In my application, I have a connection to a server and I want to transfer a file on it. So first, I have to select a file. I open a file browser with this code :
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT);
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_LOCAL_ONLY, true);
startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_BROWSE_FILES);
The problem arrive if I have a disconnection during time I browse to find a file. If the connection is lost, I want to popup a message box saying : "Connection lost" then I want to close the file picker. How can I do something similar to that ?
In fact, when the disconnection occur, I don't know which activity is on top to show a message. Did I miss something, but it is annoying to need an activity to popup a dialog.
Thank you for your help.
you cant directly close another activity from yours that you started from a file picker intent. I think you just need to wait for them to choose something and once you get the response back in OnActivityResult check if you disconnected and if you are just show a popup that you are disconnected
I have a problem with a feature of my application.
I need to open external files to display them like .jpeg or .xls for example. For that I use Intents to open them with the default system application and it works fine.
But in a case where we will first open a document, for example a photo. this will display in the default app and then I go back and forth in my app. Everything is OK
But then I'm going to open another standard .xls document, it'll open the document in the appropriate application and going back will show the opened image first and not my application again.
I don't understand why it happens like this.
What I would like is that when we do previous in a file viewer app, the app quits and doesn't stay in the ActivityManager.
Is it possible ?
I have already tried some intent flags but without success.
My code here :
Android.Net.Uri fileUri = FileProvider.GetUriForFile(Android.App.Application.Context, ""
, file);
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ActionView);
return true;
Thanks a lot for the help
Max B
SO !
My bad, It was not a real problem.
It was a design error.
Indeed during my call of my function to call the intention I linked my opening event without then unbinding it. So that with each call I recalled X times my file opening function without ever destroying my variable or my variable instance.
The Intent Works Well
Thanks for the comments
I'm develop an application in Android.
I have a ListView with some image, when I click a row I open ContextMenu and I have two Choise, eliminate the image or sharing with other application.
Intent intent = new Intent();
Uri r = Util.getImageUri(getActivity().getApplication(), image);
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, r);
I use this code to sharing the image, but after the first time, every time that I try to share image, the application choose always the first application with wich I send the first image.
How can I prevent it?
I want that user choose every time sharing application.
I use this code to sharing the image, but after the first time, every time that I try to share image, the application choose always the first application with wich I send the first image.
That was because you indicated, to the chooser, that you wanted to make this choice "always", instead of "just once".
I want that user choose every time sharing application
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, "..."));
where "..." is your explanation for this.
In your phone go to settings-->Apps then select the app which get opens by default then there you will find an option "Open by default" open that option, in there press "Clear Defaults".
Then in your app again you will get the list of application to share with
I am starting intent to get image from file storage
Intent intent = new Intent();
startActivityForResult(Intent.createChooser(intent, "Select Picture:"),
The UI contains all applications installed on my device of which I am interested in dropbox.
When I selected dropBox from drawer to get image I observed log and came to following conclusion please help me to resolve this issue
Case 1 :
I choose image and control comes back into activity -> onActivityResult
Case 2 :
As soon as I select dropBox option from drawer my activity gets DEAD.
dropBox UI is still there when I choose image control comes back to activty
but this time oncreate gets called again
Question 1 : why does activity becomes DEAD and onCreate() gets called again when control comes back to activity ?
Question 2 : How to handle this scenario? can this be handled by saving instance state ?
Thank you!
1) When your calling activity is no longer in the foreground, it may get killed due to memory pressure. When you return to it, it will be recreated.
2) Correct, this is expected and should be handled using onSaveInstanceState. This bundle is then given to you in onCreate: source
I have an app that can send a normal intent by calling startActivity with:
Intent sharingIntent = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND);
sharingIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.fromFile(filepath));
But i want my app on whatsapp attach menu (Audio Item specifically) like this related discussion example: Returning an Image to whatsapp
So, i used the code below, my app is showed on menu but when i do the share steps i get whatsapp "Share failed, please try again" error message. Others similar apps do the steps with the final step showing the Whatsapp Recorder dialog to apply sound on chat.
On this second feature (whatsapp internal intent-filter sharing) i use the same intent but with this:
setResult(RESULT_OK, buildSoundShareIntent(soundId));
instead of startActivity
Is there something specific and hidden that i dont find?
The solution is below my noose all the time, its simple: call the Intent constructor with action and data (Uri.fromFile(File)):
Intent sharingIntent = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND, Uri.fromFile(file));
In camera Settings; set storage to "Ext. SD card". Also, move any older photos you want to share to Ext. SD card. This worked perfectly with me. Hope it will work for you.
I have been taking a look over stackoverflow but I did't find a definition about what is "createChooser" and why I can use and in whick kind of situations is good to use it.
Thanks in advance.
For example: you have a share picture option in your application.
You define an intent like this:
Intent picMessageIntent = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND);
File downloadedPic = new File(
picMessageIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.fromFile(downloadedPic));
Than when you call:
all applications on your phone capable of getting this picture will be listed.
If you want to custimize the title of that list, you can use createChooser like this:
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(picMessageIntent, "Send your picture using:"));
When startActivity(intent) is called for the first time from your app the user sees a list of all apps capable to handle this intent.
There is also an option to always handle this intent using one of the apps from the list. If this option is used then the list will never be shown again.
If you use createChooser in your intent then the "always use this app" option is not shown. The user always sees this list.
This method is used when you want to create a Custom Action using an Intent... Just like what android provides ACTION_VIEW etc... but here when there are multiple choices to perform an an Action this chooser will bring up a dialog which will have all available options and let the user select one... here is an example