Gradle Copy APK file using publish task in Android Studio 3.0 - android

Prior to Android plugin version 3.0.0-alpha4, I have been using the following for publishing different variants of my APKs to a specific file path:
def publish = project.tasks.create("publishAll")
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
def task = project.tasks.create("publish${}Apk", Copy)
task.dependsOn variant.assemble
publish.dependsOn task
I originally got it from this answer from Xavier Ducrohet: Copying APK file in Android Gradle project
As of the new updates to Android Studio Preview which uses version 3.0.0-alpha4, variant.outputFile is deprecated. What is the new suggested way to achieve something like this?
Looks like there is no way to currently access the variant output file as pointed out here:
Looks like we'll have to wait until they introduce those apis

If you don't use abi splits next snippet works
project.afterEvaluate {
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
// create file where to copy
def backupFolder = rootProject.file("backup")
def backupFile = new File(backupFolder, String.format("%s_v%s.%d.apk", variant.flavorName, variant.versionName, variant.versionCode))
variant.outputs.all { output ->
Task copyAndRenameAPKTask = project.task("copyAndRename${}APK", type: Copy) {
from output.outputFile.getParent()
into backupFolder
include output.outputFileName
rename(output.outputFileName, backupFile.getName())
// if copyAndRenameAPKTask needs to automatically execute assemble before
// if assemble needs to automatically execute copyAndRenameAPKTask after


Android gradle Upload NDK symbols on every build

I want to upload NDK symbols on every build i do,
Under my Android inside gradle i use to have:
applicationVariants.all { variant ->
def variantName =
println("symbols will be added on varinat ${variantName}")
def task = project.task("ndkBuild${variantName}")
task.finalizedBy project.("uploadCrashlyticsSymbolFile${variantName}")
this does not compile anymore since i moved to FireBase :
Could not get unknown property 'uploadCrashlyticsSymbolFile
I don't see this task running.
I basiclly need this task to run on every build:
./gradlew app:assembleBUILD_VARIANT\
Add this at the bottom of app's build.gradle outside android { ... } block.
afterEvaluate {
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
def variantName =
println("symbols will be added on variant ${variantName}")
def task = tasks.findByName("assemble${variantName}")
def uploader = "uploadCrashlyticsSymbolFile${variantName}"
// This triggers after task completion
// This ensures ordering
You can try without afterEvaluate block. It should still work.
Likely you'd need to use Firebase App Distribution, which permits automatic upload of release build artifacts - and if you have the artifact with the matching debug symbols, they could actually be used - without the matching assembly, the symbols are somewhat irrelevant.
Number 1 is obviously a wrongful assumption, because the documentation clearly states:
./gradlew app:assembleBUILD_VARIANT app:uploadCrashlyticsSymbolFileBUILD_VARIANT
And this is already answered here.
In order to always upload, one can create a task dependency:
assembleRelease.finalizedBy uploadCrashlyticsSymbolFileRelease
This may require setting unstrippedNativeLibsDir and strippedNativeLibsDir.

How do I unzip apk after build with different build variants?

I am struggling with writing a task which will unzip an apk. I have several Build Variants, and I want to dynamically create a task for each of them.
applicationVariants.all { variant -> variant.outputs.all { output ->
def assembleTaskName = 'assemble' + variant.getName().capitalize()
def outputDir = new File(output.packageApplication.outputDirectory.toString() + "\\tmp")
def apk = output.outputFile //there is some code which generates correct apk name based on Build Variant
tasks.getByName(assembleTaskName).finalizedBy(task("unzip" +, type: Zip) {
from zipTree(apk)
into outputDir
While this code creates tmp folder where I need it, apk doesn't get extracted, and this code seems to run on every build variant I have, but I only need it to run on the one I build right now. How can I do that?

