I saved the data into Fire base but when I retrieve it. The data is not in the sequence.
Here Data Is Saved In Accurate Sequence:
But when I retrieve data lost its sequence:
Here is my code for retrieving Data
DatabaseReference ref = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference("Users").child(Autho_User.getUid()).child("Data");
new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
System.out.println(" Value = "+dataSnapshot.toString());
(Printed it just to check values) Data is not in the sequence even I get it through
Hope so you got my question. I need the data in sequence
Firebase stores JSON data. By definition the children under a node in JSON are unordered. It is only when the data is displayed or retrieved that it gets an order. So the first screenshot that you show is just the order in which the Firebase Database console display it.
If you want to get the data in a specific order in your application, you need to do two things:
Execute a query that returns the data in that order.
Ensure that your code maintains that order.
The code you shared does neither 1 nor 2, so the order in which the data is printed is anybody's guess. Usually it will be in lexicographical order of the keys, but it is undefined.
To learn how to order/filter data, read the Firebase documentation on ordering and filtering. To learn how to maintain the order of items when you use a ValueEventListener, read the Firebase documentation on listening for value events. When you combine these two, you get:
DatabaseReference ref = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference("Users").child(Autho_User.getUid()).child("Data");
Query dataOrderedByKey = ref.orderByKey();
dataOrderedByKey.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
for (DataSnapshot childSnapshot: dataSnapshot.getChildren()) {
System.out.println("Key = "+childSnapshot.getKey()+" Value = "+childSnapshot.toString());
This is an incredibly common mistake/question, so here are some previous questions for reference:
How to Convert Firebase data to Java Object...?
Ordering of data with Firebase Android
Firebase returning keys of child node in different orders on different devices/Android versions
How to sort by children key value in firebase?
Firebase .getvalue not in the same order as database
Order by date in negative timestamp is not working in Firebase
I am developing an Android chat application in which I need to order the conversation details by the date. My firebase data structure is mentioned below.
Now I want to retrieve and show the data on the latest date on my RecyclerView from Firebase Realtime Database based on timestamp.
I have tried the following approaches.
final DatabaseReference nm =
Query query = nm.orderByChild("Date").limitToFirst(5);
query.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(#NonNull DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
if (dataSnapshot.exists()) {
for (DataSnapshot npsnapshot : dataSnapshot.getChildren()) {
Transaction ld = npsnapshot.getValue(Transaction.class);
Tadapter = new TransactionAdapter(listData);
Log.d(TAG, "Total Count" + Tadapter.getItemCount());
I am developing an android chat application in which I need to order the conversation details by the date.
As I see in your screenshot, your Date property is of type String. This means that you cannot call:
And expect to behave as it was a Timestamp. When you order String elements, the order that you get is always lexicographically. This means that Strings doesn't consider any sort of numeric values when sorting, especially when it comes to the dates, even if the dates contain numbers, as your first element does:
Date: "30/7/2021"
So using String values when querying your database it's not an option. However, I see you already have a Timestamp property. Maybe on that property, it was supposed to do the ordering. If that was not the case, I suggest you change the type of the Date property from String to Timestamp, as explained in my answer from the following post:
How to save the current date/time when I add new value to Firebase Realtime Database
Now I want to retrieve and show the data on the latest date on my RecyclerView
This means that most likely you need to reverse the order, meaning that all your transactions have to be displayed in your RecyclerView descending. In this case, there are a few options that you have, either on the server or on the client.
Assuming that you have changed the type of your Date property from String to Timestamp, then you can simply consider storing an inverted Timestamp value like this:
--- transactions
--- 1
--- Date: 1627714194
--- invertedDate: -1627714194
See, the invertedDate property holds a negative value. Since by default, the elements are ordered ascending, to be able to order the transaction desecendiong, you should simply use:
Query query = nm.orderByChild("invertedDate").limitToFirst(5);
On the other hand, there are some workarounds that can be made to achieve the same thing on the client, as explained in my answer from the following post:
How to arrange firebase database data in ascending or descending order?
Query query = nm.orderByChild("Date").limitToFirst(5);
Firebase realtime database sorts in ascending order that means those 5 nodes that you'll receive will be the oldest.
I want to retrieve and show the data in latest date
Try using limitToLast instead which will return the last 5 documents after ordering the nodes by Date field i.e. the 5 latest nodes.
Query query = nm.orderByChild("Date").limitToLast(5);
You can read more about that at sorting and filtering data.
The SQL query that I want to apply is:
SELECT time FROM Appointment WHERE date = "3/15/2019" AND time = "9:00AM"
but I don't know how to translate it in Firebase. I am using Firebase in Android Studio. My goal here is to prevent date and time duplicate since the app that I'm developing is an online appointment.
aptype: "Objective(Computerized)"
date: "3/15/2019"
name: "Hephep Horray"
time: "9:00AM"
aptype: "Objective(Computerized)"
date: "3/5/2019"
name: "Romz Ysmael"
time: "9:00AM"
There is no way you can do this with the Firebase realtime database. It does not have the capability to perform filtering on multiple conditions. If you have a SQL background, I can say that there are no "multiple where clauses" in Firebase. If you want to check for matches on multiple properties, you'll have to create a composite field as explained in my answer from the following post:
How to sort Firebase records by two fields (Android)
If you consider at some point to try using Cloud Firestore, please note it allows you to filter on multiple conditions. Chaning multiple whereTo calls are working perfectly fine.
