There are lots of native crashes in my app, only in 5.0 or 5.1 android system, the crash trace are bellow:
#00 pc 0022dece /system/lib/ (art::StackVisitor::WalkStack(bool) +209)
#01 pc 00237915 /system/lib/ (_jobject* art::Thread::CreateInternalStackTrace<false>(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&) const +56)
#02 pc 002081b3 /system/lib/ (art::Throwable_nativeFillInStackTrace(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*) +18)
#03 pc 00000c1d /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system#framework#boot.oat
Does anyone else have met this problem before ? what is /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system#framework#boot.oat ? Any help on how to proceed would be appreciated ! Thanks
Lately, we're experiencing native crashes spike in production. All those crashes are related to rendering UI and happened mostly on Android 12 and vendors like Samsung. Some of them from Play Console are:
[] SkCanvas::restore()
#00 pc 0x000000000026c9d8 /system/lib64/ (SkCanvas::restore()+344)
#01 pc 0x000000000026c73c /system/lib64/
#02 pc 0x00000000002008e0 /system/lib64/
#03 pc 0x0000000000bef14c /data/misc/apexdata/
cache/arm64/boot.oat (
[[vdso]] __kernel_rt_sigreturn
#00 pc 0x00000000001ac258 /apex/
(art::ArtMethod::GetOatQuickMethodHeader(unsigned long)+40)
#01 pc 0x0000000000597864 /apex/ (void
#02 pc 0x000000000059a514 /apex/
(art::StackVisitor::GetVRegFromDebuggerShadowFrame(unsigned short, art::VRegKind,
unsigned int*) const+284)
#03 pc 0x000000000059a314 /apex/
(art::StackVisitor::GetVReg(art::ArtMethod*, unsigned short, art::VRegKind, unsigned
int*, std::__1::optional<art::DexRegisterLocation>) const+76)
But we cannot understand their cause because neither Firebase Crashlytics nor other third parties can catch native crashes. We've googled everything and found nothing about how to get more data for the native crashes to find the cause. Maybe somebody has an experience with it and can share.
My Android app is suffering from an'abort' error after recent update.
But I don't know why this problem happens and how can I debug it.
This 'abort' error occurred especially on Android 10 and 11.
It is not recorded on Firebase Crashlytics, I can see it only on Google play console.
The log is as below.
#00 pc 000000000004ef24 /apex/ (abort+164)
#00 pc 000000000053b078 /apex/ (art::Runtime::Abort(char const*)+2340)
#00 pc 000000000001394c /system/lib64/ (android::base::SetAborter(std::__1::function<void (char const*)>&&)::$_3::__invoke(char const*)+76)
#00 pc 00000000000130cc /system/lib64/ (android::base::LogMessage::~LogMessage()+312)
#00 pc 000000000058e1d4 /apex/ (art::Thread::AssertNoPendingException() const+1836)
#00 pc 00000000001c15cc /apex/ (art::ClassLinker::FindClass(art::Thread*, char const*, art::Handle<art::mirror::ClassLoader>)+64)
#00 pc 0000000000380c34 /apex/ (art::JNI<false>::FindClass(_JNIEnv*, char const*)+1144)
#00 pc 00000000000200d4 /data/app/~~0HXm4UzxwERXczUAACEC9g==/com.****.****-L0QwKgab-Tg3REmBFsu7iA==/lib/arm64/
#00 pc 0000000000020b90 /data/app/~~0HXm4UzxwERXczUAACEC9g==/com.****.****-L0QwKgab-Tg3REmBFsu7iA==/lib/arm64/
#00 pc 00000000000b6234 /apex/ (__pthread_start(void*)+64)
#00 pc 0000000000050e64 /apex/ (__start_thread+64)
I applied 'View Binding' to this update.
Could it be an cause?
Also I wonder if an Android app can be alive when 'abort' error occurred.