change apk filename in gradle failed with gradle:3.0.0-alpha4

I am trying to use android build tools "" in my project. In my build script I rename the output apk which worked fine in the past but does not seem to be supported any more.
android {
productFlavors {
flavorUnsigned {
applicationVariants.all { variant ->
variant.outputs.all { output ->
output.outputFile = new File(
output.outputFile.parent,"app-flavorUnsigned-release-unsigned.apk", "DemoApp-${variant.versionName}($variant.versionCode).apk"))
def mappingFile = "${rootDir}/app/build/outputs/mapping/${getCurrentFlavor()}/release/mapping.txt"
if (variant.getBuildType().isMinifyEnabled()) {
variant.assemble.doLast {
copy {
from "${mappingFile}"
into "${rootDir}/app/build/outputs/apk"
But now I am getting this error while building my project
Error:Cannot set the value of read-only property 'outputFile' for ApkVariantOutputImpl_Decorated{apkData=Main{type=MAIN, fullName=flavorUnsignedDebug, filters=[]}} of type
If you want to migrate your project to Android plugin 3.0.0-alpha1 or higher you should be doing the following :
API change in variant output:
// If you use each() to iterate through the variant objects,
// you need to start using all(). That's because each() iterates
// through only the objects that already exist during configuration time—
// but those object don't exist at configuration time with the new model.
// However, all() adapts to the new model by picking up object as they are
// added during execution.
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
variant.outputs.all {
outputFileName = "${}-${variant.versionName}.apk"
Read this page to learn how to apply the plugin and adapt your project to some breaking changes.
I solved this problem with this method. Create a new project and copy the contents of build.gradle to the existing project.

Android/Gradle: Add an asset after the compile phase

I have a task that generates a metadata file based off the compiled classes in an Android Gradle build. I can get it to run by executing it after the compile task:
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
def variantName =
def compileSourcesTaskName = "compile${variantName}Sources"
def compileSourcesTask = project.tasks.findByName(compileSourcesTaskName)
compileSourcesTask.finalizedBy "myTaskThatGeneratesAssets"
Unfortunately, Android has already processed the assets at this point. The new file won't get included in the assembled APK.
An answer to a similar question suggests calling aapt add to add the file to the APK before alignment/signing. This seems like it could work, but the post doesn't go into implementation details. The code to call aapt in the Android Gradle plugin looks fairly complicated for a build script, and I'm not sure how to get access to the IAndroidTarget it references.
I'd appreciate suggestions on how to implement this, or any other solutions!
Okay, here's what I ended up with. It makes two assumptions that may break on later versions of the android gradle plugin (I'm using 1.3.0):
The path to the platform tools is ${android.getSdkDirectory().getAbsolutePath()}/build-tools/${android.buildToolsVersion}/
The path to the intermediate (resources) APK is ${buildDir}/intermediates/res/resources-${variant.baseName}.ap_
So long as those are true, this should generate a task to add the new asset file using aapt after the resources APK has already been built:
def overlayDir = ... // path to a resources overlay directory that contains "assets/my.json"
def addMyAssetTaskName = "add${variantName}MyAsset"
task "${addMyAssetTaskName}" (type: Exec) {
dependsOn myTaskThatGeneratesAssets
workingDir overlayDir
def aaptCommand = "${android.getSdkDirectory().getAbsolutePath()}/build-tools/${android.buildToolsVersion}/aapt"
def apkPath = "${buildDir}/intermediates/res/resources-${variant.baseName}.ap_"
commandLine aaptCommand, 'add', apkPath, "assets/my.json"
Then I use finalizedBy like in the question above to addMyAssetTaskName.

Get resulted apk file path from android gradle plugin

I have gradle task that depends on assembleRelease
sendReleaseCandidate.dependsOn assembleRelease
And I want to get resulted apk file path. From my task I've wrote:
def apk = android.applicationVariants.release.outputFile
But it doesn't work. What i'm doing wrong?
ps: android plugin 0.11.1, for now I stick with uri('./build/outputs/apk/<app_name>-release.apk').path but it seems aweful.
You can loop through the variants to find the one you need:
def apk = null
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
if ( ("release") ) {
variant.outputs.each { output ->
apk = output.outputFile
println "Found output file: " + apk