First fetch your Appointment data for that particular date using below query, and loop through dataSnapshot childrens to check if you have the time available for that date.
.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
for(DataSnapshot snap: dataSnapshot.getChildren()) {
//Check for time here
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {
I am having an app which writes in firebase and I want my another app with admin privileges to read and edit the data present in the custom key
If this is the picture assume where a random key a my key and I want to edit the data or add new data with the present data in that particular custom key.
Any help will be appreciated
Not 100% sure what you're asking, but if you want to get all the children, do:
DatabaseReference ref = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child("yourTable");
new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
// All your data is in dataSnapshot
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {
If you want to set a specific child's value by the key do:
DatabaseReference ref = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child("yourTable");
ref.child("mySpecificChildId").child("message").setValue("new value");
If these don't help, please add a more specific question!
If these keys are auto generated and you cannot get a hold of them, it does not matter what privligies you have you cannot get them.
However, if you do have the key, or getting it from a function, and you want to change the values at the specific node or just read them you can just query the database for that key and change it after wards something like this:
FirebaseDatabase database = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance();
DatabaseReference mRef = database.getReference().child("YOUR KEY");
and then you can access read and edit the values at the node
mRef.child("message") //Do Whatever you want
PS: just make sure you are checking if the dataSnapshot Exits!
if your first app is the one generating the keys, you can store them in a different node and access that node based on position to get the key and after you make sure you accessed that node just query for the key
Hello guys here is my firebase database:
I want to get list of all medicines with particular symptoms.
Here is my code i.e what i have done
public void initializeMedicineListener(String node,String type,String value){
Query query = mDatabase.child("Medicine").child("symptoms").orderByChild("name").equalTo("Neck pain");
query.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
medicineList=new ArrayList<Medicine>();
if (dataSnapshot.exists()) {
for (DataSnapshot medicine : dataSnapshot.getChildren()) {
Medicine data = medicine.getValue(Medicine.class);
medicineList .add(data);
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {
But i am getting null results.
Please guide me guys.Am i doing something wrong??
When you run a query at a location, Firebase check each child node at that location for the property that you order on and the range/condition you filter on.
mDatabase.child("Medicine").child("symptoms").orderByChild("name").equalTo("Neck pain");
So this checks the children of /Medicine/symptoms for their name property and only returns them if they have a value equal to Neck pain.
There are two problems with this:
Your JSON doesn't have a /Medicine/symptoms. Instead you have a Medicine, where each child node has a symptoms node.
Even if it did, your symptoms child doesn't have a value Neck pain. Instead you have an array, where each value may be Neck pain.
The closest you can now get to the query you want is:
mDatabase.child("Medicine").orderByChild("symptoms/0/name").equalTo("Neck pain");
This query returns medicines for which the first symptom name is equal to Neck pain. Firebase cannot perform a query across all array members to see if it contains a specific value in any position.
As usual with NoSQL databases: if you can't perform the use-case you want with your current data structure, you can typically change/expand your data structure to allow the use-case. And usually this is done by very directly mapping what you want to show on your screen to the structure in the database.
Your current data structures allows you to efficiently look up the symptoms (and other data) for a given medicine. That's great. It does however not allow you to efficiently look up the medicines for a given symptom. To allow that you can for example add a structure that maps each specific symptom back to its medicines:
"Neck pain"
-L6hb2...bRb0: true
-L6rW...Fuxkf: true
With this additional structure (known as an inverted index or reverse index) you can now look up the medicines for Neck pain by simple loading /symptoms/Neck pain.
For more on this approach to categorization, see my answer here: Firebase query if child of child contains a value
You can't work with firebase database as relational databases .. instead of what you looking for .. you can create new node like this
this way you could get all medicines much faster and easier
I have some difficulties building a query for selecting data in firebase database.
My database structure is like this:
I need to get all users which have contact ghopper. Here the result is alovelace and eclarke. But I really have no idea how to do this simple query in Java.
Thank you for your help!
You'd use Firebase Database queries for that:
DatabaseReference usersRef = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().ref("users");
Query query = usersRef.orderByChild("contacts/ghopper").equalTo(true);
// My top posts by number of stars
query.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
for (DataSnapshot snapshot: dataSnapshot.getChildren()) {
But this requires that you define an index for each user, which doesn't scale. That is because the structure you have now is meant to allow to easily determine the users for a chat room, and you're trying the opposite.
To efficiently allow getting the chat rooms for a user, you should structure your data so that it also keep a list of users for each chat room. This is often called a secondary/reversed/inverted index.
For more examples of this see:
Firebase query if child of child contains a value
my answer on modeling many-to-many relationship in AskFirebase