I want to create android app about an article that contains 30 chapters so i am to make 30 buttons every button will contain different text stories so please tell me how can i show these 30 buttons in list view instead of showing in normal linear layout of vertical orientation please help me out?
Here is simple tutorial containing listview with Button. On click of button, based on position, you can show content:
Listview Tutorial
You can use Custom listview / recycler view Please take look into this.
I don't about this type of Recyclerview but I can explain here.
My question is Recyclerviewlist in implements like All profile image layout showing and all profile layout show half view & last profile layout showing full view, but I can't find out this type of any hint in android.
I don't have any code but I have imaged this type of layout implementation.
Attach image layout.
So, Please give me some hint or idea, Thank you.
this is not recyclerview this is simple view and first 3 images from arraylist is shown in these 3 images and after this there would be shows a plus button when user click on plus button then the full view is opened in recyclerview
Let me explain this--
For example - I have a custom list view set up that shows 3 text fields in a group.. I.e. each click able item in that list view will have 3 texts.. so now I want to get the 2nd text view at the 5th index of that listview...How to achieve this?
If a have a basic listview with only one item at each index, then this can be achieved by using getItemAtPosition().
Is this similar in the above case also?
You don't. THe entire point of a listview is that it DOESNT create views for every element in the list- only the ones on screen. So if your list is more than trivially long, it probably doesn't have a view for that item. If you think you need this, you're probably architecting your code wrong for a listview.
I wanted to add a listview in an image button in such a way that when i clicked the button the information which is present in the listview should display in the next page. Could anyone help me with this??
see this is how it should be if i click on any of these buttons it has to list the information and that to be displayed in the next activity not in the same
You cannot add view to another view. You can to viewGroup, but not to view. So i would suggest you to take a screenshot of your listview (which you will have to create it first, or you should figure something else out) and then set that image into imageButton.
you can use tabhost to create tabs with the images. Plz take a look at the following tutorials:
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3
Inside each tab you can place the custom list view.
I am working on Grid View, where I am in a need to click and select an image by showing a small image over it. As you can see in the image attached, the green mark over the images shows they are selected. This is not possible with Normal Grid view. I have tried this.
Please suggest me.
Guys from google have already done everything for you to solve your problem
so, you got to use ActionMode in your Activity and fill up your gridView.
so when you entering ActionMode just set your gridView object in ChoiceMode-> Multiple.
in your code:
GridView gv=new GridView(this) or this.findViewById(R.id.ma_grid_view);
GridAdapter adapter...
beginActionMode(); // this might be used by a long press or by button tam in action bar...
public void beginActionMode(){
kinda like this, read the article i'v send you
spend some houres and you'll reach it...
for that you have to create custom adapter and make layout for your grid item,in layout use relative layout or framelayout.
using these you can overlap your images
here are some link for your help
custom adapter
cusotm adapter
custom adapter for gridview in android
This is my first project in android and I want to display something like this in list view
Any advice is appreciated
You can go through CustomListView example.it can be done easily.
Please go through the Link below
how to customize listview row android
For achieving this layout you should use custom listview for that like it.
A row with one text view and four button mean five object in each row but show only two object one is textview and another is one button out or four button.
If you want to display fourth button then invisible first there button and fourth button in visible state.
If you want to display second button then first, third and fourth button invisible state only second button in visible state.
Fallow this logic in each row.
I hope you got you answer after using this logic.