevice.fetchUuidsWithSdp()); //<-- prints true.
Log.d(TAG, "result : " + result.toString()); //<-- prints a bunch of relevant info that contains the UUID I want to check.
Log.d(TAG, "uuids : " + uuids); //<-- prints null.
for (ParcelUuid u : uuids) {
//Compare with the UUID of my device, and connect if ok.
However, btDevice.getUuids(); is always returning null with no error...
How can I get the UUID of the scanned device?
A brute force method would be to use regexp with the result.toString() to grab what I want but there must be a better way isn't it?
BluetoothLeScanner scanner = mBluetoothAdapter.getBluetoothLeScanner();
// scan for devices
scanner.startScan(new ScanCallback() {
public void onScanResult(int callbackType, ScanResult result)
List<ParcelUuid> uuids = result.getScanRecord().getServiceUuids();
this is worked for me in Android 6.0.1
After hours of searching I find out that getUuid() is not the way to go if you want to retrieve the uuid of an iBeacon.
If that is the case, you need to get it directly from the Scan result result object.
I managed to work by using the answer provided by ADEBAYO OSIPITAN.
BLE obtain uuid encoded in advertising packet
Here is his code snipet:
//For APIs greater than 21, Returns Device UUID
public String getUUID(ScanResult result){
String UUIDx = UUID
return UUIDx;
From Java DOC:
public ParcelUuid[] getUuids ()
Added in API level 15
Returns the supported features (UUIDs) of the remote device.
This method does not start a service discovery procedure to retrieve the UUIDs from the remote device. Instead, the local cached copy of the service UUIDs are returned.
Use fetchUuidsWithSdp() if fresh UUIDs are desired.
the supported features (UUIDs) of the remote device, or null on error
Your ScanResult probably is a error

Android: Issue getting Bluetooth name

I have this method to retrieve the Android device bluetooth name:
public String getDeviceName() {
BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
if (mBluetoothAdapter == null) return "Unknown device";
String deviceName = mBluetoothAdapter.getName();
return deviceName;
It is working properly in most devices, but in a few others I get the device model number, like GT-P1000 (Samsung Galaxy Tab), instead. However, in all devices where I have installed the app, I have changed the device name (Settings -> About device). Any idea? Does this method work whether bluetooth is off?

How to detect hands free garniture on Android 2.2+?

I want to know when user has connected hands free accessories and hasn't blocked calls\sms. Is it possible to know when it is connected via hardware ports or bluetooth?
Try this in your onCreate or onResume.
BluetoothAdapter myLocalAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
BluetoothDevice garniture;
Set<BluetoothDevice> connectedDevices = myLocalAdapter.getBondedDevices();
for (BluetoothDevice device : connectedDevices){
String name = device.getName();
//... check for the name you want
if( name.equals("whatnameisit"){
garniture = device
if (garniture != null){
// yay we found it, lets do our work with the device here