Please help me...
libmm is a file of an obfuscation solution which we applied to the app. It is a binary obfuscation solution and it is run before application runs on memory as far as I know.
I am getting native crashes for android 8.0 devices.The crashes only
occur on Devices running Android 8+.
I found a lot native crash in "Android Vitals - ANRs & crashes".
I can not reproduce these issue.
Devices (all with Android 8.0):
Galaxy S7 edge (hero2lte)
Galaxy S7 (herolte)
Galaxy S8 (dreamlte)
Galaxy A5(2017) (a5y17lte)
Galaxy Note8 (greatlte)
### Crash log ###
#00 pc 000000000004b3ac /system/lib/ (tgkill+12)
#01 pc 000000000001a473 /system/lib/ (abort+54)
#02 pc 000000000033a8bb /system/lib/
#03 pc 000000000033aeb3 /system/lib/
#04 pc 00000000003f3419 /system/lib/
#05 pc 0000000000171b07 /system/lib/
#06 pc 00000000001762a5 /system/lib/
#07 pc 00000000000a9ea3 /system/lib/
#08 pc 00000000002dbfc7 /system/lib/
#09 pc 0000000000250fa5 /system/framework/arm/boot.oat
(java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructorInternal [DEDUPED]+92)
#10 pc 000000000000297b /dev/ashmem/dalvik-jit-code-cache (deleted)
Setting the minifyEnabled to false in android/app/build.gradle fixed it for me.
It only crashes when the app is downloaded from Google Play while in Debug mode works fine.
I get reports of these crashes from users of my app on Android 6.0 devices. The crash stack doesn't contain any keywords of my source code. I can't determined what caused the problem and don't know what to do. What's wrong with it? :(
#00 pc 0018b7fc /system/lib/ (art::gc::collector::ConcurrentCopying::FillWithDummyObject(art::mirror::Object*, unsigned int)+1195) [armeabi-v7a::bd556bcd01d8c215f5cd133343e0a883]
#01 pc 0018ba89 /system/lib/ (art::gc::collector::MarkSweep::ProcessMarkStack(bool)+100) [armeabi-v7a::bd556bcd01d8c215f5cd133343e0a883]
#00 pc 001976fc /system/lib/ (art::gc::collector::ConcurrentCopying::Copy(art::mirror::Object*)+923) [armeabi-v7a::44966e008bb1c7f64243a7db7f321398]
#01 pc 001979a1 /system/lib/ (art::gc::collector::MarkSweep::ProcessMarkStack(bool)+112) [armeabi-v7a::44966e008bb1c7f64243a7db7f321398]
#55 pc 001979a1 /system/lib/ (art::gc::collector::MarkSweep::ProcessMarkStack(bool)+112) [armeabi-v7a::44966e008bb1c7f64243a7db7f321398]
#56 pc 001979a1 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc9collec
We collected a lot of crashes on the Google Play console about native method of String_fastSubstring. Most crashes occur on Android 6.0 and 7.0.
What kind of string may cause this error?
/system/lib/ (tgkill+12)
/system/lib/ (pthread_kill+34)
/system/lib/ (raise+10)
/system/lib/ (__libc_android_abort+34)
/system/lib/ (abort+4)
/system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Runtime5AbortEv+252)
/system/lib/ (_ZN3art10LogMessageD2Ev+866)
/system/lib/ (_ZN3artL20String_fastSubstringEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectii+162)
/system/framework/arm/boot.oat (java.lang.String.fastSubstring+92)
/system/framework/arm/boot.oat (java.lang.String.substring+140)
/system/framework/arm/boot.oat (java.util.regex.Pattern.fastSplit+542)
/system/framework/arm/boot.oat (java.lang.String.split+64)
/system/framework/arm/boot.oat (java.lang.String.split+40)
/system/framework/arm/boot.oat (java.util.UUID.fromString+56)
Image on below Link:
Android 6.0
Android 7.0